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Cuad. Hosp. Clín ; 59(2): 36-39, 2018. ilus.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIBOCS | ID: biblio-986472


INTRODUCCIÓN: El pH es una propiedad básica del agua potable y cuyos valores extremos pueden originar reacciones secundarias dañinas, entendiéndose por agua potable aquel que puede ser consumido sin restricción para el consumo humano, OBJETIVO: Determinar el valor del pH de agua potable que consumen los estudiantes de segundo año de la carrera de medicina de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA). MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se analizaron 388 muestras de agua potable del domicilio de estudiantes regulares de segundo año cátedra de bioquímica entre los meses de julio y agosto del 2017, realizándose un estudio de tipo descriptivo con un enfoque transeccional. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados, 1) la media del pH total fue de 7,24; con x=7,22 en la ciudad de la Paz y x=7,28 en la ciudad de el Alto. 2) en cuanto al sistema de potabilización se obtuvo: x=7,34 en la planta el Alto, x=7,21 en la planta de Tilata, x=7,15 en la planta de Achachicala y de x=7,20 en la planta de Pampahasi. CONCLUSIONES: El pH del agua potable consumida se encontró dentro de parámetros establecidos con un valor medio de 7,24.

INTRODUCTION: The pH is a basic property of potable water and whose extreme values may cause harmful secondary reactions. It is understood that potable water can be consumed without any restriction by human beings. OBJECTIVE: To determine the pH value of potable water consumed by medicine students of second year at UMSA university. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 388 samples of potable water were analyzed which were taken from the homes of the second year students of the biochemistry department between July and August 2017, developing a descriptive study with a cross-sectional approach. RESULTS: The following results were obtained: 1) the average of the pH was 7.24; with x = 7.22 in La Paz city and x = 7.29 in El Alto city. 2) in relation to the drinking water was obtained: x=7.34 in El Alto plant, x=7.21 in Tilata plant, x=7.16 in Achachicala plant and x=7.21 in Pampahasi plant. CONCLUSION: The pH of the drinking water drunk is established within parameters with an average value of 7.24.

Drinking Water , Water Alkalinity , Water Purification/statistics & numerical data , Water Treatment Plants/analysis , Drinking Water/analysis
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(6): 1807-1813, nov.-dez. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-970491


This study determined the distribution of stx1 and stx2 genes in Escherichia coli isolated from dairy herds with regard to animal age, season, and farm production-scale, and analyzed the phylogenetic distribution of the groups A, B1, B2, and D of 276 isolates of bovine feces Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC). The stx1 profile was the most common, detected in 20.4% (202/990) of the isolates, followed by stx2 (4.54%, 45/990) and stx1+stx2 (2.92%, 29/990). The stx1 gene was detected more frequently in calves than in adult animals. In the dry season (winter), the presence of stx1+stx2 profile in cattle feces was higher than in the rainy season (summer), while no significant changes were observed between seasons for the stx1 and stx2 profiles. The most predominant phylogenetic groups in adult animals were B1, A, and D, while groups A and B1 prevailed in calves. Our data highlight the importance of identifying STEC reservoirs, since 7.5% of the tested isolates were positive for stx2, the main profile responsible for the hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS). Moreover, these microorganisms are adapted to survive even in hostile environments and can contaminate the food production chain, posing a significant risk to consumers of animal products.(AU)

Esse estudo determinou a distribuição dos genes stx1 e stx2 em Escherichia coli isolados de rebanhos leiteiros em relação a idade, estação e produção, e analisaram a distribuição filogenética dos grupos A, B1, B2 e D de 276 E. coli produtoras de toxina Shiga (STEC). O perfil stx1 foi mais comum, detectado em 20,4% (202/990) dos isolados, seguido de stx2 (4,54%, 45/990) e stx1+stx2 (2,92%, 29/990). O gene stx1 foi detectado mais frequentemente em bezerros que animais adultos. No período de seca (inverno), a presença do perfil stx1+stx2 nas fezes dos bovinos foi mais prevalente que no período chuvoso (verão), apesar de não haver diferença significativa entre estações para os perfis stx1 e stx2. Os grupos filogenéticos mais predominantes em animais adultos foram B1, A e D, enquanto grupos A e B2 prevaleceram em bezerros. Nossos dados enfatizam a importância de se detectar reservatórios de STEC já que 7,5% dos isolados testados foram positivos para stx2, o perfil mais prevalente em casos de síndrome hemolítica-urêmica. Ademais, esses microorganismos são adaptados à sobreviver em ambientes hostis e contaminam a cadeia alimentar, levando a risco significativo para consumidores de alimentos de origem animal.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Cattle/genetics , Shiga Toxin 1/genetics , Shiga Toxin 2/genetics , Escherichia coli/isolation & purification , Escherichia coli/genetics
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 68(4): 873-881, jul.-ago. 2016. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-792459


We aimed to compare fresh sperm and sperm cooled to 4ºC that had been recovered from the epididymides of cats using powdered coconut water (ACP-117c) and Tris extenders. Sixty epididymides were divided into 6 groups: 10 fresh epididymides were recovered using Tris (T0h); 10 were kept at 4°C/2h and recovered using Tris (T2h); 10 were kept at 4°C/4h and recovered using Tris (T4h); 10 fresh were recovered using ACP-117c (A0h); 10 were kept at 4°C/2h and recovered using ACP-117c (A2h), and 10 were kept at 4°C/4h and recovered using ACP-117c (A4h). The testis-epididymis complexes (TEC) control were not cooled. The others were cooled at 4°C for 2 or 4h. The epididymis was separated and the sperm was recovered by the modified flotation method. Sperm kinetic parameters were evaluated by a computer-system analysis, and vigor, viability, concentration, membrane function and morphology of the sperm were assessed under a light microscope. The progressive motility with ACP-117c declined after 2h of cooling, but did not differ between fresh and 4h. The vigor and membrane function were higher in A4h than A0h. The vigor at T2h and T4h were decreased compared to T0h. T0h was higher than A0h for vigor and sperm membrane function. However, after 4h of cooling, ACP-117c maintained a higher percentage of living cells. Feline epididymal sperm quality can be maintained to the degree necessary for artificial breeding programs following cooling and ACP-117c may be successfully used to recover cat sperm that have been cooled for up to 4h.(AU)

