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Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-3, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468951


Alo vera is a centenary remedy use for minor wounds and burns, but its mechanism of wound healing has not been know since. This article will evaluate and gather evidence of the effectiveness and safety of the use of aloe vera in the treatment of burns. A systematic review was carried out on the databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, in the last 7 years, with the descriptors: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". 16 articles were found. After using the exclusion criteria; research in non-humans and literature review; 5 articles were selected. The article Teplick et al. (2018) performed an in vitro clinical experiment in A. Vera solution, and demonstrated that there was proliferation and cell migration of human skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes, in addition to being protective in the death of keratonocytes. That is, it accelerates the healing of wounds. Muangman et al. (2016), evaluated 50 patients with 20% of the total body surface area burned with second-degree burns, between 18-60 years old, with half of the group receiving gauze dressings with soft paraffin containing 0.5% chlorhexidine acetate and the other half receiving polyester dressings containing extracts of medicinal plants mainly Aloe Vera. It had positive results, a higher healing speed and shorter hospital stay compared to the control group. Hwang et al. (2015) investigated the antioxidant effects of different extracts from 2,4,6,8,12 months of Aloe Vera. And the 6-month concentrated extract of 0.25 mg / mL had a higher content of flavonoids (9.750 mg catechin equivalent / g extract) and polyphenols (23.375 mg gallic acid equivalent / g extract) and the greater ferric reducing antioxidant power [...].

Alo vera é um remédio centenário usado para pequenas feridas e queimaduras, mas seu mecanismo de cicatrização de feridas não foi conhecido desde então. Este artigo avaliará e reunirá evidências da eficácia e segurança do uso de aloe vera no tratamento de queimaduras. Realizada revisão Sistemática nas bases de dados: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, nos últimos 7 anos, com os descritores: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". Foram encontrados 16 trabalhos. Após utilizarmos os critérios de exclusão; pesquisa em não humanos e revisão da literatura ; foram selecionados 5 artigos. O artigo Teplick et al. (2018) realizou um experimento clinico in vitro em solução de A. Vera, e demonstrou que houve proliferação e migração celular de fibroblastos e queratinócitos de pele humana, além de ser protetor na morte de queratonócitos. Ou seja, acelera a cicatrização das feridas. Já Muangman et al. (2016), avaliou 50 pacientes com 20% do total da área superficial corporal queimada com queimaduras de segundo grau, entre 18-60 anos, tendo metade do grupo como controle recebendo curativos de gaze com parafina mole contendo 0,5% acetado de clorexidina e a outra metade recebendo curativos com poliéster contendo extratos de plantas medicinais principalmente Aloe Vera. Teve resultados positivos, uma maior velocidade de cicatrização e menor tempo de internação comparado ao grupo controle. Já Hwang et al. (2015) investigou os efeitos antioxidante de diferentes extratos de 2,4,6,8,12 meses da Aloe Vera. E o extrato com 6 meses concentrado de 0,25 mg/mL teve maior teor de flavanóides (9,750 mg equivalente catequina / g extrato) e polifenóis (23,375 mg equivalente ácido gálico / g extrato) e o maior poder antioxidante redutor férrico (0,047 mM de sulfato ferroso equivalente / extrato mg), ou seja, maior potencial [...].

Aloe , Phytotherapy , Burns/drug therapy
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-11, 2023. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468961


This study aimed to analyze the socio-environmental characteristics, executive and nutritional functions in children aged 6 to 7 years, from public schools in Alagoas, Brazil. A quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive study was performed involving 64 children of the mentioned age group, from public schools located in Alagoas: Maceió, on the coast; Major Isidoro, in the hinterland and Palmeira dos Índios, in the country. Such analyzes were made through the application of neuropsychological tests and anthropometric assessment with children and food and socio-environmental surveys with their parents. As for the type of housing, 100% were made of masonry, with a bathroom present in 98.4%. All children reported with the habit of bathing in the river / lagoon, presented some pathology. There was no significant difference between cities in terms of the sociodemographic characteristics evaluated, with the same result occurring with the factors associated with the occurrence of diseases in children. The subtests of WISC-IV, were below the average in all municipalities, and the TAC and SCC were classified within the average. However, even though the ranking were divided between below average and average, it is possible to identify from the subtests of WISC-IV, that the general IQ showed a cognitive level below the average. There was also no significant difference in the anthropometric assessment (weight, height, BMI and IMCI) between the evaluated students. The average weight was 23.3 kg to 25 kg, the height between 1.23 m to 1.24 m, the BMI between 16.4 to 17; the IMCI from 2.8 to 3.0. Children were classified within the average. Regarding micronutrients (Ca, Fe, K, Mg and Na, and vitamins A, C, D, B1, B9 and B12) and calories, there was also no significant difference between the cities evaluated. The same occurred with macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids). This study showed [...].

Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as características socioambientais, funções executivas e nutricionais de crianças de 6 a 7 anos, de escolas públicas de Alagoas, Brasil. Foi realizado um estudo quantitativo, transversal e descritivo envolvendo 64 crianças, na referida faixa etária, de escolas públicas localizadas em Alagoas: Maceió, no litoral; Major Isidoro, no sertão e Palmeira dos Índios, no país. Tais análises foram feitas por meio da aplicação de testes neuropsicológicos e avaliação antropométrica com crianças e inquéritos alimentares e socioambientais com seus pais. Quanto ao tipo de habitação, 100% eram de alvenaria, com banheiro presente em 98,4%. Todas as crianças relataram o hábito de tomar banho no rio / lagoa, apresentavam alguma patologia. Não houve diferença significativa entre os municípios quanto às características sociodemográficas avaliadas, ocorrendo o mesmo resultado com os fatores associados à ocorrência de doenças em crianças. Os subtestes do WISC-IV, ficaram abaixo da média em todos os municípios, e o TAC e SCC foram classificados dentro da média. Porém, mesmo que a classificação tenha sido dividida entre abaixo da média e média, é possível identificar a partir dos subtestes do WISC-IV, que o QI geral apresentou um nível cognitivo abaixo da média. Também não houve diferença significativa na avaliação antropométrica (peso, altura, IMC e AIDPI) entre os alunos avaliados. O peso médio foi de 23,3 kg a 25 kg, a altura entre 1,23 ma 1,24 m, o IMC entre 16,4 a 17; A AIDPI de 2.8 a 3.0. As crianças foram classificadas dentro da média. Em relação aos micronutrientes (Ca, Fe, K, Mg e Na e vitaminas A, C, D, B1, B9 e B12) e calorias, também não houve diferença significativa entre os municípios avaliados. O mesmo ocorreu com os macronutrientes (proteínas, carboidratos e lipídios). Este estudo mostrou que de maneira geral não houve diferença entre os alunos [...].

