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Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 14(1)mar., 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554100


BACKGROUND: After a stroke, most patients often suffer reduced walking ability and balance. Restoring walking ability and improving balance are major goals of stroke rehabilitation. Treadmills are often used in clinical setups to achieve these goals. Adding dimensions to the visual feedback in addition to the mirror for real-time frontal view is proven to enhance the gait. It is, therefore, important to design additional real-time visual feedback in treadmill training, in particular for the sagittal view involved side. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to test if the real-time sagittal visual feedback during treadmill training is superior to the conventional mirror feedback treadmill training program of equivalent intensity in improving walking speed and balance after stroke. METHODS/DESIGN: The RE-VISIT trial (Real-time Visual feedback after Stroke in Treadmill training) is registered in the Clinical Trial Registry of India (CTRI/2023/10/058299). In this two-arm randomized control trial, which will be a single-blinded study, 42 eligible stroke survivors undergoing rehabilitation will be randomly allocated (1:1 ratio) to either real-time visual sagittal feedback along with front mirror (experimental) group or only front mirror treadmill training (control) group, all the participants will receive 15 sessions of treadmill training for up to 15 min at a safe self-selected speed over 5-6 weeks. The RE-VISIT (experimental) group will receive real-time, visual sagittal view feedback of the involved lower limb trajectory along with the routine front mirror view during treadmill training and will be asked to modify their gait pattern. The control group will receive treadmill walking training only with the routine front mirror view feedback. Clinical and gait assessments will be conducted at the baseline, immediately following the final session of training, and at the 9th week during follow-up. The outcome measures of interest are walking speed (primary) and balance (secondary), which will be measured prior to baseline, post 15 sessions of training, and at the 9th week following training. DISCUSSION: This REVISIT trial will provide insight and contribute to the existing innovation and modifications of incorporating realtime visual feedback during treadmill training in post-stroke gait rehabilitation. The findings will help the better designing of a gait rehabilitation program with a treadmill for post-stroke subjects to improve walking speed, and balance for those who have greater difficulties in community ambulation. We anticipate that those in the REVISIT training will demonstrate improved walking ability.

CONTEXTO: Após o acidente vascular cerebral, a maioria dos pacientes frequentemente sofre redução da capacidade de caminhar e do equilíbrio. Restaurar a capacidade de caminhar e melhorar o equilíbrio são os principais objetivos da reabilitação do AVC. As esteiras são frequentemente usadas em ambientes clínicos para atingir esses objetivos. Está comprovado que adicionar dimensões ao feedback visual, além do espelho para visão frontal em tempo real, melhora a marcha. É, portanto, importante projetar feedbacks visuais adicionais em tempo real no treinamento em esteira, em particular para o lado envolvido na visão sagital. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é testar se o feedback visual sagital em tempo real durante o treinamento em esteira é superior ao programa de treinamento em esteira com feedback de espelho convencional de intensidade equivalente na melhoria da velocidade de caminhada e equilíbrio após acidente vascular cerebral. MÉTODOS/ DESENHO: O ensaio RE-VISIT (feedback visual em tempo real após acidente vascular cerebral no treinamento em esteira) está registrado no Registro de Ensaios Clínicos da Índia (CTRI/2023/10/058299). Neste ensaio de controle randomizado de dois braços, que será um estudo cego, 42 sobreviventes de AVC elegíveis em reabilitação serão alocados aleatoriamente (proporção de 1:1) para feedback sagital visual em tempo real junto com grupo de espelho frontal (experimental) ou apenas Grupo de treinamento em esteira com espelho frontal (controle), todos os participantes receberão 15 sessões de treinamento em esteira por até 15 minutos em uma velocidade segura e autosselecionada durante 5-6 semanas. O grupo RE-VISIT (experimental) receberá feedback visual em tempo real da visão sagital da trajetória dos membros inferiores envolvidos, juntamente com a visão rotineira do espelho frontal durante o treinamento em esteira e será solicitado a modificar seu padrão de marcha. O grupo de controle receberá treinamento de caminhada em esteira apenas com o feedback rotineiro da visão do espelho frontal. Avaliações clínicas e de marcha serão realizadas no início do estudo, imediatamente após a sessão final de treinamento e na 9ª semana durante o acompanhamento. As medidas de resultados de interesse são a velocidade de caminhada (primária) e o equilíbrio (secundário), que serão medidos antes da linha de base, após a 15ª sessão de treinamento e na 9ª semana após o treinamento. DISCUSSÃO: este ensaio REVISIT fornecerá insights e contribuirá para a inovação e modificações existentes na incorporação de feedbacks visuais em tempo real durante o treinamento em esteira na reabilitação da marcha pós-AVC. As descobertas ajudarão no melhor desenho de um programa de reabilitação da marcha com esteira para indivíduos pós-AVC para melhorar a velocidade de caminhada e o equilíbrio para aqueles que têm maiores dificuldades na deambulação comunitária. Prevemos que aqueles no treinamento REVISIT demonstrarão melhor capacidade de caminhada.

