Introduction: Wormian bones are islands of small bones found at the sutures and fontanelles of the skull.Commonly appears in the lambdoid suture. This study reporting the incidence, location and morphology ofWormian bones as it may give the false impression as fractures and lead to confusion to the radiologists,surgeons and traumatologists to deal during surgeries.Materials and Methods: The study comprises the 100 human adult skulls. Measuring tape, Sliding calipers,sutural thread and scale were used for measuring the length of the suture, incidence, types, morphology andtopography of sutural bones were observed and compared with the studies done by previous authors. The boneswere obtained from the Department of Anatomy, sri venkata sai medical college Mahbubnagar, Telangana, India.Results: Wormian bones were found in Lambdoid suture (28%), Lambda (12%), Parietomastoid suture (0%),Coronal Suture (0%), Asterion (8%), Sagittal suture (12%), Occipitomastoid suture (0%), Parietosquamous (0%)and Pterion (8%). Three different shapes of WBs was witnessed; Quadrangular (4%), Irregular (36%), Triangular(8%).Discussion: the knowledge of wormian bones is important to radiologists, orthopedicians and traumatologistsas it can imitate fractures and lead to confusion and eventually differential diagnosis.