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Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13452, fev.2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564165


The misuse of anabolic androgenic steroid associated or not with physical workouts disrupts gastrointestinal (GI) function homeostasis. Our goal was to investigate the effects of nandrolone decanoate (ND) and moderate swimming on the GI transit of solid meals, GI motor contractility, and intestinal histology in rats. Male Wistar rats were allocated to four groups that received intramuscular injections of ND (5.0 mg/kg) or vehicle (60.0 µL) and were submitted or not to swimming sessions (60 min, 5% body weight overload) for 4 weeks. Gastric emptying, intestinal transit, in vitro GI contractility, intestinal morphometry, and duodenal mucosal mast cells were evaluated in all experimental groups. ND treatment accelerated gastric emptying, slowed small intestine transit time, enhanced gastric carbachol-mediated reactivity, decreased crypt depth and villus height, reduced mucosal thickness, and increased the circular and longitudinal muscle layer thickness of the duodenum in sedentary rats. Moderate exercise accelerated intestinal transit time and reduced submucosa thickness. In vehicle-treated animals, a strong negative correlation was found between intestinal transit and mucosal mast cells, which was reversed by ND treatment. Combining ND treatment and swimming accelerated gastric emptying, increased duodenal cholinergic reactivity, inhibited the sodium nitroprusside relaxing response, increased the number of duodenal mast cells, decreased villus height, and increased the thickness of all muscle layers. ND changed the morphological and functional properties of the GI tract over time, with intense dysmotility, especially in sedentary animals, but moderate exercise seemed to have played a compensatory role in these harmful effects in the gut.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1042765


Eponymization serves as a means of paying tribute to individuals who have made significant contributions to our culture. Each eponym is often linked with a story for everyone to discover. To aid in the retention of these stories, this review offers readers an overview of the individuals behind the eponymous terms, as well as their original descriptions, within the context of acromioclavicular joint pathology and orthopaedic surgery.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1042791


The aim of this systematic review was to collect evidence on the following 10 technical aspects of glenoid baseplate fixation in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (rTSA): screw insertion angles; screw orientation; screw quantity; screw length; screw type; baseplate tilt; baseplate position; baseplate version and rotation; baseplate design; and anatomical safe zones. Five literature libraries were searched for eligible clinical, cadaver, biomechanical, virtual planning, and finite element analysis studies. Studies including patients >16 years old in which at least one of the ten abovementioned technical aspects was assessed were suitable for analysis. We excluded studies of patients with: glenoid bone loss; bony increased offset-reversed shoulder arthroplasty; rTSA with bone grafts; and augmented baseplates. Quality assessment was performed for each included study. Sixty-two studies were included, of which 41 were experimental studies (13 cadaver, 10 virtual planning, 11 biomechanical, and 7 finite element studies) and 21 were clinical studies (12 retrospective cohorts and 9 case-control studies). Overall, the quality of included studies was moderate or high. The majority of studies agreed upon the use of a divergent screw fixation pattern, fixation with four screws (to reduce micromotions), and inferior positioning in neutral or anteversion. A general consensus was not reached on the other technical aspects. Most surgical aspects of baseplate fixation can be decided without affecting fixation strength. There is not a single strategy that provides the best outcome. Therefore, guidelines should cover multiple surgical options that can achieve adequate baseplate fixation.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469341


Abstract The red gum lerp psyllid, Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore, 1964 (Hemiptera: Aphalaridae), an insect pest originating in Australia and which feeds only on Eucalyptus L'Hér. (Myrtales: Myrtaceae) plants, has spread to several countries. The populations of this insect commonly reach high populations on Eucalyptus plants since its entry into Brazil, and also indicated an unrecorded behavioral. The objectives of this study were to describe a peculiar adaptation in the feeding habit of G. brimblecombei and to register the new habit. The oviposition and feeding by G. brimblecombei, commonly, on the leaves of Eucalyptus, started to occur, also, on lignified twigs. This suggests a not yet recorded adaptation of this insect to reduce insect × plant intraspecific competition.

Resumo O psilídeo de concha, Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore, 1964 (Hemiptera: Aphalaridae), um inseto praga originário da Austrália e que se alimenta apenas de plantas de Eucalyptus L'Hér. (Myrtales: Myrtaceae), se espalhou por vários países. Esse inseto, geralmente, atinge grandes populações em plantas de Eucalyptus desde sua entrada no Brasil e, também, indicou um comportamento diferente. Os objetivos deste estudo foram descrever uma adaptação peculiar no hábito alimentar de G. brimblecombei e registrar o novo hábito. A oviposição e alimentação por G. brimblecombei, geralmente, nas folhas de Eucalyptus, passaram a ocorrer, também, em ramos lignificados. Isso sugere uma adaptação diferente desse inseto para reduzir a competição intraespecífica inseto × planta.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13258, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528102