Objetivou-se comparar a qualidade de espermatozoides recuperados a fresco e após refrigeração a 4ºC do epidídimo de gatos domésticos utilizando-se os diluidores ACP-117c e Tris. Sessenta epidídimos foram distribuídos em seis grupos: 10 epidídimos a fresco com o Tris (T0h), 10 a 4°C/2h e recuperados com Tris (T2h), 10 a 4°C/4h e recuperados com Tris (T4h), 10 epidídimos a fresco com o ACP-117c (A0h), 10 a 4 °C/2h e recuperados com ACP-117c (A2h), 10 a 4°C/4h e recuperados com ACP-117c (A4h). Os complexos testículo-epidídimo (CTE) do controle não foram refrigerados. Os outros foram refrigerados a 4°C durante duas e quatro horas. Os epidídimos foram separados das demais estruturas, e os espermatozoides recuperados pela técnica de flutuação modificada. Os parâmetros cinéticos foram avaliados em um sistema computadorizado, e o vigor, a viabilidade, a concentração, a funcionalidade de membrana e a morfologia celular foram avaliados em microscopia de luz. A motilidade progressiva com ACP-117c declinou após duas horas de refrigeração, mas não diferiu entre a recuperação a fresco e após refrigeração por quatro horas. Vigor e integridade funcional da membrana celular foram significativamente superiores no grupo A4h em comparação ao A0h. O vigor espermático em T2h e T4h reduziu significativamente em comparação com T0h. T0h foi significativamente superior ao A0h quanto aos parâmetros de vigor e integridade funcional da membrana espermática, entretanto, após quatro horas de refrigeração, o ACP-117c apresentou um maior percentual de células vivas. Os espermatozoides epididimários de felinos domésticos conseguem manter a qualidade necessária para serem utilizados em programas de reprodução artificial após serem refrigerados e recuperados por meio da técnica de flutuação modificada, e o diluidor ACP-117c pode ser utilizado com sucesso para recuperação de células espermáticas refrigeradas de gatos por até quatro horas.(AU)

Animals , Male , Cats , Refrigeration/veterinary , Reproductive Techniques, Assisted/veterinary , Spermatozoa/cytology , Epididymis , Foods Containing Coconut
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 16(3): 481-489, jul.-set. 2014. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-722266


Carobinha (Jacaranda decurrens Cham. ssp. symmetrifoliolata Farias & Proença) é uma planta medicinal que ocorre no Cerrado de Mato Grosso do Sul. A espécie vem sendo amplamente utilizada pela medicina popular como depurativa do sangue e cicatrizante de feridas uterinas e dos ovários, resultando na sua exploração predatória. Por ser uma espécie identificada recentemente, os estudos sobre adaptação ex situ são ainda escassos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento, o desenvolvimento, e a produção da carobinha cultivada ex situ em cinco espaçamentos entre plantas dentro das fileiras, em parcelas adubadas com e sem cama semidecomposta de frango de corte. O experimento foi desenvolvido no Horto de Plantas Medicinais (HPM) da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD, em Dourados-MS, de abril de 2006 a outubro de 2007. Os espaçamentos entre plantas foram: 0,30; 0,35; 0,40; 0,45 e 0,50 m, sendo a cama de frango aplicada na dose de 10 t ha-1 nas parcelas com este tratamento. O ensaio fatorial 5x2, foi conduzido no delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, sendo a parcela constituída de 4,5 m², com quatro repetições. As mudas foram obtidas a partir de sementes coletadas de uma população de 40 plantas nativas, distribuídas ao acaso, em área de cerca de 100 m² com vegetação característica de Cerrado. Durante o cultivo avaliou-se a altura das plantas a cada 30 dias a partir de 150 até 480 dias após o transplante (DAT). As plantas foram colhidas aos 480 DAT, quando avaliou-se as massas fresca e seca da parte aérea, raízes, área foliar, e o comprimento e o diâmetro da maior raiz. A altura máxima (1,58 m) foi alcançada aos 471 DAT no espaçamento de 0,50 m entre plantas, tratadas com a cama de frango. Os dados de produtividade foram influenciados significativamente pelos espaçamentos, mas não pela adição da cama. O rendimento de massa seca das folhas por hectare não foi influenciado pelo espaçamento. A máxima área foliar foi obtida no espaçamento 0,50 m. Os maiores valores de massa seca de caules por hectare ocorreram no espaçamento de 0,30 m. Os maiores diâmetros de raiz, de xilopódio, e de caule, ocorreram no espaçamento 0,30 m, sendo os máximos valores de comprimento de raiz e de xilopódio também observados neste espaçamento. Os maiores rendimentos de massa seca de raiz (4,564 t ha-1) e de xilopódio (2,102 t ha-1) foram obtidos no espaçamento 0,30 m. Pelos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que para se obter maiores produções de carobinha ela deve ser cultivada no espaçamento de 0,30 m, independente da cama de frango.

Jacaranda decurrens Cham. ssp. symmetrifoliolata Farias & Proenca, commonly known as carobinha, is a medicinal plant which occurs in the Cerrado of Mato Grosso do Sul. The species is widely used in folk medicine as a blood purifying and for healing wounds of uterine and ovarian cancers, which leads to its extensive and predatory exploitation. As it is a newly identified species, studies on its adaptation ex situ are still rare. Thus, the objective of this experiment was to evaluate the early development and yield of the species cultivated ex situ using five different plant spacing within the ranks and applying semicomposed broiler litter in the plots. The experiment took place at the Garden of Medicinal Plants from the Federal University of Grande Dourados ( UFGD), between April 2006 and October 2007. Plant spacings were: 0.30, 0.35, 0.40, 0.45 and 0.50 m, with broiler litter applied at 10 ton ha-1 in plots. The 5x2 factorial trial was designed as randomized blocks, with 4.5 m² plot area and four replications each. The seedlings were obtained from seeds collected in a natural germoplasm bank of 40 plants, randomly distributed in an area of about 100 m² with typical Cerrado vegetation. During cultivation, the height of the plants was evaluated every 30 days from 150 to 480 days after transplanting (DAT). Plants were harvested at 480 DAT, when fresh and dry matter of shoots, roots, leaf area and length and diameter of the largest root were assessed. The maximum height (1.58 m) was reached at 471 DAT at 0.50 m spacing between plants when poultry litter was applied. The yield data were influenced significantly by the spacing, but not by the addition of the broiler litter. The yield per hectare of dry mass of leaves was not influenced by plant spacing, however maximum leaf area was also obtained at 0.50 m spacing. The highest values of dry mass of stems per hectare were obtained at 0.30 m between plants, as well as the largest diameters of root, xylopodium and stem and the maximum length of root and xylopodium was also observed under this plant spacing. Someway, the highest yields of dry mass of root (4.564 t ha-1) and xylopodium (2.102 t ha-1) occurred when used 0.30 m plant spacing. Based on these results, we concluded the species achieves higher yields when grown in 0.30 m plant spacing, independent of the addition of poultry litter.

