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Int. j. morphol ; 33(1): 55-61, Mar. 2015. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-743763


The objective of this study was to describe transversal dimensions of the dental arches, bite force and facial index in three ethnic groups representative of Colombia. The sample size included 197 adolescents, 12 to 14 year old, 33% mestizo, 35% of African ancestry and 32% Amazon Indian; 50.3% male and 49.7% female. The comparative analysis to determine differences between ethnic groups was made by the Kruskal Wallis test and then the Principal Component Analysis was used to establish the pattern of measurements identifying ethnic characteristics. All measurements showed statistically significant differences among ethnic groups except facial height (p=0.157). It was evidenced that Amazon indian have a higher bite force (p <0.05) than the other twoethnic groups. Regarding dental arch transversal dimensions, Amazon Indian have a higher arch transversal width with a length average of 44.1 mm. This length was greater than mestizo adolescents (M=36.7 mm) and Afroamerican (M=38.3 mm). In conclusion, the amazon Ticuna Indian ethnia has a significantly higher bite force, higher dental arch transversal width and higher bizygomatic width than the other two ethnic groups considered.

El objetivo fue describir las dimensiones transversales de los arcos dentales, la fuerza de mordida y el índice facial en tres grupos étnicos de Colombia. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 197 adolescentes, de 12 a 14 años; 33% mestizos, 35% de ascendencia africana y 32% indio amazónico; 50,3% hombres y 49,7% mujeres. El análisis comparativo para determinar las diferencias entre los grupos étnicos se hizo mediante la prueba de Kruskal Wallis y luego el Componente Principal de Análisis se utilizó para establecer el patrón de las mediciones para identificar las características étnicas. Todas las mediciones mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos étnicos, excepto la altura facial (p=0,157). Se evidencia que el indio amazónico tiene una mayor fuerza de mordida (p<0,05) que los otros dos grupos étnicos. En cuanto a las dimensiones transversales del arco dental, el indio amazónico se caracterizó por tener un mayor ancho, con una longitud media de 44,1 mm. Esta longitud es mayor que en los adolescentes mestizos (M=36,7 mm) y afroamericanos (M=38,3 mm). En conclusión, la etnia india amazónica Ticuna tiene una fuerza de mordida significativamente mayor, así como mayor ancho del arco dental transversal y ancho bicigomático que los otros dos grupos étnicos considerados.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Black People , Bite Force , Dental Arch/anatomy & histology , Face/anatomy & histology , Indians, South American , Biotypology , Colombia
Int. j. morphol ; 31(1): 100-106, mar. 2013. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-676140


The purpose of this study was to compare dental arch transversal and anteroposterior dimensions in three ethnic groups from Colombia. A digital caliper was used to take 16 transversal and two sagittal measurements, 9 for the upper jaw and 9 for the lower jaw. The sagittal measure determining arch length was drawn from a mesial line traced from first right permanent molar to first left permanent molar, and a perpendicular line from the point of contact between central incisive teeth, both for the upper and lower jaw. The dimensions of upper dental arch in the three ethnic groups showed differences in intercanine distance, as well as between premolar and between molar teeth. The same differences were found for lower dental arches. The populations evaluated show distinctive characteristics in dental arch dimensions, thus the mestizo population had narrow arches while the natives had wide arches.

El propósito de éste estudio fue comparar las dimensiones transversal y anteroposterior del arco dental en tres grupos étnicos de Colombia. Se utilizó un calibrador digital para tomar 16 medidas transversales y dos sagitales, 9 maxilares y 9 mandibulares. La medida sagital para determinar la longitud del arco se elaboró a partir de una línea trazada desde mesial primera molar derecho permanente al primer molar izquierdo permanente, y una línea perpendicular desde el punto de contacto entre los incisivos centrales, tanto para el maxilar y mandíbula. Las dimensiones del arco dental maxilar en los tres grupos étnicos mostraron diferencias en la distancia intercanina, así como entre premolares y molares. Las mismas diferencias se encontraron en la mandíbula. Las poblaciones evaluadas presentan características distintivas en las dimensiones del arco dental, por lo que la población mestiza tuvo arcos estrechos, mientras que los nativos tuvieron arcos anchos.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Ethnicity , Dental Arch/anatomy & histology , Analysis of Variance , Colombia/ethnology
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 64(6): 1755-1760, Dec. 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-660249


