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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 190-208, abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430595


Resumen El feminismo es un movimiento que busca transformar el orden social imperante, establecido a partir de la jerarquización de la diferencia surgida de una concepción binaria sexo-génerica, y que ha situado a las mujeres en una situación histórica de opresión y explotación. A pesar de la vigencia del feminismo y el aporte de este en las democracias actuales, no todas las personas y, en particular, las mujeres, se identifican con este movimiento social. El objetivo principal de este estudio es identificar los predictores de la identificación feminista en mujeres en Chile. Con base en los resultados de un cuestionario online respondido por 389 mujeres, se realizó un análisis de regresión lineal múltiple (R. = .53, F (3,385) = 107.1, p < .001) en el que se utilizó como variable dependiente la identificación feminista. Las variables con mayor poder predictivo fueron: la predisposición a la participación feminista (. = .54); el sexismo hostil (. = -.20), y la orientación política (. = -.16). Lo anterior indicaría que aquellas mujeres dispuestas a participar en actividades feministas, que rechazan las formas de sexismo hostil y que adhieren a posiciones políticas de izquierda, son quienes mayormente se identifican con el feminismo en Chile. Este modelo relacionaría procesos identitarios que involucran una toma de consciencia de la ilegitimidad que implica que un grupo domine a otro o se encuentre en una situación de privilegio injustificados respecto de otros, y el consecuente reconocimiento de la puesta en acción para la transformación social. Esta relación entre toma de conciencia y acción, a su vez, permitiría explicar la imbricación de las luchas sociales durante el estallido social de octubre 2019 y el movimiento feminista chileno. Finalmente, se discute sobre las limitaciones del presente estudio y lineamientos para futuros.

Abstract The data obtained were subjected to a descriptive analysis (mean and standard deviation) and test score reliability (Cronbach´s Alpha). Then, Pearson´s partial correlations were calculated in order to contrast with the dependent variable feminist identification. From the total sample, 74.8 % self-identified with feminism to various degrees (from a form of private acceptance, but not public; up to activism); while 6 % self-declared as not feminist, and 19 %, well in-line with the objectives, did not self-identify as feminist. Feminism is a movement that looks to transform the current social order, established from the hierarchization based on the difference suggested of a binary sex/gender conception. This order has historically situated women in a position of oppression and exploitation. In spite of the relevance and support for feminism in current democracies, not everyone, in particular women, identify with this social movement. Considering this, the main objective of this study is to identify the predictors of feminist identification in women in Chile. This study, of quantitative type, has a sample size made up of 389 women. The type of sample was not probabilistic, rather self-selected. The participants answered an online survey that explored the variables: feminist identification, political orientation (left-right), support of the movement and feminist objectives, predisposition to feminist action, ambivalent sexism (hostile and benevolent sexism) (Glick & Fiske, 1996), social orientation domination SDO (Prato et al., 1994), right wing authoritarianism RWA (Altemeyer, 1996), and socio-demographic variables as well. Also, the participants signed an informed consent form, endorsed by the corresponding ethics committee. The ages of the participants fluctuated between 18 and 72 (M = 27.4; DT = 11.52). The data obtained were subjected to a descriptive analysis (mean and standard deviation) and test score reliability (Cronbach´s Alpha). Then, Pearson´s partial correlations were calculated in order to contrast with the dependent variable feminist identification. From the total sample, 74.8 % self-identified with feminism to various degrees (from a form of private acceptance, but not public; up to activism); while 6 % self-declared as not feminist, and 19 %, well in-line with the objectives, did not self-identify as feminist. Later on, the variables that showed a significant relationship with the dependent variable were subjected to a multiple linear regression analysis (R2 = .53, F (3,385) = 107.1 p < .001). The variables with the highest predictive power were predisposition to feminist participation (β = .54), hostile sexism (β = -.20), and political orientation (β = -.16). This would indicate that those women willing to participate in feminist activities, who reject hostile forms of sexism and adhere to leftist political positions are those who mostly identify with feminism in Chile. This model would relate identarian processes that involve an awareness of the legitimacy that implies that one group dominates another or finds itself in a position of unjustified privilege with respect to others, and the acknowledgement of the need for transformational social action. This relationship between awareness and action, likewise, would explain the overlapping social struggles during the social outbreak of October 2019 and the feminist movement in Chile. Finally, limitations of the present study are discussed with respect to the difficulty to generalize the results due to the type of sample (self-selected); and the characteristics of the sample, referring to the difficult access to women older than 50. These women presented difficulty in forms of access and in completing the survey online. Furthermore, it is considered that due to the bias of explicit attitude studies with regards to social desirability at the moment of response, it would be of great importance to complete this work with implicit attitude measures. Also, the study proposes that as future line of research a study that investigates what do women themselves understand about feminism in order to make realizations of the plurality of this social movement.

