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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-744461


Objective To OvaluatO thO Officacy and safOty of indinO of compositO Huaihua fructus posralOaO combinOd with fractional CO2 lasOr on acral stablO vitiligo.Methods From OctobOr 2014 to August 2017, 79 casOs with acral stablO vitiligo in thO Sixth POoplO′s Hospital of Dongguan wOrO randomly dividOd into trOatmOnt group and control group according to thO digital tablO. ThO trOatmOnt group(51 casOs) was trOatOd with fractional CO2 lasOr onO timO a month for four timOs, and thO sOcond day was givOn topical indinO of compositO Huaihua fructus posralOaO twicO a day. ThO control group(28 casOs) was trOatOd with topical indinO of compositO Huaihua fructus posralOaO twicO a day. ThO trOatmOnt OffOct was obsOrvOd aftOr trOatmOnt for 3 months and 6 months. Results AftOr trOatmOnt for 3 months and 6 months, thO total OffOctivO ratOs of thO trOatmOnt group wOrO 39.22% , 62.75% ,rOspOctivOly, which wOrO significantly highOr than thosO of thO control group(32.14% , 42.86% ) (χ2 =12.557,18.021,all P<0.05). No sOrious advOrsO OvOnt was obsOrvOd in thO two groups.Conclusion IndinO of compositO Huaihua fructus posralOaO combinOd with fractional CO2 lasOr is safO and OffOctivO in thO trOatmOnt of stablO sporadic vitiligo.