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An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 57(1): 89-94, 20240401.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554457


Introducción: Según el DSM-V, la pseudociesis se incluye en la categoría "otros síntomas somáticos específicos y trastornos relacionados" y se define como la falsa creencia de estar embarazada que se asocia con signos objetivos y síntomas de embarazo. La confirmación de la pseudociesis se consigue con un resultado negativo de la gonadotropina coriónica humana beta en la sangre y/o la orina asociado a un hallazgo ecográfico negativo. Materiales y métodos: se presenta el caso de mujer con síntomas y signos de embarazo que corresponden a pseudociesis, la paciente siguió creyendo que estaba embarazada debido a sus síntomas, a pesar de que las pruebas de embarazo dieron negativo. Conclusión: La pseudociesis es una enfermedad poco frecuente que a menudo se asocia a otras comorbilidades psiquiátricas y diagnósticos diferenciales poco claros. Es necesario la realización de más estudios, incluyendo series de casos y revisiones sistemáticas para comprender mejor esta infrecuente condición y sus otras variantes.

Introduction: According to the DSM-V, pseudocyesis is included in the category "other specific somatic symptoms and related disorders" and is defined as a false belief of being pregnant that is associated with objective signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Confirmation of pseudocyesis is achieved with a negative blood and/or urine beta-human chorionic gonadotropin result and a negative ultrasound finding. Materials and methods: We present a case of a woman with symptoms and signs of pregnancy corresponding to pseudocyesis, the patient continued to believe she was pregnant because of her symptoms, despite negative pregnancy tests. Conclusion: Pseudocyesis is a rare condition that is often associated with other psychiatric comorbidities and unclear differential diagnoses. Further studies, including case series and systematic reviews, are needed to better understand this rare condition and its other variants.

Pseudopregnancy , Pregnancy , Delirium/psychology
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 449-458, 2024-04-24. fig, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554116


Introduction. The critical pathway for deceased donation offers a methodical framework for guiding the donation process. It not only serves to assess performance but also to identify areas of potential improvement. Therefore, the identification and selection of potential organ donors (POD) is a key process. This study aims to describe the critical pathway for deceased donation in a cohort of POD in three regions (CRT1, CRT2, and CRT5) of Colombia. Methods. We retrospectively reviewed data of POD assessed from January 2022 to December 2022. General characteristics of POD, diagnosis, contraindication causes, and organ procurement were described. Analysis was conducted using the Chi-squared test for categorical variables and the Mann-Whitney test for quantitative variables. Results. Within the cohort of 1451 assessed POD, 441 (30.3%) were diagnosed with brain death. Among potential donors after brain death, 198 (44.9%) were eligible donors (medically suitable). Of these, 157 donors (79.3%) became actual donors (undergoing operative incision for organ recovery), with 147 (93,6 %) having at least one organ recovered (actual donors with organ recovery). Ultimately, 411 utilized organs were utilized. Additionally, there were observed differences in the characteristics of donors from different regions. Conclusion. This study reports the critical pathway for deceased donation in a cohort of POD in three regions of Colombia. This provides useful information and helps to gain insight and understanding into the process of organ donation and organ procurement in order to take actions that could improve the donation rates.

Introducción. La ruta crítica de donantes fallecidos permite un enfoque sistemático para la donación de riñón, y, proporciona una herramienta para evaluar el rendimiento de áreas de mejora potencial. La selección de posibles donantes de órganos (PDO) es un proceso clave. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la ruta crítica para la donación de fallecidos en una cohorte de PDO en tres regiones de Colombia. Métodos. Estudio retrospectivo de PDO evaluados durante 2022. Se describieron las características generales de los PDO, el diagnóstico y las causas de contraindicación. El análisis se llevó a cabo utilizando la prueba de Chi-cuadrado para las variables categóricas y la prueba de Mann-Whitney para las variables cuantitativas. Resultados. Entre los 1451 POD evaluados, 441 (30,3 %) fueron diagnosticados con muerte cerebral. De los posibles donantes después de la muerte cerebral, 198 (44,9 %) fueron donantes elegibles (adecuados desde el punto de vista médico). Entre ellos, 157 donantes (79,3 %) fueron donantes reales (en quienes se realizó una incisión operatoria con la intención de recuperar órganos) y 147 (93,6 %) tuvieron al menos un órgano recuperado (donantes reales con recuperación de órganos). Finalmente, se identificaron 411 órganos utilizados. Conclusión. Este estudio reporta la ruta crítica para la donación de fallecidos en una cohorte de POD en tres regiones de Colombia. Esto proporciona información útil, ayuda a obtener conocimientos y comprender el proceso de donación y obtención de órganos, para tomar medidas que puedan mejorar las tasas de donación.

Humans , Tissue Donors , Organ Transplantation , Tissue and Organ Procurement , Donor Selection
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 485-490, 2024-04-24. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554170


Introducción. La embolia paradójica es un evento trombótico originado en la circulación venosa, que se manifiesta como embolismo arterial por medio de un defecto anatómico a nivel cardíaco o pulmonar. Se asocia principalmente a eventos cerebrovasculares, aunque se han encontrado casos de infarto agudo de miocardio, infarto renal y otros eventos isquémicos. Caso clínico. Paciente de 47 años, quien consultó por cuadro de dolor abdominal, que requirió manejo quirúrgico de urgencia, donde identificaron isquemia intestinal importante. Los estudios adicionales hallaron déficit de proteína S y persistencia de foramen oval permeable. Resultados. La presencia de trombosis arterial se conoce como trombosis de sitios inusuales y requiere de estudios para descartar trombofilias asociadas u otros estados protrombóticos. El déficit de proteína S es una trombofilia infrecuente, la cual se asocia en la vida adulta a eventos trombóticos de origen venoso. En presencia de defectos anatómicos, como un foramen oval permeable, puede progresar a embolia arterial, configurando un cuadro de embolismo paradójico. La estratificación de estos pacientes requiere imágenes que demuestran el defecto mencionado, así como el posible origen de los émbolos. El manejo se basa en anticoagulación plena, manejo de soporte, resolver las manifestaciones trombóticas existentes y un cierre temprano del defecto anatómico. Conclusiones. El embolismo paradójico debe sospecharse en caso de trombosis de sitios inusuales. Requiere de un estudio exhaustivo con imágenes y su manejo debe basarse en anticoagulación y cierre del defecto.

