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Biol. Res ; 54: 3-3, 2021. graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1505792


BACKGROUND: Testosterone regulates nutrient and energy balance to maintain protein synthesis and metabolism in cardiomyocytes, but supraphysiological concentrations induce cardiac hypertrophy. Previously, we determined that testosterone increased glucose uptake­via AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)­after acute treatment in cardiomyocytes. However, whether elevated glucose uptake is involved in long-term changes of glucose metabolism or is required during cardiomyocyte growth remained unknown. In this study, we hypothesized that glucose uptake and glycolysis increase in testosterone-treated cardiomyocytes through AMPK and androgen receptor (AR). METHODS: Cultured cardiomyocytes were stimulated with 100 nM testosterone for 24 h, and hypertrophy was verified by increased cell size and mRNA levels of ß-myosin heavy chain (ß-mhc). Glucose uptake was assessed by 2-NBDG. Glycolysis and glycolytic capacity were determined by measuring extracellular acidification rate (ECAR). RESULTS: Testosterone induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy that was accompanied by increased glucose uptake, glycolysis enhancement and upregulated mRNA expression of hexokinase 2. In addition, testosterone increased AMPK phosphorylation (Thr172), while inhibition of both AMPK and AR blocked glycolysis and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy induced by testosterone. Moreover, testosterone supplementation in adult male rats by 5 weeks induced cardiac hypertrophy and upregulated ß-mhc, Hk2 and Pfk2 mRNA levels. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that testosterone stimulates glucose metabolism by activation of AMPK and AR signaling which are critical to induce cardiomyocyte hypertrophy.

Animals , Male , Rats , Testosterone/pharmacology , Receptors, Androgen/metabolism , Myocytes, Cardiac/metabolism , Myocytes, Cardiac/pathology , AMP-Activated Protein Kinases/metabolism , Glucose/metabolism , Signal Transduction , Cells, Cultured , Hypertrophy , Myocardium/pathology
Acta ortop. bras ; 28(1): 36-39, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1054764


ABSTRACT Objective: The use of images in 3D reconstruction is an instrument that facilitates the interpretation of the fracture, observations of deviations, rotations and articular surface. Objective: To evaluate the inter-observer and intra-observer reliability of the Neer x AO proximal humerus fracture classification on radiographs versus computed tomography with three-dimensional reconstruction (3D). Methods: We evaluated the digital radiographs (anteroposterior and profile) and computerized tomography with 3D reconstruction of patients presenting with a proximal humerus fracture, surgically treated at an Orthopedics and Traumatology Service. All radiographs and computed tomography were classified (Neer and AO) by eight (8) orthopedic surgeons, specialists in the upper limb and sent, following the pre-established numeration by the author, in a spreadsheet to the author of the study. Results: The Neer and AO scores were more reproducible when determined by computed tomography with 3D reconstruction, mainly in fractures of greater complexity (Neer 4 parts and AO group C). However, in absolute values, inter and intra-observer reproducibility and concordance still remain low. Conclusion: Computed tomography with 3D reconstruction allows a better analysis of fractures of group C and Neer 4 parts. However, the inter and intra-observer agreement does not increase significantly in comparison to the radiographs. Level of evidence III, Study of non-consecutive patients, without gold standard, applied uniformly.

RESUMO Objetivo: O uso de imagens em reconstrução 3D são um instrumento facilitador na interpretação da fratura, observações dos desvios, rotações e superfície articular. Objetivo: Avaliar a confiabilidade inter-observador e intra-observador da classificação da fratura de úmero proximal, descrita por Neer x AO, em radiografias versus tomografias computadorizadas com reconstrução tridimensional (3D). Métodos: Avaliamos as radiografias digitais (anteroposterior e perfil) e tomografias computadorizadas com reconstrução 3D de pacientes que apresentavam fratura de úmero proximal, tratados cirurgicamente em um Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia. Todas as radiografias e tomografias computadorizadas foram classificadas (Neer e AO) por oito (8) cirurgiões ortopédicos especialistas em membro superior e enviadas, seguindo a numeração pré-estabelecida pelo autor, em uma planilha para o autor do trabalho. Resultados: A classificação de Neer e AO foram mais reprodutíveis quando determinadas pela tomografia computadorizada com reconstrução 3D, principalmente em fraturas de maior complexidade (Neer 4 partes e AO grupo C). Porém, em valores absolutos, a reprodutibilidade e concordância inter e intraobservador ainda permanecem baixas. Conclusão: A tomografia com reconstrução 3D, permite uma melhor análise das fraturas do grupo C e Neer 4 partes. Entretanto, não aumenta significativamente a concordância global inter e intraobservador em comparação as radiografias. Nível de Evidência III, Estudo de pacientes não consecutivos, sem padrão ouro, aplicados uniformemente.