Jacaranda caroba/analysis , Crop Production , Bignoniaceae/growth & development
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 16(4): 931-937, oct.-dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-729902


O principal objetivo da pesquisa foi a avaliação de aspectos da anatomia foliar, da morfologia dos órgãos vegetativos, bem como a produção de biomassa em plantas jovens de Copaifera langsdorffii desenvolvidas sob diferentes temperaturas. Foram coletadas sementes e colocadas para germinar em câmara BOD a 30ºC. Após trinta dias as plântulas, com o primeiro par de folhas completamente expandidas, foram transplantadas para copos contendo plantimax®, e aclimatizadas durante quinze dias em casa de vegetação, quando foram transferidas para BODs com temperaturas T1-15ºC, T2-25ºC, T3-35ºC, e a testemunha (T) que permaneceu em casa de vegetação (29ºC). O experimento foi conduzido por um período de 120 dias. Foram observadas diferenças significativas no tamanho e frequência dos estômatos, nas dimensões das cavidades secretoras de óleo, na espessura do mesofilo, nos aspectos morfológicos externos, e na produção de biomassa. A produção de mudas sob temperatura de 25ºC foi apropriada, sendo a condição onde as plantas tornaram-se mais vigorosas, com morfologia mais uniforme nos órgãos vegetativos e houve maior produção de biomassa seca.

The main purpose of this study was to evaluate aspects of leaf anatomy, morphology of vegetative organs and biomass production in Copaifera langsdorffii saplings developed under heat shock treatment. Seeds were collected and germinated in BOD chamber at 30 ºC. After thirty days, the seedlings with the first pair of fully expanded leaves were transplanted into cups containing Plantimax®, acclimatized for two weeks in a greenhouse and transferred to growth chamber with the temperatures T1-15 ºC, T2-25 ºC, T3- 35 ºC, and the control (T) remained in a greenhouse (29 ºC). The experiment was conducted over a period of 120 days. Significant differences were observed in size and frequency of stomata, size of the oil secretory cavities, thickness of the mesophyll in the external morphology and biomass production. The production of seedlings at 25 ºC is suitable, a condition in which the plants become more vigorous with a more uniform morphology in the vegetative organs and higher production of biomass.

Fabaceae/anatomy & histology , Seeds/growth & development , Temperature , Climate , Biomass
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 65(4): 981-988, Aug. 2013. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-684451


Foram colhidas amostras de 100 carcaças em um frigorífico exportador, localizado no interior do estado de São Paulo, amostradas ao longo de um ano, por meio do método de esponjas, aplicado na região do peito do animal. As amostras foram colhidas em três pontos, denominados A, B e C, sendo cada carcaça amostrada nos três pontos, localizados nas etapas: pós-sangria (A); pós-esfola (B) e pós-lavagem (C). Foram realizadas pesquisas de Listeria sp., E. coli O157, Salmonella spp. e microrganismos indicadores (Petrifilms® AC, EC e EB). Não foram isolados Listeria ou E. coli O157 em nenhuma das 300 amostras. Salmonella spp. foi isolada em nove, sendo oito no ponto A e uma no ponto B. Para mesófilos, as contagens variaram de 0 a 6,8 log UFC/cm², para coliformes totais, de 0 a 4,57 log UFC/cm², e para E. coli, de 0 a 4,38 log UFC/cm². Diante dos resultados obtidos e em comparação com a literatura, conclui-se que o estabelecimento estudado apresenta qualidade, tanto sanitária (devido às baixas prevalências dos patógenos) quanto higiênica (devido à acentuada diminuição da carga microbiana de indicadores ao longo da linha).

Samples were collected from 100 carcasses in a slaughterhouse exporter, located within the State of São Paulo, sampled over a year through the sponge method, applied to the chest of the animal. Samples were taken at three points, denominated A, B and C, each carcass sampled at three points located in the following steps: after bleeding (A) after skinning (B) and after washing (C). Research was conducted for Listeria sp., E. coli O157, Salmonella spp. and Micro-organism (Petrifilms ® AC, EC and EB). Listeria or E. coli O157 were not isolated in any of the 300 samples. Salmonella spp. was isolated in nine, eight at point A and one at point B. For Mesophiles, scores ranged from 0 to 6.8 log UFC/cm²; for Total coliforms, 0 to 4.57 log UFC/cm² and E. coli from 0 to 4.38 log UFC/cm². With the results obtained and compared with the literature, it is concluded that the establishment in this study has both sanitary quality (due to the low prevalence of pathogens) and hygienic quality (due to the sharp decrease in the microbial load of indicators along the line.