Introduction. Paradoxical embolism is a thrombotic event originating in the venous circulation, which manifests as arterial embolism through an anatomical cardiac or pulmonary defect. It is mainly associated with stroke, also presenting as acute myocardial infarction, renal infarction, and other ischemic events. Clinical case. A 47-year-old patient was admitted due to abdominal pain, which required emergency surgical management, finding significant intestinal ischemia. Additional studies found protein S deficiency and evidence of a patent foramen ovale. Discussion. Arterial thrombosis is known as unusual thrombosis; this situation requires to rule out associated thrombophilia or other prothrombotic diseases. Protein S deficiency is a rare thrombophilia, which in adults causes venous thrombosis. In the presence of anatomical defects, such as a patent foramen ovale, it can progress to arterial embolism, presenting a picture of paradoxical embolism. The study work of these patients requires imaging that demonstrates the aforementioned defect, as well as the possible origin of the emboli. Management is based on full anticoagulation, treatment of existing thrombotic manifestations, and management of the anatomical defect. Conclusions. Paradoxical embolism should be suspected in case of unusual thrombosis. It requires exhaustive studies based on imaging, and management should consist of anticoagulation and closure of the defect.

Humans , Embolism and Thrombosis , Embolism, Paradoxical , Mesenteric Ischemia , Thrombophilia , Foramen Ovale, Patent , Laparotomy
Saúde em Redes ; 10(1): 1-24, fev. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553317


Resumo:Introdução:O câncer anal é uma patologia considerada rara, apesar de crescente na população. A citologia anal tem sido uma aposta para diagnosticar as alterações pré-neoplásicas, evitando a evolução ao câncer. Objetivos:I) Abordar aspectos de satisfatoriedade da amostra celular e revisar os critérios citomorfológicos dos achados benignos e malignos nos esfregaços de citologia anal. II) Tornar este artigo um instrumento de suporte aos profissionais de saúde que atuam no setor de Citopatologia vinculados ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) ou à iniciativa privada. Métodos:Revisão narrativa, com busca nas bases PubMed, Science Direct e SciELO, de fevereiro a abril/2023. Desenvolvimento:A análise da literatura aponta para a aplicação da citologia anal para diagnóstico das alterações induzidas pelo Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) no canal anal. O rastreamento se baseia na semelhança ao controle do câncer de colo uterino e à história natural da doença, reconhecendo que as lesões precursoras evoluem ao câncer invasivo. Essa janela entre a lesão e o câncer abre espaço para detecção precoce. Oportunamente, a técnica pode diagnosticar agentes responsáveis por outras Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (IST). Conclusão: Qualificar os laudos de diagnóstico citopatológico pode apoiar o cuidado desde a atenção primária. O intuito deste trabalho foi contribuir com o processo de aprendizagem dos profissionais da saúde e apoiar a saúde pública nas estratégias de garantia de cuidado às pessoas.

Saúde em Redes ; 10(1): 20, fev. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553833


O presente artigo teve como objetivo analisar a participação da população LGBTQIAPN+ nas Conferências Livres (CL) da 17ª Conferência Nacional de Saúde. Neste artigo adotamos a técnica de análise de conteúdo em pesquisa qualitativa, com análise de duas entrevistas conduzidas com três organizadores de duas CL. Destaca-seque a participação expressiva garantida pelas CL reflete o debate e a deliberação de propostas feitas por e para pessoas com diversas identidades de gênero e orientações sexuais, marcando um retorno e fortalecimento da democracia no país. A participação e o debate se efetivam em forma de proposta na 17ª CNS, possibilitando aos gestores a visibilidade de pautas ao realizar o planejamento das ações de saúde para o próximo quadriênio, considerando que a população LGBTQIAPN+ não acessa plenamente os serviços de saúde no SUS. A ausência de discussão e de espaços sendo ocupados pelo grupo foram dispositivos para reivindicação por equidade, universalidade e integralidade. Esta análise amplia as possibilidades de visibilidades e dizibilidades, diálogo e luta na produção e execução dos direitos da população LGBTQIAPN+, trazendo à cena a importância dos movimentos populares na desburocratização ao acesso à saúde e ao controle social.

Saúde em Redes ; 10(1): 26, fev. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554847


Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho descrever a experiência vivenciada por residentes da Medicina Veterinária (MV) durante pandemia da COVID-19. Trata-se de um relato de experiência sobre a inserção de residentes da MV no Programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde da Família e Comunidade (PRMSFC) na Atenção Básica (AB) do município de João Pessoa - PB, durante o período de março de 2021 a fevereiro de 2022. Os primeiros desafios encontrados foram atividades concentradas em consultas, testagens e vacinações, e a falta de informação sobre o trabalho da MV. Os territórios das Unidades de Saúde da Família (USF) caracterizaram-se por áreas com desmatamento, urbanização, falta de saneamento básico, acúmulo de lixo, presença de animais de rua, agrícolas, sinantrópicos e peçonhentos. Nas USF foram observados casos de diversas zoonoses, como esporotricose, toxoplasmose e acidentes com animais peçonhentos. Foram realizadas ações de educação em saúde e articulações com outros serviços. Alguns problemas que limitaram a inserção da MV foram ausência de médicos veterinários na AB, dificuldades com a preceptoria e AB centrada no atendimento ambulatorial. A presença da MV na AB mostrou-se importante para o diagnóstico, notificação, promoção e prevenção em saúde de doenças e agravos da interface ambiente-animal-ser humano.

J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 12(1): 1-4, jan.-dez. 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551180


Introdução: A Síndrome de Aarskog-Scott (AAS) é uma rara displasia faciogenital ligada ao gene FGD1, afetando principalmente meninos. Relato de caso: Descreve-se um caso de um menino de 4 anos com AAS, destacando sua importância científica devido à raridade, escassez de descrições e morbidade associada. Ele apresentou fenda sacral, criptorquidia bilateral, atrasos no crescimento e histórico familiar semelhante. A AAS é caracterizada por estatura baixa, anomalias faciais e diversos comprometimentos. Este caso ressalta a importância do acompanhamento médico especializado. Considerações finais: A escassez de estudos comparáveis destaca a relevância dos relatos de casos para aprofundar a compreensão de condições clínicas singulares.