Stroke , Feedback, Sensory , Walking Speed
Indian J Cancer ; 2023 Jun; 60(2): 199-205
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221777


Background: Self?reported treatment outcome is a better way to measure patient抯 quality of life (QOL). This study was undertaken to translate dysphagia?specific QOL questionnaire M. D. Anderson Dysphagia Inventory (MDADI) in Marathi language, its linguistic validation, and cross?cultural adaptation in patients of head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC). Methods: After Institutional ethics committee approval, MDADI was translated into Marathi with prior permission from the author of original English questionnaire (AOEQ). The translation procedure included � two forward translations (English to Marathi), formation of first intermediate Marathi translation (FIMT), two back translations (BT) (Marathi to English) of FIMT and interim Marathi translation (IMT) formation. Second intermediate Marathi translation (SIMT) was prepared after face validation of IMT by Marathi subject expert. Pretesting of SIMT was done in 10 patients of HNSCC for linguistic validation and cross?cultural adaptation. After incorporating the patients� suggestions, final Marathi translation was formulated and forwarded to primary author for approval. Results: The grammatically acceptable and conceptually equivalent face?validated SIMT was prepared and given to HNSCC patients. The questionnaire was well understood and unobjectionable reflecting its linguistic validity and cross?cultural adaptation. Some of the patients suggested changes in a few words which were then rectified, rechecked with BT, and the final Marathi translated questionnaire was prepared. The credit statement for AOEQ was used as a footnote in the translated questionnaire. Conclusion: Marathi translation of MDADI is well accepted and comprehensible. It can be used for future studies.

Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 13(1)fev., 2023. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531237


BACKGROUND: Genu recurvatum is one of the most commonly presented lower extremity postural malalignments in individuals. Though genu recurvatum and its impact on impaired knee proprioception, anterior cruciate injuries and posterior soft tissue dysfunctions are reported, its association with patellar mobility is scarcely reported and warrants exploration. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the medial and lateral patellar mobility differences in adult young males with genu recurvatum and normal knee alignment. METHODS: The ethical approval for this cross-sectional study protocol was obtained and the study was conducted in Research Department of Alva's College of Physiotherapy and Research Centre, Moodubidire, DK, Karnataka, India. The study participants were recruited through an institutional-based musculoskeletal and sports clinic. The estimated sample size for this study was 174. A total of 87 young males with genu recurvatum and 87 young males with normal knee alignment fulfilling the selection criteria were enrolled in two groups. Participants' knee joint was examined by an assessor and individuals with > 5° knee hyperextension were assigned to genu recurvatum group, and individuals with knee extension < 5° from neutral were assigned to the normal knee alignment group. Further, the patellar glide test was performed to examine the presence of patellar hypermobility in both groups. RESULTS: The mean age of the participants in genu recurvatum and normal knee alignment group was 22.04 + 1.860 and 21.91 + 1.869, respectively. A significant higher proportion (86.2%) of participants with genu recurvatum identified with patellar hypermobility compared to normal knee alignment. Within the genu recurvatum subjects, 66.66& and 19.54% were observed to have medial and lateral patellar hypermobility. The odds for occurrence of patellar hypermobility in genu recurvatum was estimated to be 13.007 (95%, CI, 5.481 ­ 30.866), respectively. CONCLUSION: The study result suggests that medial patellar hypermobility is more common in individuals with genu recurvatum. Further study investigating on the mechanism contributing towards medial patellar mobility in genu recurvatum populations could validate the present study findings.

