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Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-134003


Objective1. To establish and develop personality in order  to promote good leadership and  remember the essential merit and that correlate to the social needs of students.2. To build up and create appropriate values in Thai society among the students themselves especially in terms of unity, affection and a sense of belonging to each other and to the Academic Institute.3. To develop the student in terms of Social, Emotional \& Moral behaviour so that they can adapt to the new society.4. Build up the sensitivity and responsibility of students to society and to the country after graduation5. To promote in Medical students and supervisors a better relationship which will lead to trust and consultationMethods: The students were asked to attend the camp and advisers encouraged to understand their role so that they had ability to extend group relations. After this the students attended a 2 day and 2 night camp with various activities. Each group had 1-2 supervisors for group relationship activities using games as a medium by which to present social situations and human behavioral analysis. There was a video show about development, community life, leadership and human relations. There were group planning conferences, project planning activities, self and family development group presentations and other activities. Assessment by collective observation and the use of questionnaires showed that the target objectives were achieved. As a result of the course students personalities were developed to produce good leaders as well as producing good team member of society. Good ethical beliefs were fostered as was the aim of  being a worthy member of society. The right values of affection, good person to person relations a pride in the institute, adaptation to the school environment and to colleagues were achieved. A feeling of responsibility to society and to the Nation together with the promotion of relationships both to students and supervisors was established. The recommendation from students and participating supervisors is that it should be extended from 2 days and 2 nights to be 3 says and 2 nights by using a weekday and weekend or only the former which means doing the course after the students finish their exam. The location should be nor too far away from University. It should have a wide-enough conference room that suits various activities, a yard or sports ground that is suitable for physical or moral exercise of the students and nearby accommodation with an adequate restroom. Food should be arranged for everyone. This could be used by 3 rd year medical students so that they could prepare themselves for the clinical year. The assessment should be carries out regularly so as to improve weak points and become Faculty’s policy in the following academic year by training the 1st or 3rs year medical student and applying the formula that has been practiced by the 2 nd year medical student for the 2 st year medical student. Furthermore, the formula arranged for clinical year students to be demonstrates in the 3 rd year to medical students before they start their 4 th year. Subsequently it should be distributes so as to be part of the University plan.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133945


 In  1990  a  study  tour  for  medical  students  to  eight  community  hospitals  where  the  medical  alumni  of  Khon  Kaen  University  are  selected  the  “ Annual  Outstanding  Physicians”   This  program  had  the  following  objectives  ;  1. To  make  the  students  familiar  with  the  Work  environment,  especially  planning  and  administration  of  primary  health  care  services  and  social  medicdine.2. To  give  the  students  a  good  model  for  developing  their  work  in  the  future.3. To  provide  learning  opportunities  through  the  use  of  instructional  media  for  the  students  who  have  never  had  a  chance  to  see  the  real  life  situation.  4. To  let  the  students  learn  about  the  work  of  the  outstanding  alumni  doctors  in  the  community   hospitals   and  promote  the  reputation  of  Khon  Kane  University.  Evaluation  by   the  students  showed  that  the  directors of  the  community   hospitals  and  the  faculty  lecturers  have  provided  the  learning   experiences   successfully   and   nearly  me  the  set   objective.  The  students  experienced  the   real  situation,   especially   in  the   areas   of  hospital   administration  and  administration  of  primary   health  care  programs  and  social  medicine.  Nevertheless,  in  terms  of  the  structure  of  planning,  the  students  did  not  gain  enough  knowledge  and  experience.  The  students  did,  however,  learned  a  very  good  pattern  from  the  senior   medical  professionals  for  developing  their  future  careers.  A  video  recording  was  prepared  to  teach  ethics  to  the  second – year  medical  students  and  or  students  who   did  not  join  the  tour  group.  Also,  this  video  recording  can  be  used  to  encourage  the  alumni  of  the  faculty  of  Medicine  of  Khon  Kaen  University  to  set  good  examples  for  students  and  younger  doctors.  This  project  is  sill  stimulating   all  the  personnel  involved  in  the  community  hospitals  to  be  alert  and  active  in  their  routine  jobs,  which  will  effect  better  service  for  all  the  patients  who  are  in  need  of  medical  care.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133925


 The objectives of the 5th year medical students’ 1991 observations of basic health care, the activity of community Health Officers, and the rural development of local philosophers are as follows: 1.  The acknowledgement of basic health care work, including its obstacles in each province in the northeast.  2.  The acknowledgement of the District’s public health activity, including the obstacles-encountered, in order to allow a better understanding and cooperation for students in the future.  3.  The acknowledgement of rural development Problems including interesting community leader’s development methods.  4.  To be an educational medium for the other students who do not have the opportunity to observe the activities in the area. The result of evaluation of students, provincial health officer, community health officer, local philosopher and the instructors who joined this observation has shown that the objectives were achieved.  Moreover the students could see the real situation of medical practice and the new track of rural development based on Benefit Minimum Health Needs, which is used to estimate by the workers in the Community.  They also had an opportunity to observe the basic health care working system at the district level by observing a Community Health Team.  The acknowledgement of the problems and the genuine practitioners in each area where there were different problems and various solving methods were seen.  The instructors also had the opportunity to learn about the new rural development system, so that it could be an inspiration in arranging educational programmes for the students of each year. In addition, there was a linkage of knowledge among provincial health officers, community health officers, the directors of community hospitals, the staff of sub-districts health officer and local philosophers.  This will help promote close collaboration between these community institutes.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133602


Background:  The objective of this research was to evaluate the progressive behavior development of fourth and fifth year medical students based on their first to third year attendance at the seminars, “How to develop good personality qualities and ethics.”  The research focused on: 1. Behavioral differences between trained versus previous groups of students who had not been trained. 2. Whether and how the training actually affected student behavior. 3. Development of recommendations for future course.Method:   This was prospective cohort behavioral study.  The data were elicited from fourth and fifth year medical students using questionnaires, direct observations, and informal interviews.  They were compared with the collective subjective judgement of faculty members regarding former students who did not undergo the same training.Results:  Students who passed all of the training sessions had good relationships with teachers, colleagues patients, and family.  The tone of their conversation was positive.  Their behavior (manners and responsiveness to patients) and ethics (capacity to use appropriate medical techniques) were judged to be better than those students who had not been trained. We concluded that since the first three years of training are formative (with eagerness and newness), training in behavior and ethics at this time is well-received; allowing students to prepare themselves for the following more interactive clinical phase of medical education. Notwithstanding, the wholly subjective nature of the comparison of trained versus untrained students, all (100%) of the department heads and head nurses agreed that medical students should attend training in ethics and personal behavior development.  Similarly, 92% of the fourth and fifth year students were of the opinion that behavior and ethics training, both in class and at camp, should continue because they learned about economizing, psychology, manners, appropriate attire, public conduct, and respectfulness toward teachers, colleagues, seniors and juniorsKey words: Medical Students, Personality, Ethics