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Rev. bras. entomol ; 67(spe): e20230064, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521743


ABSTRACT Despite the growing number of studies on mayflies (Ephemeroptera), especially in terms of description of new species and distributional records, the knowledge generated remains scattered across specialized literature. This dispersion poses a challenge for non-specialists, such as ecologists, hindering their ability to promote studies and conservation actions. In order to fill this gap, we are launching EphemBrazil: an online database focusing on the distribution of mayflies in Brazil. The main objectives of this platform are to compile a dataset of distributional information for the valid species of Ephemeroptera in Brazil, provide open access to this dataset through an interactive and easily updated website, and offer dynamic distributional maps for species, genera, and families of Brazilian mayflies. EphemBrazil aims to facilitate the retrieval and access of distributional and basic taxonomic information for the order.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 67(spe): e20230063, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529837


ABSTRACT The male and female imago stage and a new species of the Hermanella complex are described based on material from Pará State, Northern Brazil: Hydromastodon cf. mikei (Thomas & Boutonnet, 2004) and Paramaka froehlichi sp. nov. The male imago of Hydromastodon cf. mikei can be distinguished from Hydromastodon sallesi by the following combination of characters: (1) body color pattern, especially abdominal terga translucent white with terga I to IV washed with black on posterior margin; (2) compound eyes anteriorly rounded; (3) medial projection of the styliger plate short; and (4) penis lobes close to each other and with posterolateral projection as long as ½ of its length. The male imago of Paramaka froehlichi sp.nov. can be distinguished the from the other species of the genus by the following combination of characters: (1) fore and hind wings with membrane brown; (2) legs uniformly yellowish-white, without distal band; (3) abdominal terga II to VI with marks more expanded laterally, median line absent; (4) medial projection of the styliger plate broad; (5) base of telopenis arising at distal ⅔ of penis lobe; and (6): body size of 6.1 to 7.6 mm.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 67(1): e20220103, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431566


ABSTRACT The male and female of a new species in the long-horned caddisfly genus Nectopsyche Müller, 1879 are described from southeastern Brazil. The new species has male genitalia similar to species of the candida-group, but has several endothecal spines in the phallic apparatus similar to those of gemma-group species. The color pattern of the scales and hairs on the head, thorax and forewings is similar to that of Nectopsyche splendida (Navás, 1917), as both species have bands of metallic silver-iridescent scales interleaved with black areas on the forewings. Additionally, we present illustrations of the male and female genitalia of N. splendida and expand the knowledge of its distribution.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 66(4): e20220056, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407498


ABSTRACT The small mayfly genus UlmeritusTraver, 1956 currently includes three species of Neotropical Leptophlebiidae (Ephemeroptera) distributed in southern South America in the Pampean and Atlantic Forest dominions: U. carbonelli (Uruguay), U. balteatus (Brazil and Uruguay) and U. saopaulensis (Brazil). Ulmeritus saopaulensis is a poorly known endemic species from Brazil. Based on material from a single locality in Minas Gerais, we complement the knowledge on this species with a redescription of adults and nymphs and describe the eggs for the first time. The confusing nomenclatural history and the correct spelling of the specific name saopaulensis is discussed in light of International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. This paper points out that in despite of recent advances on the knowledge of this genus a full taxonomic review and phylogenetic analyses are pending to solve species delimitation and evolutionary relationships.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 65(1): e20200121, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156009


ABSTRACT The Hermanella complex is a well-established monophyletic group of Hagenulinae mayflies, but the phylogenetic relationships among its members are still being discussed. In order to fill some gaps in the taxonomy of this group we describe, for the first time, the eggs of eight species of this complex (Hermanella amere, Hermanella mazama, Hydromastodon sallesi, Hydrosmilodon gilliesae, Hydrosmilodon plagatus, Leentvaaria palpalis, Paramaka incognita, Paramaka sp.) using scanning electron microscopy, including some important members whose generic allocation have been questioned. The egg morphology in these eight species of Hermanella complex and their similarities with other species of the complex are discussed.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 59(3): 197-204, July-Sep. 2015. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-762011