Screener, a board game supplemented with online resources, was introduced and distributed by the Brazilian Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics to postgraduate programs as an instructional tool for the process of drug discovery and development (DDD). In this study, we provided a comprehensive analysis of five critical aspects for evaluating the quality of educational games, namely: 1) description of the intervention; 2) underlying pedagogical theory; 3) identification of local educational gaps; 4) impact on diverse stakeholders; and 5) elucidation of iterative quality enhancement processes. We also present qualitative and quantitative assessments of the effectiveness of this game in 11 postgraduate courses. We employed the MEEGA+ online survey, comprising thirty-three close-ended unipolar items with 5-point Likert-type response scales, to assess student perceptions of the quality and utility of Screener. Based on 115 responses, the results indicated a highly positive outlook among students. In addition, we performed a preliminary evaluation of learning outcomes in two courses involving 28 students. Pre- and post-quizzes were applied, each consisting of 20 True/False questions directly aligned with the game's content. The analysis revealed significant improvement in students' performance following engagement with the game, with scores rising from 8.4 to 13.3 (P<0.0001, paired t-test) and 9.7 to 12.7 (P<0.0001, paired t-test). These findings underscore the utility of Screener as an enjoyable and effective tool for facilitating a positive learning experience in the DDD process. Notably, the game can also reduce the educational disparities across different regions of our continental country.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e250931, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360206


The red gum lerp psyllid, Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore, 1964 (Hemiptera: Aphalaridae), an insect pest originating in Australia and which feeds only on Eucalyptus L'Hér. (Myrtales: Myrtaceae) plants, has spread to several countries. The populations of this insect commonly reach high populations on Eucalyptus plants since its entry into Brazil, and also indicated an unrecorded behavioral. The objectives of this study were to describe a peculiar adaptation in the feeding habit of G. brimblecombei and to register the new habit. The oviposition and feeding by G. brimblecombei, commonly, on the leaves of Eucalyptus, started to occur, also, on lignified twigs. This suggests a not yet recorded adaptation of this insect to reduce insect × plant intraspecific competition.

O psilídeo de concha, Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore, 1964 (Hemiptera: Aphalaridae), um inseto praga originário da Austrália e que se alimenta apenas de plantas de Eucalyptus L'Hér. (Myrtales: Myrtaceae), se espalhou por vários países. Esse inseto, geralmente, atinge grandes populações em plantas de Eucalyptus desde sua entrada no Brasil e, também, indicou um comportamento diferente. Os objetivos deste estudo foram descrever uma adaptação peculiar no hábito alimentar de G. brimblecombei e registrar o novo hábito. A oviposição e alimentação por G. brimblecombei, geralmente, nas folhas de Eucalyptus, passaram a ocorrer, também, em ramos lignificados. Isso sugere uma adaptação diferente desse inseto para reduzir a competição intraespecífica inseto × planta.

Animals , Oviposition , Behavior , Eucalyptus/parasitology , Hemiptera/growth & development
Med. infant ; 30(4): 373-381, Diciembre 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1524219


El trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) es una condición crónica del neurodesarrollo caracterizada por déficits persistentes en la comunicación e interacción social y un patrón de intereses restringidos y/o comportamientos repetitivos que pueden afectar el funcionamiento del individuo en la vida diaria familiar y comunitaria. El diagnóstico oportuno intenta mejorar la trayectoria, reducir el impacto funcional y disminuir los efectos de condiciones médicas asociadas. El diagnóstico tardío de TEA es considerado como aquel realizado luego de los 6 años de edad, en coincidencia con el fin de la escolaridad inicial. Si bien esta edad puede resultar arbitraria lo que se busca es una generalización de aquellos casos en los que probablemente hubo múltiples pérdidas de oportunidades diagnósticas y terapéuticas. Objetivo: Reflexionar sobre los determinantes del diagnóstico tardío del TEA con el fin de proponer posibles soluciones a esta problemática. Desarrollo: A partir de tres viñetas clínicas de pacientes que recibieron el diagnóstico en nuestro servicio, luego de los 6 años de edad, nos proponemos identificar y analizar aquellos factores (motivos sociodemográficos, problemas organizacionales, en la etapa de evaluación diagnóstica, respecto al género, cuidadores/ familiares y características clínicas) que determinan la demora diagnóstica. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico tardío del TEA es una problemática compleja y multifactorial, que implica desafíos significativos en el desarrollo de los NNyA con esta condición, sus familias y su entorno. Es importante considerar las causas que demoran el diagnóstico, desde el ámbito clínico, familiar y socio-ambiental para poder intervenir oportunamente (AU)

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a chronic neurodevelopmental condition characterized by persistent deficits in communication and social interaction and a pattern of restricted interests and/or repetitive behaviors that can affect the individual's daily functioning both at home and in the community. Early diagnosis is important to improve the developmental trajectory, reduce functional impairment, and decrease the impact of comorbid medical conditions. Delayed diagnosis of ASD is defined as a diagnosis made after the age of 6 years, coinciding with the end of preschool. Although this age may be arbitrary, it serves to encompass cases in which there were probably multiple missed diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities. Objective: To explore the causes of late diagnosis of ASD in order to propose possible solutions to this problem. Development: Based on three clinical vignettes of patients who were diagnosed at our department after 6 years of age, we aimed to identify and analyze factors influencing diagnostic delays. These factors included sociodemographic causes, organizational challenges, issues during the diagnostic workup, considerations related to gender, caregivers/families, and clinical characteristics. Conclusions: Delayed diagnosis of ASD is a complex and multifactorial problem leading to significant challenges in the development of children and adolescents with this condition as well as their families and their environment. Identification of the causes of diagnostic delay is important from the clinical, family and socio-environmental point of view, in order to start timely interventions (AU)