Acta ortop. bras ; 26(3): 187-190, May-June 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-949749


ABSTRACT Objectives To evaluate the tomographic distance between the sternoclavicular joints and the nearest hilar structures. Methods Computed tomography images (axial and sagittal slices) in 120 healthy individuals (60 men and 60 women) between 18 and 60 years old were prospectively analyzed. The distances from both sternoclavicular joints to the respective brachiocephalic veins, trachea, esophagus, and lung apexes were measured and related to age, sex, and body mass index. Results Statistically significant differences were found in the distance from the right and left sternoclavicular joint distances and the corresponding brachiocephalic vein, esophagus, and lung apexes. In women, both sides were closer to the noble structures. In patients with body mass index <25, the distances were significantly less than in heavier patients. Conclusion The left sternoclavicular joint is closer to the hilar structures than the contralateral side. In women, both sternoclavicular joints are closer to the brachiocephalic veins, esophagus, and lung apexes than in men. Patients with body mass index <25 have shorter distances between these joints and the brachiocephalic veins and esophagus. Level of Evidence II; Prognostic studies - Investigating the effect of a patient characteristic on the outcome of disease.

RESUMO Objetivos avaliar a distância tomográfica entre as articulações esternoclaviculares até as estruturas hilares mais próximas. Métodos foram analisados prospectivamente cortes tomográficos axiais e sagitais em 120 indivíduos hígidos (60 homens e 60 mulheres), entre 18 e 60 anos, sendo mensuradas as distâncias de ambas as articulações esternoclaviculares até as respectivas veias braquiocefálicas, traqueia, esôfago e ápices pulmonares, relacionando-as com idade, gênero e índice de massa corporal. Resultados houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as distâncias da articulação esternoclavicular direita e esquerda até a veia braquiocefálica correspondente, esôfago e ápices pulmonares. Nas mulheres, ambos os lados estavam mais próximos das estruturas nobres. Pacientes com índice de massa corporal <25 as distâncias foram significativamente menores quando comparados a índices superiores. Conclusão articulação esternoclavicular esquerda está mais próxima às estruturas hilares do que o lado direito. Nas mulheres, as articulações esternoclaviculares bilaterias encontram-se mais próximas das veias braquiocefálicas, esôfago e ápices pulmonares, comparadas aos homens. Pacientes com índice de massa corporal <25 apresentam distâncias menores da articulação até as veias braquiocefálicas e esôfago. Nível de Evidência II. Estudos prognósticos - Investigação do efeito de característica de um paciente sobre o desfecho da doença.

Rev. bras. ortop ; 52(2): 215-219, Mar.-Apr. 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-844113


ABSTRACT Shoulder fracture-dislocations are uncommon. Those associated with intrathoracic dislocation are very rare conditions, resulting from high-energy trauma; usually, the affected limb is in an abduction position. In Brazil, there is only one report of a teenager with displacement of the epiphysis into the chest cavity; the present is the first adult patient report of intrathoracic dislocation of the humerus. The authors present the case of a patient female, aged 56 years, who was hit by motorcycle and thrown approximately 5 meters away. She was rescued on site with thoracic, pelvic, and right upper limb trauma. Her chest was drained due to pneumothorax and multiple fractures of ribs; she was diagnosed with fracture-dislocation in four parts, with intrathoracic dislocation of the humeral head. Displaced forearm bones fracture was also diagnosed; the olecranon, scaphoid, and ischiopubic fractures were not displaced. The patient underwent a joint procedure with a cardiothoracic surgery team to remove the humeral head through thoracotomy and chest drainage; subsequently, a partial arthroplasty of the humerus was performed, with graft from the humeral head and fixation of forearm fractures. Conservative treatment was chosen for the other fractures. After three months, all fractures were healed with gradual functional improvement. The patient remained in physiotherapy and orthopedic monitoring, having been discharged from the thoracic surgery; in a severe depressive episode, the patient committed suicide after 11 months of the trauma.