ABSTRACTIn order to expand the knowledge on the composition of Ephemeroptera from large rivers, we present, herein, the first survey of mayflies from the São Mateus River Basin, Espírito Santo State. Adults were collected biannually in 2012 and 2013 with the aid of Pennsylvania light trap in eleven points distributed in the main river of the river basin, São Mateus River and its two main tributaries, Cotaxé River (Braço Norte) and Cricaré River (Braço Sul). Thirty-three species were identified (22 nominal and 11 morphospecies) in 24 genera and five families. One genus and one species are reported for the first time from Brazil, three species from Southeastern Region of Brazil, and two species from the state. Five species and one genus not previously described were also found. Moreover, around 20% of the known species of mayfly registered from the state were found. This work reinforces the need to give more attention to research on large rivers due to the high potential for diversity, not only for Ephemeroptera, but also for other aquatic insects.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 58(4): 356-370, Oct.-Dec. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-732848


Conservation of mayflies (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) in Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. Ephemeroptera exhibits great diversity among bodies of freshwater in the Atlantic Forest, a biome that is suffering from massive human impact. Within this context, the creation of conservation units using biological information is more recommended than economic, cultural, or political criteria. The distribution pattern of 76 Ephemeroptera species was analyzed using the biogeographical methods Parsimony Analysis of Endemicity and Network Analysis Method in order to infer relevant areas for conservation of the mayfly community in Espírito Santo. The results obtained from both analyses were largely congruent, and pointed out four relevant areas for conservation: two in the south of the state, where conservation units or priority areas for conservation are well established; and two in the north, a region in the state where little conservation efforts have been historically done. Therefore, based on our analyses on mayflies, we recommend the expansion of the existing APCs or the creation of new APCs on the north of Espírito Santo.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 13(4): 57-70, Oct-Dec/2013. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-703573


The first studies of Leptophlebiidae in the Santa Catarina State, Southern Brazil, dated from 1920. Since then, not much is known about the family (even to the Order Ephemeroptera) to the State. The main goal of this study was to survey fauna of Leptophlebiidae in the Santa Catarina State based on nymphs. The material was obtained from the collection deposited at the Laboratório de Pesquisa em Ecologia e Química of the Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó, besides additional specimens collected between 2008 and 2009. Occurrences were plotted in the hydrograph map of Santa Catarina State, with one map for each genus. The Leptophlebiidae nymphs were recorded in 26 aquatic environments that included small streams and rivers. We identified 24 morphotypes distributed in 12 genera. Number of genera in the Western of Santa Catarina increased from eight to 15. Thraulodes, Ulmeritoides and Homothraulus presented higher frequency of occurrence in the region. Leentvaaria and Hermanella were associated to regions well conserved such as in the Araucaria forest. Needhamella and Segesta were related mainly to Irani River.

Os primeiros estudos de Leptophlebiidae em Santa Catarina, Sul do Brasil, datam de 1920. Desde então, pouca informação foi acrescida à Família (até mesmo à Ordem Ephemeroptera) para o estado. O objetivo deste estudo foi inventariar a fauna de Leptophlebiidae no Estado de Santa Catarina com base em ninfas. Os Leptophlebiidae foram obtidos através de coleção depositada no Laboratório de Pesquisa em Química e Ecologia da Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó além de espécimes adicionais coletados entre 2008 e 2009. As ocorrências foram plotadas no mapa hidrográfico do Estado de Santa Catarina, com um mapa para cada gênero. As ninfas Leptophlebiidae foram registradas em 26 ambientes aquáticos que incluiram pequenos riachos e rios. Foram identificados 24 morfotipos distribuídos em 12 gêneros. O número de gêneros no Oeste de Santa Catarina aumentou de oito para 15. Thraulodes, Ulmeritoides e Homothraulus foram os gêneros com maior frequência de ocorrência na região. Leentvaaria e Hermanella estiveram associados a regiões mais bem conservadas, como na floresta Ombrófila Mista. Needhamella e Segesta estiveram relacionados principalmente ao rio Irani.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 57(1): 91-99, jan.-mar. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-669499


