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Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 34(1): 35-44, Jan. 2001. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-277054


Hydrolysis of D-valyl-L-leucyl-L-arginine p-nitroanilide (7.5-90.0 `M) by human tissue kallikrein (hK1) (4.58-5.27 nM) at pH 9.0 and 37ºC was studied in the absence and in the presence of increasing concentrations of 4-aminobenzamidine (96-576 `M), benzamidine (1.27-7.62 mM), 4-nitroaniline (16.5-66 `M) and aniline (20-50 mM). The kinetic parameters determined in the absence of inhibitors were: Km = 12.0 + or - 0.8 `M and k cat = 48.4 + or - 1.0 min-1. The data indicate that the inhibition of hK1 by 4-aminobenzamidine and benzamidine is linear competitive, while the inhibition by 4-nitroaniline and aniline is linear mixed, with the inhibitor being able to bind both to the free enzyme with a dissociation constant Ki yielding an EI complex, and to the ES complex with a dissociation constant Ki', yielding an ESI complex. The calculated Ki values for 4-aminobenzamidine, benzamidine, 4-nitroaniline and aniline were 146 + or - 10, 1,098 + or - 91, 38.6 + or - 5.2 and 37,340 + or - 5,400 `M, respectively. The calculated Ki' values for 4-nitroaniline and aniline were 289.3 + or - 92.8 and 310,500 + or - 38,600 `M, respectively. The fact that Ki'>Ki indicates that 4-nitroaniline and aniline bind to a second binding site in the enzyme with lower affinity than they bind to the active site. The data about the inhibition of hK1 by 4-aminobenzamidine and benzamidine help to explain previous observations that esters, anilides or chloromethyl ketone derivatives of Nalpha-substituted arginine are more sensitive substrates or inhibitors of hK1 than the corresponding lysine compounds

Humans , Aniline Compounds/pharmacology , Benzamidines/pharmacology , Chromogenic Compounds/metabolism , Oligopeptides/metabolism , Tissue Kallikreins/antagonists & inhibitors , Amidohydrolases/metabolism , Binding Sites , Hydrolysis , Linear Models , Tissue Kallikreins/metabolism , Trypsin Inhibitors/pharmacology
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 29(3): 327-34, Mar. 1996. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-163839


Hydrolysis of seven N(alpha-substituted L-arginine 4-nitroanilides: henzoyl-arginine p-nitroanilide (Bz-Arg-Nan), tosyl-arginine p-nitroanilide (Tos-Arg-Nan), acetyl-leucyl-arginine p-nitroanilide (Ac-Leu-Arg-Nan), acetyl-phenylalanyl-arginine p-nitroanilide (Ac-Phe-Arg-Nan), benzoyl-phenylalanyl-arginine p-nitroanilide (Bz-Phe-Arg-Nan), tosyl-phenylalanyl-arginine p-nitroanilide (Tos-Phe-Arg-Nan), and D-valyl-leucyl-arginine p-nitroanilide (D-Val-Leu-Arg-Nan), and the N(alpha-substituted L-arginine ester: benzoyl-arginine ethyl ester (Bz-Arg-OEt), by rat tissue kallikrein was studied throughout a wide range of substrate concentrations. The enzyme showed a bimodal behavior with all the substrates tested except Tos-Arg-Nan. At low substrate concentrations (10 to 170 muM for p-nitroanilides and 50 to 190 muM for Bz-Arg-OEt) the hydrolysis followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics, but at higher substrate concentrations (150 to 700 muM for p-nitroanilides and 200 to 1800 muM for Bz-Arg-OEt) a deviation from Michaelis-Menten kinetics was observed with a significant decrease in hydrolysis rates. At high concentrations of the p-nitroanilide substrates, partial enzyme inhibition was observed, whereas complete enzyme inhibition was observed with Bz-Arg-OEt at high concentration. The kinetic parameters reported here were calculated from data for substrate concentrations range where the enzyme followed Michaelis-Menten behavior. D-Val-Leu-Arg-Nan (Km = 24 ñ 2 muM; Vmax 10.42 ñ 0.28 muM/min) was the best substrate tested, followed by Ac-Phe-Arg-Nan (Km = 13 ñ 2 muM; Vmax = 3.21 ñ 0.11 muM/min), while Tos-Arg-Nan (Km = 29 ñ 2 muM; Vmax, = 0. 10 ñ 0.002 muM/min) was the worst of the tested substrates for rat tissue kallikrein. For the hydrolysis of Bz-Arg-OEt (Km = 125 ñ 15 muM; Vmax = 121.3 ñ 7.6 muM/min), the kinetic parameters using a substrate inhibition model can reasonably account for the observed enzyme behavior, with a Ksi value about 13.6 times larger than the estimated Km value.

Animals , Rats , Arginine/metabolism , Kallikreins/pharmacokinetics , Kallikreins/isolation & purification , Kallikreins/urine , Hydrolysis , Substrate Cycling
Rev. bras. anal. clin ; 21(4): 128-130, 1989. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-548435


Os autores apresentam estudo de um soro-controle preparadoa partir de material de origem bovina e seu desempenho no controle de qualidade em bioquimica clinica. Esse soro foi preparado na proporção de 6 partes de soro e 4 partes de glicerol adicionando-se 0,1g de azida sódica para cada 100ml. A análise estatística dos resultados obtidos ao longo de oito meses mostrou uma boa estabilidade dos constituintes bioquimicos quando comparados com os valores previamente estabelecidos. As vantagens do uso de soro-controle de origem bovina no laboratório de análises clínicas compreendem a facilidade de obtenção de grandes volumes e proporciona ao analista, segurança em sua manipulação, evitando maiores riscos de contaminação por agentes infecciosos especificamente quanto à hepatite B e AIDS.

Cattle , Biochemistry , Quality Control , Serum
Rev. bras. anal. clin ; 21(4): 121-5, 1989. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-134247


Neste trabalho e apresentada uma nova formulaçao para opreparo do tampao alcalino empregado no Metodo de Heinegard-Tiderstrom modificado por LOPES et alii, 1984, para a dosagem de creatinina no sangue e urina. A modificaçao foi proposta com a finalidade de se obter uma metodologia que facilitasse o preparo do tampao alcalino, garantindo a nao precipitaçao em baixas temperaturas, alem da reduçao do custo. A nova formulaçao do tampao alcalino foi avaliada em comparaçao com o reagente de Heinegard-Tiderstrom mod.(8), atraves da dosagem de 100 (cem) amostras de soro com variadas concentraçoes de creatinina. A analise dos resultados demonstrou uma excelente correlaçao linear, sugerindo que este reagente preenche todos os requisitos necessarios ao seu emprego na dosagem de creatinina, apresentando ainda as vantagens acima citadas

Humans , Buffers , Creatinine/administration & dosage