Introduction: Aarskog-Scott Syndrome (AAS) is a rare faciogenital dysplasia linked to the FGD1 gene, primarily affecting boys. Case report: We describe a case of a 4-year-old boy with AAS, highlighting its scientific importance due to its rarity, scarcity of descriptions, and associated morbidity. He presented with sacral cleft, bilateral cryptorchidism, growth delays, and similar family history. AAS is characterized by short stature, facial anomalies, and various impairments. Final considerations: This case underscores the importance of specialized medical care, and the scarcity of comparable studies highlights the relevance of case reports in deepening the understanding of unique clinical conditions.

Male , Child, Preschool , X Chromosome , Men
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 326-331, 20240220. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532721


Introducción. La hidatidosis o equinococosis es una zoonosis parasitaria que se adquiere al ingerir huevos de cestodos del género Echinococcus. El diagnóstico clínico raramente se hace en sitios no endémicos. La mayoría de los pacientes se encuentran asintomáticos y los hallazgos incidentales en los estudios de imágenes o en procedimientos quirúrgicos permiten la sospecha diagnóstica. Caso clínico. Paciente masculino de 70 años, residente en área rural del municipio de Puerto Libertador, departamento de Córdoba, Colombia, quien consultó por masa abdominal en epigastrio y mesogastrio, parcialmente móvil e indolora. Resultados. En cirugía se identificaron lesiones quísticas mesentérica y hepática. Después de la cirugía y mediante estudios de inmunohistoquímica, se confirmó el diagnóstico de quiste hidatídico. El paciente tuvo una evolución satisfactoria. Conclusión. La hidatidosis quística mesentérica y hepática sintomática es una enfermedad rara en sitios no endémicos, donde la cirugía constituye un pilar fundamental en el diagnóstico y tratamiento, sumado al manejo médico farmacológico.

Introduction. Hydatidosis or echinococcosis is a parasitic zoonosis that is acquired by ingesting eggs of cestodes of the genus Echinococcus. Clinical diagnosis is rarely made in non-endemic sites. Most patients are asymptomatic and incidental findings on imaging studies or surgical procedures allow for diagnostic suspicion. Clinical case. A 70-year-old male patient, resident in a rural area of the municipality of Puerto Libertador, department of Córdoba, Colombia, who consulted for an abdominal mass in the epigastrium and mesogastrium, partially mobile and painless. Results. In surgery, mesenteric and hepatic cystic lesions were identified. After surgery and through immunohistochemistry studies, the diagnosis of hydatid cyst was confirmed. The patient had a satisfactory evolution. Conclusion. Symptomatic mesenteric and hepatic cystic hydatidosis is a rare disease in non-endemic sites, where surgery constitutes a fundamental pillar in the diagnosis and treatment in addition to pharmacological medical management.

Humans , Zoonoses , Echinococcosis, Hepatic , Echinococcosis , Laparotomy , Mesentery
International Journal of Oral Science ; (4): 1-1, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010714


The reduction of nitrate to nitrite by the oral microbiota has been proposed to be important for oral health and results in nitric oxide formation that can improve cardiometabolic conditions. Studies of bacterial composition in subgingival plaque suggest that nitrate-reducing bacteria are associated with periodontal health, but the impact of periodontitis on nitrate-reducing capacity (NRC) and, therefore, nitric oxide availability has not been evaluated. The current study aimed to evaluate how periodontitis affects the NRC of the oral microbiota. First, 16S rRNA sequencing data from five different countries were analyzed, revealing that nitrate-reducing bacteria were significantly lower in subgingival plaque of periodontitis patients compared with healthy individuals (P < 0.05 in all five datasets with n = 20-82 samples per dataset). Secondly, subgingival plaque, saliva, and plasma samples were obtained from 42 periodontitis patients before and after periodontal treatment. The oral NRC was determined in vitro by incubating saliva with 8 mmol/L nitrate (a concentration found in saliva after nitrate-rich vegetable intake) and compared with the NRC of 15 healthy individuals. Salivary NRC was found to be diminished in periodontal patients before treatment (P < 0.05) but recovered to healthy levels 90 days post-treatment. Additionally, the subgingival levels of nitrate-reducing bacteria increased after treatment and correlated negatively with periodontitis-associated bacteria (P < 0.01). No significant effect of periodontal treatment on the baseline saliva and plasma nitrate and nitrite levels was found, indicating that differences in the NRC may only be revealed after nitrate intake. Our results suggest that an impaired NRC in periodontitis could limit dietary nitrate-derived nitric oxide levels, and the effect on systemic health should be explored in future studies.

Humans , Nitrates , Nitric Oxide , Nitrites , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics , Periodontitis/microbiology , Bacteria , Dental Plaque/microbiology , Saliva/microbiology , Microbiota/genetics
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 38: e021, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1550156


Abstract The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of titanium surface nanotopography on the initial bacterial adhesion process by in vivo and in vitro study models. Titanium disks were produced and characterized according to their surface topography: machined (Ti-M), microtopography (Ti-Micro), and nanotopography (Ti-Nano). For the in vivo study, 18 subjects wore oral acrylic splints containing 2 disks from each group for 24 h (n = 36). After this period, the disks were removed from the splints and evaluated by microbial culture method, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and qPCR for quantification of Streptococcus oralis, Actinomyces naeslundii, Fusobacterium nucleatum, as well as total bacteria. For the in vitro study, adhesion tests were performed with the species S. oralis and A. naeslundii for 24 h. Data were compared by ANOVA, with Tukey's post-test. Regarding the in vivo study, both the total aerobic and total anaerobic bacteria counts were similar among groups (p > 0.05). In qPCR, there was no difference among groups of bacteria adhered to the disks (p > 0.05), except for A. naeslundii, which was found in lower proportions in the Ti-Nano group (p < 0.05). In the SEM analysis, the groups had a similar bacterial distribution, with a predominance of cocci and few bacilli. In the in vitro study, there was no difference in the adhesion profile for S. oralis and A. naeslundii after 24 h of biofilm formation (p > 0.05). Thus, we conclude that micro- and nanotopography do not affect bacterial adhesion, considering an initial period of biofilm formation.

