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J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 35: e3505, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558219


RESUMO Eventos extracurriculares como o festival desportivo, onde os alunos podem demonstrar as suas competências desportivas e recreativas organizadas, são essenciais no ensino superior. Os alunos também podem desenvolver liderança, camaradagem e espírito esportivo enquanto competem em cada jogo. Os festivais esportivos incentivam os alunos a serem ativos e saudáveis ​​por meio de jogos. Este estudo examinou as percepções dos alunos sobre qualidade, valor e ambiente esportivo, o que afeta sua satisfação e lealdade às atividades extracurriculares. Mais importante ainda, o estudo ajudará o departamento e a administração a decidir se os festivais desportivos podem ser realizados regularmente para melhorar a cultura física do campus. Os entrevistados deste estudo são alunos de uma faculdade local que participaram do recente Festival Esportivo realizado pelos alunos e pelo departamento. A Pesquisa de Satisfação do Festival (FSS) foi modificada para atender ao estudo atual, eliminando o aspecto do souvenir. Além disso, o Youth Sport Environment Questionnaire (YSEQ) foi utilizado para incluir os dois componentes da primeira medida como construções extras. Uma ANOVA/Kruskal-Wallis H unidirecional foi realizada para investigar diferenças de FS e FL com base na demografia. A análise de Spearman Rho descreveu relações variáveis. Por fim, utilizou-se regressão múltipla para avaliar se o QVSE influencia a satisfação e a lealdade. Com base nos resultados, a satisfação e a lealdade do festival não diferiram entre os grupos (excluindo o grupo do ano). Além disso, o QVSE tem uma relação significativa com FS e FL. Por último, o QVSE tem influência direta sobre FS e FL. Para proporcionar aos alunos uma experiência significativa e desenvolver e preservar a cultura física do campus, o departamento e a administração podem oferecer regularmente atividades como o festival esportivo.

ABSTRACT Extracurricular events like the sports festival, where students can demonstrate their skills in organized sports and recreation, are essential in higher education. Students can also develop leadership, camaraderie, and sportsmanship while competing in each game. Sports festivals encourage students to be active and healthy through games. This study examined students' perceptions of quality, value, and sports environment, which affects their satisfaction and loyalty to extracurricular activities. Most importantly, the study will help the department and administration decide if sports festivals can be held regularly to enhance campus physical culture. The respondents for this study are students from a local college who participated in the recent Sports Festival conducted by the students and department. The Festival Satisfaction Survey (FSS) was modified to meet the current study by eliminating the souvenir aspect. Additionally, the Youth Sport Environment Questionnaire (YSEQ) was employed to include the two components in the former measure as extra constructs. A one-way ANOVA/Kruskal-Wallis H was performed to investigate FS and FL differences based on demographics. Spearman Rho's analysis described variable relationships. Finally, multiple regression was used to assess if QVSE influence satisfaction and loyalty. Based on the findings, festival satisfaction and loyalty did not differ between groups (excluding year level group). Also, QVSE has a significant relationship with FS and FL. Lastly, QVSE has a direct influence on FS and FL. To give students a meaningful experience and develop and preserve campus physical culture, the department and administration may regularly offer activities like the sports festival.

Multimed (Granma) ; 23(1): 34-44, ene.-feb. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091254


RESUMEN Se realizó una investigación de tipo descriptiva y transversal, para caracterizar epidemiológicamente la gingivitis crónica en pacientes entre 5-12 años de edad del consultorio médico de familia 11 de Yara. Yara. Granma, noviembre 2016-2017. El universo de estudio estuvo constituido por 187 pacientes y la muestra quedó representada por 151 que presentaron gingivitis crónica. El 80.7% de la población presentó gingivitis, el grupo etáreo de 8-10 fue el mayor número de casos con 88 para 58.4%, el sexo masculino fue el más afectado con 54.9%, la mala higiene bucal fue el factor de riesgo que predominó, seguido de las maloclusiones, en relación con las respuestas de los pacientes, en cuanto a la higiene bucal el mayor número fueron incorrectas, correspondiendo el 92.05% a las estructuras incluidas en el cepillado, de acuerdo al nivel cognoscitivo sobre la enfermedad según sexo. Se demostró el mayor número de pacientes examinados presentaron gingivitis crónica.