INTRODUÇÃO: Genu recurvatum é um dos desalinhamento posturais dos membros inferiores mais comumente apresentado em indivíduos. Embora o genu recurvatum e seu impacto na propriocepção prejudicada do joelho, lesões cruzadas anteriores e disfunções dos tecidos moles posteriores sejam relatados, sua associação com a mobilidade patelar é pouco relatada e merece exploração. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar as diferenças de mobilidade patelar medial e lateral em homens adultos do sexo masculino com genu recurvatum e alinhamento normal do joelho. MÉTODOS: O protocolo do estudo foi explicado e a aprovação ética para o protocolo do estudo foi obtida e o estudo foi conduzido no Departamento de Pesquisa do Alva's College of Physiotherapy and Research Centre, Moodubidire, DK, Karnataka, India. Os participantes do estudo foram recrutados por meio de clínica musculoesquelética e esportiva de base institucional. O tamanho estimado da amostra para este estudo foi de 174. Um total de 87 jovens do sexo masculino com genu recurvatum e 87 jovens do sexo masculino com alinhamento normal do joelho foram incluídos em dois grupos. A articulação do joelho dos participantes foi examinada por um avaliador e os indivíduos com hiperextensão do joelho > 5° foram designados para o grupo Genu recurvatum, e os indivíduos com extensão do joelho < 5° do neutro foram designados para o grupo de alinhamento normal do joelho. Além disso, o teste de deslizamento patelar foi realizado para examinar a presença de hipermobilidade patelar. RESULTADOS: A média de idade dos participantes do grupo genu recurvatum e alinhamento normal do joelho foi 22,04 + e 21,91 + 1,869, respectivamente. Uma proporção significativamente maior (86,2%) de participantes com genu recurvatum identificados com hipermobilidade patelar em comparação com indivíduos com alinhamento normal do joelho. Entre os indivíduos com genu recurvatum, observou-se que 66,66% e 19,54% apresentavam hipermobilidade patelar medial e lateral. Entre aqueles com alinhamento normal do joelho, 44,83% apresentaram hipermobilidade patelar. A razão de chances para ocorrência de hipermobilidade patelar no genu recurvatum foi estimada em 13,007 (95%, IC, 5,481 ­ 30,866), respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: O resultado do estudo sugere que a hipermobilidade patelar medial é mais comum em indivíduos com genu recurvatum. Um estudo mais aprofundado que investigue o mecanismo detalhado que contribui para a mobilidade patelar medial em populações de genu recurvatum poderia validar os resultados do presente estudo.

Joint Instability , Patella , Knee
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 13(1)fev., 2023. ilus, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510880


INTRODUÇÃO: A atividade de preensão é uma ação diária essencial em casa e no local de trabalho, onde muitas vezes é necessário levantar e segurar cargas com uma preensão relativamente estática usando contração isométrica. A força e resistência muscular no aspecto proximal das extremidades superiores influenciam na função da mão, e indivíduos com força e resistência reduzidas são mais propensos a desenvolver distúrbios musculoesqueléticos relacionados ao trabalho. Uma boa resistência de preensão pode ser influenciada pela estabilização fornecida pelos músculos do ombro. Este estudo tem como objetivo determinar a extensão da correlação entre resistência de preensão manual e resistência muscular da escápula em jovens assintomáticos. MÉTODO: O tamanho da amostra para este estudo foi n = 62, com base em estudos anteriores. Indivíduos saudáveis, com idade entre 18 e 25 anos, de ambos os sexos, foram incluídos. Uma avaliação objetiva da resistência da preensão foi realizada usando um dinamômetro manual hidráulico, e a resistência escapular foi avaliada usando o teste muscular escapular. RESULTADOS: A análise de dados foi realizada usando o SPSS versão 20. Houve correlações positivas significativas entre as medidas de resistência escapular e a resistência de preensão palmar para ambos os lados (teste de correlação de Pearson, r = 0,612 (p < 0,001) e r = 0,524 (p < 0,001), respectivamente, para resistência de preensão da mão não dominante e dominante). CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: Os achados preliminares deste estudo sustentam que a resistência do músculo escapular exibe uma relação com a resistência da preensão palmar, sugerindo que o treinamento de resistência escapular pode ser um complemento eficaz no processo de reabilitação das funções da extremidade superior.