J. appl. oral sci ; 32: e20230172, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550474


Abstract Objective the aim of this study was to analyze the influence of ozone therapy (OZN) on peri-implant bone repair in critical bones by installing osseointegrated implants in the tibia of ovariectomized rats. Methodology ovariectomy was performed on 30 Wistar rats, aged six months (Rattus novergicus), and, after 90 days, osseointegrated implants were installed in each tibial metaphysis. The study groups were divided into the animals that received intraperitoneal ozone at a concentration of 700 mcg/kg — OZ Group (n=15) — and a control group that received an intraperitoneal saline solution and, for this reason, was named the SAL group (n=15). The applications for both groups occurred during the immediate post-operative period on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th day post-surgery. At various stages (14, 42, and 60 days), the animals were euthanized, and tests were performed on their tibiae. These tests include histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analyses, computerized microtomography, sampling in light-cured resin for calcified sections, and confocal microscopy. The obtained data were then analyzed using One-way ANOVA and the Shapiro-Wilk, Kruskal-Wallis, and student t-tests (P<0.05). Results our findings indicate that the OZ group (3.26±0.20 mm) showed better cellular organization and bone neoformation at 14 days (SAL group, 0.90±1.42 mm) (P=0.001). Immunohistochemistry revealed that osteocalcin labeling was moderate in the OZ group and mild in the SAL group at 14 and 42 days post-surgery. The data from the analysis of calcified tissues (microtomography, histometric, and bone dynamism analysis) at 60 days showed no statistically significant differences between the groups (P=0.32). Conclusion it was concluded that ozone therapy anticipated the initial phases of the peri-implant bone repair process.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 48: e24, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551018


ABSTRACT Objective. To obtain a comprehensive overview of organ donation, organ utilization, and discard in the entire donation process in Colombia. Methods. A retrospective study of 1 451 possible donors, distributed in three regions of Colombia, evaluated in 2022. The general characteristics, diagnosis, and causes of contraindication for potential donors were described. Results. Among the 1 451 possible donors, 441 (30.4%) fulfilled brain death criteria, constituting the potential donor pool. Families consented to organ donation in 141 medically suitable cases, while 60 instances utilized legal presumption, leading to 201 eligible donors (13.9%). Of those, 160 (11.0%) were actual donors (in whom operative incision was made with the intent of organ recovery or who had at least one organ recovered). Finally, we identified 147 utilized donors (10.1%) (from whom at least one organ was transplanted). Statistically significant differences were found between age, sex, diagnosis of brain death, and donor critical pathway between regions. A total of 411 organs were transplanted from 147 utilized donors, with kidneys being the most frequently procured and transplanted organs, accounting for 280 (68.1%) of the total. This was followed by 85 livers (20.7%), 31 hearts (7.5%), 14 lungs (3.4%), and 1 pancreas (0.2%). The discard rate of procured deceased donors was 8.1%. Conclusions. About one-tenth of donors are effectively used for transplantation purposes. Our findings highlight areas of success and challenges, providing a basis for future improvements in Colombia.

RESUMEN Objetivo. Presentar una descripción integral de la donación, utilización y descarte de órganos en todo el proceso de donación en Colombia. Métodos. Estudio retrospectivo de 1 451 donantes posibles, distribuidos en tres regiones de Colombia, que fueron evaluados en el 2022. Se describen las características generales, el diagnóstico y las causas de contraindicación de los donantes potenciales. Resultados. De los 1 451 donantes posibles, 441 (30,4%) cumplían con los criterios de muerte encefálica y constituyeron el conjunto de donantes potenciales. Las familias consintieron la donación de órganos en 141 casos aptos desde el punto de vista médico, mientras que en 60 casos se recurrió a la presunción legal, con lo que se llegó a 201 donantes aptos (13,9%). De estos, 160 (11,0%) fueron donantes reales (en los que se les practicó una incisión quirúrgica para la extracción de órganos o se obtuvo al menos un órgano). En última instancia, hubo 147 donantes utilizados (10,1%) (de los que se trasplantó al menos un órgano). Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las regiones en cuanto a edad, sexo, diagnóstico de muerte encefálica y vía crítica del donante. Se trasplantaron un total de 411 órganos procedentes de 147 donantes utilizados; los riñones fueron los órganos obtenidos y trasplantados con mayor frecuencia, ya que supusieron 280 (68,1%) del total de órganos, seguidos del hígado (85, 20,7%), el corazón (31 , 7,5%), los pulmones (14, 3,4%) y el páncreas (1, 0,2%). La tasa de descarte de los donantes fallecidos disponibles fue del 8,1%. Conclusiones. Aproximadamente una décima parte de los donantes son utilizados, de hecho, para realizar trasplantes. Estos datos destacan las áreas en las que se han obtenido buenos resultados y aquellas en las que se presentan desafíos, lo cual proporciona una base para futuras mejoras en Colombia.

RESUMO Objetivo. Obter uma visão geral e abrangente da doação, do aproveitamento e do descarte de órgãos em todo o processo de doação na Colômbia. Métodos. Estudo retrospectivo de 1 451 possíveis doadores em três regiões da Colômbia que foram avaliados em 2022. Foram descritas as características gerais, o diagnóstico e os motivos para a contraindicação de potenciais doadores. Resultados. Dentre os 1 451 possíveis doadores, 441 (30,4%) preencheram os critérios de morte encefálica, formando o grupo de potenciais doadores. Em 141 casos considerados clinicamente aptos, as famílias consentiram com a doação de órgãos, e em 60 casos utilizou-se o princípio da presunção legal, resultando em 201 doadores elegíveis (13,9%). Desses, 160 (11,0%) foram doadores efetivos (ou seja, doadores nos quais foi feita uma incisão cirúrgica com a intenção de remover um órgão ou pessoas com pelo menos um órgão removido). Por fim, foram identificados 147 doadores utilizados (10,1%) (ou seja, que doaram pelo menos um órgão que foi transplantado). Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre idade, sexo, diagnóstico de morte encefálica e itinerário crítico de doação entre as regiões. Um total de 411 órgãos foram transplantados de 147 doadores utilizados. Os rins foram os órgãos mais frequentemente removidos e transplantados, representando 280 (68,1%) do total, seguido de 85 fígados (20,7%), 31 corações (7,5%), 14 pulmões (3,4%) e 1 pâncreas (0,2%). A taxa de descarte de doadores falecidos com órgãos removidos foi de 8,1%. Conclusões. Cerca de um décimo dos doadores são efetivamente usados para fins de transplante. Nossos achados destacam áreas de sucesso e desafios, oferecendo uma base para futuras melhorias na Colômbia.

