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Psicol. reflex. crit ; 27(3): 599-606, 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-722218


As narrativas surgem para ordenar a experiência humana alterada pela ruptura no seu estado canônico. Nesse sentido, uma doença como o câncer pode ser considerada uma experiência excepcional, que requer a narrativa para significá-la. Esse estudo investigou a construção de significados acerca do adoecimento e da morte nas narrativas de crianças com câncer em etapas distintas do tratamento. Para tanto, foram realizadas seis sessões de brincadeira com cada participante. A análise dos dados demonstrou que crianças com mais tempo de tratamento tendem a finalizar suas narrativas com a morte dos personagens e que crianças com menos tempo de tratamento apresentam narrativas relacionadas ao desconforto físico que o tratamento ocasiona e aos impedimentos que a doença acarreta em suas vidas. Esses resultados apontam para a necessidade de uma maior atenção à forma como as crianças falam do seu adoecimento e da subsequente possibilidade de morte no decorrer do tratamento oncológico, a fim de que possamos atentar para a diversidade dos momentos de tratamento, compreendendo que esses configuram diferentes relações subjetivas da criança para com sua doença e a morte. (AU)

Narratives come out to arrange the human experience altered by the disruption in its canonical status. In this sense, a disease like cancer can be considered an exceptional experience that requires the narrative to mean it. This study investigated the construction of meanings about the disease and death in the narratives of children with cancer in different stages of treatment. Thus, six sessions of play were performed with each child. Data analysis showed that children in longer treatment tend to conclude their narratives with the death of the characters and the children under shorter treatment time present narratives related both to physical discomfort to which the treatment leads to and impairments that the disease cause in their lives. The results indicate the need for greater attention on how children talk about the disease and the subsequent possibility of death during the course of cancer treatment, so that we can be aware of the diversity of treatment moments, understanding that they configure different subjective relationships about children's health problem and death. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Leukemia/drug therapy , Psychology, Child , Death , Narration , Comprehension , Play and Playthings/psychology , Neoplasms/psychology
Psicol. estud ; 18(3): 541-550, jul.-set. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-704211


No tratamento de câncer infantil, geralmente a mãe assume os cuidados com a criança doente, tendendo os estudos a focar a relação mãe-filho. Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender a vivência do pai diante do câncer de um filho pequeno. Esta pesquisa é de caráter qualitativo e dela participaram onze genitores que tinham filhos atendidos no ambulatório de um hospital de referência da cidade do Recife - PE. A delimitação da amostra baseou-se no critério de saturação. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas no período de outubro a dezembro de 2011, as quais foram analisadas pelo método de análise do discurso segundo Minayo (2000). Os resultados apontaram que as mães foram as principais cuidadoras no tratamento, mas os pais também desenvolveram atividades junto a seus filhos doentes que provocaram várias mudanças na sua rotina. O acolhimento e a escuta clínica ou a criação de grupos de apoio para este público-alvo são de grande importância...

In the childhood cancer treatment, the mother often takes care of the sick child. Consequently, studies have focused on the mother-child relationship. This study aimed to understand the father's experience with childhood cancer. A qualitative study was performed and involved 11 parents whose children were treated at the clinic of a referral hospital in Recife-PE. The delimitation of the sample was based on the saturation criterion. Data collection was conducted through interviews during the period of October to December 2011 and analyzed by the method of discourse analysis from Minayo (2000). The results showed that the mother was the main caregiver to the treatment, but the father also carries out activities with the sick child causing several changes in his routine. The host and clinic listening or the creation of support groups for this target audience is important...

En el tratamiento del cáncer infantil, generalmente, la madre asume los cuidados con el niño enfermo, haciendo con que los estudios tiendan a centrarse en la relación madre-hijo. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender la experiencia del padre frente al cáncer infantil. Se trató de una investigación cualitativa, en que participaron 11 genitores cuyos hijos eran atendidos en la clínica de un hospital de referencia de la ciudad de Recife-PE. La delimitación de la muestra se basó en el criterio de saturación. La recolección de datos fue realizada por medio de entrevistas en el período de octubre a diciembre de 2011 y analizados por el método de análisis del discurso de Minayo (2000). Los resultados señalaron que la madre fue la principal cuidadora en el tratamiento, pero el padre también desarrolla actividades junto al niño enfermo acarreando varios cambios en su rutina. Es importante que haya la acogida y la escucha clínica o la creación de grupos de apoyo para este público meta...

Humans , Child , Neoplasms , Fathers/psychology
Psychol. neurosci. (Impr.) ; 3(2): 183-187, July-Dec. 2010. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-604518


The present study investigated the relationship between posterior fossa tumors (astrocytoma and medulloblastoma) and their respective treatments and cognitive performance in Brazilian children by measuring Intelligence Quotient (IQ). Twenty children were enrolled in the study, of whom 13 were diagnosed with astrocytoma (average age at evaluation, 10.2 years; eight girls and five boys) and seven were diagnosed with medulloblastoma (average age at evaluation, 9.2 years; five girls and two boys). The first subgroup underwent exclusively tumor resection surgery, and the second subgroup underwent surgery, chemotherapy (Vincristine, Cisplatine, and Carmustine), and radiotherapy (total dose, 54 Gy). The inclusion criteria for the clinical group were normal social and emotional behavior before the diagnosis and motor and visual performance not excessively deteriorated after surgery. All participants were submitted to the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - third version, and their scores were related to standard norms established for Brazilian children and compared with regard to the diagnosis subgroups and treatment modalities. Statistically significant differences were identified between the two diagnosis subgroups in Performance IQ and Processing Speed scores. The medulloblastoma subgroup presented poorer performance in all domains compared with the astrocytoma subgroup. Time interval between diagnosis and neuropsychological evaluation also had a significant effect on Processing Speed and Freedom from Distractibility in the medulloblastoma subgroup. These results provide empirical evidence of a possible significant effect of radiotherapy exposure on processing speed and global intellectual capacity

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Astrocytoma , Child Development/radiation effects , Intelligence Tests , Medulloblastoma
Rev. bras. saúde matern. infant ; 7(1): 99-106, jan.-mar. 2007. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-454575


O presente trabalho descreve as atividades lúdicas desenvolvidas na enfermaria de oncologia pediátrica do Instituto Materno Infantil Prof. Fernando Figueira (Imip), com sessenta pacientes portadores de neoplasias malignas, no período de janeiro de 2004 a janeiro de 2005. Descreve as etapas do Projeto e apresenta os resultados obtidos, correlacionando as etapas do desenvolvimento da aprendizagem com os instrumentos lúdicos utilizados como recurso minimizador do processo de hospitalização, através dos itens mais solicitados, considerando, para essa análise, as idéias de Jean Piaget e Bruno Bettelheim.

This paper describes a ludotherapy program implemented in the pediatrics oncology ward of the Instituto Materno Infantil Prof. Fernando Figueira (Imip) with 60 malignant neoplasia patients from January 2004 to January 2005. It describes the phases of the project, demonstrates results obtained, relating learning development phases and ludic tools used as a resource to mitigate hospitalization hardships through the most requested items. Jean Piaget and Bruno Bettelheim concepts were used in this assessment.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Child, Hospitalized , Oncology Service, Hospital , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Pediatric Nursing , Play Therapy