Rev. salud pública ; Rev. salud pública;17(4): 514-527, jul.-ago. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-767542


Objetivo Estudiar clínica y epidemiológicamente focos de leishmaniasis visceral (LV) urbana en Neiva (Colombia). Materiales y Métodos Seis niños consultaron por hepato-esplenomegalia. Presentaban anemia y leucopenia. Se realizó biopsia por aspiración de medula ósea (5 pacientes) y de bazo (1 paciente). Se hizo búsqueda activa de casos en la comunidad y de anticuerpos anti-Leishmania infantum por inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI) en los sintomáticos y en reservorios caninos (IFI, rK39). Se hicieron visitas domiciliarias para educación comunitaria y búsqueda de vectores. Los pacientes recibieron Miltefosina, Anfotericina B o Glucantime®. Resultados Se confirmó LV en siete niños. En seis, el aspirado de medula ósea o bazo demostró amastigotes. La IFI fue positiva en 4 pacientes y negativa en 3. Un niño se detectó por búsqueda activa comunitaria, con clínica de LV, confirmada por IFI (1:32). La miltefosina no fue útil en 6 de los 7 casos. La Anfotericina B liposomal o deoxicolato, curó 6 pacientes y el Glucantime® uno. La seroprevalencia en 1182 caninos (IFI y rK39) fue de 6.1 %; los animales positivos fueron sacrificados. Se demostró Lu. longipalpis, vector de LV, en el peridomicilio. Conclusiones Demostramos LV urbana en dos comunas de Neiva. La confirmación diagnóstica incluyó aspiración de medula ósea e IFI. La Miltefosina no fue útil. La Anfotericina B liposomal fue la terapia ideal. Para controlar la LV es necesario hacer BAC, educación comunitaria, control de vectores y reservorios.(AU)

Objective Characterize the foci of visceral leishmaniasis infection in Neiva with a clinical and epidemiological approach. Materials and Methods Six children consulted medical services with hepatosplenomegaly. They were found to have anemia and leukopenia. The diagnosis was performed by bone marrow (five patients) and spleen (1 patient) aspiration. An active search for cases was carried out in the community. Anti-Leishmania infantum antibodies were also sought out using indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) in symptomatic patients and in dogs (IFI, rK39). House calls were made in order to carry out educational activities and to collect disease vectors. Patients received miltefosine, amphotericin B or Glucantime®. Results LV was confirmed in seven children. In six of them, the bone marrow or spleen aspirate contained amastigotes. The IIF was positive in 4 patients and negative in 3. One child was detected throught the active community search, confirmed by the clinic with IIF (1:32). Six patients were cured with liposomal amphotericin B (o deoxycholate) and one patient was cured with Glucantime®. The canine seroprevalence in 1182 dogs was 6.1% (IFI and rK39); the positive animals were destroyed. L. longipalpis was found in the houses. This is the principal vector of LV in Colombia. Conclusions The study showed that two zones of Neiva have children infected with LV. Diagnostic confirmation must include aspiration of bone marrow and IIFs. Treatment with miltefosine was not helpful, but liposomal amphotericin B is an ideal therapy. To control LV, active case searching, community education and vector and reservoir control is necessary.(AU)

Humans , Leishmania infantum , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/pathology , Colombia/epidemiology , Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Indirect/instrumentation , Biopsy, Fine-Needle/instrumentation
Rev. cuba. hig. epidemiol ; 51(2): 129-139, mayo-ago. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-685288


Introducción: Si bien Streptococcus agalactiae es comensal del tracto gastrointestinal y genitourinario, es la principal causa de enfermedades invasivas y de mortalidad en niños recién nacidos. La infección puede adquirirse a través de la aspiración de líquido amniótico infectado o durante el paso por el canal de parto. Objetivos: comparar la utilidad de diversos métodos de conservación de cepas de Streptococcus agalactiae que resulten reproducibles, accesibles a laboratorios de baja y mediana complejidad, y asegurar su estabilidad fenotípica y genotípica mediante el método de preservación llamado subcultivo continuo, para el mantenimiento del cultivo en medio adecuado con transferencias a medio fresco a intervalos variables. Métodos: Se seleccionaron al azar 40 cepas de Streptococcus agalactiae, las que se sometieron a verificación de viabilidad, pureza y caracterización fenotípica y genotípica antes y después de ser sometidas a conservación, utilizando idénticos medios, reactivos y metodología en ambas circunstancias. Se probaron diferentes medios de preservación de las cepas, que permitieran a laboratorios de baja y mediana complejidad su traslado a centros especializados para la vigilancia adecuada del organismo. Las cepas se conservaron durante nueve meses con subcultivos que mostraron las características originales. Resultados: Los medios más efectivos fueron ATS-TA y LD 4 %-SO-20 ºC, ya que garantizaron viabilidad, pureza y estabilidad fenotípica y genotípica de las cepas. Se demostró que el uso de este medio es una alternativa adecuada para la conservación de Streptococcus agalactiae en laboratorios donde la liofilización y la desecación no están disponibles y que son de bajo costo, rápidos y muy fáciles de usar en la práctica habitual. Conclusiones: los medios ATS-TA y LD 4 %-SO-20 ºC constituyen una buena alternativa para cortos períodos de preservación y transporte de cepas de Streptococcus agalactiae en laboratorios de baja y mediana complejidad.