Animals , Cattle , Food Preservatives , Meat/analysis , Listeria monocytogenes/pathogenicity , Salmonella/pathogenicity , Cattle/classification
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 15(2): 176-179, 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-677023


Maytenus ilicifolia é uma espécie medicinal nativa do Brasil que vem sendo cultivada para atender a crescente demanda do mercado. Os fatores que interferem na produção, tal como a incidência de pragas e doenças, devem ser estudados para garantir o incremento na produtividade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi registrar a ocorrência e a identificação de cochonilhas associadas a 15 acessos de espinheira-santa (Maytenus ilicifolia) do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma da Embrapa Clima Temperado e do Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense. Foi registrada a quantidade de plantas infestadas em cada acesso e identificado, em laboratório, as espécies de cochonilhas infestantes. O número de plantas infestadas variou entre os acessos. Foram identificadas as cochonilhas Ceroplastes sp. e Saissetia oleae, família Coccidae. Dos 10 acessos infestados, 23 (11,3%) plantas apresentaram infestação com Ceroplastes sp. e, apenas uma (0,5%), com Saissetia oleae. O acesso 133 mostrou a maior incidência de Ceroplastes sp. (33,3%), seguido do acesso 130 (25,0%). O acesso 123 foi o que apresentou menor quantidade de plantas infestadas (4,8%). Saissetia oleae ocorreu em apenas uma planta, pertencente ao acesso 136 (5,6%).

Maytenus ilicifolia is a medicinal species native to Brazil which has been cultivated to meet the growing market demand. Factors that interfere with the production, such as the incidence of pests and diseases, should be studied to ensure increased productivity. The aim of this study was to record the occurrence and the identification of mealybugs associated with 15 "espinheira-santa" (Maytenus ilicifolia) accessions from the Active Germplasm Bank of "Embrapa Clima Temperado" and "Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense". The quantity of infested plants in each accession was recorded and the species of infested mealybugs were identified in the laboratory. The number of infested plants varied among accessions. The identified mealybugs were Ceroplastes sp. and Saissetia oleae, family Coccidae. Of 10 infested accessions, 23 plants (11.3%) showed infestation with Ceroplastes sp., and only one (0.5%) with Saissetia oleae. Accession 133 showed the highest incidence of Ceroplastes sp. (33.3%), followed by accession 130 (25.0%). Accession 123 had the least amount of infested plants (4.8%). Saissetia oleae occurred in only one plant, belonging to accession 136 (5.6%).

Agricultural Pests , Hemiptera/anatomy & histology , Plants, Medicinal/classification , Maytenus/growth & development
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 15(4): 583-588, 2013. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-695244


Volatile oils from leaves and flowers of Aloysia gratissima were investigated for their chemical composition and antimicrobial activity against the bacteria Bacilus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella choleraesuis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus pneumoniae and the Candida albicans yeast. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of the oils were determined by the micro-dilution method, while the chemical composition was determined by GC-MS (gas chromatography mass spectrometry). The fresh leaves and inflorescence were subjected to hydrodistillation for 120 min using a Clevenger-type apparatus, and the essential oil was tested against microorganisms. High concentrations of sesquiterpenes were observed for the inflorescence, and monoterpenes were observed for the leaves. The main compounds of the inflorescence essential oil were E-caryophyllene, germacrene B, guaiol and bulnesol, while in the leaves the main compounds were trans-pinocamphone, trans-pinocarveyl acetate, and guaiol. The essential oil from the leaves showed an effect against P. aeruginosa and S. pneumonia, and the essential oil of the inflorescence showed an effect against P. aeruginosa, S. pneumonia, and Candida albicans.

O óleo essencial de folhas e de flores de Aloysia gratissima foi avaliado quanto à composição química e ação antimicrobiana contra as bactérias Bacilus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella choleraesuis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus pneumoniae, e a levedura Candida albicans. A concentração mínima inibitória (MIC) dos óleos essenciais foi determinada pelo método da microdiluição e a composição química determinada por CG-EM (Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada a Espectrômetro de Massas). Folhas e inflorescências frescas foram hidrodestiladas por 120 minutos em aparelho Clevenger sendo o óleo essencial testado contra microorganismos. Para as flores foi observada maior concentração de sesquiterpenos, enquanto que as folhas apresentaram maior concentração de monoterpenos. Os principais constituintes do óleo essencial da flor foram: E-cariofileno, germacreno B, guaiol e bulnesol; e das folhas foram: trans-pinocamfona, acetato de trans-pinocarveol e guaiol. O óleo essencial da folha mostrou atividade contra P. aeruginosa e S. pneumoniae, e o óleo essencial da flor mostrou atividade contra P. aeruginosa, S. pneumoniae e Candida albicans.

Oils, Volatile/chemical synthesis , Plant Leaves/classification , Verbenaceae/classification , Plants, Medicinal/classification , Chromatography, Gas , Anti-Infective Agents/analysis
Braz. j. microbiol ; 44(2): 485-492, 2013. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-688570


The identification of pathogens of viral (Rotavirus, Coronavirus), parasitic (Toxocara spp.) and bacterial (Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Rhodococcus equi) origin shed in feces, and the virulence profile of R. equi and E. coli isolates were investigated in 200 samples of sand obtained from 40 parks, located in central region of state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, using different diagnostic methods. From 200 samples analyzed, 23 (11.5%) strains of R. equi were isolated. None of the R. equi isolates showed a virulent (vapA gene) or intermediately virulent (vapB gene) profiles. Sixty-three (31.5%) strains of E. coli were identified. The following genes encoding virulence factors were identified in E. coli: eae, bfp, saa, iucD, papGI, sfa and hly. Phylogenetic classification showed that 63 E. coli isolates belonged to groups B1 (52.4%), A (25.4%) and B2 (22.2%). No E. coli serotype O157:H7 was identified. Eggs of Toxocara sp. were found in three parks and genetic material of bovine Coronavirus was identified in one sample of one park. No Salmonella spp. and Rotavirus isolates were identified in the samples of sand. The presence of R. equi, Toxocara sp, bovine Coronavirus and virulent E. coli isolates in the environment of parks indicates that the sanitary conditions of the sand should be improved in order to reduce the risks of fecal transmission of pathogens of zoonotic potential to humans in these places.