Humans , Child , Child Development , Child Health/statistics & numerical data
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469167


Abstract Alo vera is a centenary remedy use for minor wounds and burns, but its mechanism of wound healing has not been know since. This article will evaluate and gather evidence of the effectiveness and safety of the use of aloe vera in the treatment of burns. A systematic review was carried out on the databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, in the last 7 years, with the descriptors: Aloe, Burns and treatment. 16 articles were found. After using the exclusion criteria; research in non-humans and literature review; 5 articles were selected. The article Teplick et al. (2018) performed an in vitro clinical experiment in A. Vera solution, and demonstrated that there was proliferation and cell migration of human skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes, in addition to being protective in the death of keratonocytes. That is, it accelerates the healing of wounds. Muangman et al. (2016), evaluated 50 patients with 20% of the total body surface area burned with second-degree burns, between 18-60 years old, with half of the group receiving gauze dressings with soft paraffin containing 0.5% chlorhexidine acetate and the other half receiving polyester dressings containing extracts of medicinal plants mainly Aloe Vera. It had positive results, a higher healing speed and shorter hospital stay compared to the control group. Hwang et al. (2015) investigated the antioxidant effects of different extracts from 2,4,6,8,12 months of Aloe Vera. And the 6-month concentrated extract of 0.25 mg / mL had a higher content of flavonoids (9.750 mg catechin equivalent / g extract) and polyphenols (23.375 mg gallic acid equivalent / g extract) and the greater ferric reducing antioxidant power (0.047 mM equivalent ferrous sulfate / mg extract), that is, greater potential for free radical scavenging and also a protective effect against oxidative stress induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP), suggesting evidence of a bioactive potential of A. vera . However, in the article Kolacz et al. (2014) suggested as an alternative treatment the use of Aloe Vera dressing in combination with honey, lanolin, olive oil, wheat germ oil, marshmallow root, wormwood, comfrey root, white oak bark, lobelia inflata, glycerin vegetable oil, beeswax and myrrh, without obtaining significant and conclusive results that would allow the conventional treatment of burns to be subsidized. Finally, in the article by Zurita and Gallegos (2017), it carried out a descriptive cross-sectional study with 321 people, both sexes between 17-76 years of age, of an inductive nature, exploring the experience of this population and their behavioral attitudes regarding the treatment of dermatoses. Aloe vera had 13.8% cited by individuals in the treatment of acne and 33.6% in the treatment of burns. Even with evidence that suggests the efficacy in the treatment of burns with the use of Aloe Vera extract, further clinical trials with larger sample space on the use of Aloe vera dressings in medium burns are suggested for further conclusions.

Resumo Alo vera é um remédio centenário usado para pequenas feridas e queimaduras, mas seu mecanismo de cicatrização de feridas não foi conhecido desde então. Este artigo avaliará e reunirá evidências da eficácia e segurança do uso de aloe vera no tratamento de queimaduras. Realizada revisão Sistemática nas bases de dados: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, nos últimos 7 anos, com os descritores: Aloe, Burns and treatment. Foram encontrados 16 trabalhos. Após utilizarmos os critérios de exclusão; pesquisa em nao humanos e revisão da literatura ; foram selecionados 5 artigos. O artigo Teplick et al. (2018) realizou um experimento clinico in vitro em solução de A. Vera, e demonstrou que houve proliferação e migração celular de fibroblastos e queratinócitos de pele humana, além de ser protetor na morte de queratonócitos. Ou seja, acelera a cicatrização das feridas. Já Muangman et al. (2016), avaliou 50 pacientes com 20% do total da área superficial corporal queimada com queimaduras de segundo grau, entre 18-60 anos, tendo metade do grupo como controle recebendo curativos de gaze com parafina mole contendo 0,5% acetado de clorexidina e a outra metade recebendo curativos com poliéster contendo extratos de plantas medicinais principalmente Aloe Vera. Teve resultados positivos, uma maior velocidade de cicatrização e menor tempo de internação comparado ao grupo controle. Já Hwang et al. (2015) investigou os efeitos antioxidante de diferentes extratos de 2,4,6,8,12 meses da Aloe Vera. E o extrato com 6 meses concentrado de 0,25 mg/mL teve maior teor de flavanóides (9,750 mg equivalente catequina / g extrato) e polifenóis (23,375 mg equivalente ácido gálico / g extrato) e o maior poder antioxidante redutor férrico (0,047 mM de sulfato ferroso equivalente / extrato mg), ou seja, maior potencial de eliminação de radicais livres e também efeito proteror contra o estresse oxidativo induzido por hidroperóxido de terc-butila (t-BHP), sugerindo indícios de um potencial bioativo da A. vera. Porém, no artigo Kolacz et al. (2014) sugeriu como tratamento alternativo o uso do curativo com Aloe Vera em conjunto de mel, lanolina, azeite de oliva, óleo de gérmen de trigo, raiz de marshmallow, absinto, raiz de confrei, casca de carvalho branco, lobelia inflata, glicerina vegetal, cera de abelha e mirra, não obtendo resultados significativos e conclusivos que permitam subsidiar o tratamento convencional das queimaduras. Por fim, no artigo de Zurita and Gallegos (2017), realizou um estudo descritivo transversal com 321 pessoas, ambos os sexos entre 17-76 anos, de natureza indutiva, explorando a vivência dessa população e suas atitudes comportamentais quanto ao tratamento de dermatoses. Aloe vera teve 13,8% citada pelos indivíduos no tratamento de acne e 33,6% no tratamento de queimaduras. Mesmo tendo evidências que sugerem a eficácia no tratamento de queimaduras com o uso do extrato da Aloe Vera, sugere-se mais ensaios clínicos com espaço amostral maior sobre o uso de curativos de Aloe vera em médio queimados para maiores conclusões.

Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469177


Abstract This study aimed to analyze the socio-environmental characteristics, executive and nutritional functions in children aged 6 to 7 years, from public schools in Alagoas, Brazil. A quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive study was performed involving 64 children of the mentioned age group, from public schools located in Alagoas: Maceió, on the coast; Major Isidoro, in the hinterland and Palmeira dos Índios, in the country. Such analyzes were made through the application of neuropsychological tests and anthropometric assessment with children and food and socio-environmental surveys with their parents. As for the type of housing, 100% were made of masonry, with a bathroom present in 98.4%. All children reported with the habit of bathing in the river / lagoon, presented some pathology. There was no significant difference between cities in terms of the sociodemographic characteristics evaluated, with the same result occurring with the factors associated with the occurrence of diseases in children. The subtests of WISC-IV, were below the average in all municipalities, and the TAC and SCC were classified within the average. However, even though the ranking were divided between below average and average, it is possible to identify from the subtests of WISC-IV, that the general IQ showed a cognitive level below the average. There was also no significant difference in the anthropometric assessment (weight, height, BMI and IMCI) between the evaluated students. The average weight was 23.3 kg to 25 kg, the height between 1.23 m to 1.24 m, the BMI between 16.4 to 17; the IMCI from 2.8 to 3.0. Children were classified within the average. Regarding micronutrients (Ca, Fe, K, Mg and Na, and vitamins A, C, D, B1, B9 and B12) and calories, there was also no significant difference between the cities evaluated. The same occurred with macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids). This study showed that in general there was no difference between the students of the three municipalities. Probably, even though they are all public schools and from different cities, children have similar social conditions.

Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as características socioambientais, funções executivas e nutricionais de crianças de 6 a 7 anos, de escolas públicas de Alagoas, Brasil. Foi realizado um estudo quantitativo, transversal e descritivo envolvendo 64 crianças, na referida faixa etária, de escolas públicas localizadas em Alagoas: Maceió, no litoral; Major Isidoro, no sertão e Palmeira dos Índios, no país. Tais análises foram feitas por meio da aplicação de testes neuropsicológicos e avaliação antropométrica com crianças e inquéritos alimentares e socioambientais com seus pais. Quanto ao tipo de habitação, 100% eram de alvenaria, com banheiro presente em 98,4%. Todas as crianças relataram o hábito de tomar banho no rio / lagoa, apresentavam alguma patologia. Não houve diferença significativa entre os municípios quanto às características sociodemográficas avaliadas, ocorrendo o mesmo resultado com os fatores associados à ocorrência de doenças em crianças. Os subtestes do WISC-IV, ficaram abaixo da média em todos os municípios, e o TAC e SCC foram classificados dentro da média. Porém, mesmo que a classificação tenha sido dividida entre abaixo da média e média, é possível identificar a partir dos subtestes do WISC-IV, que o QI geral apresentou um nível cognitivo abaixo da média. Também não houve diferença significativa na avaliação antropométrica (peso, altura, IMC e AIDPI) entre os alunos avaliados. O peso médio foi de 23,3 kg a 25 kg, a altura entre 1,23 ma 1,24 m, o IMC entre 16,4 a 17; A AIDPI de 2.8 a 3.0. As crianças foram classificadas dentro da média. Em relação aos micronutrientes (Ca, Fe, K, Mg e Na e vitaminas A, C, D, B1, B9 e B12) e calorias, também não houve diferença significativa entre os municípios avaliados. O mesmo ocorreu com os macronutrientes (proteínas, carboidratos e lipídios). Este estudo mostrou que de maneira geral não houve diferença entre os alunos dos três municípios. Provavelmente, mesmo sendo todas escolas públicas e de diferentes cidades, as crianças têm condições sociais semelhantes.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e249209, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339360


Abstract Alo vera is a centenary remedy use for minor wounds and burns, but its mechanism of wound healing has not been know since. This article will evaluate and gather evidence of the effectiveness and safety of the use of aloe vera in the treatment of burns. A systematic review was carried out on the databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, in the last 7 years, with the descriptors: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". 16 articles were found. After using the exclusion criteria; research in non-humans and literature review; 5 articles were selected. The article Teplick et al. (2018) performed an in vitro clinical experiment in A. Vera solution, and demonstrated that there was proliferation and cell migration of human skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes, in addition to being protective in the death of keratonocytes. That is, it accelerates the healing of wounds. Muangman et al. (2016), evaluated 50 patients with 20% of the total body surface area burned with second-degree burns, between 18-60 years old, with half of the group receiving gauze dressings with soft paraffin containing 0.5% chlorhexidine acetate and the other half receiving polyester dressings containing extracts of medicinal plants mainly Aloe Vera. It had positive results, a higher healing speed and shorter hospital stay compared to the control group. Hwang et al. (2015) investigated the antioxidant effects of different extracts from 2,4,6,8,12 months of Aloe Vera. And the 6-month concentrated extract of 0.25 mg / mL had a higher content of flavonoids (9.750 mg catechin equivalent / g extract) and polyphenols (23.375 mg gallic acid equivalent / g extract) and the greater ferric reducing antioxidant power (0.047 mM equivalent ferrous sulfate / mg extract), that is, greater potential for free radical scavenging and also a protective effect against oxidative stress induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP), suggesting evidence of a bioactive potential of A. vera . However, in the article Kolacz et al. (2014) suggested as an alternative treatment the use of Aloe Vera dressing in combination with honey, lanolin, olive oil, wheat germ oil, marshmallow root, wormwood, comfrey root, white oak bark, lobelia inflata, glycerin vegetable oil, beeswax and myrrh, without obtaining significant and conclusive results that would allow the conventional treatment of burns to be subsidized. Finally, in the article by Zurita and Gallegos (2017), it carried out a descriptive cross-sectional study with 321 people, both sexes between 17-76 years of age, of an inductive nature, exploring the experience of this population and their behavioral attitudes regarding the treatment of dermatoses. Aloe vera had 13.8% cited by individuals in the treatment of acne and 33.6% in the treatment of burns. Even with evidence that suggests the efficacy in the treatment of burns with the use of Aloe Vera extract, further clinical trials with larger sample space on the use of Aloe vera dressings in medium burns are suggested for further conclusions.