Fauna of Simuliidae (Diptera) from the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil: Distribution, new records and list of species. The fauna of Simuliidae in Brazil is composed of 87 species, 17 of which are recorded from the state of Espírito Santo. Entomological collections were carried out in 2010-2011 with the objective of increasing the knowledge of the species richness of this family in the state. Ninety three rivers and streams were sampled, each collection being carried out in a 50m transect. During the study period 30 species were collected, 13 of which represent new records for the state, 12 of the genus Simulium and one of the genus Lutzsimulium. Among these new state records one, Simulium lobatoi, also represents a new record from southeastern Brazil. The other newly recorded species are: Lutzsimulium hirticosta, Simulium distinctum, Simulium exiguum, Simulium oyapockense, Simulium botulibranchium, Simulium petropoliense, Simulium clavibranchium, Simulium rappae, Simulium minusculum, Simulium dinellii, Simulium ochraceum and Simulium scutistriatum.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 56(3): 289-296, July-Sept. 2012. ilus, mapas, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-651785


Leptohyphidae (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) of Amazonas state, Brazil: new records, new combination, new species and identification key for nymphal stages. The following genera of Leptohyphidae occur in the Amazonas state: Amanahyphes Salles & Molineri, Leptohyphes Eaton, Tricorythodes Ulmer and Tricorythopsis Traver. Distribution of Leptohyphidae species in Amazonas state is presented. A new species, Tricorythodes yapekuna sp. nov., is described and can be distinguished from other Tricorythodes by: (1) tarsal claws with pair of submarginal denticles and no marginal denticles; (2) bi-articulated maxillary palp; (3) opercular gill black except on apical margin; (4) gill formula 2/3/3/3/2; and (5) expanded lateral abdominal margin of segments III_VI. The new combination, Tricorythopsis rondoniensis (Dias, Cruz & Ferreira, 2009) comb. nov., is proposed and constitutes the first record of this species in the Amazonas State. An illustrated dichotomous key to identify nymphs of genera and species occurring in the Amazonas State is also presented.

Leptohyphidae (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) do Estado do Amazonas, Brasil: novos registros, nova combinação, nova espécie e chave de identificação para estágios ninfais. Os seguintes gêneros de Leptohyphidae ocorrem no estado do Amazonas: Amanahyphes Salles & Molineri, Leptohyphes Eaton, Tricorythodes Ulmer e Tricorythopsis Traver. A distribuição das espécies de Leptohyphidae no Estado do Amazonas é apresentada. Uma espécie nova, Tricorythodes yapekuna sp. nov., é descrita e pode ser diferenciada de outros Tricorythodes pelas (1) garras tarsais com um par de dentículos submarginais e sem dentículos marginais; (2) palpo maxilar biarticulado; (3) brânquia opercular uniformemente preta com exceção da margem apical; (4) fórmula branquial 2/3/3/3/2; e (5) margem lateral do abdome expandida nos segmentos III_VI. Uma combinação nova, Tricorythopsis rondoniensis (Dias, Cruz & Ferreira, 2009) comb. nov., é proposta e constitui o primeiro registro dessa espécie para o Estado do Amazonas. Uma chave dicotômica ilustrada para identificar ninfas de gêneros e espécies ocorrentes no Amazonas também é apresentada.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 11(4): 239-253, Oct.-Dec. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-622622


