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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-592869


Objective To study the value of MR 3D FIESTA technology in spinal malformation. Materials and Methods 70 patients with spinal malformation and GE 1.5T superconducting MR machine got involved in. The scanning sequences included FSET2WI scanning at 2D axial position, coronal position and sagital positon, and FIESTA scanning at 3D coronal position and sagital position. Results FIESTA scanning could be used in the achievement of multi-slice and multi-angle coronal, sagital and axial images. Conclusion 3D MR FIESTA can be applied to rapid, multi-angle, multi-slice and continuous display of the spinal cord.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-568338


From recent collection of 40 male adult cadavers from Chungking, the authors caIculated the coefficient of correlation between the average lengths of long bones of both sides and the stature measured from the cadavers. The figures range from 0.719~0.849, which denote a rather high degree of correlation. Hence, 10 regression formulae were computed. After a thorough analysis of the equations, it indicates that the relationship between stature and long bones of the lower limb reveals a higher coefficient of correlation and a lower standard error of estimation than that from the upper limb. Moreover, the reconstruction of stature from the sum of the lengths of femur and tibia (or fibula) appears still more reliable than that from the femur alone. The regression formulae obtained had been compared with the only data thus far found on the North China sample (Stevenson, 1929),it exhibits that all regression lines of both sources parallel with each other (Chungking lines being placed a little bit lower), with the exception of the two humerus lines which intersect. Therefore, whether regression formulae computed from this paper can be expected to give an approximation to reality in different districts of China or not demands further checking over with figures derived from the stature estimate made in different localities by the same method.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-680574


The form and position of the ansa hypoglossi and the course of its com-ponents, the descending branch of the hypoglossal nerve and the communicatingbranches of the cervical nerves, were studied in 128 Chinese cadavers. It wasfound that only in half of the cases (55.7%) the ansa showed loop formationwhile in the other half the component nerves either joined each other at anacute angle or came together more gradually. The ansa may be found on thesurface of the carotid sheath or inside it. The point of union in percentageswas 48.2 half way between the mandible and the clavicle and 32.7 below thatlevel. In the majority of the cases (80.3%) the descending branch of thehypoglossal nerve ran down on the antero-lateral surface of the internal carotidartery, while in the rest it appeared in between the internal carotid artery andthe internal jugular vein.