Toor Al-Baha of Lahej governorate [Yemen] lies between latitudes 12° 58 -13° 20 N, and longitudes 44° 11 - 44° 39 E, has been studied floristically. This region covers about 1883 sq ion. Analysis of the floristic composion of the studied area have been carried out and proved that, about 560 taxa belong to 288 genera and 89 families of the vascular plants have been recorded. Of these, the largest families are: Poaceae, Asteraceae, Asclepiadaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Acanthaceae, Capparaceae, Lamiaceae, Boraginaceae, Malvaceae, Solanaceae, Mimosaceae, Tiliaceae, Amaranthaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Gonvolvulaceae and Scrophulariaceae, while the largest genera are: Euphorbia, Acacia, Grewia, Heliotropium, Indigofera, Barleria, Eragrostis, Aloe, Hibiscus, Solanum, Tepbrosia, Cadaba, Crenulluma, Ficus, Justicla, and Senna. It was also noted that the generic index - 1.94. Sixty eight succulents taxa belong to eighteen families were recorded in the flora of the studied area, among these families six are the richest ones: Asclepiadaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Aloaceae, Aizoaceae, Crassuiaceae and Vitaceae. Twenty eight taxa are endemic to flora of Yemen, among them Rhytidocaulon splendidum T. A. McCoy is endemic to Toor Al-Baha only. Another thirty four taxa are found to be near endemic to the flora of Yemen