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Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 29(3): 737-750, jul.-set. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405028


Resumo O texto aborda a doença no acervo da Justiça do Trabalho de Pelotas, entre 1939 e 1954. Ainda que houvesse uma legislação específica sobre as enfermidades laborais, relacionadas às leis sobre os acidentes de trabalho, que as vinculasse à Justiça Comum, os pedidos na Justiça do Trabalho se referiam a várias questões; contudo, as demandas eram atravessadas pela vivência com o adoecimento. O estudo preocupou-se em dar atenção a processos relacionados às mulheres, já que suas demandas eram, muitas vezes, julgadas improcedentes. Para a observação do material foi utilizada a análise documental, além dos conceitos de cotidiano e experiência. As doenças mais recorrentes foram a tuberculose pulmonar e a sífilis.

Abstract This article discusses disease in the archives of the Pelotas labor court system between 1939 and 1954. Although occupational diseases were encompassed by laws on work-related accidents, which linked them to the regular judicial system, claims heard in labor courts related to multiple issues. In addition, these claims were also intersected by experiences of living with illness. This study focuses on lawsuits involving women, since their claims were often dismissed. Primary sources are accessed and the concepts of the quotidian and experience are used. The most recurring diseases were pulmonary tuberculosis and syphilis.

Archives , Women, Working , Accidents, Occupational , Gender and Health , Occupational Diseases , Brazil , History, 20th Century