Biol. Res ; 57: 6-6, 2024. ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550061


BACKGROUND: The monthly regeneration of human endometrial tissue is maintained by the presence of human endometrial mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (eMSC), a cell population co-expressing the perivascular markers CD140b and CD146. Endometrial regeneration is impaired in the presence of intrauterine adhesions, leading to infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss and placental abnormalities. Several types of somatic stem cells have been used to repair the damaged endometrium in animal models, reporting successful pregnancy. However, the ability of endometrial stem cells to repair the damaged endometrium remains unknown. METHODS: Electrocoagulation was applied to the left uterine horn of NOD/SCID mice causing endometrial injury. Human eMSC or PBS was then injected into the left injured horn while the right normal horn served as controls. Mice were sacrificed at different timepoints (Day 3, 7 and 14) and the endometrial morphological changes as well as the degree of endometrial injury and repair were observed by histological staining. Gene expression of various inflammatory markers was assessed using qPCR. The functionality of the repaired endometrium was evaluated by fertility test. RESULTS: Human eMSC successfully incorporated into the injured uterine horn, which displayed significant morphological restoration. Also, endometrium in the eMSC group showed better cell proliferation and glands formation than the PBS group. Although the number of blood vessels were similar between the two groups, gene expression of VEGF-α significantly increased in the eMSC group. Moreover, eMSC had a positive impact on the regeneration of both stromal and epithelial components of the mouse endometrium, indicated by significantly higher vimentin and CK19 protein expression. Reduced endometrial fibrosis and down-regulation of fibrosis markers were also observed in the eMSC group. The eMSC group had a significantly higher gene expression of anti-inflammatory factor Il-10 and lower mRNA level of pro-inflammatory factors Ifng and Il-2, indicating the role of eMSC in regulation of inflammatory reactions. The eMSC group showed higher implantation sites than the PBS group, suggesting better endometrial receptivity with the presence of newly emerged endometrial lining. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest eMSC improves regeneration of injured endometrium in mice.

Humans , Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Mice , Uterine Diseases/metabolism , Uterine Diseases/pathology , Uterine Diseases/therapy , Mesenchymal Stem Cells , Placenta/pathology , Fibrosis , Mice, SCID , Mice, Inbred NOD , Endometrium/metabolism , Endometrium/pathology
Braz. dent. sci ; 27(1): 1-8, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1554218


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the marginal gap of frameworks produced using the CAD-CAM system, from zirconia and lithium disilicate blocks, adapted to a tooth preparation and a gypsum die. Material and Methods: For this study, a human first molar tooth was used as a master model with a full crown preparation. It was molded 20 times to obtain the gypsum die and randomly divided into 2 groups (n=10) for the fabrication of zirconia and lithium disilicate frameworks. The frameworks were made using pre-sintered zirconia blocks and lithium disilicate blocks, both CAD-CAM systems. The marginal gap was measured in µm at four points (buccal, palatal, mesial, and distal) using a comparator microscope with 30x magnification, with the framework seated on the master model (tooth), and on the gypsum die. Marginal gap data (µm) were evaluated using two-way analysis of variance and Tukey's test with a significance level of 5%. Results: The results showed that there was no statistically significant interaction between the factors studied (p=0.223) or isolated factors (ceramic factor p=0.886 and die factor p=0.786). Conclusion: Both ceramics produced using the CAD-CAM technique did not exhibit statistical differences in marginal adaptation on the two types of substrates, both on tooth preparation and on the gypsum die (AU)

Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o espaço marginal de estruturas produzidas usando o sistema CAD-CAM, a partir de blocos de zircônia e dissilicato de lítio, adaptadas a um preparo sobre dente e a um troquel de gesso. Material e Métodos: Para este estudo, um dente molar humano foi utilizado como modelo mestre com preparo para coroa total. Este foi moldado 20 vezes para obter o troquel de gesso e dividido aleatoriamente em 2 grupos (n=10) para a fabricação de estruturas de zircônia e dissilicato de lítio. As estruturas foram feitas usando blocos de zircônia pré-sinterizados e blocos de dissilicato de lítio, ambos sistemas para CAD-CAM. O espaço marginal foi medido em µm, em quatro pontos (bucal, palatal, mesial e distal), utilizando um microscópio comparador com ×30 de ampliação e com a estrutura assentada no modelo mestre (dente) e no troquel de gesso. Os dados de espaço marginal (µm) foram avaliados usando análise de variância bidirecional e teste de Tukey com um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que não houve interação estatisticamente significativa entre os fatores estudados (p=0,223) ou isoladamente (fator cerâmica p=0,886 e fator troquel p=0,786). Conclusão: Ambas as cerâmicas produzidas usando a técnica CAD-CAM não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas em relação à adaptação marginal nos dois tipos de substratos, tanto na preparação dentária quanto no troquel de gesso(AU)

Dental Prosthesis , Computer-Aided Design , Dental Marginal Adaptation , Dental Porcelain
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(5): e2022, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527842


