Acid sensing ion channels (ASIC) are Na+ channels activa ed by ex ernal pro ons. Number of neurological (pa hological pain, expression of fear, anxie y, depression, and neurodegeneration after ischemic s roke e c) and non-neurological (brain umor, cardiovascular mechanosensation, hypoxia induced hyper ension, glaucoma, e c.) disor-ders are implica ed by various ASICs sub ypes. Due o heir known and po ential roles in many disease pa hologies, i is very au hentic o explore he impor ance of new and selective small molecule inhibi ors and even activa ors of ASICs as a research ool in clinical uses for reating hese diseases pa hogenesis. This review is aimed o find ou he herapeutic po entialities of ASICs arge ed novel drugs in con ex of heir pa hophysiological role in human body. Fluorescen dyes and optical sensors as a means of fas and efficien screening approaches would cer ainly be used o improve he discovery echnology of ASICs modula ed drugs.
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are the most widely prescribed class of gastrointestinal drugs as they have minimal side effects and few significant drug interactions, and are generally considered safe for long-term treatment. The proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole, esomeprazole, pantoprazole, lansoprazole and rabeprazole have quite similar efficacy and potency. Current study was carried out at Jessore district in Bangladesh to investigate the current status of most commonly prescribed PPIs in terms of their generation, gender variation, age categorization and their preferred route of administration as well. However, esomeprazole was used by top most 70% patients, followed by 20%, 6%, 3% and 1% for omeprazole, pantoprazole, rabeprazole and dexlansoprazole respectively. 75% prescriptions were prescribed for oral route of administration. 55% male and 35% of 35-50 years aged patients are suffering from peptic ulcer diseases and uses PPIs for healing process. During proton pump inhibitor therapy, it was observed to have nausea of 30% and vomiting for 28% patients as a major side effect. This study reveals that the new generation PPIs becomes more popular for the treatment of gastric disorders among people of Jessore city, Bangladesh.