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Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-322


Background: In 24 years, Expanded Programe on Immunization\r\n', u'(EPI) at Thua Thien Hue province achieve high efficiency, reduce remarkably infection rate of children disease in EPI. Objectives: Assessment of instruments and cold chain at City, District Health Center and Commune Health station. Assessment of knowledge and practice EPI of medical officers in districts and communes. Subjects and method: Instrument, cold chain system and officers at City, District Health Center and Commune Health station. Method: Cross-section descriptive study; Observe instruments and cold chain at Health stations and fill in available forms. Interview medical officers, observe practical manipulation and fill in available forms. Results: The rate of good knowledge varied from 61,64% to 94,55% and the rate of appropriate practice was from 45,70% to 80,92%. On average, each commune health station had 0,421 refrigeration; 0,128 ice cabinet; 0,258 cold box; 2,259 thermoses; 6,623 ice packs; 2,826 thermometers and11,321 safe boxes. All commune health stations have vaccine containing thermos; one station has no thermometer; two have no safe box and five have no ice pack. Conclusion: All commune health stations have essential instruments, cold chain. Very few health station lack of one or some types. Medical officers almost have basic knowledge about expandedimmunization, the rate of answering right theoretical questions from 61,64% to 94,55%. Practical manipulation had still many errors, rate of manipulation right only 45,70% to 80,92%. District officers manipulated right higher than commune officers.\r\n', u'

Refrigeration , Vaccination , Mortality , Methods , Attitude
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-330


Background: Noise pollution has seriously negative effects on worker\u2019s health, especially their hearing ability. Occupational hearing loss is one of 21 insured occupational diseases. Occupational hearing loss is common in workers in transpostation, construction, energy heavy and light industry areas. Objectives: 1. To determine the degree of noise pollution in Thua Thien Hue Unity Auto Mechanical Joint Stock Company. 2. To evaluate occupational failing hearing and occupational hearing loss among workers in the company. 3. To promote preventive measures which imnimize occupational failing hearing and occupational hearing loss. Subjects and method:A cross-sectional, descriptive study was carried out in 254 employees in Thua Thien Hue Unity Auto Mechanical \r\n', u'Joint Stock Company. Results and Conclusion: 72.7% the employees of Thua Thien Hue Unity Auto Mechanical \r\n', u'Joint Stock Company have exposed to environmental noise at the level higher than the permitted one. The rate of occupational failing hearing among these people is rather high (33.1%), and occupational hearing loss rate is 11.8%. There is a increased rate of occupational hearing loss according to the employee\u2019s age and seniority. Proposed preventive measures should be immediately conducted (P < 0.05).\r\n', u'

Hearing Loss , Pathology
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-532


Background: Hue city is a cultural and tourism center of The middle and the whole country. Beside developing tourism services, food processing establishments, traditional specialities, eating and drinking services especially street food services more and more develop plentifully and multiform, satisfy daily demand of consumers. Objectives: Assessment on improvement level on some targets of street food safety and hygiene after 2 years intervention. Subjects and method: All street food processing establishments in 3 wards: V\u0129nh Ninh, Ph\xfa H\u1ed9i, V\ufffd?D\ufffd?of Hue city. Method: Cross-sectional study with comparison before and after intervention. Results: Kitchen utensils samples have met hygiene requirements and the proportion of food samples without borax both increase. The infection rate of bacteria in cook\ufffd?hands, kitchen utensils, cooked food were improved after 2 years carried out targeted model. Clean water for processing street food have not enough although 100% households use running water. The proportion of people were trained about food safety and hygiene knowledges and health examination increase. The situation of using food colourings and poisonous additives decrease remarkably. Salesclerks have more consciousness of preserving and covering food. 86,4% of food processing establishments have recycle bins obtain requirement to reduce polluted food. Conclusion: Street food is an important stage of food supplying network in 3 wards above. Somewhere having interest of Government and local authorities, Steering committee have efficient activities street food model develop conveniently.