Foram testados os efeitos de dois níveis de extrato etéreo à base de óleo de arroz no concentrado em 30 cabras Saanen durante a fase inicial de lactação. A alimentação baseou-se na relação 60% de volumoso (feno de alfafa) e 40% de concentrado comercial com dois níveis de extrato etéreo (3% e 5%). As variáveis estudadas foram a quantificação e qualificação do perfil de ácidos graxos do leite total e frente ao tempo de lactação. O acréscimo de óleo de arroz na dieta diminuiu (P<0,05) a concentração de ácidos graxos saturados e aumentou (P<0,05) a concentração de ácidos graxos poli-insaturados no leite caprino. O ácido linoleico conjugado (ALC) também é afetado positivamente pelo acréscimo de óleo de arroz na dieta. A inclusão de óleo de arroz nos níveis de 3% e 5% da matéria seca, na dieta de cabras leiteiras da raça Saanen, influencia o perfil de ácidos graxos do leite, com ênfase no ALC, até a 11ª semana de lactação.

The effects of two levels of ether extract based on rice oil concentrate in 30 Saanen goats during early lactation were evaluated. The feeding was based on the ratio of 60% forage (alfalfa hay) and 40% commercial concentrate with two levels of lipids (3% and 5%). The variables were the quantification and qualification of the fatty acid profile of whole milk and forward to the time of lactation. The addition of rice bran oil in the diet decreased significantly (P<0.05) the concentration of saturated fatty acids and increased (P<0.05) the concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids in goats' milk. The linoleic acid was also positively affected by the addition of rice bran oil in the diet. The inclusion of rice bran oil at levels of 3% and 5% of dry matter in the diet of Saanen dairy goats influences the fatty acid profile of milk, with emphasis on linoleic acid until the 11th week of lactation.

Animals , Diet , Fatty Acids , Goats , Milk , Lactation/metabolism , Lipids/analysis
Int. j. morphol ; 30(2): 677-682, jun. 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-651850


El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el índice facial de tres poblaciones colombianas y proponer un nuevo método para identificar los biotipos morfológicos faciales teniendo en cuenta el tipo de ascendencia. Para esto, se tomaron las medidas de Nasion a Gnation y la distancia Bicigomática con un calibrador digital en tres grupos étnicos diferentes: 63 niños de la población Ticuna (Amazonas), 68 niños del municipio de Puerto Tejada (Cauca) y 65 niños del municipio de Santiago de Cali (Valle). Por medio de la prueba post hoc T2 de Tamhane se determinó que las poblaciones son distintas y que el índice morfológico facial tradicional no discriminaba esas diferencias. Por tal razón se utilizó el método estadístico de conglomerados difusos con el fin de determinar el número de grupos o biotipos para cada tipo de ascendencia. Se concluyó, que las poblaciones mestizas y afro-descendientes tienen similitudes por lo cual se agruparon juntas y el algoritmo c-medias generó cuatro biotipos característicos, mientras que para la población indígena Ticuna (Amazonas) solo se generaron tres biotipos.

The aim of this study is evaluate the facial index of three Colombian populations and propose a new method to identifythe facial morphological biotypes taking into account the type of ascendancy. For this, measures were taken of Nasion to Gnation and bizygomatic distance with a digital caliper in three ethnic groups: 63 children from Ticuna population (Amazonas), 68 children from municipality of Puerto Tejada (Cauca) and 65 children from municipality Santiago de Cali (Valle). Through the post hoc Tamhane's T2 was determined that the populations are different and the facial morphological index did not discriminate these differences. We used the statistical method of fuzzy clusters to determine the number of groups or biotypes for each type of ascendancy. We concluded that mixed populations and African descent have similarities, therefore they were grouped together and the c-means algorithm generated four biotypes characteristic, while the indigenous population Ticuna (Amazon) only generated three biotypes.

Female , Child , Black People , American Indian or Alaska Native , Biotypology , Face/anatomy & histology , Cephalometry/methods , Classification , Cluster Analysis , Colombia , Fuzzy Logic