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Autistic Disorder/diagnosis , Delayed Diagnosis , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Caregivers , Sociodemographic Factors
Med. infant ; 30(1): 8-14, Marzo 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1427774


Introducción: Los trastornos del desarrollo (TD) constituyen un motivo de consulta muy frecuente en la práctica pediátrica. El Hospital Garrahan recibe por demanda espontánea al servicio de Mediano Riesgo (MR) consultas de cuidadores con preocupaciones sobre el desarrollo de los niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNyA). Allí son valorados por pediatras clínicos, quienes realizan la interconsulta al servicio de Clínicas Interdisciplinarias del Neurodesarrollo (CIND) según necesidad (representan el 10% del total de consultas en MR). El objetivo del trabajo es comparar las características de los pacientes de MR que fueron consultados al área de Maduración de CIND durante el bimestre marzo/abril de 2016, 2021 y 2022. Materiales y métodos: estudio retrospectivo, observacional y comparativo. Se revisaron las historias clínicas analizando las siguientes variables: edad, procedencia, contar con pediatra de cabecera, cobertura de salud, motivo de consulta y sospecha diagnóstica. Resultados: La cantidad de consultas aumentó por encima del 20%, con un descenso en la mediana de edad de alrededor de un año. Aproximadamente el 70% de los pacientes procedían del conurbano en los tres períodos. Observamos un descenso respecto al número de NNyA con seguimiento pediátrico y cobertura social. El lenguaje y la conducta fueron los motivos más frecuentes de consulta y la mayor sospecha diagnóstica fue el Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA). Conclusiones: Los datos observados pueden relacionarse con el impacto de la pandemia así como también con las condiciones socio-económicas de los últimos cinco años, con un mayor conocimiento acerca del desarrollo y un probable aumento de la prevalencia de los TD (AU)

Introduction: Developmental disorders (DD) are a frequent reason for consultation in pediatric practice. The Garrahan Hospital receives spontaneous consultations at the department of Intermediate Risk (IR) from caregivers with concerns about the development of children and adolescents. At the IR department, children and adolescents are evaluated by clinical pediatricians, who consult with specialists at the Interdisciplinary Neurodevelopmental Clinic (INDC) as needed (accounting for 10% of the total number of consultations at the IR department). The aim of this study was to compare the characteristics of IR patients who were consulted at the INDC during the bimonthly period March/April 2016, 2021, and 2022. Materials and methods: a retrospective, observational, and comparative study was conducted. Medical records were reviewed analyzing the following variables: age, provenance, having a primary care pediatrician, healthcare insurance, reason for consultation, and diagnostic suspicion. Results: The number of consultations increased by over 20%, with a decrease in median age of around one year. Approximately 70% of the patients came from Greater Buenos Aires in the three periods. A decrease in the number of children and adolescents with pediatric follow-up and a social health insurance was observed. Language and behavior disorders were the most frequent reasons for consultation and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) was most often suspected. Conclusions: The observed data may be related to the impact of the pandemic as well as socio-economic conditions over the last five years, together with increased knowledge about development and a probable increase in the prevalence of ASD (AU)

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child Behavior Disorders , Ambulatory Care , Neurodevelopmental Disorders/diagnosis , Neurodevelopmental Disorders/epidemiology , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Language Development Disorders , Chronic Disease , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-5, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468968


Plant-derived products can assist in the healing process of dermal wounds. It has been demonstrated that Hancornia speciosa latex present angiogenic, osteogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities. Then, it could contribute to the wound healing process. However, natural products in contact with skin may cause dermatitis. The objective of this work was to evaluate the allergic and irritant potential of H. speciosa serum fraction latex using in vitro assays. The obtained results showed that the H. speciosa serum fraction latex has a slightly irritant potential and is not cytotoxic neither allergenic for human cells. Moreover, we identified a remarkable low amount of proteins in this material in comparison to Hevea brasiliensis latex. This result could explain the non-allergenic potential of H. speciosa serum fraction latex because proteins present in latex are the main responsible for allergy. This biomaterial could be used as a non-allergenic source for development of new medicines.

Produtos derivados de plantas podem auxiliar no processo de cicatrização de feridas cutâneas. Foi demonstrado que o látex de Hancornia speciosa apresenta atividades angiogênicas, osteogênicas, antiinflamatórias e antioxidantes. Então, este biomaterial pode contribuir para o processo de cicatrização de feridas. No entanto, produtos naturais em contato com a pele podem causar dermatites. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial alérgico e irritante do látex da fração soro de H. speciosa por meio de ensaios in vitro. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o látex da fração do soro de H. speciosa possui um potencial pouco irritante e não é citotóxico nem alergênico para células humanas. Além disso, foi identificado uma notável baixa quantidade de proteínas neste material em comparação ao látex de Hevea brasiliensis. Esse resultado poderia explicar o potencial não alergênico do látex da fração soro de H. speciosa, pois as proteínas presentes no látex são as principais responsáveis pela alergia. Este biomaterial pode ser utilizado como fonte não alergênica para desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos.