RESUMO As fraturas luxações do ombro são incomuns; aquelas associadas com deslocamento intratorácico são condições muito raras e decorrentes de traumas de alta energia, nos quais o membro acometido geralmente está numa posição de abdução. No Brasil, existe apenas o relato de um adolescente com deslocamento da epífise para o interior da caixa torácica. Esse é o primeiro relato de paciente adulto com luxação intratoracica de umero. Os autores apresentam um caso de paciente feminina de 56 anos, atropelada por motocicleta e arremessada em torno de cinco metros de distância. Foi socorrida no local com trauma torácico, pélvico e do membro superior direito. Teve o tórax drenado devido a pneumotórax e múltiplas fraturas de arcos costais e recebeu o diagnóstico de fratura luxação em quatro partes com deslocamento intratorácico da cabeça umeral. Foram diagnosticadas fratura de ossos do antebraço desviada e fraturas do olécrano, do escafoide e dos ramos isquiopúbicos sem desvios. A paciente foi submetida a procedimento cirúrgico conjunto com uma equipe de cirurgia cardiotorácica para retirada da cabeça umeral por meio de toracotomia e drenagem torácica; posteriormente, uma artroplastia parcial do úmero foi feita, com enxertia proveniente da cabeça umeral, além de fixação das fraturas do antebraço. Nas demais fraturas, optou-se por tratamento conservador. Após três meses, todas as fraturas apresentavam-se consolidadas com melhoria gradual das funções. A paciente permaneceu em acompanhamento fisioterápico e ortopédico e recebeu alta da cirurgia torácica. Dentro de um quadro depressivo grave, cometeu suicídio 11 meses após o trauma.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Hemiarthroplasty , Humeral Head , Joint Dislocations , Shoulder Fractures , Shoulder Joint
Univ. psychol ; 14(3): 899-912, jul.-sep. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-780655


Se presentan los resultados del proceso de adaptación del IQ Test del grupo Mensa Dinamarca, para aplicarlo en Chile y así discriminar grupos de capacidad intelectual diferenciada. Se aplicó el instrumento a dos muestras de estudiantes secundarios chilenos: 2994 (grupo normal) y 394 (grupo aventajado). El instrumento presenta adecuados índices de fiabilidad, confirmando la validez del constructo mediante análisis factoriales y de Rasch. La validez concurrente se constató al comparar los desempeños con otro test de inteligencia previamente estandarizado en la población escolar chilena. El instrumento logra diferenciar individuos en los dos grupos (normal y aventajado) y sus puntuaciones se correlacionan positivamente con el rendimiento en matemáticas. Se discuten las principales implicaciones del estudio para el sistema escolar chileno.

This article presents results from the process of adaption of the Mensa Denmark IQ Test in Chile. The test was adapted to discriminate between groups of Chilean students with different intellectual capacities. The instrument was applied to two samples of Chilean secondary students: 2994 (normal group) and 394 (advanced group). The instrument shows adequate levels of confidence, and the validity of the instrument was confirmed by means of factor analysis and Rasch analysis. Concurrent validity was established when comparing the performance of the Chilean school population in other types of previously standardized intelligence tests. This instrument is able to differentiate individuals in both groups (normal and advanced) and their scores correlate positively with their performance in mathematics. This article discusses the main implications of this study for the Chilean school system.