ABSTRACT Purpose: To report the clinical findings, treatments, and outcomes in a series of patients with vitreous metastasis from cutaneous melanoma. Methods: This single-center, retrospective, interventional case series included patients with biopsy-confirmed vitreous metastasis from cutaneous melanoma diagnosed between 1997 and 2020. Standard 23- or 25-gauge pars plana vitrectomy was performed for diagnostic sampling. Sclerotomies were treated with double or triple freeze-thaw cryotherapy. Perioperative intravitreal injections of melphalan (32 µg/0.075 mL) were administered, when indicated. Visual acuity, intraocular pressure, and systemic and ocular treatment responses were reported. Results: Five eyes of five patients with unilateral vitreous metastasis from cutaneous melanoma were identified. The median age at diagnosis was 84 (range, 37-88) years. The median follow-up after ophthalmic diagnosis was 28 (8.5-36) months; one patient did not have a follow-up. The initial visual acuity ranged from 20/30 to hand motions. Baseline clinical findings included pigmented or non-pigmented cellular infiltration of the vitreous (5/5), anterior segment (4/5), and retina (3/5). Four patients had secondary glaucoma. Systemic therapy included checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy (n=3, all with partial/complete response), systemic chemotherapy (n=2), surgical resection (n=3), and radiation (n=2). The median time from primary diagnosis to vitreous metastasis was 2 (2-15) years. One patient had an active systemic disease at the time of vitreous metastasis. The final visual acuity ranged from 20/40 to no light perception. Ophthalmic treatment included vitrectomy in all five patients, intravitreal administration of melphalan in three, and intravitreal administration of methotrexate in one. One patient required enucleation, and histopathology revealed extensive invasion by melanoma cells. Conclusions: Vitreous metastasis from cutaneous melanoma can present as a diffuse infiltration of pigmented or non-pigmented cells into the vitreous and may be misdiagnosed as uveitis. Diagnostic pars plana vitrectomy and periodic intravitreal chemotherapy may be indicated.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever os achados clínicos, tratamentos, e desfechos em uma série de pacientes com me tástases vítreas de melanoma cutâneo. Métodos: Série retrospectiva de casos de único centro com intervenção. Pacientes incluídos tiveram seu diagnóstico de MVMC confirmado por biópsia entre 1997 e 2020. Vitrectomia via pars plana com 23 ou 25 gauge foram realizadas para obter espécimens. Esclerotomias foram tratadas com crioterapia em duplo ou triplo congelamento. Injeção intravítrea perioperatória de melfalano (32 ug/0,075 mL) foi administrada quando necessário. Foram relatados acuidade visual, pressão intraocular, resposta terapêutica sistêmica e ocular. Resultados: Cinco olhos de 5 pacientes com metástases vítreas de melanoma cutâneo unilateral foram identificados. Idade média de diagnóstico foi 84 anos (variando de 37-88). Seguimento médio após diagnóstico oftalmológico foi 28 (8,5-36) meses; 1 paciente não teve acompanhamento. Acuidade visual inicial variou de 20/30 a movimentos de mão. Achados clínicos iniciais incluíram infiltração de células pigmentadas e não-pigmentadas no vítreo (5/5), segmento anterior (4/5), e retina (3/5). Quatro pacientes tiveram glaucoma secundário. Tratamento sistêmico incluiu imunoterapia com inibidores da via de sinalização (3 - todos com resposta parcial/completa), quimioterapia sistêmica (2), ressecção cirúrgica (3), e irradiação (2). Intervalo médio entre diagnóstico primário e metástases vítreas foi 2 (2-15) anos. Um paciente teve doença sistêmica ativa simultânea as metástases vítreas. Acuidade visual final variou entre 20/40 e SPL. Tratamento oftalmológico incluiu vitrectomia nos 5 pacientes, melfalano intravítreo em 3 e metotrexato intravítreo em 1. Um paciente precisou de enucleação. A histopatologia revelou invasão celular extensa de melanoma. Conclusões: Metástases vítreas de melanoma cutâneo pode se manifestar como uma infiltração difusa de células pigmentadas e não-pigmentadas no vítreo e erroneamente diagnosticada como uveites. Vitrectomia diagnóstica e quimioterapia intravítrea periódica podem estar indicadas.

Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 30: e2023_0219, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529918


ABSTRACT Introduction: Physical exercise can be an alternative for preventing and treating the harmful effects of obesity, mainly inflammatory effects on skeletal muscle and liver tissues. However, no consensus exists regarding this purpose's best physical training model. Objective: Evaluate morphological, metabolic, and inflammatory alterations in rats' skeletal and hepatic muscle tissues caused by aerobic and resistance training. Methods: 24 Wistar rats were divided into sedentary (S), aerobic (AE), and resistance training (R) groups. Blood glucose, total cholesterol, and serum triglycerides were measured periodically. After euthanasia, body mass was measured to calculate the total mass gain during the experiment. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) was measured. Adipose tissue was extracted to calculate its percentage relative to body mass and the liver, soleus, and gastrocnemius muscles for morphological analyses and concentrations of glycogen, lipids, and Tumor Necrosis Factor α (TNF-α). The Kruskall-Wallis test and Dunn's post-test were performed for statistical analysis, adopting p<0.05. Results: Both training models reduced the percentage of adipose tissue, body mass gain, and hepatic TNF-α concentration (p<0.05). AE increased serum HDL, gastrocnemius fiber diameter and reduced the fractal dimension in the soleus (p<0.05). R reduced blood glucose and serum and liver lipids, increased liver and soleus glycogen concentrations, increased gastrocnemius fiber diameter, and decreased TNF-α (p<0.05). Conclusion: Both training models reduced body mass, relative visceral adipose tissue, serum total cholesterol concentration, and liver inflammation. However, resistance training was more effective in promoting metabolic effects in the liver and skeletal muscle and reducing muscle inflammation in rats. Level of Evidence V; Expert Opinion.