Food Safety
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-533


Background: With the development of HIV/AIDS pandemic in community, amount of HIV/AIDS people more and more increase in prison. Objectives: Determine the rate of HIV/AIDS infection of prisoners at Binh Dien prison. Learning about related elements to HIV/AIDS infection. Subjects and method: Prisoners at Binh Dien prison. Method: 492 prisoners were chosen, interviewed directly and taken blood samples to HIV test. Using cross-sectional study on accidental samples. Techniques were used in this study: SERODIA-HIV and ELISA technique. Results: The rate of current HIV/AIDS infections was 21,74%, some HIV/AIDS related factors in the prison included sex, religion, income source, marrital status, common knowledge of HIV/AIDS, drug addiction history, needle sharing, sexually transmitted disease history, body tatoos and forskin inserted with metal balls, alcohol and beer drinking history, some factors such as: age and educational level were not associated with HIV/AIDS infection in prison. Conclusion: Strengthen interventional activities in prison to prevent HIV/AIDS spread between prisoners. To prisoners who were not infected HIV/AIDS: strengthen educational communication to they may prevent themselves from HIV/AIDS infection behaviors. To HIV/AIDS prisoners: Need to educate and consult especially to they have right behaviors, prevent HIV/AIDS spread for the others while they were in prison as well as they return to society.

HIV Infections , Epidemiology
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-604


Background: The combination medical between army and pepople in protection, healthcare for people and army in the whole country was a great policy of The Party and State. Objectives: Evaluate result of combination between armed forces in epidemic control and preventive medicine programs at mountainous and coastal areas of Thua Thien Hue in 2006. Studying knowledge, attitude, practice of army medical officers and men canvassed masses about epidemic control and preventive medicine programs. Subjects and method: Officers, men, army medical officers in 41 communes (28 coastal communes and 13 mountainous communes) of 5 district have combination medical between army and pepople. Using epidemiology method to description, analysis, cross-sectional study. Results: In 2006, home-flies spraying was carried out in 18 out of 20 markets; 1,030 all size restaurants and 18 residential areas of 5 districts. The number of chemically treated latrines in high epidemic areas was accounted fof 15,1%. A population-based latrine construction project was initiated to build 838 new latrines, contributing to minimize the invironmental pollution. 9,17% of waterwells and water tanks were hygienically treated; 11,434 people used clean water source; and 46,436 people washed their hands with soap. Studying knowledge, attitude, practice on preventive medicine programs of army medical officers showed very good results. Conclusion: The combination medical between army and pepople in preventive medicine, epidemic control gave wide efficiency for mountainous and coastal communes of Thua Thien Hue. It actively supported for Health station of 28 coastal communes and 13 mountainous communes in preventive medicine work.

Community Health Services , Workforce , Attitude
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-605


Background: At present, management and supervision on food safety and hygiene quality have many difficulties because supervisory system from province to district, commune is still insufficient. Objectives: Assessment on food safety and hygiene situation at Thua Thien Hue province, propose solutions to intensify State management on food safety and hygiene quality and step by step enhance efficiency of food safety and hygiene activities in the next years. Subjects and method: Food processing establishments at Thua Thien Hue province. Method: Inspection in Action months for food safety and hygiene, supervision usually on food processing establishments were chosen accidentally in area. Food samples were inspected indexes of microorganisms, physicochemical have met the criteria of Ministry of Health. Results: The proportion of food processing establishments and cafeterias which have not met the regulations on food safety and hygiene was decreasing from 40,93% to 27,45%. Also in 2002-2006, 36,71% of kitchen utensils and the cooks\ufffd?hands failed to meet the regulations. Regarding to microorganisms, the indices of ice-cream, bean sweet porridge and soft drinks had improved remarkably. The index of ice had been decreased from 33,02% to 22,56%. 45,25% of bowls and plates didn\u2019t meet chemical and physical criteria. 68,4% of food colourings didn\u2019t meet criteria because inorganic and industrial colourings were used. Traditional foods still contain borax although the prevalence is decreasing from 65% to 35%. Ice cream and bean sweet porridge cooked with saccharine were 37,34%. Conclusion: Understanding of producers and consumers about food have still many limitations.