Resumo Alo vera é um remédio centenário usado para pequenas feridas e queimaduras, mas seu mecanismo de cicatrização de feridas não foi conhecido desde então. Este artigo avaliará e reunirá evidências da eficácia e segurança do uso de aloe vera no tratamento de queimaduras. Realizada revisão Sistemática nas bases de dados: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, nos últimos 7 anos, com os descritores: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". Foram encontrados 16 trabalhos. Após utilizarmos os critérios de exclusão; pesquisa em nao humanos e revisão da literatura ; foram selecionados 5 artigos. O artigo Teplick et al. (2018) realizou um experimento clinico in vitro em solução de A. Vera, e demonstrou que houve proliferação e migração celular de fibroblastos e queratinócitos de pele humana, além de ser protetor na morte de queratonócitos. Ou seja, acelera a cicatrização das feridas. Já Muangman et al. (2016), avaliou 50 pacientes com 20% do total da área superficial corporal queimada com queimaduras de segundo grau, entre 18-60 anos, tendo metade do grupo como controle recebendo curativos de gaze com parafina mole contendo 0,5% acetado de clorexidina e a outra metade recebendo curativos com poliéster contendo extratos de plantas medicinais principalmente Aloe Vera. Teve resultados positivos, uma maior velocidade de cicatrização e menor tempo de internação comparado ao grupo controle. Já Hwang et al. (2015) investigou os efeitos antioxidante de diferentes extratos de 2,4,6,8,12 meses da Aloe Vera. E o extrato com 6 meses concentrado de 0,25 mg/mL teve maior teor de flavanóides (9,750 mg equivalente catequina / g extrato) e polifenóis (23,375 mg equivalente ácido gálico / g extrato) e o maior poder antioxidante redutor férrico (0,047 mM de sulfato ferroso equivalente / extrato mg), ou seja, maior potencial de eliminação de radicais livres e também efeito proteror contra o estresse oxidativo induzido por hidroperóxido de terc-butila (t-BHP), sugerindo indícios de um potencial bioativo da A. vera. Porém, no artigo Kolacz et al. (2014) sugeriu como tratamento alternativo o uso do curativo com Aloe Vera em conjunto de mel, lanolina, azeite de oliva, óleo de gérmen de trigo, raiz de marshmallow, absinto, raiz de confrei, casca de carvalho branco, lobelia inflata, glicerina vegetal, cera de abelha e mirra, não obtendo resultados significativos e conclusivos que permitam subsidiar o tratamento convencional das queimaduras. Por fim, no artigo de Zurita and Gallegos (2017), realizou um estudo descritivo transversal com 321 pessoas, ambos os sexos entre 17-76 anos, de natureza indutiva, explorando a vivência dessa população e suas atitudes comportamentais quanto ao tratamento de dermatoses. Aloe vera teve 13,8% citada pelos indivíduos no tratamento de acne e 33,6% no tratamento de queimaduras. Mesmo tendo evidências que sugerem a eficácia no tratamento de queimaduras com o uso do extrato da Aloe Vera, sugere-se mais ensaios clínicos com espaço amostral maior sobre o uso de curativos de Aloe vera em médio queimados para maiores conclusões.

Humans , Plants, Medicinal , Burns/drug therapy , Aloe , Wound Healing , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Cross-Sectional Studies
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e248778, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339371


Abstract This study aimed to analyze the socio-environmental characteristics, executive and nutritional functions in children aged 6 to 7 years, from public schools in Alagoas, Brazil. A quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive study was performed involving 64 children of the mentioned age group, from public schools located in Alagoas: Maceió, on the coast; Major Isidoro, in the hinterland and Palmeira dos Índios, in the country. Such analyzes were made through the application of neuropsychological tests and anthropometric assessment with children and food and socio-environmental surveys with their parents. As for the type of housing, 100% were made of masonry, with a bathroom present in 98.4%. All children reported with the habit of bathing in the river / lagoon, presented some pathology. There was no significant difference between cities in terms of the sociodemographic characteristics evaluated, with the same result occurring with the factors associated with the occurrence of diseases in children. The subtests of WISC-IV, were below the average in all municipalities, and the TAC and SCC were classified within the average. However, even though the ranking were divided between below average and average, it is possible to identify from the subtests of WISC-IV, that the general IQ showed a cognitive level below the average. There was also no significant difference in the anthropometric assessment (weight, height, BMI and IMCI) between the evaluated students. The average weight was 23.3 kg to 25 kg, the height between 1.23 m to 1.24 m, the BMI between 16.4 to 17; the IMCI from 2.8 to 3.0. Children were classified within the average. Regarding micronutrients (Ca, Fe, K, Mg and Na, and vitamins A, C, D, B1, B9 and B12) and calories, there was also no significant difference between the cities evaluated. The same occurred with macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids). This study showed that in general there was no difference between the students of the three municipalities. Probably, even though they are all public schools and from different cities, children have similar social conditions.

Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as características socioambientais, funções executivas e nutricionais de crianças de 6 a 7 anos, de escolas públicas de Alagoas, Brasil. Foi realizado um estudo quantitativo, transversal e descritivo envolvendo 64 crianças, na referida faixa etária, de escolas públicas localizadas em Alagoas: Maceió, no litoral; Major Isidoro, no sertão e Palmeira dos Índios, no país. Tais análises foram feitas por meio da aplicação de testes neuropsicológicos e avaliação antropométrica com crianças e inquéritos alimentares e socioambientais com seus pais. Quanto ao tipo de habitação, 100% eram de alvenaria, com banheiro presente em 98,4%. Todas as crianças relataram o hábito de tomar banho no rio / lagoa, apresentavam alguma patologia. Não houve diferença significativa entre os municípios quanto às características sociodemográficas avaliadas, ocorrendo o mesmo resultado com os fatores associados à ocorrência de doenças em crianças. Os subtestes do WISC-IV, ficaram abaixo da média em todos os municípios, e o TAC e SCC foram classificados dentro da média. Porém, mesmo que a classificação tenha sido dividida entre abaixo da média e média, é possível identificar a partir dos subtestes do WISC-IV, que o QI geral apresentou um nível cognitivo abaixo da média. Também não houve diferença significativa na avaliação antropométrica (peso, altura, IMC e AIDPI) entre os alunos avaliados. O peso médio foi de 23,3 kg a 25 kg, a altura entre 1,23 ma 1,24 m, o IMC entre 16,4 a 17; A AIDPI de 2.8 a 3.0. As crianças foram classificadas dentro da média. Em relação aos micronutrientes (Ca, Fe, K, Mg e Na e vitaminas A, C, D, B1, B9 e B12) e calorias, também não houve diferença significativa entre os municípios avaliados. O mesmo ocorreu com os macronutrientes (proteínas, carboidratos e lipídios). Este estudo mostrou que de maneira geral não houve diferença entre os alunos dos três municípios. Provavelmente, mesmo sendo todas escolas públicas e de diferentes cidades, as crianças têm condições sociais semelhantes.