Com o objetivo de apresentar um levantamento da fauna de Ephemeroptera no Estado do Mato Grosso, investigamos as ninfas de Ephemeroptera, principalmente de duas bacias hidrográficas do leste do estado. Sessenta e sete espécies/morfoespécies em 41 gêneros e oito famílias foram encontradas. Quatro espécies (Cloeodes redactus Waltz & McCafferty, 1987 e Waltzoyphius roberti Thomas & Peru, 2002 [Baetidae], Tricorytopsis chiriguano Molineri, 2001 [Leptohyphidae] e Microphlebia surinamensis Savage & Peters, 1983 [Leptophlebiidae]) foram registradas pela primeira vez no Brasil. As famílias Euthyplociidae, Polymitarcyidae e Coryphoridae foram registradas pela primeira vez para o Mato Grosso, assim como 19 gêneros e 18 espécies. Vinte e cinco espécies não foram identificadas devido à falta de informação envolvendo o estágio ninfal de seus respectivos gêneros. Assim como demonstrado em outros trabalhos com o grupo, a ordem se mostrou mais diversa do que se conhece atualmente, especialmente se considerarmos as várias fisionomias e bacias hidrográficas do estado que se mantêm desconhecidas.

Aiming to present a survey of Ephemeroptera fauna of Ephemeroptera from Mato Grosso State we investigated mayfly nymphs mainly from two hydrographic basins located in the eastern area of the state. Sixty-seven species/morphospecies in 41 genera and eight families were encountered. Four species (Cloeodes redactus Waltz & McCafferty, 1987 and Waltzoyphius roberti Thomas & Peru, 2002 [Baetidae], Tricorytopsis chiriguano Molineri, 2001 [Leptohyphidae] and Microphlebia surinamensis Savage & Peters, 1983 [Leptophlebiidae]) are recorded for the first time from Brazil. The families Euthyplociidae, Polymitarcyidae and Coryphoridae are recorded for the first time from Mato Grosso, as well as 19 genera and 18 species. Twenty-five species could not be identified due to the lack of knowledge regarding the nymphal stage of their respective genera. As demonstrated in others surveys of mayflies in Brazil, the order is much more diverse than currently recognized, especially if we consider that several physiognomies and hydrographic basins of the state remain undocumented.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 55(4): 516-548, out.-dez. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-612880


Baetidae (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) ocorrentes em Roraima, Brasil: novos registros e chaves para gêneros e espécies no estágio ninfal. Roraima é um dos estados de menor conhecimento acerca da família Baetidae no Brasil, com apenas quatro espécies formalmente registradas. Através de coletas realizadas principalmente nas regiões nordeste e sudeste de Roraima, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo ampliar o conhecimento a respeito da família no estado. Foram encontradas 32 espécies, sendo dessas, 14 novas ocorrências para a Região Norte e quatro novos registros para o Brasil (Camelobaetidius ortizi Dominique & Thomas, 2002, Cloeodes barituensis Nieto & Richard, 2008, Paracloeodes pacawara Nieto & Salles, 2006 e Waltzoyphius roberti Thomas & Peru, 2002). Exceto pelos gêneros Moribaetis Waltz & McCafferty, 1985, Tomedontus Lugo- Ortiz & McCafferty, 1995, Tupiara Salles Lugo-Ortiz, Da-Silva & Francischetti, 2003 e Varipes Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998, todos os gêneros registrados para o Brasil foram encontrados. Um gênero e uma espécie de Cryptonympha encontrados são novos para a Ciência.

Baetidae (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) from Roraima, Brazil: new records and a key to genera and species at nymphal stage. Roraima is one of the Brazilian states where least is known regarding the family Baetidae; to date only four species have been recorded from the state. The aim of the present study is to improve knowledge of the family in Roraima based on collections that are mainly from northeastern and southeastern portions of the state. Thirty-two species were found; of this total, 14 are new records for the entire Northern Region of Brazil, and four species are new for the country (Camelobaetidius ortizi Dominique & Thomas, 2002, Cloeodes barituensis Nieto & Richard, 2008, Paracloeodes pacawara Nieto & Salles, 2006 and Waltzoyphius roberti Thomas & Peru, 2002). Except for Moribaetis Waltz & McCafferty, 1985, Tomedontus Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1995, Tupiara Salles, Lugo-Ortiz, Da-Silva & Francischetti, 2003 and Varipes Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998, all of the remaining genera that had been recorded from Brazil were found. One genus and one Cryptonympha species were found to be new to science.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 10(1): 293-307, Apr. 2010. ilus, mapas, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-556916