Food Safety
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-606


Background: HIV/AIDS pandemic really become danger to mankind on the earth. Objectives: Description epidemiological characteristics of HIV/AIDS patients. Studying clinical expression, learning aboutdemands of infected patients and community care for infected patients. Subjects and method: 71 HIV/AIDS people in Thua Thien Hue were studied in 2006. Using descriptive method to give epidemiological characteristics and behaviour of HIV/AIDS people. People were determined HIV/AIDS infection based on the criteria of Ministry of Health. The information were collected by target study. Results: HIV/AIDS people mainly from the age of 20 to 39 (83,10%), males were 52,10% and in various levels of education and all kinds of occupation. The rate of sexually transmitted infection was 84,5% and infection transmission was 15,5%. The rate of sexually transmitted infection within the last 12 months was 57,7%. 63,4% of infected people used condom while having sex with their spouses or partners. 1,4% of infected people using drug infection within the last month. 38% of the infected people had manifestations of AIDS, 77,8% of HIV/AIDS were treated with antiviral drugs. Families and communities had positive attitudes and behaviors to the HIV/AIDS people. Infected people being remoted from the society was 12,7%, 88,7% of them receiving supports from their communities such as disease treatment, spirit and material supports and job opportunities. Conclusion: Strengthen communication activities to change behavior of HIV/AIDS people and in communitiy to reduce alienation, discrimination for infected people. Execute socialization in care and support for HIV/AIDS people.

HIV , Virulence , Community Health Services , Organization and Administration , Epidemiologic Methods
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-664


Background: According to assessment of Ministry of Health, developing constitution of pupuls under 14 years old grade A: 23%, grade B: 52%, grade C: 25%. Objectives: Analysis on environmental conditions, school and health status of pupils, comment, propose to enhance study conditions as well as constitution for pupils. Subjects and method: Pupils at primary schools, secondary shools, high schools in Quang Dien, Huong Thuy, A Luoi district. Method: cross-sectional descriptive study by light meter, measure microclimate, noise and steel measure to measure size of desks and chairs. Analyse, synthetize data by Exel. Results: School environment had remained disadvantageous factors that affects on pupils\ufffd?health status. There were a shortage of hygienic contructions, wrong size chairs and benches, poorly equipped school health office. Among 20,800 pupils, good health (grade A) was 48,42% in elementary schools, 52,07% in middle schools and 54,1% in high schools. The rate of eye diseases has increased in higher classes. Conclusion: Build and transform school have met the regulation of Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education and Training. School must have clean water works, clean toilet and have handwash tub. Organize periodic health test for pupils, always control school hygiene to timely contribute opinions help school to overcome shortcomings, limit disadvantageous conditions for pupils to prevent school health cause by insanitation environments and conditions.

Health Status , Pupil
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-665


Background: In Viet Nam, there were many researches on determining lead level in blood, food and environment. But until now, there were not researches on determining lead level in fishermen community. Objectives: Determine trace amount of lead by von-ampe dissolve anot using electrode BiFE. Analysis on trace amount of lead in blood and urine of fishermen in Canh Duong village. Propose solutions for preventing lead poisoning in studied community. Subjects and method: Fishermen in Canh Duong village, Phu Loc, Thua Thien Hue province. The method differential pulse-anodic stripping voltametry (DP-ASV) using Bismuth Film Electrodic in situ was successfully applied to measure lead levels in blood and 24h urine of fishermen in Canh Duong village. Results: The mean level of lead in blood of the suspected group (fishermen) in Canh Duong village (34,7 \xb5g/dL) was higher than that of the control group (16,3 \xb5g/dL). For both groups, 37 out of 40 blood samples (92,5%) had lead level higher than WHO\u2019s recommended level (10 \xb5g/dL). Especially, 6 of 40 blood samples (15%) had lead level higher than 50 \xb5g/dL. The lead level in 24h urine of suspected group had slightly higher (about 1,2 times) than that in the control group. The lead level of the two groups was much higher than the normal level. Conclusion: The method DP-ASV/BiFE in situ was applied successfully to determine lead level in blood and 24h urine. The investigative results of related information showed that: the risk of chronic lead poisoning in studied community very high.

Lead , Chemistry
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1678


An investigation of knowledge, attitude and practice of community and vector colony in 200 households in Huong tra District, Hue City and monitoring of survival ability of mesocyclops after releasing them in to water tanks. Results showed that the participation of community and use of mesocyclops in the field training reduced significantly the mosquito colony and number of patients with haemorrhagic dengue fever. The participation also increased the concepts and knowledge of people in the haemorrhagic dengue fever prevention and control the collaborators and pupils played an important role in the interim of mobilizing the contribution of community.