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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-78079


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to consider a Virtual Diabetes Registry System (VDR) and to investigate what it is and how it is used in New Zealand. New Zealand has specified diabetes mellitus (DM) as a national health priority. The Ministry of Health requires an accurate method for tracking the number of people with diagnosed with DM in the population. METHODS: We combined five national databases, all of which included a unique patient identifier: hospital admissions coded for DM, outpatient attendances for DM, DM retinal screening, prescriptions of specific anti-diabetic therapies, laboratory orders for HbA1c, as well as Primary Health Organisation (PHO) enrolments and national mortality. The algorithm was progressively modified to improve sensitivity and specificity, and it was validated against primary care registers. The algorithm was still being used in 2014. RESULTS: The prevalence of diagnosed diabetes in New Zealand at December 31, 2009 was 189,256 (4.4% of whole population). The VDR is now used to determine the official diagnosed diabetes prevalence in New Zealand; it is also used to determine the denominator of the health targets that the Ministry of Health should achieve for diabetes service indicators in New Zealand. CONCLUSIONS: This method appears to be superior to any other practicable national survey and to be both accurate and robust. The VDR has become an invaluable tool for monitoring prevalence and the policy making process, and for supporting clinical quality improvement.

Humans , Diabetes Mellitus , Epidemiology , Health Priorities , Mass Screening , Mortality , New Zealand , Outpatients , Policy Making , Prescriptions , Prevalence , Primary Health Care , Quality Improvement , Retinaldehyde , Sensitivity and Specificity