A partir de coletas realizadas entre 2008 e 2009 no Parque Nacional do Caparaó, Reserva Biológica de Sooretama, entre outras áreas do Espírito Santo, apresentamos o primeiro levantamento da fauna de Ephemeroptera do estado. A despeito do seu pequeno tamanho, pois a área do estado representa apenas 0,53 por cento do território nacional, uma surpreendente diversidade de Ephemeroptera foi encontrada. Ao todo foram identificadas 76 espécies, 41 gêneros e nove famílias, que representam aproximadamente 25 por cento das espécies brasileiras, 65 por cento dos gêneros e quase todas as famílias ocorrentes no Brasil. Destes táxons, 17 espécies (a maioria de Baetidae e Leptophlebiidae) são novos para a ciência. Cinco espécies, coletadas apenas no estágio ninfal, não puderam ser identificadas. O presente trabalho demonstra que, como para muitos organismos, a diversidade de Ephemeroptera para o estado é alta e mais pesquisas sobre a composição faunística de insetos aquáticos no Espírito Santo devem ser incentivadas.

Based on collections performed between 2008 and 2009 at Parque Nacional do Caparaó, Reserva Biológica de Sooretama, among other areas in Espírito Santo State, southeastern Brazil, we present the first survey of mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from the state. Despite the fact that the state is one of the smallest in Brazil, representing only 0.53 percent of the country area, a surprising diversity was found. Seventy-six species, 41 genera and nine families were identified, which represents about 25 percent of the species reported from Brazil, 65 percent of the genera, and almost all families. Of these, 17 species (most of Baetidae and Leptophlebiidae) are new to science. Five species, collected only at the nymphal stage, could not be identified to the species level. The present work demonstrates that, as for other organisms, the diversity of mayflies is high in the state, and more works aiming to investigate the aquatic insect composition of the Espírito Santo State should be encouraged.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 9(1): 245-247, Jan.-Mar. 2009. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-518446


We report cases of Simuliidae and Chironomidae living on Lachlania nymphs (Ephemeroptera). This is the first record of these associations in South America. Simulium exiguum (pupae and larvae), Simulium cuasiexiguum (larvae), Cricotopus sp. (larva) and Rheotanytarsus sp. (larva) were found associated with Lachlania nymphs. We believe that all of these associations can be classified as opportunistic (or casual) attachment.

Este é o primeiro registro de associações entre imaturos de Simuliidae e Chironomidae vivendo sobre ninfas do gênero Lachlania (Ephemeroptera) na América do Sul. Simulium exiguum (pupas e larvas), Simulium cuasiexiguum (larvas), Cricotopus sp. (larva) and Rheotanytarsus sp. (larva) foram coletadas vivendo sobre/aderidas a ninfas de Lachlania. Apesar de existirem algumas espécies que vivem, obrigatoriamente, sobre ninfas e larvas de outros insetos aquáticos, no presente estudo estas associações podem ser classificadas como casuais.

Behavior , Diptera , Ecosystem , Aquatic Fauna/analysis , Insecta , Larva , Nymph
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 7(3): 37-40, 2007. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-477671


Neste trabalho são apresentados quatro novos registros de Ephemerelloidea para o Estado de São Paulo, Leptohyphes cornutus Allen, Leptohyphes plaumanni Allen, Tricorythodes bullus Allen e Traverhyphes (Traverhyphes) indicator (Needham & Murphy), esta ultima constitui um novo registro para o Brasil. Além dos novos registros, também são ampliadas as áreas de distribuição das espécies Leptohyphodes inanis Ulmer, Traverhyphes (Mocoihyphes) edmundsi (Allen) e Traverhyphes (Mocoihyphes) yuati Molineri, para outros municípios do Estado de São Paulo.