RESUMEN Introducción: El ejercicio físico puede ser una alternativa para prevenir y tratar los efectos nocivos de la obesidad, principalmente los efectos inflamatorios sobre los tejidos del músculo esquelético y del hígado. Sin embargo, no existe consenso sobre cuál es el mejor modelo de entrenamiento físico para este fin. Objetivo: Evaluar las alteraciones morfológicas, metabólicas e inflamatorias del entrenamiento aeróbico y de resistencia en sobre los tejidos músculo esqueléticos y hepáticos de ratas. Métodos: 24 ratas Wistar se dividieron en grupos sedentarios (S), aeróbicos (AE) y de entrenamiento de resistencia (R). Se midieron periódicamente glucosa en sangre, colesterol total y triglicéridos. Después de la eutanasia, se midió la masa corporal para calcular la ganancia de masa total durante el experimento. Se midió la lipoproteína de alta densidad (HDL). Se extrajo tejido adiposo para calcular su porcentaje relativo a la masa corporal, así como hígado, músculos sóleo y gastrocnemio para análisis morfológicos y concentraciones de glucógeno, lípidos y Factor de Necrosis Tumoral α (TNF-α). Para el análisis estadístico fueron utilizados Kruskall-Wallis y el post-test de Dunn, adoptando p<0,05. Resultados: Ambos entrenamientos redujeron el porcentaje de tejido adiposo, masa corporal y la concentración de TNF-α hepático (p<0,05). AE aumentó el HDL sérico, el diámetro de la fibra del gastrocnemio y redujo la dimensión fractal en el sóleo (p<0,05). R redujo la glucosa en sangre y los lípidos séricos y hepáticos, aumentó las concentraciones de glucógeno hepático y sóleo, aumentó el diámetro de la fibra del gastrocnemio y disminuyó el TNF-α (p<0,05). Conclusión: Ambos modelos de entrenamiento redujeron la masa corporal, el tejido adiposo visceral relativo, la concentración sérica de colesterol total y la inflamación hepática. El entrenamiento de resistencia demostró ser más eficaz para promover los efectos metabólicos en el hígado y el músculo esquelético, además de reducir la inflamación muscular en ratas. Nivel de Evidencia V; Opinión del Especialista.

RESUMO Introdução: O exercício físico pode se apresentar como uma alternativa para prevenção e tratamento de efeitos deletérios da obesidade, principalmente efeitos inflamatórios sobre os tecidos muscular esquelético e hepático. No entanto, não há consenso quanto ao melhor modelo de treinamento físico para tal finalidade. Objetivos: Avaliar alterações morfológicas, metabólicas e inflamatórias dos treinamentos aeróbico e resistido sobre os tecidos muscular esquelético e hepático de ratos. Métodos: 24 ratos Wistar foram divididos nos grupos sedentário (S), treinamento aeróbico (AE) e resistido (R). Glicemia, colesterol total e triglicerídeos séricos foram mensurados periodicamente. Após a eutanásia, a massa corporal foi mensurada para calcular o ganho total de massa durante o experimento. A lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL) foi dosada. O tecido adiposo foi extraído para cálculo de sua porcentagem relativa à massa corporal assim como o fígado e os músculos sóleo e gastrocnêmio para as análises morfológicas e das concentrações de glicogênio, lipídios e Fator de Necrose Tumoral α (TNF-α). Para análise estatística, foram utilizados o teste de Kruskall-Wallis e o pós-teste de Dunn, adotando-se p<0,05. Resultados: Ambos os modelos de treinamento reduziram o percentual de tecido adiposo, ganho de massa corporal e concentração hepática de TNF-α (p<0,05). AE aumentou o HDL sérico, o diâmetro das fibras do gastrocnêmio e reduziu a dimensão fractal no sóleo (p<0,05). R reduziu a glicemia e os lipídios séricos e hepáticos, aumentou a concentração de glicogênio hepático e sóleo, aumentou o diâmetro das fibras gastrocnêmicas e diminuiu o TNF-α (p<0,05). Conclusão: Ambos os modelos de treinamento reduziram a massa corporal, o tecido adiposo visceral relativo, a concentração sérica de colesterol total e a inflamação hepática. No entanto, o treinamento resistido mostrou-se mais eficaz em promover efeitos metabólicos no fígado e no músculo esquelético, além de reduzir a inflamação muscular em ratos. Nível de Evidência V; Opinião do Especialista.

Rev. bras. enferm ; 77(supl.3): e20230350, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1535580


ABSTRACT Objective: To identify policies and programs adopted by a Brazilian municipality to address violence against children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: A qualitative documentary study. The study setting was the municipality of Ananindeua, Pará, Brazil. Data was collected from official websites between November 2021 and February 2022. Thematic content analysis was used with the support of webQDA software. Results: Three empirical categories emerged: a) Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on violence against children; b) Action strategies for tackling violence against children in the COVID-19 pandemic; c) Evaluation indicators and targets for action strategies for tackling violence against children. Final considerations: The documents revealed few direct mentions of children, especially traditional populations; they presented superficial and ineffective evaluations of the policies and programs adopted, using exclusively quantitative indicators.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar políticas y programas adoptados por un municipio brasileño para hacer frente a la violencia infantil durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Método: Se trata de un estudio cualitativo documental. El escenario fue el municipio de Ananindeua, Pará, Brasil. Los datos se recogieron de sitios de internet oficiales entre noviembre de 2021 y febrero de 2022. Se utilizó el análisis temático de contenido con el apoyo del software webQDA. Resultados: Surgieron tres categorías empíricas: a) Impactos de la pandemia de COVID-19 en la violencia contra los niños; b) Estrategias de acción para abordar esta violencia; c) Indicadores de evaluación y metas de las estrategias de acción para este afrontamiento. Consideraciones finales: Los documentos revelaron pocas menciones sobre los niños de las poblaciones tradicionales en especial y presentaron evaluaciones superficiales de las políticas y programas adoptados, utilizando exclusivamente indicadores cuantitativos.

RESUMO Objetivo: Identificar políticas e programas adotados por um município brasileiro para o enfrentamento da violência contra crianças durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Método: Estudo qualitativo do tipo documental. O cenário de estudo foi Ananindeua, Pará, Brasil. A coleta de dados foi realizada em sites oficiais, de novembro de 2021 a fevereiro de 2022. Utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo temática apoiada pelo software webQDA. Resultados: Emergiram três categorias empíricas: a) Impactos da pandemia de COVID-19 na violência contra crianças; b) Estratégias de enfrentamento desta violência; c) Indicadores de avaliação e metas das estratégias para este enfrentamento Considerações finais: Há poucas menções diretas às crianças, especialmente às de populações tradicionais; apresentaram avaliações ineficazes das políticas, apenas qualitativamente.