ABSTRACT The family doctor accomplished a descriptive and transverse investigation of type, to characterize the chronic gingivitis in patients between 5-12 epidemiologiclyly years elderly of the doctor's office himself 11 of Yara. Yara. Granma, November 2016-2017. The universe of study was constituted for 187 patients and the sign got represented by 151 that they presented chronic gingivitis. 80,7 % of the population presented gingivitis, the group 8-10's etáreo was the bigger number of cases with 88 for 58,4 %, the masculine sex was the most affected with 54,9 %, the bad buccal hygiene was the risk factor that you predominated, followed of the maloclusiones, relating to the answers of the patients as to the buccal hygiene, they were the bigger number incorrect, repaying the 92,05 % to the structures included in brushing, according to the cognoscitive level on the disease according to sex. Patient examinees' bigger number was demonstrated they presented chronic gingivitis.

Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 44(2): 140-145, Apr.-June 2016. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-783616


Mentioning microcirculation and endothelial dysfunction to explain the pathophysiology of diseases whose relationship was not well understood is a recent phenomenon. Microcirculation is not only compromised by disease but can be altered by conditions that the anesthesiologist faces (agents and anesthetic techniques). There is significant and increasing evidence that anesthetic agents may alter it. The importance? In a state of hypoperfusion, it can be worsened by other factors (mechanical ventilation, vasoactive medications, sedatives, opioids). In shock's late stage, the support to tissue perfusion given by peripheral circulation is weak and disappears. Therefore, is it beneficial to direct targeted therapies only toward macrovascular goals? Methods for identifying early alteration and direct therapies for restoration are important. The clinical evaluation is rapid and reproducible, and measuring body temperature determines alteration indirectly. There are other methods to determine microcirculation objectively: nowadays, optical evaluation techniques using polarized orthogonal spectral light and sidestream dark-field are the best approach. In hemorrhagic shock the degree of organ dysfunction is determined by microvasculature's alteration. Compensatory mechanisms exist for this purpose, making its measurement and use in perioperative period important. Strategies have been studied to improve tissue perfusion (recruitment of microcirculation). The recentness of the study of microcirculation calls its usefulness into question. It is necessary to determine the clinical impact through controlled clinical trials with protocols on resuscitation strategy, which can complement the current perioperative anesthetic practice.

Es reciente la mención de la microcirculación y disfunción endotelial para explicar la fisiopatología de padecimientos de los cuales no se entendía su interrelación. La microcirculación no solo está comprometida en enfermedad sino que puede alterarse por condiciones a las que se enfrenta el anestesiólogo (agentes y técnicas anestésicas). Existe evidencia importante y creciente de que agentes anestésicos pueden alterarla; ¿su importancia?: en hipoperfusión puede empeorarse por otros factores (ventilación mecánica, vasoactivos, sedantes, opioides). En fase tardía del choque la participación de la circulación periférica soportando la perfusión tisular es débil hasta desaparecer; entonces: ¿es benéfico encaminar las terapias dirigidas por metas sólo macrovasculares? Se hacen importantes métodos que identifiquen su alteración tempranamente y encaminar terapias para su restauración: la evaluación clínica es rápida y reproducible; la medición de temperatura corporal determina indirectamente su alteración; existen otros métodos de evaluación de la microcirculación más objetivos: hoy en día la evaluación óptica mediante técnica con luz polarizada ortogonal espectral y campo oscuro lateral son la mejor aproximación. En choque hemorrágico es la alteración de la microvasculatura la que determina el grado de disfunción multiorgánica; para ello existen mecanismos compensatorios, lo cual reviste la importancia de su medición perioperatoria y uso en anestesia. Se han estudiado estrategias que mejoran la perfusión tisular (reclutamiento de la microcirculación). Por ser reciente su estudio se controvierte su utilidad; es necesario determinar el impacto clínico mediante ensayos clínicos controlados en protocolos de estrategia de reanimación, lo cual puede complementar la práctica anestésica perioperatoria actual.