INTRODUCTION: Gripping activity is an essential daily activity at home and at the workplace, where lifting and holding loads with a relatively static grip using isometric contraction is often required. Muscle strength and endurance in the proximal aspect of the upper extremities influence hand function, and individuals with reduced strength and endurance are more prone to developing work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Good grip endurance might be influenced by the stabilization provided by shoulder muscles. This study aims to determine the correlation between hand grip endurance and scapula muscle endurance among young asymptomatic individuals. METHOD: The sample size for this study is n = 62, based on previous studies. Healthy individuals of both genders, aged between 18 and 25 years, were included. An objective assessment of grip endurance was performed using a hydraulic hand dynamometer, while scapular endurance was evaluated using the scapular muscle test. RESULTS: Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 20. There were significant positive correlations between scapular endurance measures and the hand grip endurance on both sides (Pearson correlation test, r = 0.612 (p < 0.001) and r = 0.524 (p < 0.001), respectively, for non-dominant and dominant hand grip endurance). FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The preliminary findings of this study support the notion that scapular muscle endurance is related to hand grip endurance, suggesting that scapular endurance training may be an effective adjunct in the rehabilitation process for upper extremity functions.

Physical Endurance , Hand Strength , Muscle Strength Dynamometer
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222279


Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) is a rare immune-mediated severe cutaneous adverse reaction with an incidence rate of 0.05–2 persons/million population/month. Drugs are the most commonly implicated in 95% of cases. In our report, a 52-year-old male patient presented with chief complaints of skin rashes over the body and was having a history of using a tab. ofloxacin for gastroenteritis. The severity of SJS was assessed using SCORTEN (=1). The drug can be considered as a probable/likely cause of adverse drug reaction as per causality assessment of the suspected adverse drug reactions. Early diagnosis helps the clinician to elude secondary infection and subsequent complications. It highlights the mandatory reporting of the offending drug and the necessity of pharmacovigilance in different countries.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003691


@#The majority of patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) present with a deficiency of 21-hydroxylase or 11-beta-hydroxylase, which account for 90% and 7% of cases, respectively. However, CAH due to 17α-hydroxylase deficiency (17OHD) is an extremely rare form of CAH (<1% of all CAH cases) that leads to a deficiency of cortisol and sex steroids, along with features of aldosterone excess. This is a case of a 51-year-old single female who was referred to us for the evaluation of new-onset hypertension and hypokalaemia of one-year duration. She was born out of a second-degree consanguineous marriage and reared as a female. She was diagnosed to have testicular feminization syndrome when she presented with a history of primary amenorrhea, absence of secondary sexual characteristics, and bilateral labial swellings at pubertal age. Subsequently, she underwent gonadectomy at the age of 16. Due to the presence of hypertension, metabolic alkalosis and bilaterally enlarged adrenals on CT scan, 46, XY disorders of sexual development (DSD) was considered. A karyotype confirmed the presence of 46, XY chromosomal sex, and genetic analysis revealed a mutation in the CYP17A1 gene, thus confirming the diagnosis of 17a-hydroxylase deficiency.

Disorders of Sex Development , Adrenal Hyperplasia, Congenital , Disorder of Sex Development, 46,XY
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217792


Background: Globally undergraduate medical students have a high prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress. Few studies from different parts of India have reported the increased prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress in MBBS students due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. However, the causal relationship between COVID-19 and the deranged mental health of the students have not been established. Further, data from the Kanpur city of Uttar Pradesh are lacking regarding the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of 1st-year MBBS students. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study was to explore the impact of COVID-19 on depression, anxiety, and stress of MBBS students in their first professional year. Materials and Methods: The present cross-sectional study was conducted on undergraduate medical students of a Government Medical College in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. Seventy-two male and forty-six female students were involved in the study. Most of the students were 17–25 years old. An online Google form was used to know the score of depression, anxiety, and stress scale (DASS). The demographic profile of the participants was also assessed through an online survey using Google form. The Chi-square test was used for testing relationships between categorical variables wherever required and P ? 0.05 was considered significant. Results: The prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress was 39%, 52%, and 37%. Gender, age, place of residence, mediation practice, and type of family had no relation with the DASS-21 score. Conclusion: First-year MBBS students of Kanpur have an almost similar prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress as reported by the previous Indian studies during the pre-COVID-19 pandemic.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 Sep; 70(9): 3279-3283
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224602


