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Indian Pediatr ; 2023 Mar; 60(3): 183-186
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225390


Acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children has been recently described in the literature, and a case definition has also been proposed for this condition. The exact etiology is unknown and exclusion of infectious, metabolic, autoimmune and toxin mediated injuries is essential. Management for this condition is supportive, but some may require liver transplantation. Infection prevention and control practices are important as the etiology remains unidentified.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219107


Isolated splenic hydatid disease is an extremely rare entity accounting for less than 3% of the total incidence of Echinococcosis. We present a case of 26yr female presenting with pain in the left hypochondrium and low-grade fever. CECT abdomen showed three loculated lesions in spleen features suggestive of hydatid cysts. She underwent splenectomy with a specimen that showed multiple splenic hydatid cysts. This case report highlights the rare presentation of isolated multiple hydatid cysts of the spleen and its successful diagnosis and treatment.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202776


Introduction: Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of thetoenails or fingernails that may involve any component of thenail unit, including the matrix, bed, or plate. Onychomycosisis caused by dermatophyte fungi, non dermatophyte mouldsand yeasts. Prevalence rates for OM varying from 3 to 5%have been found in most studies; however, a few reportssuggest a higher prevalence of even up to 26% in the generalpopulation. Hence through this study an attempt was made toidentify the various clinical patterns of onychomycosis and toidentify pattern of drug resistance in onychomycosis.Material and methods: The proposed study was carriedout in Outpatient Department of Dermatology Venereologyand Leprosy, Rohilkhand Medical College and Hospital,Bareilly, a tertiary care hospital in western Uttar Pradeshfor one year (November 2017- October 2018) on patientshowing nail changes suggestive of onychomycosis, usingdirect microscopy using potassium hydroxide. The culturemedium SDA with chloramphenicol was used. Sensitivity toTerbinafine, Fluconazole, Itraconazole and Griseofulvine wasstudied.Result: The most common pattern of onychomycosis seenwas distal lateral subungual onychomycosis. Pattern of drugresistance is maximum with Griseofulvin (49%) and least withTerbinafine (20%).Conclusion: A total of 104 patients were enrolled, withmean age 35.93 years. Males were more commonly involvedcompared to females. The culture results were positive among55 patients and negative in 49 patients. The most commoncausative agent isolated was dermatophyte moulds followedby non-dermatophytes and yeasts.

Indian Pediatr ; 2012 September; 49(9): 771
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-169482
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-158162


The discovery of leptin has initiated a flurry of research into the molecular basis of weight control. In obese people levels of leptin found in the blood are normally very high and more than sufficient to suppress the appetite and increase the metabolism. This however does not happen and it is believed that obesity may be the result of a resistance to leptin. This suggests that the problem in these individuals may be related to a lack of binding of the leptin protein to its receptor. No known structure of leptin receptor is known. Therefore in present the present study we model the 3D structure of leptin receptor using MODELLER. This was done using the template GP130 of H. sapiens (PDB code: 1BQU). On the basic of results MODEL 6 was selected as the best model. The observed G-factors for the present model were -0.22 for dihedrals, -0.32 for covalent and overall -0.25. The MODEL 6 contains 88.7% of the residues in the most favored region, 11.3 % in the additional allowed and no single residue in generously allowed regions and disallowed region. The predicted model was further analyzed to locate the residues in the active sites those provide interactions with the ligand.