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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219885


Background:Urticaria or hives, that occur everywhere on the body. It start with small eruption to large wheals, with acute almost always being an allergic reaction. It is due to unknown reason and always bothers to patients in his/her routine life. Objectives:To study efficacy of Homoeopathic medicine in case of Urticaria.Material And Methods:Study of Urticaria cases with efficacy of Homoeopathic medicines through case study after defining, analyzing then further testing data for accuracy. Selection of medicine was depending on concept of individualization. Selection of potency and repetition was based on Homoeopathic posology which describe in Organon of Medicine.Result:In study mostly adults are more affected and acute cases are more presented. Mostly medium to high potency was used. Conclusion:Our study has concluded that Homoeopathic medicine has shown the efficacy in treatment of Urticaria. Cases were under the supervision of Homoeopathic physician (Dr. Manisha Boricha).

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217353


Background: Birth preparedness is an important strategy to reduce MMR. It includes knowledge of key danger signs; identification of: birth place; birth attendant, fund, transport and compatible blood donor for emergency use beforehand. Objective: This study aims to explore birth preparedness in Surat and determine factors associated with it. Methods: Study conducted facility based cross-sectional study among 310 antenatal women at Urban Health Training Centre attached to Government Medical College, Surat, Gujarat. Predesigned, semi- structured, pretested questionnaire was used for data collection after acquiring informed written con-sent. Result: A total of 310 women participated in the study. Mean age of participants was 22.9 + 3.6 years. Almost one-third (30.3%) of participants were illiterate. Almost six-tenth (61.9%) of participants were involved in unskilled or semi-skilled work and two-fifth (38.1%) of participants were homemakers. Ma-jority of participants (96.7%) were registered in first trimester. Most known factor during pregnancy as danger sign was bleeding (81.9%). BPACR index was calculated as ∑Indicator/7 which was observed to be 62.3%. There was statistically significant association between awareness about health problems dur-ing pregnancy and type of family. Conclusion: Raising awareness regarding components of BPACR among antenatal women will help to reduce morbidity and mortality in antenatal women and achieve sustainable development goal

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217307


Background: Vaccine hesitancy has been recognized as a public health issue which needs to be ad-dressed urgently. With reopening of school unvaccinated children might become major carriers of COVID-19. An assessment of the determinants of vaccine hesitancy will aid in the acceleration of vaccine administration among children. Objective: This study aims to explore parental COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Surat and determine fac-tors associated with it. Methodology: This is a cross sectional study in Surat among 250 participants selected from Rural and Urban field practice area by Systematic Random Sampling. Data collection was done by data collectors in an interview during the month of January and February, 2022. Univariate analysis was done, followed by Chi square test to establish associations. Predictors were determined by Binomial Logistic Regression. Results: Mean age of population was 31.3 + 10.7 years. Vaccine Hesitancy was recorded in 154 (61.6%) participants. Urban address (p=0.013), Full Vaccination status of parents (<0.001) and Perceived Bene-fits of vaccine to the child (p=0.001) were significant predictors of Vaccine Hesitancy. Conclusion: High proportion of Vaccine hesitancy was found in this study. Interventions can be planned on the basis of factors affecting Vaccine Hesitancy.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219877


Background:Anaemia is prevalent in society as leading disorder is for dissertationwhich starts usually since birth and it is seen at any age during life time irrespective of sex, area, community or life style. It seems to be difficult to treat or prevent the occurrences by the government because it is multi facet illness, in the sense that there are several types of anaemia and with different causative factors, the line of treatment varies with each and every group of patient with same causative factor or similar symptoms totality. Aim:To evaluate the efficacy of Homoeopathic medicines and Homoeopathic Approach in Increasing Haemoglobin Level in Pregnant Anaemic Women. Material And Methods:Number of cases:60, Duration of study: 24 months. Result:Laboratory Findings: Haemoglobin levels before and after the treatment, Case record form is especially modified to take the historyof Anaemia, Inclusion criteria: Only pregnant anaemic women of child bearing age are included in the study.Conclusion:As per the totality of case the most similar remedy were chosen to satisfy Susceptibility. And the Indicated Constitutional Dynamic Medicine was administered to establish a state of Health and in few cases, Biochemic Medicines were also been prescribed, depending on the deficiency of concerned salts.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219808


