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Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 90(3): 101396, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564180


Abstract Objective To determine the prevalence, epidemiological profile, and clinical characteristics of Oral or Oropharyngeal Mucosal Lesions (OOPML) in patients attended at the Otorhinolaryngology Service of the Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectious Diseases (INI-FIOCRUZ) from 2005 to 2017. Methods Statistical analysis of descriptive data from medical records (gender, age, education level, skin color, origin, smoking, alcoholism, HIV co-infection, time of disease evolution, first symptom, and OOPML location) was performed. Results Of 7551 patients attended at the service, 620 (8.2%) were included in the study. OOPML were classified into developmental anomalies (n = 3), infectious diseases (non-granulomatous n = 220; granulomatous n = 155), autoimmune diseases (n = 24), neoplasms (benign n = 13; malignant, n = 103), and unclassified epithelial/soft tissue diseases (n = 102). OOPML of infectious diseases (60.5%) and neoplasms (18.7%) were the most frequent. The predominant demographics of patients with OOPML were: males (63.5%), white (53.5%), and those in the fifth to sixth decades of life (43.3%). Local pain (18.1%) and odynophagia (15%) were the most reported first symptoms, and the most frequent OOPML sites were the palatine tonsil (28.5%), hard palate (22.7%), and tongue (20.3%). The median evolution time was three months. Conclusions Infectious OOPML were the most frequent, as expected in a reference center for infectious diseases, and thus, they are likely to be less frequent in general care and/or dental services. Underreporting of OOPML is possible, as oral/oropharyngeal examination is often not included in the routine medical examination. Oral cavity/oropharynx examination should be performed by specialists, such as dentists and otorhinolaryngologists, who have the expertise in identifying OOPML, even in incipient/asymptomatic cases. Given the numerous diseases in which OOPML can present, diagnosis could be facilitated by multidisciplinary teams, potentially enabling the early treatment of diseases, and thus, reduce morbidity and improve prognosis. The use of standardized medical records for oral/oropharyngeal systematic examination could provide relevant tools for differential diagnoses and information for new clinical-epidemiological studies. Level of evidence: Level 3.

Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 15(2): 113-121, mar.-abr. 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-552090


OBJETIVO: verificar se há assimetria de crescimento entre as hemimandíbulas esquerda e direita, durante o 2º e início do 3º trimestre de gestação. MÉTODOS: foram utilizadas 68 hemimandíbulas (34 mandíbulas) de fetos conservados em solução de formalina a 10 por cento, sendo 20 femininos e 14 masculinos, e realizadas as seguintes mensurações: Côndilo-Processo Coronoide (Co-PC), Gônio-Processo Coronoide (Go-PC), Gônio-Gnátio (Go-Gn), Côndilo-Gnátio (Co-Gn), Altura da Sínfise (AS) e Ângulo da Mandíbula (AM). Os dados foram coletados, tabulados e analisados com auxílio do programa SPSS, versão 11.0, 2005, onde foi realizado o estudo One Way Anova para a comparação entre as médias dos valores das medidas anatômicas das hemimandíbulas direita e esquerda, sendo a idade dividida entre segundo trimestre (Período 1: 13-18 semanas e Período 2: 18-24 semanas), e início do terceiro trimestre (Período 3: 24-30 semanas) de gestação. RESULTADOS: houve discreta assimetria no ritmo de crescimento das medidas Go-Gn, Co-PC, Co-Gn, Go-PC e AS, comparando-se os lados direito e esquerdo, entre o 2º e início do 3º trimestre gestacional, apesar de não estatisticamente significativa (p > 0,05). Constatou-se, também, que houve redução da medida AM, com discreta assimetria, no mesmo período pré-natal, sendo estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas significativas quanto ao crescimento das hemimandíbulas direita e esquerda no período estudado. Por outro lado, houve redução da medida do ângulo da mandíbula no mesmo período, apresentando significância estatística.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate growth asymmetry between the left and right hemimandibles (HMs) during the 2nd and early 3rd trimester of pregnancy. METHODS: Sixty eight hemimandibles (34 mandibles) of fetuses were used-20 female and 14 male-preserved in 10 percent formalin solution, and the following measurements were performed: Condyle-Coronoid Process (Co-CP), Gonion-Coronoid Process (Go-CP), Gonion-Gnathion (Go-Gn), Condyle-Gnathion (Co-Gn), Symphyseal Height (SH), Mandibular Angle (MA). The data were collected, tabulated and analyzed with the aid of SPSS software, version 11.0, 2005. One-way ANOVA test was performed to compare the mean values of anatomical measurements of the right and left HMs. Gestational ages were divided into second trimester (Period 1: 13-18 weeks and Period 2: 18-24 weeks), and early third trimester (Period 3: 24-30 weeks) of pregnancy. RESULTS: We noted a slight growth rate asymmetry in Go-Gn, Co-CP, Co-Gn, Go-CP and SH, comparing the left and right mandibular halves, between the 2nd and early 3rd trimester of pregnancy, although not statistically significant (p > 0.05). It was also found that the mandibular angle decreased and showed a slight-though statistically significant (p < 0.05)-asymmetry in the same prenatal period. CONCLUSION: The authors concluded that there was a slight asymmetry in the growth rate of measurements Go-Gn, Co-CP, Co-Gn, Go-CP and SH, comparing the left with the right hemimandible between the 2nd and early 3rd trimester of gestation.

Fetal Development , Fetus , Mandible/growth & development , Growth and Development , Pregnancy
Rev. bras. otorrinolaringol ; 70(2): 171-176, mar.-abr. 2004. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-363236


O carcinoma epidermóide da laringe é a sexta neoplasia mais comum, sendo uma das neoplasias malignas mais freqüentes na cabeça e pescoço, ocupando o segundo lugar imediatamente após o câncer da cavidade oral. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo clínico retrospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Entre os anos de 1991 e 2003, 24 pacientes portadores de lesões glóticas envolvendo a comissura anterior foram submetidos a laringectomia frontal anterior com epiglotoplastia descrita por Tucker e colaboradores no ano de 1979. RESULTADO: Nossos resultados confirmam aqueles encontrados em outras publicações. Não ocorreram mortes no pós-operatório e o seguimento foi relativamente simples. Todos os pacientes foram decanulizados e recuperaram um efetivo trato digestivo e aéreo. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos achados mostram que a laringectomia pela técnica de Tucker é uma cirurgia efetiva para o tratamento dos carcinomas glóticos que acometem a comissura anterior e a porção membranosa das cordas vocais com a motilidade preservada, pois tais lesões não devem ser tratadas pela ressecção endoscópica trans-oral ou por uma laringectomia fronto lateral.