Apocynaceae/chemistry , Wound Healing/drug effects , In Vitro Techniques
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469184


Abstract Plant-derived products can assist in the healing process of dermal wounds. It has been demonstrated that Hancornia speciosa latex present angiogenic, osteogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities. Then, it could contribute to the wound healing process. However, natural products in contact with skin may cause dermatitis. The objective of this work was to evaluate the allergic and irritant potential of H. speciosa serum fraction latex using in vitro assays. The obtained results showed that the H. speciosa serum fraction latex has a slightly irritant potential and is not cytotoxic neither allergenic for human cells. Moreover, we identified a remarkable low amount of proteins in this material in comparison to Hevea brasiliensis latex. This result could explain the non-allergenic potential of H. speciosa serum fraction latex because proteins present in latex are the main responsible for allergy. This biomaterial could be used as a non-allergenic source for development of new medicines.

Resumo Produtos derivados de plantas podem auxiliar no processo de cicatrização de feridas cutâneas. Foi demonstrado que o látex de Hancornia speciosa apresenta atividades angiogênicas, osteogênicas, antiinflamatórias e antioxidantes. Então, este biomaterial pode contribuir para o processo de cicatrização de feridas. No entanto, produtos naturais em contato com a pele podem causar dermatites. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial alérgico e irritante do látex da fração soro de H. speciosa por meio de ensaios in vitro. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o látex da fração do soro de H. speciosa possui um potencial pouco irritante e não é citotóxico nem alergênico para células humanas. Além disso, foi identificado uma notável baixa quantidade de proteínas neste material em comparação ao látex de Hevea brasiliensis. Esse resultado poderia explicar o potencial não alergênico do látex da fração soro de H. speciosa, pois as proteínas presentes no látex são as principais responsáveis pela alergia. Este biomaterial pode ser utilizado como fonte não alergênica para desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 56: e12569, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420756


The purinergic system participates in the control of blood pressure. Hypertension promotes the occurrence of gastrointestinal disorders such as intestinal inflammation and gastric emptying delay. This study aimed i) to investigate the participation of the P2X7 receptor blocker Brilliant Blue G (BBG) on gastric emptying of solids and changes in oxidative stress in the gastric fundus, duodenum, and colon of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and ii) to study the putative relationship of this effect with the renin-angiotensin system. Rats were divided into five groups: Control, SHR, SHR+BBG, SHR+BBG+ATP, and SHR+BBG+ANG II. In the gastrointestinal tract, we assessed gastric emptying (GE) and oxidative stress markers (NOx, MPO, GSH, SOD). We observed a decrease in the GE rate (P<0.05) in SHR vs control rats (21.8±2.0% vs 42.8±3.5%). The decrease in GE was returned (P<0.05) to control levels by BBG in SHR rats (21.8±2.0% vs 41.6±3.2%). Co-administration of ATP or ANG II together with BBG bypassed the effect of the P2X7 antagonist on GE in SHR (P<0.05) (21.9±5.0% vs 25.6±3.0% vs 41.6±3.2%). The MPO activity increased (P<0.05) in the gastric fundus of SHR compared to control rats (6.12±2.26 vs 0.077±0.02 UMPO/mg tissue); this effect was prevented (P<0.05) by BBG (0.55±0.15 vs 6.12±2.26 UMPO/mg tissue). Data demonstrated that blockage of P2X7 receptors with BBG can improve the GE delay and oxidative stress biomarkers in SHR animals. This preventive effect of BBG on GE delay was abrogated by ANG II and ATP, thus prompting crosstalk between renin-angiotensin and the purinergic signaling systems underlying this phenomenon.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e251075, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339401


Abstract Plant-derived products can assist in the healing process of dermal wounds. It has been demonstrated that Hancornia speciosa latex present angiogenic, osteogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities. Then, it could contribute to the wound healing process. However, natural products in contact with skin may cause dermatitis. The objective of this work was to evaluate the allergic and irritant potential of H. speciosa serum fraction latex using in vitro assays. The obtained results showed that the H. speciosa serum fraction latex has a slightly irritant potential and is not cytotoxic neither allergenic for human cells. Moreover, we identified a remarkable low amount of proteins in this material in comparison to Hevea brasiliensis latex. This result could explain the non-allergenic potential of H. speciosa serum fraction latex because proteins present in latex are the main responsible for allergy. This biomaterial could be used as a non-allergenic source for development of new medicines.

Resumo Produtos derivados de plantas podem auxiliar no processo de cicatrização de feridas cutâneas. Foi demonstrado que o látex de Hancornia speciosa apresenta atividades angiogênicas, osteogênicas, antiinflamatórias e antioxidantes. Então, este biomaterial pode contribuir para o processo de cicatrização de feridas. No entanto, produtos naturais em contato com a pele podem causar dermatites. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial alérgico e irritante do látex da fração soro de H. speciosa por meio de ensaios in vitro. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o látex da fração do soro de H. speciosa possui um potencial pouco irritante e não é citotóxico nem alergênico para células humanas. Além disso, foi identificado uma notável baixa quantidade de proteínas neste material em comparação ao látex de Hevea brasiliensis. Esse resultado poderia explicar o potencial não alergênico do látex da fração soro de H. speciosa, pois as proteínas presentes no látex são as principais responsáveis ​​pela alergia. Este biomaterial pode ser utilizado como fonte não alergênica para desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos.