Odovtos (En línea) ; 25(3): 43-54, Sep.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1529068


Abstract The aim of this experimental study was to determine the effect of photobiomodulation therapy on bone repair in a rat tibia osteotomy model at 15 and 30 days. The sample consisted of 36 male Holtzman rats that were randomized into 6 equal groups. Groups A1 and A2: osteotomy + 1 J laser energy. Groups B1 and B2: osteotomy + 3 J laser energy. Groups C1 and C2 (controls): osteotomy only. The bone repair was analyzed by histological evaluation of osteoblasts and osteocytes both at 15 days (groups A1, B1, and C1) and at 30 days (groups A2, B2, and C2). Within the results, in all groups a greater number of osteoblasts was found at 15 days vs 30 days (p<0.05), and a greater number of osteocytes in B1 and C2 vs B2 and C1, respectively (p<0.05). When evaluating the 3 groups worked up to 15 days, more osteoblasts were found in A1 and C1 vs B1 (p<0.001); and osteocytes predominated in A1 and B1 vs C1 (p<0.001). At 30 days there was a greater quantity of osteoblasts in C2 vs A2 and B2 (p<0.05) and of osteocytes in C2 vs B2 (p<0.05). It is concluded that 1 J photobiomodulation therapy improved bone repair at 15 days; however, this improvement was not observed at 30 days because there were no differences between the irradiated groups and the control.

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio experimental fue determinar el efecto de terapia de fotobiomodulación sobre la reparación ósea en un modelo de osteotomía de tibia de rata a los 15 y 30 días. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 36 ratas Holtzman macho que se aleatorizaron en 6 grupos iguales. Grupos A1 y A2: osteotomía + energía láser de 1 Joule. Grupos B1 y B2: osteotomía + energía láser 3 Joule. Grupos C1 y C2 (controles): solo osteotomía. La reparación ósea fue analizada por evaluación histológica de osteoblastos y osteocitos tanto a los 15 días (grupos A1, B1 y C1) como a los 30 días (grupos A2, B2 y C2). Como resultados se encontró que en todos los grupos hubo mayor número de osteoblastos a los 15 días vs. 30 días (p<0,05), y mayor número de osteocitos en B1 y C2 vs B2 y C1, respectivamente (p<0,05). Al evaluar a los animales a los 15 días, se observó mayor número de osteoblastos en A1 y C1 vs B1 (p<0.001); y mayor número de osteocitos en A1 y B1 vs C1 (p<0,001). Al evaluar a los ratones a los 30 días hubo mayor cantidad de osteoblastos en C2 vs A2 y B2 (p<0,05) y de osteocitos en C2 vs B2 (p<0,05). Se concluye que la terapia de fotobiomodulación con 1 Joule mejoró la reparación ósea a los 15 días; sin embargo, dicha mejora no se observó a los 30 días porque no hubo diferencias entre los grupos irradiados y el control.

Animals , Rats , Tibia , Photobiology , Low-Level Light Therapy , Bone and Bones
Int. braz. j. urol ; 49(6): 785-786, Nov.-Dec. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550276


ABSTRACT Introduction: We aim to publish our innovative modified biplanar 0-90 endoscopic guided puncture technique for percutaneous nephrolithotomy in supine recorded with a GoPro® camera for standardization of the technique. It solves drawbacks of the fluoroscopic technique, i.e., in kidneys with complex anatomy, it may be challenging to distinguish calyces as they are often superposed, and it does not allow for all benefits of a combined endoscopic approach (1, 2). Our technique shortens puncture and fluoroscopic time and is easy to teach and reproduce. Methods: A 77-year-old female patient had previous double J insertion due to an obstructing stone in the right distal ureter. She managed to pass the distal stone but remained with the double J and a 20mm stone (1300HU) in the right renal pelvis. The shared decision was for the actual standard of care (3, 4) endoscopic combined intrarenal surgery (ECIRS). The MiniECIRS started with flexible ureteroscopy and a posterior calix which gave direct access to the stone was chosen. The tip of the flexible scope was used to mark point A with the C-arm in the 0-degree position and line B in the 90-degree position. Puncture was fast and the MiniECIRS was uneventful with a single mid-pole access guided by the flexible scope. The surgeon had a Full-HD GoPro® camera mounted on his head, controlled by the surgical staff. All essential surgical steps were recorded. Results: The quality of the recorded movie was graded as excellent, and the camera did not cause any discomfort to the surgeon. Operative and X-Ray time were 120minutes and 2minutes (7.64mGy). Hemoglobin drop was 0.8g/dL. The post-operative day-1 computed tomography scan was stone-free. The patient was discharged 24h after surgery. Kidney stent was left with a string and removed after 5days. The patient remained asymptomatic and metabolic evaluation revealed a calcium oxalate stone, low urinary volume and hypocitraturia which were treated with potassium citrate and hydration. Conclusion: The Modified Biplanar (0-90 degree) Endoscopic-Guided Puncture Technique for Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy joins the reproducibility of the same technique under fluoroscopy with advantages regarding safety and efficiency of ECIRS.

Int. braz. j. urol ; 49(6): 783-784, Nov.-Dec. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550285


ABSTRACT Introduction: The En-bloc Resection of Bladder Tumors (ERBT) is a method that offers more benefits compared to the traditional Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor (TURBT) (1, 2). Recent studies have shown that ERBT offers better pathological analysis and oncological outcomes (3-6). Thulium and holmium are the most frequently used lasers for this procedure, with the hybrid laser being a new addition that combines thulium and diode to improve hemostatic properties (5, 7-9). Objective: This report aims to discuss the use of two types of lasers, hybrid and holmium, for ERBT. Material and Methods: Two case studies were conducted. The first case featured a 68-year-old male with two tumors measuring 1.5cm and 2cm. The hybrid laser was used for the procedure. The second case involved a 70-year-old female with a 5cm tumor on the posterior bladder wall, and holmium laser was used with morcellation of the tumor. The quality of histopathological analysis was evaluated. The perioperative data and the entire procedure of the two cases were documented in a step-by-step video. Results: Both lasers demonstrated excellent results without technical difficulties. There was no bleeding, and both patients were discharged with one day of hospitalization. The detrusor muscle was present without artifacts, and the morcellation did not affect the analysis. The first case showed a pT1G3, and the second case showed a pT2 urothelial carcinoma. The hybrid laser exhibited superior hemostatic capacity compared to the holmium laser. Conclusion: ERBT can use hybrid or holmium lasers without affecting histopathological analysis, even with morcellation.