Background:The study aims to prove the efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicines in Dysmenorrhoea was conducted for 1½ year in the age of 14-45 years. Dysmenorrhoea is commonest complaint in females affecting half of females in the age of 11-45 years. It is one of the leading causes of periodic absentee in colleges and school. It incapacitates women in her day to day life1. It is defined as painful menstruation of uterine origin and is divided in two categories Primary and secondary. Primary begins typically during adolescences and there is no pelvic cause while secondary is uncommon during adolescences and results from pelvic origin. This article focuses on classification, pathology, clinical type and efficacy of homoeopathic medicines. The aim is to give a pain free menstruation to female thus improving quality of life in women. Material And Methods:A total of 20 patient were selected who complained of moderate to severe dysmenorrhoea for 1½ year with holistic approach according to model case proforma. Result:The study shows that in majority of cases there was no major cause for dysmenorrhoea 90% of cases responded well with Homoeopathic medicines where majority cases required PULSATILLA as a constitutional medicine, Mag Phosphoricum as an acute and Tuberculinum as intercurrent remedy. Among these,constitutional medicine acts more effectively.Conclusion:Thus it can be concluded that Homoeopathic medicines prove effective along with change in lifestyle, food habits and distress. Acute exacerbation can be controlled with acute medicines and anti miasmatic are required in stands still conditions. Potency can be 30 or 200 depending on susceptibility.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219795


Background:In today’s era cases of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection are increasing all over the world. The present study shows the efficacy of BBCR in cases of upper respiratory tract infection Objective: To ascertain the role of BBCR Management of Upper respiratory tract infections. Material And Methods:Purposive Sampling for research purpose will be done. Selection of the medicine will be according to concept of Method of Repertorisation given by Dr. Boger. Selection of the potency and repetition was based on laws of Homeopathic Posology which is described in Organon of medicine. Result:In study mostly adults are more affected and acute cases are more present. Mostly higher potency was used. Conclusion:Our study has concluded theGreat utility of BBCR in finding the indicated medicines for cases of URTI.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219794


Background:In today’s era cases of Anxiety Disorders are increasing all over the world. The present study shows the efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicine in cases of Generalized Anxiety Disorders.Objective: To ascertain the Role of Homoeopathic Medicine in Management of Generalized Anxiety Disorders. Material And Methods:Purposive Sampling for research purpose will be done. Selection of the medicine will be according to concept of Method of Repertorisation. Selection of the potency and repetition was based on laws of Homeopathic Posology which is described in Organon of medicine. Result:In study mostly adults are more affected and acute cases are more present. Mostly higher potency was used. Conclusion:Our study has concluded theGreat utility of Homoeopathic Medicine in finding the indicated medicines for cases of Anxiety Disorder.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219793


Background:As there is controversy and disagreement with respect to treatment of Haemorrhoids adopted by conventional method due to inefficacy, relapse and complications are seen. It is most prevalent ailments and impacts the quality of life significantly. Haemorrhoids are enlarged, swollen veins around the anus externally or in lower rectum1. This study aim to access Role of Sulphur in Cases of Haemorrhoids as a constitutional2,3, medicine follow well2,3, anti miasmatic5,6. The Study showed near about 100% of cases responded to Sulphur4,5, thus proving effective role of Sulphur in Haemorrhoids. The study aim role of Sulphur in Haemorrhoids.Aminimum of 1 year and 15 to 70 yrs of age and six matched controls were included in the study. As there is controversy and disagreement with respect to treatment of Hamorrhoids adopted by conventional method due to inefficacy relapse and complications are seen. It is most prevalent ailments and impacts the quality of life significantly. Haemorrhoids are enlarged, swollen veins around the anus externally or in lower rectum1. Material And Methods:Here patients were subjected on clinical presentation and examination using standard scales measuring severity andanoscopy. The entire process was done using standard case research record with a follow up of minimum 3 months period. Result:Out of 30 patients screened, it was observed that 66.6% of affected patient were in age group of 25-40, 16.7% in 41-54. Males prevalency was present and in that 26.6% were service class, driver 13.3% and mechanics 13.3%. Showing occupation played a significant role. The study should 100% of cases responded to sulphur as a constitutional medicine in 23.3% cases, as a follows well cases in 60%. Conclusion:Hence we conclude that along with Homoeopthic medication used asconstitutional, follow well, Dietary corrections, correction of sedentary habits by exercise etc. Which are the predisposing factorsis alsomandatory.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219780


Background:Brahmi has been used by Ayurvedic medical practitioners in India for almost 3000 years. The earliest chronicled mention is in the Ayurvedic treatise, the Charaka Samhita (100 A.D.), in which Brahmi is recommended in formulations for the management of a range of mental conditions including anxiety, poor cognition and lack of concentration. According to the Charaka, Brahmi acts as an effective braintonic that boostsone's capabilities to think and reason. The Sushruta Samhita 6 (200 A.D.) attributes the plant with efficacy in maintaining acuity of intellect and memory. The Bhavprakasha Nighantu, commonly known as the Indian Materia Medica (1500 A.D.),cites the plant as a brain tonic that is effective in maintaining vigor and intellect. Material And Methods:Method for the study has been selected as placebo controlled “Double Blind Method”.Result:In drug proving out of seventeen provers sixteen manifested the symptoms consequent upon the administration of drug. There is a drop of one prover due to death of near one on the 5thday of phase-I. One prover got the typhoid fever so he was continued on abstinence of medicine because of the symptoms persisted till the completion of phase-II.Conclusion:This drug is initially use d clinically in mother tincture form and not proved completely on the principles laid down in Organon of medicine. I have taken this drug to prove it in 30c & 200c potency. For the study placebo control “Double blind method” is been selected.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219746