Humans , Child , Energy Intake , Executive Function , Sodium , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218438


Aims: To describe a Neovascular Glaucoma Secondary to Bloch-Sulzberger Syndrome.Presentation of Case: A.B.F. female, 23 years old, claimed significant pain sensation and hyperemia in the left eye (LE) for 45 days, without triggering factors. She came to the consultation with a previous diagnosis of Bloch-Sulzberger Syndrome with pigmented lesions in the lower limbs since childhood, being followed up by dermatology since then.Discussion: The diagnosis of IP (Incontinentia Pigmenti) is complex because it mimics other dermatoses. The impairment in other systems, such as the ophthalmic system, with the possibility of loss of vision and functional disability is a reality. The natural history of retinal lesions is not fully understood. Vascular changes seem to start in the first weeks of life and progress after birth for weeks or months, and may stabilize at any stage, leaving numerous sequelae.Conclusions: Incontinentia pigmenti is difficult to diagnose and, at each evolutionary stage, presents many differential diagnoses. Eye injuries can lead to blindness as a consequence of ischemic events that can start soon after birth.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218404


Aims: To describe a Central Retinal Vein Occlusion Secondary to Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria.Presentation of Case: A 25 years old, male, student, in regular follow-up in the Hematology sector due to Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria in regular use of Eculizumab. He reports a month ago that he suddenly noticed, upon waking up in the morning, blurring and decreased visual acuity in her left eye.Discussion: Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is an acquired disorder characterized by hemolysis, thrombosis, and bone marrow failure caused by defective expression of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored (GPI-anchored) complement inhibitors. Most commonly, PNH is caused by the loss of PIGA function, which is necessary for GPI biosynthesis.Conclusions: Patients with hemolytic anemia, unexplained thrombosis, especially in uncommon sites, cytopenias and bone marrow failure syndromes, dysphagia, and unexplained abdominal pain should be screened for PNH. PNH patients can benefit greatly from the treatments available, with a reduction in the risk of serious sequelae and a considerable improvement in their quality of life. So that the patient continues to be followed up in the ophthalmology department, with decreased visual acuity ipsilateral to the lesion, with a relative afferent pupillary defect on that side.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218417


Aims:To describe a Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome.Presentation of Case: MCL, 7 years old, female, brown, was taken to the ophthalmology outpatient clinic of the Hospital Universit醨io Ant鬾io Pedro, Brazil by her parents, complaining of low visual acuity and malformation of the pupil perceived since birth.Discussion: Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome is a rare and hereditary disease. Clinically, Axenfeld's anomaly is characterized by the presence of posterior embryotoxon, and there may be adherence of iridian tissue in its periphery. In addition to Rieger's anomaly, posterior embryotoxon is added to iris hypoplasia and iris thickness defects, uveal ectropion and pupillary alterations, such as corectopia. Rieger's syndrome is associated with extraocular changes, of which hypodontia, myicrodontia, maxillary hypoplasia, telecanthus, hypertelorism and hypospadias stand out.Conclusions: Therefore, the importance of early diagnosis, follow-up and adequate treatment becomes evident in order to preserve the visual function of patients and thus avoid an unfavorable evolution.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218412


Aims :To describe Angioid Streaks and Systemic PathologiesPresentation of Case: T.A.N., male, 32 years old, lawyer, born in Rio de Janeiro, attends the routine ophthalmologic appointment without specific ophthalmologic complaints.In her previous pathological history, he claims not to have systemic comorbidities. Denies diabetes, eye trauma, previous eye surgeries and any eye pathologies. Denies previous ophthalmologic procedures, daily use of eye drops and family members with a history of glaucoma.Discussion: The patient in the report, up to the time of the consultation, claimed not to be aware of any systemic pathology and did not present any ocular complaints, not even knowing the findings of his fundus examination. Systemic associations should always be considered when diagnosing Angioid Streaks on funduscopy. Patients with Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum must have their follow-up done in parallel with the dermatology service. Patients with hemoglobinopathies should be immediately referred for diagnostic clarification with the medical clinic teamConclusions: It is essential that specialists are familiarized with the peculiar appearance , their potential to produce retinal and subretinal complications and, especially, remember that this finding in funduscopy can be unique without being associated with systemic diseases.

Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-7, 2022. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468539


Foliar vegetables contaminated with fecal residues are an important route of transmission of intestinal parasites to humans. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of parasitic forms of protozoa and helminths on lettuces (Lactuca sativa) and collard greens (Brassica oleracea) sold in street- and supermarkets in the city of Aparecida de Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. A total of 30 samples of each vegetable (15 samples from each supermarkets and street markets) was analyzed. All samples were processed by spontaneous sedimentation method and centrifugal flotation. In 45% of the samples, immature forms of intestinal parasites were identified with 66.7% helminths eggs and 33.3% protozoan cysts or oocysts. Significantly more lettuce samples were contaminated with eggs, cysts or oocyst of at least one parasite than collard green samples (U=216; Z=-3.45; P <0.001). The parasitic forms were identified morphologically up to the family level with eggs of Ancylostomatidae, Strongyloididae, Ascarididae and Taeniidae, or oocysts of Eimeriidae, to the genus with Cystoisospora sp. and Toxocara sp., and to the species level with Cystoisospora canis, Dipylidium caninum and Hymenolepis nana. The presence of these infective agents in lettuce and collard green from both street- and supermarkets highlights the high risk of spreading parasites by eating raw vegetables sold in Aparecida de Goiânia.

