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Kampo Medicine ; : 185-190, 2012.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-362901


We report a case of chronic heart failure with hypotension, successfully treated with goreisan (<i>Wu lin san</i>).In this case, goreisan improved both the heart failure symptoms and water regulation. This 91-old woman had been receiving treatment for congestive heart failure, mitral regurgitation, aortic regurgitation and atrial fibril lation, and had undergone pacemaker implantation due to sick sinus syndrome. She underwent repeated hospi talization due to aggravation of her chronic heart failure. She was re-admitted because of systemic edema as well as exacerbation of heart failure symptoms which included pleural effusions. Blood pressure remained constant at about 80/50 mmHg. She was prescribed furosemide 40 mg. Thereafter, cerebral infarction compli cations arose. Therefore, it became difficult to increase the quantity of diuretics. We administered goreisan without change to the other oral medications. Many of her symptoms improved and the pleural effusion resolved without affecting blood pressure.<br>Goreisan is one representative herbal formula for promoting diuresis. In this case, it is thought that goreisan showed actions that influenced water regulation.

Kampo Medicine ; : 378-383, 2012.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-374558


We report a patient who was successfully treated with a herbal formulation of goreisan (Wu-ling-san) for recurrent vomiting associated with pyloric stenosis, with significant simultaneous improvement of congestive heart failure.<br>A 78-year-old woman was in a bedridden state after cerebral infarction and was being fed through a nasal tube. She often experience repeated vomiting and aspiration pneumonia. Cicatricial stenosis was found in the pyloric region and we performed an expansion operation with balloon endoscopy. However, symptoms did not improve and her heart failure worsened. Therefore, we administered goreisan. Urinary output volume increased, edematous changes gradually disappeared, and pleural effusion decreased. The stenosis-related lesion did not change, but the vomiting ceased, even after nasal tube feeding was resumed.<br>Goreisan is an herbal formula used to promote diuresis that is considered to correct water absorption in digestive organs. In this case, goreisan was effective for the improvement of many symptoms.

Kampo Medicine ; : 471-476, 2008.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-379621


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of keishibukuryogan (KB) against the cognitive symptoms associated with silent brain infarction in a prospective cohort study. The subjects were 93 patients with silent brain infarcts who visited the Department of Japanese Oriental Medicine, University of Toyama, and its allied hospitals. They consisted of 24 males and 69 females, mean age (± S.E.) 70.0±0.8.Group SK (n=51) consisted of patients who used KB extract for more than6months per year. Group SC (n=42) consisted of patients who did not use Kampo formulas. The NS group (n=44) consisted of elderly subjects who had no silent brain infarction, 21 males and 23 females, with a mean age (± S.E.) of 70.7±0.7 years. Among the three groups, the revised version of Hasegawa's dementia scale, apathy scale and self-rating depression scale were compared between the study start and after three years. In the SK and SC groups, these scores, and the subjective symptom levels (head heaviness, headache, dizziness or vertigo, stiff shoulder) were also studied. The results showed that the self-rating depression scales at study start for the SK and SC groups were significantly higher compared to the NS group. In spite of the scores for the NS group increasing after three years, the SK group scores were significantly decreased compared to the SC and NS groups. KB was effective against head heaviness, which often complicates silent brain infarction. In the above mentioned, KB was effective in treating cognitive disorders and subjective symptoms related to silent brain infarction.

Infarction , Brain , Ions