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Interdisciplinaria ; 38(1): 69-84, ene. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149381


Resumen El artículo analiza la memoria relacionada con el tiempo y la historia desde la narrativa contemporánea. Se parte de obras literarias de autores clave para el argumento, se expone que las ideas de la memoria y el tiempo, articuladas con lo histórico, juegan un papel transcendental para la formación de la vida humana como proyecto. El análisis enlaza los conceptos mencionados y forma una unidad experiencial, que amalgama y da sentido a la materialidad de la vida a través de los personajes literarios y de su generalización como experiencia social e individual humana. Desde la narrativa se presentan estos conceptos como unidad, y son considerados por filósofos, narradores e historiadores. Se argumenta la relación entre tiempos vividos, los que se viven y los que quedan por vivir, y se argumenta finalmente que la memoria es una dimensión individual humana, pero que, en su relación con el tiempo, es vivida como un contínuum: es una unidad temporal entre pasado, presente y futuro.

Abstract The article presents an analysis of memory in its relation to time and history, from the perspective of contemporary narrative. Taking as a starting point literary works of key authors for the work, such as Cortázar, Borges, Fournier, among others, from the concept of memory it is stated that, from the creation of literature, this idea along with that of time, both are articulated to the idea of the historical fact as past, but taking the latter as a future that flows into the concrete present that is projected into the future as an existential unit, not only of literary characters, but of the memory lived as a present experience. That is why this concept and its praxis play a transcendental role for the formation of human life, this time seen as a project, through literary creation, since it starts from the Bergsonian idea that, if the literary work wishes to be authentic, the author must expose himself as a unit in his feeling as a human being and in the creation itself. According to the analysis made to the authors brought to the study, the researchers manage to link the concepts memory, time and history; these ones, in their experiential amalgamation as an experience, give meaning to the materiality of life not only of the characters involved in the argument, but to their generalization as part of the human social experience. The narrative presents these concepts, according to the researchers, as part of the unit that is the human, an issue that is present in the arguments of philosophers, narrators and historians that were used as pertinent for the study, such as Borges, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Bergson, among others. Through a hermeneutical analysis of the fundamental work for the article, it is understood with Heidegger, for example, that, if one wants to live life, if the "being" wants to "be-together-with" (Mitsein from Dasein), one should stop looking at the past as history, and feel it as part of a flow of experiences that are born, in the past, but that are accentuated in the present, and are projected into the future as becoming without end. It is a continuous time in memory as a way of being of Dasein. Likewise, it is argued with Nietzsche that memory as history is useless for life, because if one wants to feel this, it is unnecessary to look at the past unless one wishes to disassemble oneself from the real human experience; that is, we are facing a continuity of the experience. It is thus possible to see the relationship between the times lived, those that are lived and those to be lived, finally considering that memory is certainly a human dimension, but that, in its relationship with time, it is lived as a continuum; that is, as a temporary unit formed by past, present and future. However, at the end of the argument, the past counts as the livelihood of the present life but also as a projection of future life (Peña, 2019), so it is concluded that the works analysed allow us to establish the course of temporality present inseparably from life itself. Without past there is no present, just as without it, there is no future. This allows researchers to rethink the issue of temporality in everyday life because individual life is combined with social life thus constituting a constant flow of living. Finally, the article establishes that memory is a fundamental dimension of formation in life, since, being Bergson at the right side, every work is part of the author's own temporality that creates it, and therefore, memory, as part from this temporality, permeates human life from the sense of its existence.