Hortaliças contaminadas com resíduos fecais são importantes vias de transmissão de parasitas intestinais ao homem. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a presença de formas parasitárias de protozoários e helmintos em alface (Lactuca sativa) e couve (Brassica oleracea) vendidas em feiras e supermercados na cidade de Aparecida de Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil. Um total de 30 amostras de cada vegetal (15 amostras de supermercados e 15 de feiras livres) foi analisado. Todas as amostras foram processadas pelos métodos de sedimentação espontânea e centrífugo-flutuação. Em 45% das amostras foram identificadas formas imaturas de parasitas intestinais sendo 66,7% ovos de helmintos e 33,3% de cistos ou oocistos de protozoários. Significativamente, mais amostras de alface estavam contaminadas com ovos, cistos ou oocistos de pelo menos um parasita do que as amostras de couve (U = 216; Z = -3,45; P <0,001). As formas parasitárias foram identificadas morfologicamente ao nível de família com ovos de Ancylostomatidae, Strongyloididae, Ascarididae e Taeniidae ou oocistos de Eimeriidae, dos gêneros Cystoisospora sp. e Toxocara sp., e ao nível de espécies com Cystoisospora canis, Dipylidium caninum e Hymenolepis nana. A presença desses agentes infecciosos em alface e couve, provenientes tanto de feiras quanto de supermercados, ressalta o alto risco de veiculação de parasitas pela ingestão de hortaliças cruas comercializadas em Aparecida de Goiânia.

Lactuca/parasitology , Brassica/parasitology , Eimeriidae , Hymenolepis , Isospora , Toxocara
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468726


Abstract Foliar vegetables contaminated with fecal residues are an important route of transmission of intestinal parasites to humans. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of parasitic forms of protozoa and helminths on lettuces (Lactuca sativa) and collard greens (Brassica oleracea) sold in street- and supermarkets in the city of Aparecida de Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. A total of 30 samples of each vegetable (15 samples from each supermarkets and street markets) was analyzed. All samples were processed by spontaneous sedimentation method and centrifugal flotation. In 45% of the samples, immature forms of intestinal parasites were identified with 66.7% helminths eggs and 33.3% protozoan cysts or oocysts. Significantly more lettuce samples were contaminated with eggs, cysts or oocyst of at least one parasite than collard green samples (U=216; Z=-3.45; P 0.001). The parasitic forms were identified morphologically up to the family level with eggs of Ancylostomatidae, Strongyloididae, Ascarididae and Taeniidae, or oocysts of Eimeriidae, to the genus with Cystoisospora sp. and Toxocara sp., and to the species level with Cystoisospora canis, Dipylidium caninum and Hymenolepis nana. The presence of these infective agents in lettuce and collard green from both street- and supermarkets highlights the high risk of spreading parasites by eating raw vegetables sold in Aparecida de Goiânia.

Resumo Hortaliças contaminadas com resíduos fecais são importantes vias de transmissão de parasitas intestinais ao homem. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a presença de formas parasitárias de protozoários e helmintos em alface (Lactuca sativa) e couve (Brassica oleracea) vendidas em feiras e supermercados na cidade de Aparecida de Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil. Um total de 30 amostras de cada vegetal (15 amostras de supermercados e 15 de feiras livres) foi analisado. Todas as amostras foram processadas pelos métodos de sedimentação espontânea e centrífugo-flutuação. Em 45% das amostras foram identificadas formas imaturas de parasitas intestinais sendo 66,7% ovos de helmintos e 33,3% de cistos ou oocistos de protozoários. Significativamente, mais amostras de alface estavam contaminadas com ovos, cistos ou oocistos de pelo menos um parasita do que as amostras de couve (U = 216; Z = -3,45; P 0,001). As formas parasitárias foram identificadas morfologicamente ao nível de família com ovos de Ancylostomatidae, Strongyloididae, Ascarididae e Taeniidae ou oocistos de Eimeriidae, dos gêneros Cystoisospora sp. e Toxocara sp., e ao nível de espécies com Cystoisospora canis, Dipylidium caninum e Hymenolepis nana. A presença desses agentes infecciosos em alface e couve, provenientes tanto de feiras quanto de supermercados, ressalta o alto risco de veiculação de parasitas pela ingestão de hortaliças cruas comercializadas em Aparecida de Goiânia.

Rev. bras. enferm ; 75(5): e20210818, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1387762


ABSTRACT Objective: to assess the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral program to control lower urinary tract symptoms after radical prostatectomy. Methods: a randomized clinical trial study, with 41 participants randomized into intervention (n=20) and control (n=21), for three months. The intervention group received the cognitive-behavioral program, while the control group received routine guidance from the service. Outcome variables were urinary incontinence intensity and lower urinary tract symptoms, assessed by the Pad-Test and Urinary Incontinence Scale of Radical Prostatectomy and King's Health Questionnaire. Results: at the end of the study, the intervention group had a lower urinary incontinence intensity (p≤0.001), and there were less chances of presenting changes in urinary frequency (p≤0.001), urinary urgency (p≤0.001), nocturia (p=0.005), stress urinary incontinence (p≤0.001) and urge incontinence (p≤0.045). Conclusion: the cognitive-behavioral program was effective in reducing lower urinary tract symptoms after radical prostatectomy. Brazilian Clinical Trial Registry: RBR-3sstqg.

RESUMEN Objetivo: evaluar la efectividad de un programa cognitivo-conductual para controlar los síntomas del tracto urinario inferior después de la prostatectomía radical. Métodos: estudio de ensayo clínico aleatorizado, con 41 participantes aleatorizados en intervención (n=20) y control (n=21), durante tres meses. El grupo de intervención recibió el programa cognitivo-conductual, mientras que el grupo control recibió orientación rutinaria del servicio. Las variables de resultado fueron la intensidad de la incontinencia urinaria y los síntomas del tracto urinario inferior, evaluados mediante Pad-Test y Urinary Incontinence Scale of Radical Prostatectomy y King's Health Questionnaire. Resultados: al final del estudio, el grupo intervención presentó menor intensidad de incontinencia urinaria (p≤0,001), y hubo menos posibilidades de presentar cambios en la frecuencia urinaria (p≤0,001), urgencia urinaria (p≤0,001), nicturia (p=0,005), incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo (p≤0,001) e incontinencia de urgencia (p≤0,045). Conclusión: el programa cognitivo-conductual fue eficaz para reducir los síntomas del tracto urinario inferior después de la prostatectomía radical. Registro Brasileño de Ensayos Clínicos: RBR-3sstqg.

RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar a efetividade de um programa cognitivo-comportamental para controle de sintomas do trato urinário inferior pós-prostatectomia radical. Método: estudo de ensaio clínico randomizado, com 41 participantes aleatorizados em intervenção (n=20) e controle (n=21), durante três meses. O grupo intervenção recebeu o programa cognitivo-comportamental, enquanto o grupo controle recebeu orientações de rotina do serviço. As variáveis desfechos foram intensidade da incontinência urinária e sintomas do trato urinário inferior, avaliados pelo Pad-Test e Urinary Incontinence Scale of Radical Prostatectomy e King's Health Questionnaire. Resultados: ao final do estudo, o grupo intervenção apresentou menor intensidade da incontinência urinária (p≤0,001), e houve menos chances de apresentar alterações da frequência urinária (p≤0,001), urgência miccional (p≤0,001), noctúria (p=0,005), incontinência urinária de esforço (p≤0,001) e urge-incontinência (p≤0,045). Conclusão: o programa cognitivo-comportamental foi efetivo para a redução de sintomas do trato urinário inferior após a prostatectomia radical. Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos: RBR-3sstqg.

Braz. j. biol ; 82: e245368, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278522


Foliar vegetables contaminated with fecal residues are an important route of transmission of intestinal parasites to humans. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of parasitic forms of protozoa and helminths on lettuces (Lactuca sativa) and collard greens (Brassica oleracea) sold in street- and supermarkets in the city of Aparecida de Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. A total of 30 samples of each vegetable (15 samples from each supermarkets and street markets) was analyzed. All samples were processed by spontaneous sedimentation method and centrifugal flotation. In 45% of the samples, immature forms of intestinal parasites were identified with 66.7% helminths eggs and 33.3% protozoan cysts or oocysts. Significantly more lettuce samples were contaminated with eggs, cysts or oocyst of at least one parasite than collard green samples (U=216; Z=-3.45; P <0.001). The parasitic forms were identified morphologically up to the family level with eggs of Ancylostomatidae, Strongyloididae, Ascarididae and Taeniidae, or oocysts of Eimeriidae, to the genus with Cystoisospora sp. and Toxocara sp., and to the species level with Cystoisospora canis, Dipylidium caninum and Hymenolepis nana. The presence of these infective agents in lettuce and collard green from both street- and supermarkets highlights the high risk of spreading parasites by eating raw vegetables sold in Aparecida de Goiânia.

Hortaliças contaminadas com resíduos fecais são importantes vias de transmissão de parasitas intestinais ao homem. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a presença de formas parasitárias de protozoários e helmintos em alface (Lactuca sativa) e couve (Brassica oleracea) vendidas em feiras e supermercados na cidade de Aparecida de Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil. Um total de 30 amostras de cada vegetal (15 amostras de supermercados e 15 de feiras livres) foi analisado. Todas as amostras foram processadas pelos métodos de sedimentação espontânea e centrífugo-flutuação. Em 45% das amostras foram identificadas formas imaturas de parasitas intestinais sendo 66,7% ovos de helmintos e 33,3% de cistos ou oocistos de protozoários. Significativamente, mais amostras de alface estavam contaminadas com ovos, cistos ou oocistos de pelo menos um parasita do que as amostras de couve (U = 216; Z = -3,45; P <0,001). As formas parasitárias foram identificadas morfologicamente ao nível de família com ovos de Ancylostomatidae, Strongyloididae, Ascarididae e Taeniidae ou oocistos de Eimeriidae, dos gêneros Cystoisospora sp. e Toxocara sp., e ao nível de espécies com Cystoisospora canis, Dipylidium caninum e Hymenolepis nana. A presença desses agentes infecciosos em alface e couve, provenientes tanto de feiras quanto de supermercados, ressalta o alto risco de veiculação de parasitas pela ingestão de hortaliças cruas comercializadas em Aparecida de Goiânia.

Humans , Animals , Vegetables , Helminths , Brazil , Cities , Supermarkets
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(5): 1217-1224, Sept.-Oct. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345258


This work aimed to assess the effect of the probiotic strain, Lactobacillus plantarum, on the levels of leptin, IGF-1 and their receptors on the hepatopancreatic tissues of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and then correlate fish growth performance and gut microbiological parameters. Fish juveniles (±23g) were reared in a recirculation system with constant aeration and temperature (25°C). They were distributed into six polyethylene tanks (45L) and fed twice a day at 5% of the tank biomass with the respective diets: control (commercial diet without probiotic) and supplemented with L. plantarum inoculum (1 x 108 CFU mL-1), both in triplicate. After 30 days of feeding, L. plantarum-fed fishes showed greater weekly growth rate, final weight, and feed conversion rate, in addition to higher count of lactic-acid bacteria and lower count of pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal tract, when compared to the control group. The immunostaining intensity for IGF-1 and leptin hormones was lower after L. plantarum supplementation than in the control group, with no change in the level for receptors. This reduction could implicate important changes in fish metabolism and homeostasis.(AU)

O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da cepa probiótica Lactobacillus plantarum sobre os níveis de leptina, IGF-1 e seus receptores no tecido hepatopancreático de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) e correlacionar com o desempenho zootécnico e os parâmetros microbiológicos intestinais dos peixes. Juvenis de tilápia-do-nilo (±23g) foram distribuídos em seis tanques de polietileno (45L) conectados a um sistema de recirculação, com aeração e temperatura constantes (25°C). Os peixes foram alimentados duas vezes ao dia, a 5% da biomassa do tanque, com as respectivas dietas: controle (dieta comercial sem probiótico) e suplementada com L. plantarum (1 x 108 UFC mL-1), ambas em triplicata. Após 30 dias de cultivo, os peixes alimentados com L. plantarum apresentaram maiores ganho de peso semanal, peso final e conversão alimentar, bem como maior contagem de bactérias ácido-láticas e menor contagem de bactérias patogênicas no trato intestinal das tilápias alimentadas com dieta probiótica, em comparação ao grupo controle. A intensidade da imunomarcação para os hormônios IGF-1 e leptina foi menor com a suplementação de L. plantarum do que no grupo controle, sem alterar os níveis de seus receptores. Essa redução pode implicar mudanças importantes no metabolismo e na homeostase dos peixes.(AU)

Animals , Cichlids/growth & development , Hepatopancreas/chemistry , Lactobacillus plantarum , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Animal Feed , Insulin-Like Growth Factor I , Dietary Supplements , Leptin
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(2): 543-549, Mar.-Apr. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1248918