Humans , Apocynaceae , Hevea , Wound Healing , Biocompatible Materials , Allergens , Latex
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220623


There are many kinds of orthodontic movements that make the clinical schedule a genuine test. With the appearance of the skeletal anchorage, it became more straightforward to take care of numerous issues, like anchorage, tipping, interruption among others. The reason for this article was to survey outright anchorage, including signs, implantation site, and any kind of orthodontic element

Med. infant ; 29(2): 139-145, Junio 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1382244


El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) es una condición que afecta el neurodesarrollo caracterizada por presentar alteraciones en la comunicación, conducta y en las interacciones sociales, y que afecta el funcionamiento del individuo a lo largo de su vida. Los tratamientos recomendados por la evidencia científica incluyen un enfoque interdisciplinario que combina intervenciones educativas, terapias psicológicas/conductuales, terapia del habla y el lenguaje, terapia ocupacional/física y tratamientos médicos. Para muchas familias, barreras económicas y geográficas limitan el acceso a los tratamientos específicos. Este y otros motivos llevan a incorporar tratamientos alternativos y/o complementarios. El Centro Nacional de Medicina Complementaria y Alternativa (NIH-EEUU) define los Tratamientos Alternativos Complementarios (TAC) como "un grupo de diversos sistemas médicos y de cuidados de la salud; prácticas y productos que generalmente no son considerados parte de la medicina convencional". La prevalencia del uso de TAC en personas con TEA está entre las más altas respecto a otras patologías y a otros trastornos del desarrollo, con porcentajes entre 52% y 95%. Su uso debe ser preguntado en las consultas de seguimiento, y debe discutirse sobre riesgos, beneficios y costos. La cantidad y el tipo de intervención que reciben niños, niñas, adolescentes (NNyA) y adultos con TEA varían enormemente en todo el mundo e incluso dentro de un mismo país y región. El pronóstico del TEA es mejorado cuando el diagnóstico es oportuno y temprano y el abordaje educativo terapéutico es iniciado y orientado a aspectos funcionales y centrados en la familia. (AU)

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by alterations in communication, behavior, and social interactions that affect the individual's functioning throughout life. Evidence-based treatments include an interdisciplinary approach that combines educational interventions, psychological/behavioral therapies, speech and language therapy, occupational/physical therapy, and medical treatments. For many families, economic and geographic barriers limit access to specific treatments. This and other reasons have led to the incorporation of alternative and/or complementary treatments. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH - USA) defines complementary alternative medicine (CAM) as "a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine". The prevalence of the use of CAM in people with ASD is among the highest compared to other diseases and developmental disorders, with percentages ranging from 52% to 95%. Their use should be considered in follow-up visits, and risks, benefits, and costs should be discussed. The amount and type of intervention received by children, adolescents, and adults with ASD varies greatly around the world and even within the same country and region. The prognosis of ASD is improved with timely diagnosis and early, family-centered and functionally oriented educational and therapeutic approaches

Humans , Complementary Therapies/adverse effects , Complementary Therapies/methods , Complementary Therapies/statistics & numerical data , Evidence-Based Medicine , Autism Spectrum Disorder/therapy
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225726


Head trauma can result trivial to life threatening manifestations to a person. Subdural hemotomais characterised by accumulation of blood in subdural space, in most cases it is a serious condition and requires prompt diagnosis and treatment for the same to provide good outcome. Large collection, mid line shift, brain herniation associated with subdural hematoma is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. However, if the collection is minimal or is places like tentorium cerebelli may not have the typical presentation and if it抯 picked up using the subtle signs the devastating sequelae can be prevented. We report a 19 years old male with head trauma presenting with features of right-side isolated oculomotor nerve palsy who eventually found to have tentorial subdural hemotoma in imaging which has been intervened and complications were avoided.

Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-14, 2022. map, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468565


The present study reports on seasonal and spatial variations in diversity, distribution and abundance of dinoflegellates and indicates the presence of HAB species in Pakistan waters. A total of 179 taxa, recorded in this study from offshore and near-shore waters, belong to 41 genera in 26 families and 10 orders. The high species count (149 species) was recorded from Manora Island offshore station (MI-1) and 105 spp, 109 spp and 115 spp were encountered from the Mubarak village offshore station (MV-1), Manora near shore station (MI-2) and Mubarak Village near-shore station (MV-2) respectively. Tripos furca was the dominant and frequently occurring species (> 1 x10³ to > 25 x10³ cells L-¹ from coastal and >1x 105 cells L-¹ from near-shore stations) in addition to less abundant Alexandrium catenella, Alexandrium sp., Alexandrium minutum, and Prorocentrum micans (>103 to 25x 10³cells/L). Another 44 species occurred in relatively low numbers (<10³ cell L-¹). Seventy species were found throughout the study period at all four stations. High number of species in three genera (Tripos (38), Protoperidinium (34) and Prorocentrum (20) was recorded. Potently toxic (16 genera 43 species) and HAB related (19 genera and 30 species) dinoflagellate taxa were also recorded. The percent contribution of dinoflagellates in total phytoplankton population generally remained below 20% except for a few instances. Manora Island stations had comparatively higher Shannon index and equitability and slightly lower dominance index. The PCA plot showed strong positive correlation among chlorophyll-a concentration, dissolved oxygen, total number of phytoplankton and dinoflagellates.