Purpose: Infectious keratitis, especially viral keratitis (VK), in resource?limited settings, can be a challenge to diagnose and carries a high risk of misdiagnosis contributing to significant ocular morbidity. We aimed to employ and study the application of artificial intelligence?based deep learning (DL) algorithms to diagnose VK. Methods: A single?center retrospective study was conducted in a tertiary care center from January 2017 to December 2019 employing DL algorithm to diagnose VK from slit?lamp (SL) photographs. Three hundred and seven diffusely illuminated SL photographs from 285 eyes with polymerase chain reaction–proven herpes simplex viral stromal necrotizing keratitis (HSVNK) and culture?proven nonviral keratitis (NVK) were included. Patients having only HSV epithelial dendrites, endothelitis, mixed infection, and those with no SL photographs were excluded. DenseNet is a convolutional neural network, and the two main image datasets were divided into two subsets, one for training and the other for testing the algorithm. The performance of DenseNet was also compared with ResNet and Inception. Sensitivity, specificity, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, and the area under the curve (AUC) were calculated. Results: The accuracy of DenseNet on the test dataset was 72%, and it performed better than ResNet and Inception in the given task. The AUC for HSVNK was 0.73 with a sensitivity of 69.6% and specificity of 76.5%. The results were also validated using gradient?weighted class activation mapping (Grad?CAM), which successfully visualized the regions of input, which are significant for accurate predictions from these DL?based models. Conclusion: DL algorithm can be a positive aid to diagnose VK, especially in primary care centers where appropriate laboratory facilities or expert manpower are not available

Indian Pediatr ; 2022 Jul; 59(7): 553-562
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225352


Justification: Suicide is an important cause of adolescent mortality and morbidity in India. As pediatricians are often the first point of contact for adolescents and their families in the healthcare system, they need guidelines to screen, assess, manage and prevent adolescent suicidal behavior to ensure survival, health and mental well-being of this vulnerable population. Objectives: To formulate guidelines to aid pediatricians for prevention and management of adolescent suicidal behavior. Process: Indian Academy of Pediatrics, in association with Adolescent Health Academy, formed a multidisciplinary committee of subject experts in June, 2019 to formulate guidelines for adolescent suicide prevention and management. After a review of current scientific literature and preparation of draft guidelines, a national consultative meeting was organized on 16 August, 2019 for detailed discussions and deliberations. This was followed by refining of draft guidelines, and discussions over e-mail where suggestions were incorporated and the final document was approved. Guidelines: Pediatricians should screen for mental distress, mental disorders and suicidal and para-suicidal (non-suicidal self-injury) behavior during adolescent health visits. Those with suicidal behavior should be referred to a psychiatrist after providing emergency healthcare, risk assessment, immediate counselling and formulation of a safety plan. Pediatricians should partner with the community and policymakers for primary and secondary prevention of adolescent suicide.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 Jul; 70(7): 2546-2550
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224428


Purpose: To conduct a bibliometric analysis of research on genetic retinal diseases (GRD) done in India published from 2011 to 2020 in peer?reviewed journals, and assess the productivity, trends in journal choice, publication types, research funding, and collaborative research. Methods: We searched PubMed for articles indicating both vision?related content and author affiliation with an Indian research center. We identified research collaborations and classified articles as reporting basic science, clinical science, or clinically descriptive research. Impact factors were determined from Journal Citation Reports for 2015. Results: The total number of published articles that were retrieved from 2011 to 2021 was 341. During the 10 years of study, the annual output of research articles has nearly doubled, that is, from 21 in 2011 to 44 in 2021. A total of 298 (87%) articles were published in international journals, and 149 (42%) articles in vision?related journals had an impact factor. A total of 224 (65%) articles came from six major eye hospitals. Clinical science articles were most frequently (86%) published, whereas basic science was the least (14%). The diseases on which the maximum and the minimum number of articles were published were retinoblastoma (n = 82,24%) and Stargardt disease (n = 3, 0.9%), respectively. Conclusion: This bibliometric study provides a broad view of the current status and trends in the research on GRD done in India and may help clinicians, researchers, and policymakers to better understand this research field and predict its dynamic directions.