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o balanço de nitrogênio e a concentração de ureia no plasma em cabritos alimentados com dietas contendo farinha de pupunha em substituição ao milho (0, 10, 40, 60 e 85% MS). Trinta cabritos Boer × SRD, com 90 dias de idade e peso corporal inicial de 16,7 ± 3,5kg, foram distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com seis repetições. As dietas foram fornecidas diariamente ad libitum para permitir 10% das sobras. Três coletas foram realizadas a cada 28 dias. As dietas foram constituídas por milho, farelo de soja, farinha de pupunha, suplemento mineral e feno de Tifton-85, com a relação volumoso: concentrado de 30:70. O consumo de nitrogênio (N) diminuiu linearmente à medida que a farinha de pupunha substituiu o milho no concentrado. Com relação ao N digerido, os animais alimentados com níveis de farinha de pupunha apresentaram valores inferiores aos alimentados com o milho como única fonte de energia, com médias de 14,9 e 17,1g dia-1, respectivamente. A excreção urinária de N diminuiu à medida que a farinha de pupunha substituiu o milho no concentrado. O nível de 39% de farinha de pupunha reduziu a excreção urinária de ureia. Houve retenção máxima de N em 7,83g dia-1 para o nível de substituição de milho de 28,9% em farinha de pupunha.(AU)

Animals , Blood Urea Nitrogen , Ruminants/metabolism , Arecaceae , Industrial Waste , Animal Feed/analysis
Tropical Biomedicine ; : 540-551, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935085


@#Despite the huge loss of lives and massive disruption of the world economy by the COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, scientists are yet to come out with an effective therapeutic against this viral disease. Several vaccines have obtained ‘emergency approval’, but difficulties are being faced in the even distribution of vaccines amongst high- and lowincome countries. On top of it, comorbidities associated with COVID-19 like diabetes, hypertension and malaria can seriously impede the treatment of the main disease, thus increasing the fatality rate. This is more so in the context of sub-Saharan African and south Asian countries. Our objective was to demonstrate that a single plant containing different phytoconstituents may be used for treatment of COVID-19 and comorbidities. Towards initial selection of a plant, existing scientific literature was scanned for reported relevant traditional uses, phytochemicals and pharmacological activities of a number of plants and their phytoconstituents pertaining to treatment of COVID-19 symptoms and comorbidities. Molecular docking studies were then performed with phytochemicals of the selected plant and SARS-CoV-2 components – Mpro, and spike protein receptor binding domain and hACE2 interface using AutoDock Vina. We showed that crude extracts of an indigenous African plant, Costus afer having traditional antidiabetic and antimalarial uses, has phytochemicals with high binding affinities for Mpro, and/or spike protein receptor binding domain and hACE2 interface; the various phytochemicals with predicted high binding energies include aferoside C, dibutyl phthalate, nerolidol, suginal, and ±-terpinene, making them potential therapeutics for COVID-19. The results suggest that crude extracts and phytochemicals of C. afer can function as a treatment modality for COVID-19 and comorbidities like especially diabetes and malaria.

Tropical Biomedicine ; : 214-221, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-904744


@# Corona virus SARS-CoV-2-induced viral disease (COVID-19) is a zoonotic disease that was initially transmitted from animals to humans. The virus surfaced towards the end of December 2019 in Wuhan, China where earlier SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) had also surfaced in 2003. Unlike SARS, SARS-CoV-2 (a close relative of the SARS virus) created a pandemic, and as of February 24 2021, caused 112,778,672 infections and 2,499,252 deaths world-wide. Despite the best efforts of scientists, no drugs against COVID-19 are yet in sight; five vaccines have received emergency approval in various countries, but it would be a difficult task to vaccinate twice the world population of 8 billion. The objective of the present study was to evaluate through in silico screening a number of phytochemicals in Allium cepa (onion) regarding their ability to bind to the main protease of COVID-19 known as the 3C-like protease or 3CLpro, (PDB ID: 6LU7), 3CLpro of SARS (PDB ID: 3M3V), and human angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2), [PDB ID: 1R42], which functions as a receptor for entry of the virus into humans. Molecular docking (blind docking, that is docking not only against any target pocket) were done with the help of AutoDockVina. It was observed that of the twenty-two phytochemicals screened, twelve showed good binding affinities to the main protease of SARS-CoV-2. Surprisingly, the compounds also demonstrated good binding affinities to ACE-2. It is therefore very likely that the binding affinities shown by these compounds against both 3CLpro and ACE-2 merit further study for their potential use as therapeutic agents.

Tropical Biomedicine ; : 360-365, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-905802


@#COVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, can lead to massive inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract causing severe clinical symptoms. SARS-CoV-2 infects lungs after binding its spike proteins with alveolar angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), and it also triggers inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. SARS-CoV-2 invades the gastrointestinal tract by interacting with Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) that induces the expression of ACE2. The influx of ACE2 facilitates cellular binding of more SARS-CoV-2 and causes massive gastrointestinal inflammation leading to diarrhea. Diarrhea prior to COVID-19 infection or COVID-19-induced diarrhea reportedly ends up in a poor prognosis for the patient. Flavonoids are part of traditional remedies for gastrointestinal disorders. Preclinical studies show that flavonoids can prevent infectious diarrhea. Recent studies show flavonoids can inhibit the multiplication of SARS-CoV-2. In combination with vitamin D, flavonoids possibly activate nuclear factor erythroid-derived-2-related factor 2 that downregulates ACE2 expression in cells. We suggest that flavonoids have the potential to prevent SARS-CoV-2 induced diarrhea.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 54(1): e10080, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1142566


This study aimed to investigate the association between maternal psychological distress and impairment in mother-child relationship in a sample from a Northeast capital city in Brazil with a low Human Development Index, using directed acyclic graphs (DAG). A total of 3,215 women were evaluated for the presence of psychological distress through the Self Reporting Questionnaire instrument and for the mother-child relationship by the first factor of Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire, considered the most appropriate in the literature. Demographic and socioeconomic variables were used to construct a theoretical model and, after this, multivariate logistic regression was performed using variables suggested by Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG). Psychological distress was present in 22.7% of the women and 12.6% of them presented impaired mother-child relationships. After adjustment, the variable 'maternal mental distress' remained associated with impaired mother-child relationship (RR=3.03), and among the explanatory variables only 'primary school level' (RR=1.48) was associated as a risk factor to this outcome. The results indicated that, in this population, women with psychological distress and lower schooling are more likely to present impaired mother-child relationships.

Humans , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Psychological Distress , Mother-Child Relations , Object Attachment , Brazil/epidemiology , Surveys and Questionnaires