O presente estudo relata variações sazonais e espaciais na diversidade, na distribuição e na abundância de dinoflegelados e indica a presença de espécies de HAB nas águas do Paquistão. Um total de 179 táxons, registrados nesse estudo de águas offshore e próximas à costa, pertence a 41 gêneros em 26 famílias e 10 ordens. A alta contagem de espécies (149 espécies) foi registrada na estação offshore da Ilha de Manora (MI-1) e 105 spp., 109 spp. e 115 spp. foram encontrados na estação offshore da vila de Mubarak (MV-1), Manora perto da estação costeira (MI- 2) e estação próxima à costa da Vila de Mubarak (MV-2), respectivamente. Tripos furca foi a espécie dominante e de ocorrência frequente (> 1 x103 a > 25 x103 células L-1 da costa e > 1x 105 células Ll de estações próximas à costa), além de Alexandrium catenella menos abundante, Alexandrium sp., Alexandrium minutum e Prorocentrum micans (> 103 a 25x 103 células/L). Outras 44 espécies ocorreram em números relativamente baixos (< 103 células L-1). Setenta espécies foram encontradas durante o período de estudo em todas as quatro estações. Foi registrado um alto número de espécies em três gêneros (Tripos (38), Protoperidinium (34) e Prorocentrum (20). Potencialmente tóxicos (16 gêneros e 43 espécies) e HAB relacionados (19 gêneros e 30 espécies), táxons de dinoflagelados também foram registrados. A contribuição percentual de dinoflagelados na população fitoplanctônica total geralmente permaneceu abaixo de 20%, exceto em alguns casos. As estações da Ilha de Manora tinham índice de Shannon comparativamente mais alto e equitabilidade e índice de dominância ligeiramente mais baixos. O gráfico de PCA mostrou forte correlação positiva entre concentração de clorofila-a e oxigênio dissolvido, número total de fitoplânctons e dinoflagelados.

Dinoflagellida/classification , Seasons , Phytoplankton/classification , Harmful Algal Bloom
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468752


Abstract The present study reports on seasonal and spatial variations in diversity, distribution and abundance of dinoflegellates and indicates the presence of HAB species in Pakistan waters. A total of 179 taxa, recorded in this study from offshore and near-shore waters, belong to 41 genera in 26 families and 10 orders. The high species count (149 species) was recorded from Manora Island offshore station (MI-1) and 105 spp, 109 spp and 115 spp were encountered from the Mubarak village offshore station (MV-1), Manora near shore station (MI-2) and Mubarak Village near-shore station (MV-2) respectively. Tripos furca was the dominant and frequently occurring species (> 1 x103 to > 25 x103 cells L-1 from coastal and >1x 105 cells L-l from near-shore stations) in addition to less abundant Alexandrium catenella, Alexandrium sp., Alexandrium minutum, and Prorocentrum micans (>103 to 25x 103cells/L). Another 44 species occurred in relatively low numbers ( 103 cell L-l). Seventy species were found throughout the study period at all four stations. High number of species in three genera (Tripos (38), Protoperidinium (34) and Prorocentrum (20) was recorded. Potently toxic (16 genera 43 species) and HAB related (19 genera and 30 species) dinoflagellate taxa were also recorded. The percent contribution of dinoflagellates in total phytoplankton population generally remained below 20% except for a few instances. Manora Island stations had comparatively higher Shannon index and equitability and slightly lower dominance index. The PCA plot showed strong positive correlation among chlorophyll-a concentration, dissolved oxygen, total number of phytoplankton and dinoflagellates.

Resumo O presente estudo relata variações sazonais e espaciais na diversidade, na distribuição e na abundância de dinoflegelados e indica a presença de espécies de HAB nas águas do Paquistão. Um total de 179 táxons, registrados nesse estudo de águas offshore e próximas à costa, pertence a 41 gêneros em 26 famílias e 10 ordens. A alta contagem de espécies (149 espécies) foi registrada na estação offshore da Ilha de Manora (MI-1) e 105 spp., 109 spp. e 115 spp. foram encontrados na estação offshore da vila de Mubarak (MV-1), Manora perto da estação costeira (MI- 2) e estação próxima à costa da Vila de Mubarak (MV-2), respectivamente. Tripos furca foi a espécie dominante e de ocorrência frequente (> 1 x103 a > 25 x103 células L-1 da costa e > 1x 105 células Ll de estações próximas à costa), além de Alexandrium catenella menos abundante, Alexandrium sp., Alexandrium minutum e Prorocentrum micans (> 103 a 25x 103 células/L). Outras 44 espécies ocorreram em números relativamente baixos ( 103 células L-1). Setenta espécies foram encontradas durante o período de estudo em todas as quatro estações. Foi registrado um alto número de espécies em três gêneros (Tripos (38), Protoperidinium (34) e Prorocentrum (20). Potencialmente tóxicos (16 gêneros e 43 espécies) e HAB relacionados (19 gêneros e 30 espécies), táxons de dinoflagelados também foram registrados. A contribuição percentual de dinoflagelados na população fitoplanctônica total geralmente permaneceu abaixo de 20%, exceto em alguns casos. As estações da Ilha de Manora tinham índice de Shannon comparativamente mais alto e equitabilidade e índice de dominância ligeiramente mais baixos. O gráfico de PCA mostrou forte correlação positiva entre concentração de clorofila-a e oxigênio dissolvido, número total de fitoplânctons e dinoflagelados.

