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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-553312


Objective:To evaluate the biological characters of C57-TgN(HBV adr2.0)SMMU transgenic mice. Methods: Integration,expression,replication and histology change of hepatitis B virus gene in F6 transgenic mice were estimated by ge-nomic DNA PCR,Western blotting,ELISA,immunohistochemistry,serum DNA PCR,transmission electron microscopy and H-E staining. Results: Hepatitis B virus gene was integrated into F6 C57-TgN(HBV adr2. 0)SMMU transgenic mice and expressed HBsAg,HBcAg and X protein in liver tissue. HBsAg and HBeAg were expressed in serum of 19. 54% and 3. 39% F6 transgenic mice. Hepatitis B virus were replicated in serum and liver tissue of transgenic mice. Long-term integration,expression and replication of hepatitis B virus gene induced pathological lesion of transgenic mice liver and lung. Conclusion: C57-TgNCHBV adr2. 0)SMMU transgenic mice line has the biological characters including integration of hepatitis B virus gene into genomic DNA,expression and replication of hepatitis B virus gene in serum and liver, and histological change in liver and lung. It is a valuable animal system to study pathogenesis, treatment and prevention of hepatitis B virus.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-517038


AIM and METHODS: Electron cytochemical methods were used to study the changes of calcium and reactive oxygen species in rat kidney during ischemia and reperfusion period.RESULTS:By the end of 1h ischemia, intra-cellular calcium increased. There were no H 2O 2 generation at this time. In the early reperfusion period, large amount of H 2O 2 generated. At this time, there were no evident changes of intra-cellular calcium compare with 1h ischemia group. In the later reperfusion period, less H 2O 2 generated. Intra-cellular calcium increased continuously.CONCLUSION:Calcium and reactive oxygen species all participated in ischemia-reperfusion injury, but the time they participated and their effects were different.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-677272


Objective: To compare nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity of gentamycin administered in single dose or multiple dose daily in guinea pigs. Methods: Thirty two male guinea pigs were divided into physiological saline control, single dose group daily (gentamycin, 120 mg/kg, 1/d) and multiple dose group daily (gentamycin, 60 mg/kg, 2/d). The physiopathology of renal and cochlea in guinea pigs were examined using auditory brainstem response (ABR), SC sound irritation and electron microscope. The gentamycin concentrations in serum and in perilymph were monitored by fluorescene polarization immunoassay (FPIA). Results: (1) Compared with control group, both gentamycin single and mulitiple daily doses injuried kidney and cochlea to some extent.The injury of multiple dose groups were worse than that the single dose groups ( P

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-550464


In the process of hepatocarcinogenesis induced by diethylnitrosamine (DENA) in rats, the hepatocellular ultrastructure and G-6-Pase reactions in hepatic nodes were observed by electron microscope. The results are as follows: As compared with normal hepatocytes, cell junctions were fewer, even disappeared in some areas and intercellular spaces were wider; in some cells, nuclear membranes invaginated into the nucleoplasms frequently, micleoli were enlarged, mitochondria appeared swollen and their cristae were scanty- and short, and depolymerized ribosomes dropped off the dilated rough endoplasmic reticulums; in some seriously diseased cells, nucleoli were enlarged, abundant free ribosomes were present, but the' other organelles were in lower differencial state. G-6-Pase reactions were positive before the 8th week of DENA induction and negative after the 12th week. These suggest the hepatocellular metabolic disturbance and low differenciation.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-677665


Objective:To study the instant and short term effects of diagnostic ultrasound on ultrastructure and hydrogen peroxide cytochemistry of human villi. Methods: Fifteen healthy women with gestational ages of 6 to 8 weeks were divided into 4 groups. Group A( n =3),B( n =4),C( n =4) and D( n =4) were exposured to diagnostic ultrasound for 0,10,20 and 20 min respectively. In group A, B, and C, the villi were taken out immediately after ultrasound exposure and were studied. In group D, the villi were taken out 3 d after ultrasound exposure. Results: The results showed that there were changes only in group C. Enlargement of endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondrial intracristal space were observed in syntrophoblast cells. In group A, B, and D, there were no evident abnormality. Conclusion: The conventional acoustic exposure of diagnostic ultrasound is safe for human villi.