Animals , Humans , Coronavirus, Bovine/isolation & purification , Escherichia coli/isolation & purification , Rhodococcus equi/isolation & purification , Soil Microbiology , Toxocara/isolation & purification , Brazil , Escherichia coli/classification , Escherichia coli/genetics , Rhodococcus equi/genetics , Virulence Factors/genetics
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 32(3): 241-250, jul.-sept. 2012. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-665002


OBJETIVO: Identificar el indicador que mejor predice la severidad en forma temprana en pacientes con pancreatitis aguda. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte prospectiva entre diciembre del 2009 y diciembre del 2011. Se clasificó los cuadros de pancreatitis aguda en leve y severa en base a los criterios de falla orgánica o complicaciones locales según el Simposio de Atlanta. Los indicadores de APACHE-II, BISAP y urea fueron calculados usando los datos de las primeras 24 horas de admisión. El indicador de Ranson se calculó con datos de las primeras 48 horas. La hemoconcentración se calculó a las 24 horas de la admisión después de una adecuada hidratación. Para evaluar la capacidad predictiva de los diferentes indicadores se utilizó el área bajo la curva ROC. RESULTADOS: Ingresaron al estudio 329 pacientes con pancreatitis aguda: doscientos catorce mujeres (65%) y 115 varones (35%). La etiología más frecuente fue la biliar 245 (74.3%). Doscientos cuarenta fueron pancreatitis leves (73%) y 89 pancreatitis severas (27%). Las áreas bajo la curva ROC de los indicadores fueron: APACHE-II: 0.74; BISAP: 0.78; Ranson: 0.48; urea: 0.70; hematocrito a las 24 horas: 0.73. Se registraron 10 muertes (mortalidad: 3%). No se observó diferencias significativas del indicador BISAP con el indicador de APACHE-II, con la urea ni la hemoconcentración, pero sí con el puntaje de Ranson. CONCLUSIÓN: BISAP es un score sencillo que aplicado tempranamente en la emergencia identifica pacientes con cuadro clínico severo con eficacia similar al APACHE-II, urea y hemoconcentración; y mejor que Ranson.

OBJECTIVE: To identify the score that best predicts early severity in patients with acute pancreatitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective cohort study was performed from December 2009 to December 2011. Cases of pancreatitis were classified as mild or severe based on the organ failure criteria and/or local complications according to the Atlanta Symposium. APACHE-II, BISAP and urea were calculated using data from the first 24 hours. Ranson was calculated using data from the first 48 hours. Hemoconcentratión was assessed 24 hours from admission, after adequate hydration. To assess the predictive value of the different scores the area under the curve ROC was used. RESULTS: 329 patients with acute pancreatitis were included: 214 women (65%) and 115 males (35%). The most common etiology was biliary 245 (74.3%). Two hundred and forty were mild cases of pancreatitis (73%) and 89 were severe (27%). The areas under the curve ROC were: APACHE-II: 0.74; BISAP: 0.78; Ranson: 0.48; urea: 0.70; hemoconcentratión: 0.73. There were 10 deaths (mortality: 3%). There were no significant differences between BISAP and APACHE-II, urea or hemoconcentration, but a significant difference existed with Ranson score. CONCLUSION: BISAP is a simple score that applied early in the emergency room identifies patients with severe pancreatitis with an efficacy similar to APACHE-II, urea and hemoconcentration, and better than Ranson.

Humans , Male , Female , Early Diagnosis , Pancreatitis , Severity of Illness Index , Prospective Studies , Cohort Studies
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 32(2): 187-191, abr.-jun. 2012. tab, ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-661415


Reportamos el caso de una paciente en quien se hizo inicialmente el diagnóstico de infección aguda por virus de hepatitis E por presentar un cuadro de ictericia con elevación de enzimas hepáticas e IgM VHE (+), pero por evolución crónica (Más de 6 meses) y sin ser una paciente inmunosuprimida; nos obligó a descartar causas diferentes que podrían producir enfermedad hepática crónica. Se detectó hipergamaglobulinemia y en biopsia hepática: hepatitis de interface, infiltrado inflamatorio mixto a predominio de linfocitos, y presencia de tractos fibrosos porta-porta, cambios sugestivos de hepatitis crónica severamente activa que podría ser secundaria a hepatitis autoinmune asociada a infección por virus de hepatitis E. Con estos hallazgos se decidió iniciar tratamiento para hepatitis autoinmune con Prednisona y Azatioprina, produciéndose una disminución de las transaminasas y perfil de coagulación hasta la normalidad, lo que ayudó a confirmar el diagnostico de hepatitis autoinmune descompensada y puesta de manifiesto por una infección aguda por virus de hepatitis E. Presentamos el caso clínico completo y una revisión de la literatura.

We report the case of a patient wo initially made the diagnosis of acute hepatitis E virus with a clinical picture of jaundice with elevated liver enzymes and HEV IgM (+), but chronic evolution (More than 6 months) without being an immunosuppresed patient, forced us to exclude different causes that may produce chronic liver disease. And hypergammaglobulinemiawas detected in liver biopsy: interface hepatitis, mixed inflammatory infiltrate with predominance of lymphocytes, and presence of portal-portal fibrous tracts, suggestive of severe active chronic hepatitis may be secondary to autoimmune hepatitis associated with hepatitis virus infection E. With these findings, we decided to start treatment for autoimmune hepatitis with prednisone and azathioprine, leading to a decrease in transaminases and coagulation profile to normal, which helped confirm the diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis and decompesated manifested by acute virus infection of hepatitis E. Full report the case and a review of the literature.

Humans , Adolescent , Female , Hepatitis, Autoimmune , Hepatitis E , Jaundice , Hepatitis E virus
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 14(3): 458-463, 2012. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-658125


Visando promover a proliferação de brotações em segmentos apicais e nodais de Ocimum selloi em diferentes concentrações de BAP, plantas jovens de 60 dias serviram de doadoras de segmentos apicais e nodais. Os segmentos foram inoculados em meio MS preparado com a metade da concentração dos sais, e acrescido de 1,5% de sacarose e diferentes concentrações de BAP. O experimento foi conduzido no delineamento fatorial, 3 x 4, sendo 3 as posições dos segmentos de O. selloi (segmento apical, primeiro e segundo segmentos nodais) e 4 concentrações de BAP (0 - controle; 2; 4 e 6 mg L-1). Aos 30 dias, foram avaliados o número, comprimento e biomassa fresca e seca de brotos e raízes. Os primeiros e segundos segmentos apresentaram melhores resultados na indução de brotos de O. selloi, 7 e 8 brotos/explante, nas diferentes concentrações de BAP; porém, não houve formação de raízes na presença da citocinina. Nas condições testadas, recomenda-se o uso do primeiro e segundo segmento nodal suplementando o meio de cultivo com BAP para a proliferação in vitro de brotações de O. selloi.