Braz. j. biol ; 82: e245124, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278473


The present study reports on seasonal and spatial variations in diversity, distribution and abundance of dinoflegellates and indicates the presence of HAB species in Pakistan waters. A total of 179 taxa, recorded in this study from offshore and near-shore waters, belong to 41 genera in 26 families and 10 orders. The high species count (149 species) was recorded from Manora Island offshore station (MI-1) and 105 spp, 109 spp and 115 spp were encountered from the Mubarak village offshore station (MV-1), Manora near shore station (MI-2) and Mubarak Village near-shore station (MV-2) respectively. Tripos furca was the dominant and frequently occurring species (> 1 x103 to > 25 x103 cells L-1 from coastal and >1x 105 cells L-l from near-shore stations) in addition to less abundant Alexandrium catenella, Alexandrium sp., Alexandrium minutum, and Prorocentrum micans (>103 to 25x 103cells/L). Another 44 species occurred in relatively low numbers (<103 cell L-l). Seventy species were found throughout the study period at all four stations. High number of species in three genera (Tripos (38), Protoperidinium (34) and Prorocentrum (20) was recorded. Potently toxic (16 genera 43 species) and HAB related (19 genera and 30 species) dinoflagellate taxa were also recorded. The percent contribution of dinoflagellates in total phytoplankton population generally remained below 20% except for a few instances. Manora Island stations had comparatively higher Shannon index and equitability and slightly lower dominance index. The PCA plot showed strong positive correlation among chlorophyll-a concentration, dissolved oxygen, total number of phytoplankton and dinoflagellates.

O presente estudo relata variações sazonais e espaciais na diversidade, na distribuição e na abundância de dinoflegelados e indica a presença de espécies de HAB nas águas do Paquistão. Um total de 179 táxons, registrados nesse estudo de águas offshore e próximas à costa, pertence a 41 gêneros em 26 famílias e 10 ordens. A alta contagem de espécies (149 espécies) foi registrada na estação offshore da Ilha de Manora (MI-1) e 105 spp., 109 spp. e 115 spp. foram encontrados na estação offshore da vila de Mubarak (MV-1), Manora perto da estação costeira (MI- 2) e estação próxima à costa da Vila de Mubarak (MV-2), respectivamente. Tripos furca foi a espécie dominante e de ocorrência frequente (> 1 x103 a > 25 x103 células L-1 da costa e > 1x 105 células Ll de estações próximas à costa), além de Alexandrium catenella menos abundante, Alexandrium sp., Alexandrium minutum e Prorocentrum micans (> 103 a 25x 103 células/L). Outras 44 espécies ocorreram em números relativamente baixos (< 103 células L-1). Setenta espécies foram encontradas durante o período de estudo em todas as quatro estações. Foi registrado um alto número de espécies em três gêneros (Tripos (38), Protoperidinium (34) e Prorocentrum (20). Potencialmente tóxicos (16 gêneros e 43 espécies) e HAB relacionados (19 gêneros e 30 espécies), táxons de dinoflagelados também foram registrados. A contribuição percentual de dinoflagelados na população fitoplanctônica total geralmente permaneceu abaixo de 20%, exceto em alguns casos. As estações da Ilha de Manora tinham índice de Shannon comparativamente mais alto e equitabilidade e índice de dominância ligeiramente mais baixos. O gráfico de PCA mostrou forte correlação positiva entre concentração de clorofila-a e oxigênio dissolvido, número total de fitoplânctons e dinoflagelados.

Dinoflagellida , Pakistan , Phytoplankton , Chlorophyll A
J. bras. nefrol ; 43(2): 236-253, Apr.-June 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286935


Abstract This nutrition consensus document is the first to coordinate the efforts of three professional organizations - the Brazilian Association of Nutrition (Asbran), the Brazilian Society of Nephrology (SBN), and the Brazilian Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (Braspen/SBNPE) - to select terminology and international standardized tools used in nutrition care. Its purpose is to improve the training delivered to nutritionists working with adult patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Eleven questions were developed concerning patient screening, care, and nutrition outcome management. The recommendations set out in this document were developed based on international guidelines and papers published in electronic databases such as PubMed, EMBASE(tm), CINHAL, Web of Science, and Cochrane. From a list of internationally standardized terms, twenty nutritionists selected the ones they deemed relevant in clinical practice involving outpatients with CKD. The content validity index (CVI) was calculated with 80% agreement in the answers. The Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) framework was used to assess the strength of evidence and recommendations. A total of 107 terms related to Nutrition Assessment and Reassessment, 28 to Diagnosis, nine to Intervention, and 94 to Monitoring and Evaluation were selected. The list of selected terms and identified tools will be used in the development of training programs and the implementation of standardized nutrition terminology for nutritionists working with patients with chronic kidney disease in Brazil.