Rev. lasallista investig ; 17(2): 256-265, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361026


Resumen Introducción: debido al fenómeno de globalización actual, cada vez es más necesario aportar una visión inclusiva e intercultural al ámbito educativo. No responder adecuadamente a esta demanda puede provocar situaciones de exclusión, segregación y discriminación del alumnado. El gobierno colombiano ha planteado diferentes acciones para fortalecer este enfoque y evitar dichas problemáticas. No obstante, estas acciones deben ser analizadas en profundidad para evidenciar la promoción de la educación inclusiva e intercultural en las instituciones educativas. Objetivo: el propósito de la investigación es determinar el nivel de conocimiento y ejecución de las prácticas inclusivas e interculturales en el Colegio Llano de Palmas (Colombia). Materiales y métodos: el diseño de investigación se acomete mediante un estudio de caso. La metodología utilizada es cuantitativa descriptiva (Hernández, Fernández & Baptista, 2010), implementando el cuestionario sobre el reconocimiento y aplicabilidad de la competencia inclusiva e intercultural. Resultados: el análisis de datos revela que la educación inclusiva e intercultural apenas se fomenta de forma regular en el centro educativo (10 %), siendo mayoritaria su promoción inadecuada (90 %) mediante una implementación esporádica (49 %), no aplicándose en absoluto (36 %) o desconociendo por completo su estado de desarrollo (5 %). Conclusiones: los resultados obtenidos indican que el conocimiento y la ejecución de prácticas inclusivas e interculturales en el Colegio Llano de Palmas es notablemente mejorable. Esta situación demanda el diseño y aplicación de estrategias específicas de promoción más efectivas, así como el análisis de distintos entornos educativos para determinar la situación actual del país en este sentido.

Abstract Introduction. Due to the current phenomenon of globalization, it is increasingly necessary to provide an inclusive and intercultural vision to the education. Not responding adequately to this demand can lead to situations of exclusion, segregation, and discrimination for students. The Colombian government has proposed several actions to strengthen this approach and avoid those problems. However, these actions must be analyzed in depth to demonstrate the promotion of inclusive and intercultural education in institutions. Objective: the purpose of this research is to determine the level of knowledge and execution of inclusive and intercultural practices at Llano de Palmas School (Colombia). Materials and methods: this research applies a case study design. The methodology used is descriptive quantitative (Hernández et al., 2010), implementing the questionnaire on the recognition and applicability of inclusive and intercultural competency. Results: the data analysis reveals that inclusive and intercultural education is hardly encouraged on a regular basis in the school (10 %), with a widely inadequate promotion (90 %) through sporadic implementations (49 %), not being applied at all (36 %), or being completely unaware of their development status (5 %). Conclusions: the results obtained indicate that the knowledge and execution of inclusive and intercultural practices at Llano de Palmas School is remarkably low. This situation demands the design and application of specific strategies for more effective promotion, as well as the analysis of different educational contexts to determine the current situation of the country in this regard.

Resumo Introdução: devido ao atual fenômeno da globalização, é cada vez mais necessário fornecer uma visão inclusiva e intercultural ao campo educacional. Não responder adequadamente a essa demanda pode levar a situações de exclusão, segregação e discriminação de estudantes. O governo colombiano propôs diferentes ações para fortalecer essa abordagem e evitar esses problemas. No entanto, essas ações devem ser analisadas em profundidade para demonstrar a promoção da educação inclusiva e intercultural nas instituições de ensino. Objetivo: o objetivo da pesquisa é determinar o nível de conhecimento e execução de práticas inclusivas e interculturais na Escola Llano de Palmas (Colombia). Materiais e métodos: o desenho da pesquisa é realizado através de um estudo de caso. A metodologia utilizada é quantitativa descritiva (Hernández et al., 2010), implementando o questionário sobre o reconhecimento e aplicabilidade da competência inclusiva e intercultural. Resultados: a análise dos dados revela que a educação inclusiva e intercultural dificilmente é incentivada regularmente no centro educacional (10 %), sendo sua promoção inadequada a maioria (90 %) através de implementação esporádica (49 %), não sendo aplicada de forma alguma (36 %) ou desconhecem completamente o seu estado de desenvolvimento (5 %). Conclusões: os resultados obtidos indicam que o conhecimento e na execução de práticas inclusivas e interculturais na Escola Llano de Palmas são notavelmente melhorados. Essa situação exige o desenho e aplicação de estratégias específicas para promoção mais efetiva, bem como a análise de diferentes ambientes educacionais para determinar a situação atual do país nesse quesito.