The present study was undertaken to develop the proliferation of sprouts in apical and nodal segments of Ocimum selloi with different BAP levels. Young plants aged 60 days were used as donors of nodal and apical segments. The segments were inoculated in MS medium at half the concentration of salts supplemented with 1.5% of sucrose and different BAP levels. The experiment was in 3 x 4 factorial arrangement, 3 positions of O. selloi segments (apical segment; first and second nodal segment) and 3 BAP levels (0 - control; 2; 4 and 6 mg L-1). After 30 days, the number, the length, and the fresh and dry biomass of sprouts and roots were evaluated. The first and the second segments showed better results in inducing O. selloi sprouts, 7 and 8 sprouts/explant, at the different BAP levels, but there was not root formation in the presence of the cytokinin. Under the tested conditions, use of the first and the second nodal segments is recommended in addition to supplementing the culture medium with BAP for in vitro proliferation of O. selloi sprouts.

Ocimum/classification , Ocimum/growth & development , Plants, Medicinal/growth & development , Plant Shoots/growth & development
Arch. med ; 11(2): 159-168, dec. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-619040


Antecedentes: La infección urinaria es una de las causas más frecuentes de consulta en la población pediátrica. En la mayoría de los casos manejada empíricamente,siendo el Trimetoprim/sulfametoxazol el antibiótico más utilizado. El propósito de esta investigación es establecer la frecuencia de los diferentes agentes etiológicos causantes de infecciones del tracto urinario (ITU), su resistencia y sensibilidad a los antibióticos en población pediátrica. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de 180 historias clínicas de niños menores de 14 años que ingresaron a una unidad de segundo nivel de atenciónen salud, del Valle de Aburrá. Resultados: Escherichia coli causó el 52.0% de las ITU, seguida del Enterococcus sp(26%). La resistencia al Trimetoprim/Sulfametoxazol fue del 80%, seguida por Ampicilina(71.4%) y Ciprofloxacina (61.5%). Los antibióticos con mejor respuesta fueron laAmikacina (94.4%) y la nitrofurantoína (93.3%). Se estableció que existe una relaciónsignificativa (p=0.003; OR= 2.53) entre urocultivo positivo para E. coli y pacientes confiebre; el 6.11% de la población presentó malformación del tracto genitourinario. Conclusiones: Escherichia coli fue el agente más frecuente en infección del tractourinario, presentando alta resistencia al Trimetoprim/Sulfametoxazol. La malformación más frecuente fue el reflujo vesicoureteral principalmente en menores de dos años; además se mostró la importancia de conocer los datos epidemiológicos locales y el comportamiento de estas bacterias, para un adecuado manejo y seguimiento de niños con infección del tracto urinario...

Anti-Bacterial Agents , Escherichia coli , Urinary Tract Infections
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 13(4): 467-474, 2011. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-611451


Objetivou-se, com a realização da pesquisa, avaliar modificações fisiológicas e anatômicas em plantas de melissa, cultivadas sob malhas termorrefletoras (Aluminet®), em diferentes níveis de sombreamento, visando conhecer a plasticidade fenotípica em resposta de adaptação a diferentes quantidades de luz. Os tratamentos foram caracterizados por plantas submetidas a pleno sol e a 20 e 60 por cento de intensidade luminosa, e arranjados conforme o delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC). As quantificações de clorofila foram feitas em quatro repetições, as medições das epidermes e parênquimas foram repetidas 15 vezes e utilizou-se 10 repetições para as avaliações das características de cloroplastos e grãos de amido destes. Plantas submetidas a 20 por cento de intensidade luminosa apresentaram maior quantidade de clorofila a e, portanto, maior razão clorofila a/b. Comparativamente, as folhas de melissa a pleno sol e a 60 por cento de luz apresentaram células da epiderme adaxial mais espessas, mas as células da epiderme abaxial mostraram características encontradas em folhas de sombra, ou seja, mais finas. Quanto maior a intensidade luminosa, maior o número de cloroplastos, porém, a pleno sol mostraram-se mais finos e com menor área. Os grãos de amido de plantas cultivadas sob ambientes sombreados tiveram maior área e ocuparam maior parte nos cloroplastos de plantas a 60 por cento de intensidade luminosa. Assim, plantas de melissa, quando submetidas ao sombreamento, tiveram plasticidade fenotípica.

The aim of this study was to evaluate physiological and anatomical modifications in lemon balm plants, cultivated under thermo-reflector nets (Aluminet®) at different levels of shading, in order to understand the phenotypic plasticity in adaptation response to different light quantities. The treatments were characterized by plants subjected to full sun and 20 and 60 percent of luminous intensity, and arranged in completely randomized design (CRD). The quantifications of chlorophylls were done in four replicates, the measurements of epidermis and parenchymas were repeated 15 times and 10 replicates were used to evaluate characteristics of chloroplasts and their starch grains. Plants subjected to 20 percent of luminous intensity showed higher quantity of chlorophyll a and, therefore, higher chlorophyll a/b ratio. Lemon balm leaves under full sun and 60 percent of light showed thicker adaxial epidermis cells, but the abaxial epidermis cells showed characteristics found in shaded leaves, i.e., they were slender. The higher the light intensity, the larger the number of chloroplasts; however, under full sun, they were slender and had smaller area. The starch grains of leaves grown under shaded environments showed larger area and, at 60 percent of luminous intensity, occupied the largest part of chloroplasts. Thus, lemon balm plants, subjected to shading conditions, showed phenotypic plasticity.

Adaptation, Biological/physiology , Adaptation, Biological/genetics , Dark Adaptation/physiology , Dark Adaptation/genetics , Melissa/analysis , Plants, Medicinal/growth & development , Plants, Medicinal/genetics , Brazil , Chloroplasts/physiology , Chloroplasts/genetics , Chloroplasts/chemistry , Plant Epidermis/anatomy & histology , Plant Epidermis/physiology , Plant Epidermis/genetics
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 17(4): 364-377, 2011. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-623499


Venoms represent a huge and essentially unexplored reservoir of bioactive components that may cure diseases that do not respond to currently available therapies. This review select advances reported in the literature from 2000 to the present about the new scenario of Hymenoptera venom composition. On account of new technologies in the proteomic approach, which presents high resolution and sensitivity, the combination of developments in new instruments, fragmentation methods, strategic analysis, and mass spectrometry have become indispensable tools for interrogation of protein expression, molecule interaction, and post- translational modifications. Thus, the biochemical characterization of Hymenoptera venom has become a major subject of research in the area of allergy and immunology, in which proteomics has been an excellent alternative to assist the development of more specific extracts for diagnosis and treatment of hypersensitive patients to Hymenoptera venoms.

