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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-394431


Objective To investigate the clinical application value of fibrolarynogoscope in the diagnosis and treatment of otolaryngolgic diseases. Methods Olympus Type-T3 fibrolarynogoscope were used in diagnosis of 3 200 patients. Results 3 200 cases were examined by fibrolarynogoscope, and correct diagnosis was made. 263 cases of foreign bodies in hypopharynx or larynx were moved, 154 cases of nosebleed were treated with MTC-3 microwave therapy apparatus, CX-Ⅲ multifunctional ionization therapy apparatus. Conclusion Fibrolarynogoscope can be widely used in diagnosis and treatment of otolaryngolgic diseases and is an excellent instrument of diagnosis and treatment of otolaryngolgic diseases.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-394841


Objective To discuss the factors which are related with curative effects of endoscopic sinus sur-gery of sinusitis and nasal polyps. Methods 480 patients with rhinosinusopatia who were received endoscopic sinus surgery were retrospectively analyzed. Results The curative rate was 74.5% ,improved rate was 18.1% ,ineffective rate was 7.3%,the effective rate was 92.7%. Conclusion ESS is an effective method for the treatment of chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps. However,the therapeutic effects were closely related with the clinical types of lesion. Ap-propriate treatment to the diseased middle turbinate and deviated nasal septum during the period of surgery and effec-tive combined treatment after operation are very importint to the long-term therapeutic effects of ESS on these lesion.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-433980


Objective:To explore the influence of blood transfusion on cellular immunofunction in patient with laryngeal carcinoma.Method:EPICS-XL flow cytometry was used to measure T cell subgroup,NK cell and CD28 in 36 patients with laryngeal carcinoma pre-operation and 2 weeks post-operation.Patients were divided into allotransfusion group and non-transfusion group.Comparison was conducted between the 2 groups.Result:①Comparsion with normal population,decreasing of CD3,CD4,NK cell and CD28 in the 36 patients pre-operation was statistically significant (P<0.01).②Decreasing of CD3,CD4,NK cell and CD28 was statistically signficant post-operation(P<0.05).③In the non-transfusion group change of CD3,CD4,CD8,NK cell and CD28 post-operation was statistically insignificant (P>0.05).Conclusion:While cellular immunofunction is generally low in patients with laryngeal carcinoma,allotransfusion will reduce further.It makes contribution to spreading and metastasis of carcinoma easier.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-520152


Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of tracheo-oesophageal vioce prostheses after total laryngectomy.Methods Between 1995 and 1999,18 male patients ,Aged from 42 to 68,average 54.6,used Blom-singer voice prostheses after total laryngectomy.10 cases were glottic style,8 cases were subglottic style.12 patients received stage I,6 patients received stage Ⅱ voice reconstruction surgery. Results All cases were followed-up from 3 to 5 years. The success rate was 77.8%(14/18). The time with prostheses ranged from 8 to 19 months(average 12months). All failures were stage Ⅱ surgey .Conclusion Stage I voice reconstruction surgery can be performed in all total laryngectomy patients. But the indications of stage Ⅱ voice reconstruction surgery should be controlled strictly. More attention should be paid to the training of voice rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. The tracheo-oesophageal voice prostheses is an effective method to improve the life quality of the patients.