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Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 23(3): 347-350, Sept.-Dec. 2016. ilus
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094282


Rufous-tailed Jacamar Galbula ruficauda is known from few records in Paraguay, all during the last 20 years. The species has been recorded in the northern Chaco and Paraguayan Pantanal, with all confirmed records from Alto Paraguay department. Here we summarise all reports and localities of the species in Paraguay to date. The species is categorized as Data Deficient at the national level, but may be more widely distributed than is currently recognised.

Galbula ruficauda es una especie que cuenta con pocos registros a lo largo de 20 años en Paraguay. La especie ha sido observada en la zona norte del Chaco y Pantanal paraguayo, departamento Alto Paraguay. En este trabajo reportamos los registros y localidades de ocurrencia de la especie en el país. Actualmente se encuentra en la categoría de Datos Insuficientes a nivel nacional, aunque puede ser que su distribución sea más amplia.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-789741


BACKGROUND:The Broselow? Pediatric Emergency Tape indicates standardized, pre-calculated medication doses, dose delivery volumes, and equipment sizes using color-coded zones based on height-weight correlations. The present study attempted to provide more evidence on the effectiveness of the Broselow? Pediatric Emergency Tape by comparing the tape-estimated weights with actual weights. We hypothesized that the Broselow? Pediatric Emergency Tape would overestimate weights in Indian children aged<10 years, leading to inaccurate dosing and equipment sizing in the emergency setting. METHODS:This prospective study of pediatric patients aged <10 years who were divided into three groups based on actual body weight:<10 kg, 10–18 kg, and >18 kg. We calculated the percentage difference between the Broselow-predicted weight and the measured weight as a measure of tape bias. Concordant results were those with a mean percent difference within 3%. Standard deviation was measured to determine precision. Accuracy was determined as color-coded zone prediction and measured weight concordance, including the percentage overestimation by 1–2 zones. RESULTS:The male-to-female ratio of the patients was 1.3:1. Total agreement between color-coding was 63.18% (K=0.582). The Broselow? color-coded zone agreement was 74.8% in the <10 kg group, 61.24% in the 10–18 kg group, and 53.42% in the >18 kg group. CONCLUSIONS:The Broselow? Pediatric Emergency Tape showed good evidence for being more reliable in children of the <10 kg and 10–18 kg groups. However, as pediatric weight increased, predictive reliability decreased. This raises concerns over the use of the Broselow? Pediatric Emergency Tape in Indian children because body weight was overestimated in those weighing >18 kg.