Underachievement , Intelligence Tests , Mathematics
Res. Biomed. Eng. (Online) ; 31(1): 62-69, Jan-Mar/2015. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-829415


Introduction Modern transfemoral knee prostheses are designed to offer comfort and self-confidence to amputees. These prostheses are mainly based upon either a passive concept, with a damping system, or an active computational intelligent design to control knee motion during the swing phase. In Brazil, most lower extremity amputees are unable to afford modern prostheses due to their high cost. In this work, we present the conception, design and development of a low-cost intelligent prosthesis for one-sided transfemoral amputees. Methods The concept of the prosthesis is based on a control system with sensors for loads, which are installed on the amputee’s preserved leg and used as a mirror for the movement of the prosthesis. Mechanical strength analysis, using the Finite Element Method, electromechanical tests for the sensors and actuators and verification of data acquisition, signal conditioning and data transferring to the knee prosthesis were performed. Results The laboratory tests performed showed the feasibility of the proposed design. The electromechanical concept that was used enabled a controlled activation of the knee prosthesis by the two load cells located on the shoe sole of the preserved leg. Conclusions The electromechanical design concept and the resulting knee prosthesis show promising results concerning prosthesis activation during walking tests, thereby showing the feasibility of a reduced manufacturing cost compared to the modern prostheses available on the market.

Acta ortop. bras ; 18(1): 15-18, 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-545318


OBJETIVO: Analisar os resultados do reparo artroscópico das rupturas do manguito rotador. MÉTODOS: Realizado estudo retrospectivo com avaliação dos resultados da técnica em 42 pacientes operados entre 2002 e 2006. O seguimento médio foi de 31 meses e a média de idade foi de 57 anos, sendo o lado dominante operado em 73,8 por cento dos casos. Para avaliação foram usadas escalas de UCLA e Escala Visual Analógica da dor no pós-operatório. RESULTADOS: Os resultados foram satisfatórios em 85,7 por cento (59,5 por cento excelentes e 26,2 por cento bons respectivamente) e insatisfatórios em 14,3 por cento dos pacientes. Nos casos com lesões associadas, a mais frequente foi no tendão da porção longa do bíceps (57,1 por cento). Associação com outras lesões não comprometeu o resultado. O mesmo aconteceu com relação a idade e tempo de acompanhamento pós-cirurgia. Quanto ao tamanho da lesão, diferença significativa ocorreu nos casos de lesões grandes e maciças demonstrando resultados inferiores em relação às pequenas e médias. A função foi inferior principalmente nos casos de lesão maciça. CONCLUSÃO: A reparação artroscópica das lesões do manguito rotador (MR) proporciona baixa morbidade cirúrgica e possibilita diagnóstico de lesões articulares associadas. O benefício do procedimento foi confirmado principalmente pela melhora significativa da dor, mesmo nos casos de lesões maiores.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of arthroscopic treatment for rotator cuff tears. METHODS: A retrospective study was carried out demonstrating the results of this technique in 42 patients operated between 2002 and 2006. The mean follow-up was 31 months and average age was 57 years. The dominant limb was operated in 73.8 percent of cases. Function and pain were evaluated using criteria of UCLA Score System and Visual Analogic Scale respectively. RESULTS: The results were satisfactory in 85.7 percent (59.5 percent excellent and 26.2 percent good), with 14.3 percent unsatisfactory. The most frequent associated lesion was the long head of the biceps tendon (57.1 percent). Nevertheless, the presence of other lesions did not alter the end results. The same occurred in relation to age and follow-up period. When comparing large and massive tears with small and mid-sized ones, the first group had significantly inferior functional results. The function was worse in cases of massive tear. CONCLUSION: Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair provides lower surgical morbidity and intrarticular diagnosis of associated lesions in comparison to open surgery. The benefit of the procedure was confirmed mainly by pain relief, even in cases of more extensive lesions.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Rotator Cuff/surgery , Rotator Cuff/physiopathology , Rotator Cuff/injuries , Evaluation of Results of Therapeutic Interventions , Shoulder/physiopathology , Shoulder/injuries , Shoulder Joint , Age and Sex Distribution , Arthroscopy/methods , Arthroscopy/rehabilitation , Brazil , Rotator Cuff , Rotator Cuff , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Retrospective Studies