Four new records of Ephemerelloidea for São Paulo State, Leptohyphes cornutus Allen, Leptohyphes plaumanni Allen, Tricorythodes bullus Allen, and Traverhyphes (Traverhyphes) indicator (Needham & Murphy) are presented. The latter species constitutes a new record for Brazil. In addition of the new records, the distribution of the following species are expanded: Leptohyphodes inanis Ulmer, Traverhyphes (Mocoihyphes) edmundsi (Allen), and Traverhyphes (Mocoihyphes) yuati Molineri.

Biodiversity , Classification , Fauna/analysis , Fauna/classification , Ecosystem/analysis , Ecosystem/classification , Insecta/classification
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443675


Estudos realizados principalmente no município de Nova Xavantina, Mato Grosso, levaram-nos à descoberta de diversas espécies de Baetidae. Enquanto uma delas representa uma nova espécie de Cloeodes, aqui descrita, as outras representam novos registros para o estado ou até mesmo para o Brasil. A nova espécie, Cloeodes auwe sp. nov., pode ser diferenciada das demais espécies do gênero pela seguinte combinação de caracteres: padrão de coloração corporal; palpo maxilar longo, porém claramente com dois artículos; terceiro artículo do palpo labial robusto e de ápice truncado; garras relativamente longas (0,5 vezes o comprimento do respectivo tarso), tecas alares posteriores ausentes e número de espinhos na margem posterior do tergito 3 e paraprocto. Além dessa espécie, os seguintes táxons de Baetidae também foram encontrados: Adebrotus amazonicus, Americabaetis alphus, Apobaetis sp., Aturbina georgei, Baetodes sp., Callibaetis sp.1, Callibaetis sp.2, Camelobaetidius janae, Cryptonympha sp., Harpagobaetis gulosus, Paracloeodes binodulus, Spiritiops silvudus, Waltzoyphius fasciatus e Zelusia principalis.

Studies carried mainly in the municipality of Nova Xavantina, Mato Grosso State, have lead us to the discovery of several species of Baetidae. While one of them represents a new species of the genus Cloeodes and is herein described, the others represent new records for the state or even for Brazil. The new species, Cloeodes auwe sp. nov., can be differentiated from the other known species of the genus by the following characteristics: body color pattern, long and two-segmented maxillary palp, third segment of labial palp robust and apically truncate, long tarsal claws (0.5 times the length of the respective tarsus), hind wing pads absent, and number of spines on the posterior margin of the third tergite and on the paraproct. Besides this new species, the following taxa of Baetidae were also found: Adebrotus amazonicus, Americabaetis alphus, Apobaetis sp., Aturbina georgei, Baetodes sp., Callibaetis sp.1, Callibaetis sp.2, Camelobaetidius janae, Cryptonympha sp., Harpagobaetis gulosus, Paracloeodes binodulus, Spiritiops silvudus, Waltzoyphius fasciatus, and Zelusia principalis.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443889


(As espécies de Ephemeroptera (Insecta) registradas para o Brasil). Uma lista da fauna de Ephemeroptera do Brasil, com todas as espécies, gêneros e famílias registrados para o país é apresentada, incluindo os estados para os quais as espécies estão reportadas assim como a bibliografia pertinente. Comentários acerca do estado atual do conhecimento da fauna brasileira também são tecidos. Até o presente momento 10 famílias, 63 gêneros e 166 espécies estão registrados. As famílias Baetidae e Leptophlebiidae compreendem mais de 50% de todos os registros, enquanto as regiões Norte e Sudeste são significativamente melhor estudadas que as demais.

(The species of mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Insecta) recorded from Brazil). A checklist of the Brazilian Ephemeroptera fauna with all species, genera and families recorded from the country, including the states for which every species is reported, and the pertinent reference is presented. Comments on the status of knowledge of the Brazilian mayfly fauna are also provided. Up to date, 10 families, 63 genera, and 166 species are recorded. Baetidae and Leptophlebiidae have more than 50% of all records, while the North and Southeastern regions are significantly better studied than the other areas of the country.