Indian J Exp Biol ; 2022 Jul; 60(7): 498-509
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222568


Asian palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer L.) is a multipurpose tree with year round products as food for the dependent society. Besides edible items the tree offers around 801 useful goods which are economically important. Such a plant’s seedling biology has not been fully understood. Hence, the present study was aimed at understanding seedling developmental stages and resource mobilisation in Palmyra palm and further to determine the role of cotyledonary sheath (CS) during entire seedling growth. We investigated the developmental changes throughout growth of seedlings by providing different sets of growth conditions. Artificial seed bed made of coconut coir was compared with that of soil conditions to study germination and establishment of seedlings. Phloem loading dye was used to track the flow of nutrients from embryo to cotyledonary sheath. Seed germination in palmyra palm is hypogeal by forming ligular and tubular structures remotely in soil. Eight new organs differentiate from the seed embryo that includes haustorium, ligule, cotyledonary sheath, cataphyll, eophyll, mesocotyle (junction), primary root and mesocotyl roots during seed germination. Among these the first four are temporary organs and they disintegrate once the seedling is well established. The last four organs are responsible for developing acomplete plantlet at later stages. The seed and seedling organs of Palmyra palm have four major storage reserves to support successful germination and firm establishment of seedling. Palmyra has evolved to control the solubilisation, movement and regulation of food among transient seedling organs and carry out translocation of food to the developing and differentiating organs. Seedlings also have developed physiological functions and strategies to mobilise the stored food without losing them at any point of their growth and developmental stages. Water required for seed germination permeates laterally only viacotyledonary sheath which has spongy tissues and lenticels all over. These tissues are the primary mode of water supply as the seedlings lack major root organs in the early stages of development. Flourescent microscopic and anatomical studies were carried out to observe the transport and storage of food substances required during seedling growth. Histochemical studies of seedling organs have revealed the presence of various type of nutrients such as simple sugars, carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids and lipids.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 May; 70(5): 1868
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224337


Background: Corneal angiogenesis occurs as a sequel to an insult and it brings with it cells that mediate immunity as well as repair and aids in flushing toxins out. These vessels are formed in haste and leak lipid and cells, ultimately resulting in loss of transparency, lipid keratopathy and immunogenicity. So, they may need treatment prior to an optical keratoplasty. Purpose: To demonstrate the procedure of Fine Needle Diathermy (FND) to treat corneal neovascularization, its indications and contraindications. Synopsis: FND uses coagulating current from a monopolar cautery unit to occlude the afferent and efferent blood vessels. FND works best at the stage of mature vessel formation. The needle is placed across a tuft of vessels or parallel to a single large vessel, being mindful of the depth and direction. FND is avoided in necrotic tissue where the blood vessel is needed for healing process. Occlusion of the vessel in these situations may result in tissue melt. Highlights: Corneal neovascularization follows the stages of latent phase, active neovascularization, mature vessel formation and then regression. The treatment modality depends on the stage of angiogenesis. FND works best for neovascularization due to infectious keratitis. Keratoplasty is best performed 3 to 4 months later when regression of corneal vascularization occurs.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216019


Objective: To study the adverse events following immunization (AEFI) with Covishield, a coronavirus disease– 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine. Materials and Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted among 422 Covishield vaccinees based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria after the institutional ethics committee approval. They were followed up at the end of 1 and 2 weeks following the first dose of Covishield vaccine, and the details of adverse events were collected. AEFIs were classified using system organ classification, World Health Organization-Uppsala Monitoring Center (WHO-UMC) causality assessment, AEFI causality assessment, and Modified Hartwig Severity Scale. Various classifications of AEFI were analyzed using descriptive statistics. ANOVA and independent t-test were used for age group and gender comparison of the duration and number of AEFI, respectively. Results: Around 625 AEFIs were reported by 422 vaccinees. Majority of the vaccinees (62.8%) developed adverse events on the day of vaccination. The mean duration of AEFI was 2.52 ± 0.871 days. On WHO-UMC causality assessment, 98.08% were found to be probable, 1.12% possible, and 0.8% unclassifiable. AEFI causality assessment revealed 98.88% vaccine product-related reactions and 1.12% anxiety-related reactions. Regarding the severity, 83.52% of AEFIs were mild and 16.32% were moderate. On comparison of mean duration of AEFI (P = 0.298) and mean number of AEFI (P = 0.569) between different age groups, no statistical significance was observed. Conclusion: The majority of AEFIs reported in this study were mild to moderate in severity for a short duration. The protection offered against the deadly disease and its complication potentially outweighs the mild AEFIs or inconvenience caused by them. Hence, covid-19 vaccination is an important tool to break the pandemic chain.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969520


