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Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-713


Background: The communities and social organizations of many nations on the world participated actively in primary health care. According to World Health Organization, 80% of people in the developing countries have needs of primary health care by traditional medicines now. Thus investigation about systemic herbal medicines, remedies of compatriots of various Vietnamese ethnic origins in general, of H\u2019Mong peoples at Sa Pa commune, Sa Pa district, Lao Cai province in particular, is necessary. Objective: To investigate the medicinal plants of the \u201dH\u2019Mong peoples\u201d used for primary health care at the Sa Pa commune, Sa Pa district, Lao Cai province. Subjects: The study includes 28 traditional herbal doctors, 23 commune officers and 289 representatives of families. Method: This was a cross study. Results: The authors collected 158 herbal medicines used for primary health care. Among them, the Asteraceae there were 11 species (7.4%), the Lamiaceae there were 8 species (5.4%). The Rosaceae, Zingilbeaceae, Convallariaceae there were 5 species (3.4%). Herbal medicine groups had 4 species (2.7%) that included the Acanthaceae, Araceae, Poaceae and Ranunculaceae. The used components were all of tree (31.65%), tree root, tuberous root (25.32% and sheets (22.42%). Conclusion: The herbal medicines that the \u201dH\u2019Mong peoples\u201d used for primary health care at Sa Pa commune, Sa Pa district, Lao Cai province had a valuable and plentiful source which needs to be develop and use effectively.

Medicine, Traditional , Herbal , Primary Health Care
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741


Introduction: There are some remedies in Vietnamese traditional medicine for constipation, but most of them have not been evaluated by scientific measures. Objectives: To define the effectiveness of the \u201cMa Tu Nhan\u201d remedy for adult patients with constipation. Subjects and method: 50 patients (18 years of age or above) with constipation were given the \u201cMa Tu Nhan\u201d remedy. Constipation was defined as less than 3 times of defecation per week. The remedy included Sesanum orientale L. (500g), Semen Armeniacea (250g), Paeonia lactiflora pall (205g), Rheum sp. (500g), Magnolia officialis Rehd, et Wils (250g) and Citrus sp. (250g). The remedy was made into tablets (0.3g per tablet). Patients took 14 tablets, twice daily. The treatment period was 7 days. Results: 43 patients (86%) stopped constipations after 7 days of administration. The effect of treatment was longer behind the initial 7 days in 33 patients (66%). Conclusion: The \u201cMa Tu Nhan\u201d remedy is effective on the treatment of constipation without adverse effect.

Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-952


Background: With the help of Japan, the Center for Research and Production of vaccines and biologicals, Hanoi has received a WHO standard measles vaccine production technology, including techniques in the examination of vaccine quality. Therefore, it is needed to be initiative on production of measles antibody. Objective: Study on production of measles antibody in rabbits and selecting the appropriate antibody for production of high titre antibody, which meets the standard of vaccine quality control in Vietnam. Subject and methods: Using the measles antigen from Edmonston and AIK-C strains, which were provided by the Kitasato Institute, to produce measles antibody. Making immunoreaction in rabbits and determination of neutralization antibody titre. Results and Conclusion: Measles antigen of Edmonston Vero 7/P2 strain used in the production of measles antibody in rabbit created the highest antibody titre in comparison with AIK-C strain from vero cell and FL cell supplied by the Kitasato Institute of Japan. Antibody titre of Edmonston Vero 7/P2 strain reached up to 1/8192 and met the sera standard required for measles vaccine quality control, it is similar to the measles sera to be produced from the Kitasato Institute.

Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-792


Background: In many studies on aplastic anemic patients, hemorrhage syndrome is expressed in mainly subcutaneous hemorrhage, gum hemorrhage and menorrhagia in women. In traditional medicine, there are many remedies to treat the hemorrhage syndrome in aplastic anemic patients, such as \u201cBao nguyen thang\u201d, \u201cNhi tien thang\u201d, \u201cNhi chi hoan\u201d, \u201cO ke bach Phuong hoan\u201d, \u201cQuy ty thang\u201d herbal remedies\u2026 Objectives: To research the effects of supplemental treatment for hemorrhage syndrome by \u201cDuong quy bo huyet thang\u201d herbal remedy on aplastic anemic patients. Subjects and method: A study was carried out on 60 aplastic anemic patients at Bach Mai Hospital from October 2006 to October 2007. The subjects were divided into two groups: group I was treated with blood transfusion, corticoid and supplemental treatment by \u201cDuong quy bo huyet thang\u201d remedy; group II was only treated with blood transfusion and corticoid. This was a controlled, randomized clinical trial. Results: The average age of the patients was 40.57 +/- 16.77 years in group I and 41.73 +/- 17.14 years in group II (p>0.05). The male-female ratio was 1.07. The number of patients with hemorrhage syndrome decreased from 66.7% to 36.7% after 60 days of treatment. The platelet counts increased from 20.85 +/- 13.57 g/l to 28.94 +/- 16.92 g/l (p<0.05). Conclusions: The \u201cDuong quy bo huyet thang\u201d herbal remedy decreased hemorrhage syndrome in aplastic anemic patients.

Anemia, Aplastic
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-702


Background: Sciatic neuralgia syndrome is a quite common condition in clinical of internal medicine diseases. The syndrome is not life threatening but reduce the ability to work and activities of the patients. The disease is more common in men than women and most of working age.\r\n', u'Objectives: To define the clinical characteristics of sciatic neuralgia syndrome. \r\n', u'Subjects and methods: The cross sectional study was carried out on 48 sciatic neuralgia patients aged from 16 to 70, treated at Bach Mai hospital. The research indices were clinical and traditional medicine characteristics of sciatic neuralgia syndrome.\r\n', u'Results: Sciatic neuralgia was common in the 20-39 year old (87.5%) age group. The male to female ratio was 1.7 (p<0.01). The sciatic neuralgia syndrome rose after excessive exercise (50%). In almost hernia cases of vertebral disc on spinal column was detected by MRI (83.3%). The impaired nerve root was L5 (64.6%). Acupuncture sites were on gallbladder meridian (50.0%), bladder meridian (20.8%) and coordinated (29.2%)\r\n', u'Conclusion: The sciatic neuralgia syndrome causing hernia on spinal column was common at 20-59 year old age. The male number was higher than female. Almost sciatic neuralgia patients had noticed pain on the gallbladder meridian (p<0.05).\r\n', u'\r\n', u'

Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-707


Background: Sa Pa is one of the mountain communes with a temperate climate that is appropriate for the growing of traditional medicinal herbs. Objectives: To investigate the experiences of using traditional remedies of the H\u2019mong ethnic minority in Sa Pa commune, Sa Pa district, Lao Cai province. Subjects and method: The cross-sectional study had enrolled 28 traditional herbal practitioners, 23 commune officers and 289 family\u2019s representatives who had experiences in traditional herb usage. Results: 72 traditional remedies were collected. In which, 58.33% of remedies had 1 medicinal component, 13.89% of remedies had 2 medicinal components. 158 common herbal medicines used for primary health care were collected. In which, the herbs belonged to Asteraceae family accounted for the highest rate: 11 species (7.4%); followed by the Lamiaceae family: 8 species (5.4%); Rosaceae, Zingilbeaceae and Convallariaceae family: 5 species (3.4%); then the Acanthaceae, Araceae, Poaceae and Ranunculaceae family: 4 species (2.7%). Decoction was the most recurrent use (68.99%), followed by poultice on the skin (10.13%), ingesting the herbs (7.6%) and others (<10%). Conclusion: The traditional medicinal herbs of the H\u2019mong ethnic minority at Sa Pa commune, Sa Pa district, Lao Cai province were multiform and were used in different ways.