Resumo Este consenso representa a primeira colaboração entre três organizações profissionais com foco em nutrição: Associação Brasileira de Nutrição (Asbran), Sociedade Brasileira de Nefrologia (SBN) e Sociedade Brasileira de Nutrição Parenteral e Enteral (Braspen/SBNPE), com o objetivo de identificar a terminologia e instrumentos padronizados internacionalmente para o processo de cuidado em nutrição. O foco é facilitar a condução de treinamentos de nutricionistas que trabalham com pacientes adultos com doenças renais crônicas (DRC). Foram levantadas onze questões relacionadas à triagem, ao processo de cuidado e à gestão de resultados em nutrição. As recomendações foram baseadas em diretrizes internacionais e em bancos de dados eletrônicos, como PubMed, EMBASE(tm), CINHAL, Web of Science e Cochrane. A partir do envio de listas de termos padronizados internacionalmente, vinte nutricionistas especialistas selecionaram aqueles que consideraram muito claros e relevantes para a prática clínica com pacientes ambulatoriais com DRC. Foi calculado o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC), com 80% de concordância nas respostas. O Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) foi usado para atribuir força de evidência às recomendações. Foram selecionados 107 termos de Avaliação e Reavaliação, 28 de Diagnóstico, 9 de Intervenção e 94 de Monitoramento e Aferição em Nutrição. A lista de termos selecionados e identificação de instrumentos auxiliará no planejamento de treinamentos e na implementação de terminologia padronizada em nutrição no Brasil, para nutricionistas que trabalham com pacientes renais crônicos.

Humans , Adult , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Nephrology , Nutrition Assessment , Nutritional Status , Consensus
Med. infant ; 28(1): 3-9, Marzo 2021. ilus, Tab
Article in Spanish | BINACIS, UNISALUD, LILACS | ID: biblio-1282207


Introducción: Existen pocos estudios sobre la evolución del retraso global del desarrollo (RGD), por lo que se cuestiona su valor pronóstico. Objetivo: Describir la evolución cognitiva en la edad escolar de niños con diagnóstico inicial de RGD. Pacientes y Métodos: Estudio observacional, transversal, con análisis prospectivo y retrospectivo. Fueron incluidos niños de seis a once años de edad, con diagnóstico previo de RGD. La variable punto final fue la presencia o no del déficit cognitivo (menor a dos desvíos estándares en las pruebas cognitivas), se realizó análisis con el paquete estadístico R. Resultados: Se estudiaron 150 pacientes con diagnóstico inicial de RGD, 86 con compromiso leve y 64 moderado-severo. El déficit cognitivo persistió en 75 pacientes (50%), 34.8% en el grupo leve y 70.3% en el moderado-severo Del resto, un 13% tuvo rendimiento promedio, un 20%, limítrofe y el 17% perfil discrepante. El análisis univariado identificó cuatro factores de riesgo asociados a persistencia del compromiso cognitivo: el grado de compromiso inicial moderado/severo (OR 4,59, 2,24-9,78), el tiempo de tratamiento menor a tres años (OR 2,30 1,02-5,34), las necesidades básicas insatisfechas (OR 1,62 0,76-3,47) y la presencia de síndrome genético (OR 2,99 1,09-8,99). El modelo de regresión logística con mayor poder explicativo incluyó estas cuatro variables (p 0.9998). Conclusiones: La trayectoria cognitiva mostró un 50 % de persistencia del déficit cognitivo. El grado de compromiso inicial, la duración del tratamiento, las necesidades básicas insatisfechas y la presencia de un síndrome genético asociado mostraron asociación con la persistencia del mismo (AU)

Introduction: Studies on the outcome of global developmental delay (GDD) are scarce, and therefore, their prognostic value is questionable. Objective: To describe the cognitive outcome at school age of children initially diagnosed with GDD. Patients and Methods: Cross-sectional, observational study with a prospective and retrospective analysis. Children between six and 11 years of age with a previous diagnosis of GDD were included. The endpoint variable was the presence or not of a cognitive deficit (two standard deviations below the mean on cognitive tests). Analyses were performed using the R Statistical Software. Results: 150 patients with an initial diagnosis of GDD were studied, 86 with mild and 64 with moderate-to-severe involvement. The cognitive deficit persisted in 75 patients (50%); 34.8% of whom were in the mild and 70.3% in the moderate-to-severe group. Of the remaining patients, performance was average in 13%, borderline in 20%, and the profile was discrepant in 17%. Univariate analysis identified four risk factors associated with persistence of the cognitive deficit: initial moderate-to-severe degree of the deficit (OR 4.59, 2.24-9.78), treatment duration less than three years (OR 2.30, 1.02-5.34), unsatisfied basic needs (OR 1.62, 0.76- 3.47), and presence of a genetic syndrome (OR 2.99, 1.09-8.99). The logistic regression model with the strongest explanatory power included these four variables (p 0.9998). Conclusions: In 50% the cognitive course showed a persistent cognitive deficit. The degree of initial compromise, treatment duration, unsatisfied basic needs, and presence of a genetic syndrome were associated with persistence of the deficit. (AU)

Humans , Child , Child Development , Child Development Disorders, Pervasive/complications , Child Development Disorders, Pervasive/diagnosis , Risk Factors , Intellectual Disability/diagnosis , Prospective Studies , Retrospective Studies