ABSTRACT@#The oral microbiome comprises several hundreds of bacterial species that contribute to periodontitis, the most complex polymicrobial inflammatory disorder. Porphyromonas gingivalis is a prominent periodontitis pathogen that produces gingipains as a major virulent factor. Gingipain facilitates P. gingivalis survival, pathogenicity, and growth. Several genes were identified to have a role in the regulating of P. gingivalis pathogenesis. Studies suggest that gingipains inhibition is key for the successful treatment of periodontitis. As of now, several gingipain inhibitors have been developed, some exhibit high inhibition activity against gingipains. However, most inhibitors offer unknown toxicity and undesirable side effects. Hence, the development of highly potent and safe gingipain inhibitor is a major concern for periodontitis treatment. The present review highlights the connectivity between P. gingivalis, virulent factors, and its gene, periodontitis, and gingipain inhibitors. Development of gingipains inhibitors would not only treat periodontitis but would also assist in the treatment of other associated systemic diseases, for example: rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease.

Gingipain Cysteine Endopeptidases
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962040


@#Introduction: Maternal obesity presents significant health risks to mothers and their fetuses. This study aimed to determine the proportion, associated factors and outcomes of maternal obesity among pregnant women in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted between January 2018 and March 2018 using secondary data from the Malaysian National Obstetric Registry (NOR) for the year 2015. All pregnant women with first-trimester booking at 12 weeks and below that were registered with the NOR and met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the study. Descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression analysis were used. Data were analysed using SPSS version 22.0. A total of 2113 respondents were included in this study to determine the proportion, associated factors and outcomes of maternal obesity. Regarding the univariate and multivariate analyses, respondents were classified into two groups: normal and obese. The obese group comprised overweight and obese mothers. The underweight group was excluded in the subsequent analysis. Results: Out of the 2113 respondents, 7.1% were underweight, 41.7% were of normal weight, 28.6% were overweight, 15.9% were in obese class I, 4.6% were in obese class II, and 2.1% were in obese class III according to the WHO (1995) reference. However, when the MOH (2003) cutoff point was used, there was a marked increase in the proportion of respondents in the overweight categories by 2.7% and obesity class I by 12.8%. The Indian (AdjOR 2.06, 95% CI: 1.11, 3.83, p=0.021) and Malay (AdjOR 1.75, 95% CI: 1.02, 3.00, p=0.040) ethnicities, as well as both multiparity (AdjOR 1.46, 95% CI: 1.23, 1.73, p <0.001) and grand multiparity (AdjOR 2.41, 95% CI: 1.78, 3.26, p <0.001), were significantly associated with maternal obesity. There were significant association between maternal obesity with hypertensive disorder in pregnancy (p=0.025), caesarean section delivery (p=0.002) and macrosomic infant (p <0.001). Conclusion: The identification of risk factors for maternal obesity is important to facilitate intervention programmes focused on improving the pregnancy outcomes for a high-risk group of women.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212434


For many women and children around the world, staying at home is no longer a safety aspect during the Covid-19 pandemic. There is a surge in the number of cases of inter-personal violence and child abuse during the lockdown. The stigma and socio-cultural norms create hesitance in subjecting the family and its intimate relationships to public scrutiny. Therefore, building awareness around domestic violence is vital.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-213038


Peripheral arterial disease is one of the commonest causes for a limb being amputated most often, we present this case of medium vessel vasculitis with chronic threatening limb ischemia to make a note of our attempt to save her limb by multiple modalities which included medical management with steroids, immunosuppressants, pulsed cyclophosphamide, interventional radiological procedure of catheter directed thrombolysis with urokinase, surgical procedures like bypass, split skin grafting and minor amputations, implemented novel modalities like hyperbaric oxygen therapy. By exploring the armamentarium available, involving a multidisciplinary team which included vascular surgeon, rheumatologist, intervention radiologist, plastic surgeon, physiotherapist and aptly using the right modality at the right time we were able to ultimately achieve our goal of limb salvage.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209435


