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Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 25(1): 80-80, ene.-feb. 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-959949


Resumen Antraciclinas como la doxorrubicina, así como anticuerpos monoclonales, como el trastuzumab, y agentes alquilantes, como la ciclofosfamida, son compuestos muy útiles como quimioterapia citotóxica al reducir en forma significativa la mortalidad relacionada con el cáncer. Sin embargo, su potencial cardiotoxicidad es un efecto adverso mayor que puede presentarse en cualquier momento de su administración o posterior a la misma, en especial cuando se usan combinados. La toxicidad cardiovascular por doxorrubicina suele ser dependiente de dosis e irreversible, mientras la ocasionada por trastuzumab no lo es. Se han encontrado cambios electrocardiográficos habituales durante la administración de quimioterapia, independiente de la dosis acumulada; a estos cambios agudos se les ha dado poca importancia, aunque pueden suceder hasta en el 40% de los pacientes. A pesar de la aparición documentada de arritmias tanto en humanos como en modelos animales, la muerte súbita cardiaca durante o inmediatamente después de la infusión de quimioterapia no está bien descrita. Se presenta el caso de un adulto joven sin antecedentes cardiovasculares, con linfoma no-Hodgkin y corazón con imagen ecocardiográfica muy sugestiva de infiltración linfomatosa del ventrículo izquierdo, quien desarrolla alteraciones del ritmo cardiaco que condicionan muerte súbita tras la infusión endovenosa lenta de doxorrubicina y trastuzumab.

Abstract Anthracyclines, such as doxorubicin, and monoclonal antibodies, such as trastuzumab, are compounds of wide clinical use as cytotoxic chemotherapy as they significantly reduce cancer-related mortality. However, the toxicity is a major adverse effect of these agents, which may occur at any time in their administration or afterwards, especially when used in combination. Cardiovascular toxicity by doxorubicin is dose-dependent and irreversible, while that caused by trastuzumab is not. Common electrocardiographic changes have been found during the administration of chemotherapy, independent of the cumulative dose, but these acute changes have been given little importance, although they may occur up to 40% of patients. Despite documented evidence of arrhythmias in both human and animal models, sudden cardiac death during or immediately after the infusion of chemotherapy is not well described. This paper describes a young adult with no history of cardiovascular disease, with non-Hodgkin´s lymphoma and a heart image very suggestive of left ventricle lymphomatous infiltration. The patient developed heart rhythm disturbances that lead to sudden death after slow intravenous infusion of doxorubicin.

Humans , Male , Adult , Ventricular Fibrillation , Death, Sudden, Cardiac , Echocardiography , Ventricular Function, Left , Free Radicals
Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 24(6): 622-622, nov.-dic. 2017. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-900592


Resumen El derrame pericárdico es la acumulación de más de 50 ml de líquido en el espacio pericárdico. La etiología es muy diversa ya que puede ser de causa idiopática o deberse a enfermedades primarias del pericardio, como las pericarditis de cualquier etiología, o por enfermedades sistémicas como el infarto agudo de miocardio y la rotura cardiaca contenida; o por cirugía cardiaca, hemorragia intrapericárdica, enfermedades metabólicas, transudación serosa (anasarca) y quilopericardio, entre otras. El estudio diagnóstico del derrame pericárdico siempre debe guiarse por la epidemiología local y requiere alta sospecha clínica. Cuando el derrame pericárdico se complica con taponamiento cardiaco, constituye una emergencia médica que requiere identificación e intervención inmediatas. Se exponen cuatro casos de pacientes con derrame pericárdico asociado a tuberculosis, mixedema, uremia y lupus, quienes desarrollaron taponamiento cardiaco.

Abstract Pericardial effusion is defined as the accumulation of more than 50 ml of fluid in the pericardiac space. Its origin is very diverse since it can be an idiopathic cause or be due to primary diseases of the pericardium, such as pericarditis of any origin. It can also be due to systemic diseases, such as acute myocardial infarction and contained cardiac rupture, as well as due to heart surgery, intra-pericardiac haemorrhage, metabolic diseases, serous transudation (anasarca), and chylopericardium, among others. The diagnostic work-up of pericardial effusion must always be guided by the local epidemiology, and requires a high clinical suspicion. When the pericardial effusion is complicated by cardiac tamponade, it constitutes a medical emergency that requires immediate identification and treatment. Four cases are presented on patients with pericardiac effusions associated with tuberculosis, myxoedema, uraemia, and lupus, and who developed cardiac tamponade.

Humans , Pericardium , Cardiac Tamponade , Echocardiography , Heart , Pericarditis
Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 23(6): 525-525, nov.-dic. 2016. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-959923


Resumen La miocardiopatía restrictiva es una presentación infrecuente de la amiloidosis y la forma más rara de las miocardiopatías. Hay depósito del amiloide en las paredes del corazón que limita su llenado y contribuye a largo plazo, a la insuficiencia cardiaca. Se presenta un caso, análisis de la fisiopatología, los métodos diagnósticos y su tratamiento.

Abstract Restrictive cardiomyopathy is an uncommon presentation of amyloidosis and the rarest form of cadiomyopathies. There is amyloid deposition on the heart walls that limit its filling and is a long-term contributing factor to heart failure. A case where pathophysiology analysis, diagnostic and treatments methods are analyzed is presented.

Humans , Male , Aged, 80 and over , Cardiomyopathy, Restrictive , Amyloid , Heart Failure, Diastolic , Heart , Heart Failure
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 23(1): 101-107, Jan.-Feb. 2013. ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-666165


Some species of plants are notable for the wide range of biologically active constituents in their tissues. Chemical and pharmacological studies of Vellozia squamata Pohl, Velloziaceae, popularly known in Brasil as "canela-de-ema" are scarce, but showed the presence of di-and triterpenoid that may be of scientific interest. In the present study the hydroalcoholic extracts from leafs and stems of V. squamata were submitted to phytochemical prospection to identify the principal groups of constituents, and the antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH method. The hydroethanolic extracts presented higher antioxidant activity. Thus, nanoemulsion formulations were prepared using the method of phase inversion. Accelerated stability tests, such as heat stress and centrifugation were made, and physical and chemical properties of the nanoemulsions were established. Stable formulations were obtained from both extracts from leafs and stems. By the results was possible to establish the potential application of hydroalcoholic extracts from V. squamata in development of products with antioxidant properties and demonstrate a promising pharmaceutical product.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 22(3): 680-681, May-June 2012. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-624701


The chemical composition of the essential oil of the aerial parts of Microlicia graveolens DC., Melastomataceae, growing wild in the mountains of Minas Gerais, Brazil, was investigated for the first time. A pale orange to colourless oil was obtained in a yield of 4.8%. The oil was analyzed by GC-MS. The main components were (+)-trans-pinocarvyl acetate (78.9%), (-)-trans-pinocarvyl acetate (5.5%) and β-pinene (3.8%).

In. Taller Nacional sobre Sistema de Análisis de Peligros y Control de Puntos Críticos en los Programas Departamentales de Alimentos (HACCP). Trabajos presentados / Trabajos presentados. Montevideo, Organización Panamericana de la Salud, 1994. p.278-312, ilus, tab.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-182025