Animals , Bee Venoms , Mass Spectrometry/methods , Hymenoptera , Hypersensitivity , Proteomics , Wasp Venoms
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 17(3): 300-307, 2011. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-597229


Cutaneous leishmaniasis is an infectious disease caused by protozoans of the genus Leishmania, which is transmitted through the bite of hematophagous insects of the genus Lutzomyia. This study aimed at testing in vitro the phototoxic effect of aluminum phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate (AlPcS4) on the viability of Leishmania major and Leishmania braziliensis. Stationary phase promastigote forms were treated with AlPcS4 at 1.0 µM and 10.0 µM and incubated for one hour. Then 659 nm laser was applied at 5 and 10 J/cm². Parasite viability was determined by differential count using the trypan blue dye exclusion method and by monitoring growth curves for nine days. Trypan blue exclusion assay showed a significant reduction of viable parasites compared to controls, L. major seemed more sensitive to the toxic effects of AlPcS4 in the dark. The most effective photodynamic therapy (PDT) was obtained with AlPcS4 at 10.0 µM and 10 J/cm² whereas L. braziliensis showed the highest mortality rate after treatment.

Animals , Antiparasitic Agents , Leishmania braziliensis , Leishmania major , Leishmaniasis, Cutaneous , Photochemotherapy , Photosensitizing Agents
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 12(4): 436-442, out.-dez. 2010. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-578984


A carqueja-amarga [Baccharis trimera (Asteraceae)] é uma espécie originária do centro-sul da América do Sul. Análises qualitativas e quantitativas foram realizadas utilizando-se a técnica de CG-MS, para avaliar o efeito de diferentes formas de beneficiamento pós-colheita de drogas vegetais constituídas de partes aéreas de carqueja na composição química do óleo essencial, bem como verificar variações na composição quando conservado a -6ºC, durante 8 meses. O armazenamento da droga pulverizada reduziu significativamente o teor de óleo essencial, o que não aconteceu na droga fragmentada. Os teores dos constituintes majoritários espatulenol e ledol não foram influenciados pelo tratamento pós-colheita, embora tenham apresentado variações distintas redução nas concentrações de ledol e aumento nos teores de espatulenol. Verificou-se que as drogas fragmentadas podem ser armazenadas por até 12 meses e pulverizadas no momento da extração, não conferindo redução no teor de óleo essencial, nem dos constituintes químicos. O armazenamento a -6ºC por até oito meses, provocou variações quantitativas em alguns constituintes minoritários, tais como a-guaieno, b-selineno, germacreno B e espatulenol.

"Carqueja-amarga" [Baccharis trimera (Asteraceae)] is a species from the central south of South America. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were performed using the technique gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry to evaluate the effect of different post-harvest processing forms of drugs constituted of parts of "carqueja" on the chemical composition of its essential oil. The variation in the chemical composition of the essential oil stored at -6ºC for up to eight months was also evaluated. Storage of powdered drug significantly reduced the essential oil content, which was not observed for fragmented drug. The concentration of the major constituents of "carqueja" essential oil, spathulenol and ledol, was not affected by the post-harvest treatment, although they presented distinct variations, with ledol concentrations reducing and spathulenol concentrations increasing. We found that fragmented drugs can be stored for up to 12 months and powdered at the moment of extraction, without reducing the concentration of the essential oil or its chemical constituents. Storage at -6ºC for eight months caused quantitative variations in some minor constituents of the essential oil such as a-guaiene, b-selinene, germacrene B and espathulenol.

Crop Production , Baccharis/chemistry , Plant Extracts/pharmacokinetics , Oils, Volatile , Asteraceae/chemistry , Drug Synergism , Specimen Handling/adverse effects , Plants, Medicinal , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Evaluation Studies as Topic
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 12(1): 80-89, jan.-mar. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-578938


Origanum vulgare L., conhecida como orégano, é considerada planta condimentar largamente usada na culinária. No Brasil poucas são as pesquisas com esta espécie visando maximização das técnicas de cultivo. Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos de diferentes doses dos adubos orgânicos bovino e aves no crescimento de plantas, teor de clorofila, teor, rendimento e qualidade do óleo essencial de orégano cultivado sob estufa. Foram conduzidos dois ensaios, sendo um com esterco bovino e o outro com esterco de aves (Poedeira). Plantas de orégano (Origanum vulgare L.) foram cultivadas em vasos de 10 L submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: Ensaio I: Esterco bovino: 1) Solo sem adubação (controle); 2) solo + 3,0 kg m-2 de esterco bovino; 3) solo + 6,0 kg m-2 de esterco bovino; 4) solo + 9,0 kg m-2 de esterco bovino; 5) solo + 12,0 kg m-2 de esterco bovino; Ensaio II - Esterco de aves: 1) solo sem adubação (Controle); 2) solo + 1,5 kg m-2 de esterco de galinha; 3) solo + 3,0 kg m-2 de esterco de galinha; 4) solo + 4,5 kg m-2 de esterco de galinha e 5) solo + 6,0 kg m-2 de esterco de galinha. Ambos os ensaios foram conduzidos em delineamento blocos ao acaso com 4 repetições e a parcela experimental composta de 4 vasos. Foi observado que as doses de adubos bovino e avícola influenciaram significativamente no crescimento das plantas, rendimento e composição química do óleo essencial de orégano.