Introduction: Commonly used polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) denture base material cannot be considered as ideal due toinferior thermal and mechanical properties.Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare the thermal conductivity, flexural strength, and surface hardness ofheat cure acrylic resin incorporated with 10 wt.% and 15 wt.% alumina and conventional denture base resin.Materials and Methods: A total of 108 specimens were prepared. Specimens were divided into three main groups. Group Aspecimens were disk shaped (50 mm × 5 mm) and used for measuring thermal conductivity. Groups B and C specimens wererectangular shaped (65 mm × 10 mm × 3 mm) and were used for measuring flexural strength and surface hardness, respectively.Each group was further divided into three subgroups (1, 2, and 3) depending on the concentration, namely, PMMA without filler(control), PMMA + 10 wt.% of Al2O3, and PMMA + 15 wt.% of Al2O3 containing 12 samples each. Thermal conductivity wasmeasured using a modified guarded hot plate apparatus. Flexural strength was assessed with a three-point bending test usinga universal testing machine. Hardness testing was conducted using a Vickers Hardness Tester. The results were analyzedusing one-way ANOVA followed by post hoc comparison by Tukey’s method.Results: Mean values of thermal conductivity were (in W/mK) 0.190, 0.231, and 0.275 for subgroups A1, A2, and A3, respectively.The mean flexural strength values were (in MPa) 56.62, 66.73, and 74.24 for subgroups B1, B2, and B3, respectively. Meanvalues of surface hardness was calculated to be (in HV) 15.17, 16.51, and 17.91 for subgroup C1, C2, and C3, respectively.There was statistically significant improvement in thermal conductivity, flexural strength, and surface hardness after incorporationof alumina and the increase was in proportion to the weight percentage of alumina filler.Conclusion: Incorporation of alumina into heat cure denture base resin significantly improved the thermal conductivity, flexuralstrength, and surface hardness.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214855


Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a heterogeneous group of aggressive malignancies emerging from the canals of Hering to the CBD. CCA are rare tumours accounting for 3% of gastrointestinal tumours with an incidence of <2/100000, with an increased incidence in Asia. They present late and have a grave prognosis. The only curative option is surgical resection. The aim was to study the demographic and clinical spectrum of CCA with special emphasis on practicable diagnostic modalities, treatment strategies and their outcome at our rural tertiary setup.METHODSThis was a single centre observational study with a longitudinal design conducted over a period of 2 years. 30 patients presenting with features or diagnosis of CCA to the Department of General Surgery and the Department of Radiotherapy of North Bengal Medical College and Hospital, were studied with special reference to treatment and outcome. Data was collected, compiled on Excel sheet and analysed using GraphPad QuickCalcs 2018 (San Diego, CA).RESULTSMean age of the patients was 52.36 years with a female: male ratio 1.5:1. They presented mainly with jaundice (90%), clay coloured stool (83.3%), pruritus (66.6%), anaemia (56.6%), abdominal lump (43.3%) and pain abdomen (33.6%) reflecting a late presentation. Diagnosis and staging were done by blood parameters and available imaging studies in our setup (abdominal ultrasound, CECT and MRCP). The most common type was Distal CCA (60%) followed by Perihilar CCA (33.3%) and Intra-hepatic CCA (6.6%). Pancreaticoduodenectomy was done in 26.6% of patients and resection with hepaticojejunostomy in 10% of patients; surgical biliary bypass in 20% of patients, chemotherapy in 6.6% and PTBD followed by chemotherapy in 36.6%. After 1 year 72.7% of those who underwent curative surgery were having disease free life and 26.3% of those who underwent palliative treatment were having improved quality of life.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212896


Thyroglossal cysts are the most common thyroid anomaly with a majority of it being diagnosed at fourth decade of life. Authors report a case of 32-year-old lady with a globular swelling of 3×2 cm moving with deglutition with no cervical lymph nodes and a normal thyroid function test. Intra operatively a distinct lesion of 3×2 cm was found superior to the thyroid gland with firm nodules in the right lobe of the thyroid. Patient underwent total thyroidectomy with central compartment neck dissection and Sistrunk’s operation followed by a negative radio iodine scan and thyroid hormone suppression. This was considered based on intraoperative nodularity of the thyroid gland.