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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-581368


An investigation was made on 555 ranking Chinese Athletes engaged in 26 different sports and events. The type and incidence of vertebral deformity were counted. The incidence of low back pain as a result of the deformity was also counted. The relationship between low back pain and deformity was analyzed and the result was compared with 657 athletes who came to our clinic for treatment. The results were as follows:1. The incidence of secondary injury and illness in athletes with vertebral deformity was high. The incidence of spondylolysis in athletes with vertebral deformity was still higher. Athletes with serious deformity were liable to injury of bone, while those with light deformity were likely to develop injury of soft tissue.2. The pain of those with the deformity was mainly caused by secondary injury and illness but in a few of them the pain was the result of the vertebral deformity itself.3. To prevent the pain of vertebral deformity, it is important to prevent the development of secondary inry and illness.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-552029


It is common practice to diagnose spondylolysis with oblique radiographsof the lumbar spine although antero-posterior and lateral radiographs aretaken routinely for patients with lower back pain. The author has acquiredmore understanding about the radiographic features in the antero-posteriorand lateral views through a study of radiographs taken from artificial imi-tative specimens of spondylolysis. Eleven typical features have been identi-fied and with their aid the plain radiographs of 169 cases of spondylolysishave been analyzed. The results have been compared with those obtainedfrom oblique views. The percentage of diagnoses achieved by plane filmshas been determined at 89.1% with the antero-posterior view, 81.6% with thelateral view and 93.1% with the oblique views. If spondylolysis can bediagnosed with antero-posterior and lateral radiographs alone, the diagnosiswill be more expeditious and economical.