Introduction: Although Streptococcus agalactiae is commensal of the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tract, it is the main cause of invasive diseases and mortality in newborns. The infection can be acquired through the aspiration of infected amniotic fluid or during the passage through the birth canal. Objectives: to compare the effectiveness of various methods for the conservation of Streptococcus agalactiae strains that can be reproducible and accessible to laboratories of low and medium complexity and guarantee their phenotypic and genotypic stability through a preservation method called continuous subculture, for the maintenance of the culture in an adequate environment with fresh medium transfers at variable interval periods. Methods: 40 strains of Streptococcus agalactiae were randomly selected, which were subjected to verification of viability, purity and genotypic and phenotypic characterization before and after being subjected to conservation, using identical environments, reactive and methodologies in both circumstances. Different means of preservation of strains were tested, which allowed laboratories of low and medium complexity their transfer to specialized centers for the proper surveillance of the organism. The strains were kept for nine months with subcultures that showed original characteristics. Results: The most effective environments were ATS-TA and LD-4 % -SO-20 ºC because they guaranteed viability, purity and genotypic and phenotypic stability of the strains. It was shown that the use of this environment is an adequate alternative for the conservation of Streptococcus agalactiae in laboratories where lyophilization and dessication are not available and are low cost, fast and very easy to use in regular practice. Conclusions: The ATS-TA and LD-4 % -SO-20 ºC environments are a good alternative for short periods of preservation and transportation of Streptococcus agalactiae strains in laboratories of low and medium complexity.

Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Säo Paulo ; Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Säo Paulo;42(1): 9-15, Jan.-Feb. 2000. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-254823


Diarrheagenics Escherichia coli are the major agents involved in diarrheal disease in developing countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the time of appearance of the first asymptomatic infection by the different categories of diarrheagenic E. coli in 44 children since their birth and during the first 20 months of their lives. In all of the children studied, we detected at least one category of diarrheagenic E. coli through the 20 months of the study. 510 diarrheagenic E. coli (33.5 percent) were obtained from the 1,524 samples collected from the 44 children during the time of the study (31.4 percent EAggEC, 28.8 percent EPEC, 27.1 percent DAEC, and 12.7 percent ETEC). Neither EHEC nor EIEC were identified. The median age for diarrheagenic E. coli colonization was 7.5 months. The mean weaning period was 12.8 months and the mean age for introduction of mixed feeding (breast fed supplemented) was 3.8 months. A significantly lower incidence of diarrheal disease and asymptomatic infections was recorded among the exclusively breast-fed rather than in the supplemented and non breast-fed infants. For ETEC, EPEC and EAggEC the introduction of weaning foods and complete termination of breast-feeding were associated with an increase of asymptomatic infections

Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Diarrhea, Infantile/microbiology , Escherichia coli Infections/microbiology , Argentina , Breast Feeding , DNA Probes , Escherichia coli/classification , Escherichia coli/isolation & purification , Follow-Up Studies , Risk Factors , Time Factors
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Säo Paulo ; Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Säo Paulo;38(5): 337-47, set.-out. 1996. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-186873


Ninos menores de cinco anos de edad de dos comunidades de diferente condicion socio-economica (97 del Barrio Zaiman y 55 del Barrio Las Dolores), fueron vigilados epidemiologicamente durante 2 anos, mediante visitas trimestrales del equipo de trabajo, el que realizo la toma de muestras fecales. Durante el estudio, se identificaron uno o mas enteropatogenos en el 73,9 por cento de las muestras de ninos del Barrio Zaiman y en el 58,3 por cento de Las Dolores, estando asociados a diarrea en un 70,5 por cento y en infecciones asintomaticas en un 65,7 por cento. El numero de episodios de diarrea fue superior en Zaiman (15,5 por cento) que en Las Dolores (12,4 por cento), presentandose con mayor frecuencia en los meses de primavera-verano...

Humans , Child, Preschool , Diarrhea/etiology , Intestinal Diseases/epidemiology , Argentina , Morbidity , Prospective Studies , Socioeconomic Factors