Background:One of the best method ofobtaining an idea of the action of any drug is to Study from the Source of the drug, its habitat, how it exists and acts in nature and what does that says for the type of symptoms and type of person that it will help to cure..Objectives:1.To Study the nfeatures of Solanaceae family.2.To determine their utility in clinical Practice. 3.To utilize the above understanding for helping mankind in enjoying a healthy life, free from disease manifestations on mental and physical level. Material & Method:Study of Homoeopathic medicines in Solanaceae in Materia Medica point of view and also through case study after definining, analyzing then further testing data for accuracy.Purposive Sampling for research purpose will be done. Selection of the medicine will be according to concept of individualization. Result:Observed results will be discussed on study of cases in which the efficacy of the Solanacae in various disease conditions shall be present positive and negative points and compare, with the findings in theliterature.Conclusion:Understanding of Solanaceae family from dimensions of Materia Medica, natural habitat helps to understand totality of group and thereby making our knowledge of Materia Medica more complete and precise.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219745


Background:In today’s era viral infections are increasing all over the world. One of the viral infection which demandsstudy is Chikungunya. The present study shows the efficacy of Homoeopathic Medcines in Chikungunya. Objective:To ascertain the role of Homeopathic medicine in Management of Chikungunya. Material & Method: Purposive Sampling for research purpose will be done. Selection of the medicine will be according to concept of individualization. Selection of the potency and repeatation was based on laws of homeopathic Posology which is described in organon of medicine. Result:In study mostly adults are more affected and acute cases are more present. Mostly higher potency was used. Conclusion:Our study has concluded that homeopathic Medicine has shown the efficacy in treatmentof chikungunya. Cases were under the supervision of Homoeopathic Physician (Dr.Vipul Shastri)

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219728


Day in and dayout we come across acute diseases in our practice. It is observed in clinic practice of almost all physicians that majority of the cases are of acute origin and the rest are chronic in nature. Usually acute disease presents to us with distinct characteristic form which suggest acute remedy. In order to treat as early as possible acute cases becomes the prime need of the physician. We have noted that an organism is constantly required to adapt itself to its environmental conditions so that harmony is maintained. This process of adaptation can take lace on account of the susceptibility. To undertake such study we need to examine acute diseases. We need to understand the role of susceptibility and miasm in every case. In developing countries like India, infectious diseases are the commonest cause of mortality. Especially diseases like Typhoid fever, Acute Viral Hepatitis and Pneumonia are very frequent cause of admission and also a frequent enemy to encounter in O.P.D.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219727


In present global worming most common disease in women is anaemia.This condition also seen in during pregnancy also. In my study also find out which miasmas are more prominent during pregnancy may be responsible for iron deficiency anaemia.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219726


On day to day practice most problems in all over the world is joint pain. Especially in female joint pain more common after climacteric period and old age. On these base my study of homeopathic therapeutic effect on joint pain. In my study use homeopathic medicines which are regularly use and easy availability for patient, and benefit to relive the complaint but not completely cure all joint pain. With help of homeopathic medicine improved his/her daily routine work and enjoy his/her life without pain in joint.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186287


Background: Acute pancreatitis occurs in only 3-7% of patients with gallstones. But gallstones were implicated in about 27% cases of acute pancreatitis reported in a decade prior to 1980. The relative risk of developing acute pancreatitis varies from country to country, and within a given country it is influenced by socio-economic, ethnic, and cultural factors. The present study evaluated the incidence of the disease, age-sex distribution, clinical manifestations methods, and management of gallstone pancreatitis. Aim and objectives: To diagnose a case of gallstone pancreatitis by various investigations like blood investigations, USG or by CT scan, age-sex distribution, to observe the varied clinical presentations of biliary pancreatitis with regards to symptoms and signs, to study the management protocol of gallstone pancreatitis. Material and methods: 50 cases of gallstone pancreatitis were studied during the period from May 2012 to July 2014, from all surgical units at our institute. Inclusion criteria: All patients admitted in surgical wards in a given particular unit who have diagnosed as having gallstone pancreatitis. Exclusion criteria: Patients having pancreatitis other than biliary cause. This study included all the age groups and both the sex. Results: In our study, most (34%) of male patients at the age group of 50-70 years, biliary pancreatitis was more predominant. Most (34%) of female patients at the age group of 40-60 years had biliary pancreatitis. In our study, most (92%) of the patient’s serum amylase was 3 fold above normal value,alkaline phosphatase was raised in 88% of patients, 68% of them had increased AST, and 22% of them had had elevated serum bilirubin levels. Normal value of serum amylase ranges from 40 to 140 Naik N, Patel G, Parmar H. Etiology, age and sex distribution, investigations and treatment of gallstone pancreatitis. IAIM, 2016; 3(1): 46-50. Page 47 U/L, Alkaline phosphatase from 45 to 115 U/L and AST from 8 to 48 U/L. In our study, out of 50 patients, 28 patients underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy and 8 patients underwent open cholecystectomy during same admission. In 9 patients endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) plus endoscopic sphincterotomy (ES) was done and remaining patients managed conservatively. Conclusion: Gallstone pancreatitis represents the most severe form of disease. The diagnosis is based in history and physical examination, an elevation of serum amylase 3 fold above the normal level, and ultrasound and CT scans. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is one of the tools in less certain cases of the absence of an agent that can abort progression of the disease; therapy should consist of adequate resuscitation, nutritional support, and careful monitoring to detect early complications.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-173462