Origanum vulgare L., known as oregano or wild marjoram, is an aromatic plant widely used in cookery. In Brazil, there are few studies with this species aimed at improving the cultivation techniques. The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of different levels of cattle and chicken organic manure on plant growth, chlorophyll content, besides essential oil content, yield and quality of oregano grown in a greenhouse. Two assays were carried out, one of them used cattle manure and the other, chicken manure (Hen). Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) plants were grown in 10L-pots and subjected to the following treatments: Assay I: Cattle manure: 1) Soil without fertilization (control); 2) Soil + 3.0 kg m-2 cattle manure; 3) Soil + 6.0 kg m-2 cattle manure; 4) Soil + 9.0 kg m-2 cattle manure; and 5) Soil + 12.0 kg m-2 cattle manure; Assay II: Chicken manure: 1) Soil without fertilization (control); 2) Soil + 1.5 kg m-2 chicken manure; 3) Soil + 3.0 kg m-2 chicken manure; 4) Soil + 4.5 kg m-2 chicken manure; and 5) Soil + 6.0 kg m-2 chicken manure. The experimental design for both assays was in randomized blocks with four replicates and four pots per plot. Cattle and chicken manure levels significantly influenced oregano plant growth besides essential oil yield and chemical composition.

Manure/analysis , Biomass , Organic Matter/analysis , Organic Matter/methods , Oils, Volatile/analysis , Origanum/growth & development , Plants/growth & development , Growth/physiology , Efficiency/physiology
Rev. chil. dermatol ; 26(2): 164-168, 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-569963


Eritema elevatum diutinum es una enfermedad cutánea poco frecuente y de curso crónico recurrente. Se caracteriza por pápulas, placas y nódulos de color rojo-violáceo de distribución acral y simétrica sobre las superficies extensoras. Un hallazgo histopatológico característico es la vasculitis leucacitoclástica. El tratamiento de elección es la dapsona, A continuación se describen dos casos de Eritema Elevatum Diutinum, el primero en un paciente adulto y el segundo en una niña de 15 años, ambos con estudio histopatológico compatible y buena respuesta al uso de difenildiazona (dapsona).

Erithema elevatum diutinum is a rare cutaneous disease. It usually has a chronic course and is characterized by purple red papules, plaques o nodules with an acral and symmetrical distribution. The main histological feature is o leucocytoclostic vasculitis. Treatment of choice is dapsone. We describe two cases of erithema elevatum diutinum, a male adult patient and a 15 year old girl. Both cases present characteristic histological findings and good response to dapsone.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Female , Middle Aged , Erythema/pathology , Vasculitis, Leukocytoclastic, Cutaneous/pathology , Diagnosis, Differential , Dapsone/therapeutic use , Erythema/diagnosis , Erythema/drug therapy , Vasculitis, Leukocytoclastic, Cutaneous/diagnosis , Vasculitis, Leukocytoclastic, Cutaneous/drug therapy
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 29(3): 234-238, jul.-sept. 2009. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-559672


OBJETIVO: El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal, evaluar la eficacia de la terapia triple con esomeprazol en la erradicación del Helicobacter pylori (Hp). METODOLOGÍA: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo en el Servicio de gastroenterología del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (HNCH), donde se seleccionaron pacientes dispépticos no ulcerosos con infección por Hp (determinada mediante biopsia) entre los meses de junio a agosto del 2008, a los cuales se les dividió en dos grupos: el ¨grupo control¨ se trató conamoxicilina 1g VO c/12h, claritromicina 500 mg VO c/12h y omeprazol 20 mg VO c/12h, y el ¨grupo en estudio¨ recibió amoxicilina 1g VO c/12h, claritromicina 500 mg VO c/12h y esomeprazol 20 mg VO c/12h, ambos esquemas se dieron por 10 días. A las 4 semanas de completado el tratamiento, a cada grupo se le hizo un control endoscópico con toma de biopsias y test de aliento para determinar la erradicación del Hp. RESULTADOS: Se incluyó un total de 83 pacientes, de los cuales 42 recibieron terapia triple con omeprazol (grupo control) y 41 recibieron terapia triple con esomeprazol (grupo en estudio). Se perdieron en el seguimiento 5 pacientes del grupo control y 7 pacientes en el grupo en estudio. Por no contar con Test de aliento se excluyeron 3 pacientes en el grupo control y 2 pacientes en el grupo en estudio. De los 34 pacientes del grupo control se erradicó el Hp en 25 (73,5%), mientras que los 32 pacientes del grupo en estudio se erradicó el Hp en 26 (81,2%). Los efectos adversos más importantes incluyeron: diarrea, cefalea, dolor abdominal y estreñimiento. CONCLUSIONES: El tratamiento con esomeprazol presentó una tasa de erradicación 8% mayor que el esquema con omeprazol y el porcentaje de reacciones adversas fue similar enambos grupos.

OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of esomeprazole-based triple therapy in the eradication of helicobacter pylori (HP). METHODOLOGY: A descriptive, prospective study was carried out between the months of June and August, 2008, at the Gastroenterology Service of the Cayetano Heredia National Hospital (HNCH) in which patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia infected with HP (diagnosed by a biopsy) were randomized and divided into two groups: the "control group" was treated with Amoxicillin (1g VO e/12h), Clarithromycin (500 mg VO e/12h) and Omeprazole (20 mg VO e/12h) and the "study group" received Amoxicillin (1g VO e/12h), Clarithromycin (500 mg VO e/12h) and Esomeprazole (20 mg VO e/12h); both treatments were administered over a period of ten days. Four weeks after the conclusion of the treatment, each group underwent an endoscopic control, including biopsy tests and breath tests to determine the eradication of the HP infection. RESULTS: A total of 83 patients were included, out of which 42 received triple therapy with Omeprazole (control group) and 41 received triple therapy with Esomeprazole (study group). Five patients of the control group and 7 of the study group were lost in the follow-up stage and 3 patients of the control group and 2 of the study group were excluded due to the lackof a breath test. Out of the 34 patients of the control group, HP was eradicated in 25 of them (73,5%) while out of the 32 patients of the study group, HP was eradicated in 26 (81,2%). The most important adverse effects included: diarrhea, headaches, abdominal pain and constipation. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with Esomeprazole showed an eradication rate of 8% greater than treatment with Omeprazole and the percentage of adverse effects was similar in both groups.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Helicobacter pylori , Omeprazole/therapeutic use , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies , Observational Studies as Topic