Foreign bodies related to urogenital tract represent a relatively rare pathology and are most commonly found in the urinary bladder. Foreign body of the urinary bladder may occur by migration from surrounding organs or by self-insertion via urethra. Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) is commonly caused by obstructed labor, gynecological surgeries, occasionally due to malignancy, but rarely by the foreign body; in most cases being ring pessaries. A 25-year-old female presented in our clinic with urinary incontinence and irritative lower urinary tract symptoms. Radiological investigation revealed intravesical foreign body (wooden abortion stick) with VVF. It was removed via suprapubic cystostomy and fistula managed conservatively.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-148409


It all started with the report from Shalby Hospital, Ahmedabad of two deaths with unusual presentation on Jan 18, 2011. Immediately investigations were carried out; to identify the etiological agent, source of outbreak, and mode of transmission, as well as, to propose a control measure based on the findings of the investigation. Extensive literature search, discussion with various scientific institutions, scientists and laboratory diagnosis suggested it to be case of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF). Accordingly a Case definition was worked out to further investigate the episode/outbreak. Door-to-door survey was carried out and hospital records were scrutinized. Collected data was analyzed in terms of time, place, and person. Laboratory investigation reports of case patients were also collated. We conducted environment investigation to find out the source of Infection. A total 13 case patients of CCHF were identified out of which 9 are positive for CCHF virus, 2 were negative for CCHF virus and in 2 instances, samples could not be taken because of early deaths of the cases. Among these 13 cases, 30.76 % mortality rate was noted. Cases were reported in middle age group only. Environmental investigation also confirmed the presence of CCHF virus in Ticks. The outbreak was due to CCHF virus. State wide sero surveillance in animals is needed to identify prevalence of disease in Gujarat.

J Environ Biol ; 2010 May; 31(3): 375-378
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-146428


Water extract of respirable particulate matter (RPM) was analyzed by Ion chromatography technique to investigate the presence of nitrite (NO2) as secondary aerosol in ambient environment. The nitrite particulates undergo photo hydroxyl radical reaction in environment produce nitrous acid, which reacts with metal and absorbs on RPM as water-soluble metal salt. The mean concentration of nitrite was 20.86 .g m-3 in ambient environment. Regression analysis showed that the relationship for respirable particulate matter and nitrite (RPM-NO2, R2=0.742) was positively significant. We are reporting the presence of nitrite as an aerosol in ambient environment.

J Environ Biol ; 2005 Apr; 26(2): 187-90
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-113738


The correlation study of secondary aerosol (nitrate and sulfate) with RPM in ambient air at different traffic junctions of Vadodara city is reported. RPM was analyzed using Ion Chromatography technique and measured the level of nitrate and sulfate in ambient air. The correlation studies of these particulates with RPM have been established. The average concentration of sulfate and nitrate in ambient air was found 35.74 microg/m3 and 24.22 microg/m3, which ranged of 5.33-84.69 and 1.93-77.86 microg/m3 respectively. The correlation of RPM and SO4 (r = 0.813, P<0.01), RPM-NO3 (r = 0.5549, P<0.01) and SO4-NO3 (r = 0.6133, P<0.01) were found significant. The presence of sulfate and nitrate in RPM is 8.25% and 5.60% . The pH of water extract of RPM averaged 6.81, which ranged 6.17-7.28. Regression analysis result showed that the relationship between RPM-SO4 was significantly (R2=0.66215) correlated. This indicate that probably the secondary aerosols such as nitrate and sulfate in excess may cause irritation and increasing lung disease.

Aerosols/analysis , Air Pollutants/analysis , Cities , Dust/analysis , Environmental Monitoring , India , Nitrates/analysis , Particle Size , Sulfates/analysis , Vehicle Emissions