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Anatomy & Cell Biology ; : 493-501, 2020.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-888921


The tongue is a specialized vital organ. It aids in mastication, deglutition and food digestion. It also shares in the perception of taste sensation as it possesses various gustatory papillae. It is being subjected to numerous anatomical and histological examinations aiming at exploring the correlation between its morphological features and animal adaptations to various types of nutrition and environmental conditions. The goal of the present work was to compare the ultrastructural features of the filiform and fungiform papillae of three various mammals possessing different feeding habits; Egyptian mice, fruit bats and long-eared hedgehogs. Specimens were obtained from the tongues of four healthy adult animals from each mammalian type. Tongues were fixed and all the appropriate procedures were done to perform scanning electron microscopic investigation. Scanning electron microscopic examination demonstrated that in mice, there were four different sub-types of filiform papillae (spike, leaf, conical and tongue-shaped). In bats, there were two sub-types (flower and leaf-like) and in hedgehogs, there was only one type (tongue-like). These filiform papillae showed different distribution and orientation. As for the fungiform papillae, they were cylindrical in mice, rounded or conical in bats and dome-shaped in hedgehogs. Fungiform papillae possessed taste pores containing taste buds. Ultrastructural variations of the filiform and fungiform papillae were suggested to be probably due to adaptation to various feeding habits and different environmental conditions of these animals.

Anatomy & Cell Biology ; : 493-501, 2020.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-896625


The tongue is a specialized vital organ. It aids in mastication, deglutition and food digestion. It also shares in the perception of taste sensation as it possesses various gustatory papillae. It is being subjected to numerous anatomical and histological examinations aiming at exploring the correlation between its morphological features and animal adaptations to various types of nutrition and environmental conditions. The goal of the present work was to compare the ultrastructural features of the filiform and fungiform papillae of three various mammals possessing different feeding habits; Egyptian mice, fruit bats and long-eared hedgehogs. Specimens were obtained from the tongues of four healthy adult animals from each mammalian type. Tongues were fixed and all the appropriate procedures were done to perform scanning electron microscopic investigation. Scanning electron microscopic examination demonstrated that in mice, there were four different sub-types of filiform papillae (spike, leaf, conical and tongue-shaped). In bats, there were two sub-types (flower and leaf-like) and in hedgehogs, there was only one type (tongue-like). These filiform papillae showed different distribution and orientation. As for the fungiform papillae, they were cylindrical in mice, rounded or conical in bats and dome-shaped in hedgehogs. Fungiform papillae possessed taste pores containing taste buds. Ultrastructural variations of the filiform and fungiform papillae were suggested to be probably due to adaptation to various feeding habits and different environmental conditions of these animals.

Egyptian Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology [The]. 2017; 15 (2): 69-69
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-189228
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-16107


PURPOSE: This study aimed to assess whether different anesthetic techniques and oxytocin use applied during delivery affect transcutaneous bilirubin levels during the first 24 hours in neonates. METHODS: A total of 1,044 neonates delivered by either caesarian section (C/S) or normal vaginal delivery (NVD) were included in the study. They were classified into 5 groups as follows: group 1: born by C/S using general anesthesia, group 2: C/S using spinal anaesthesia, group 3: C/S using general anesthesia after failed spinal block, group 4: by NVD without anesthesia, and group 5: oxytocin-induced vaginal delivery without anesthesia. Transcutaneous total bilirubin levels (TBLs) were measured during the first 24 hours and on the fifth and eighth days of life and the levels in different groups were compared. RESULTS: The TBLs were significantly higher in neonates delivered by C/S using general anesthesia rather than spinal anesthesia (P < 0.001), and both groups had higher levels than those born by NVD without anesthesia (P≤0.001). However, the group receiving general anesthesia after failed spinal block was found to have the highest bilirubin level. Moreover, TBLs were significantly higher with the use of oxytocin (P≤0.001). CONCLUSIONS: C/S and general anesthesia adversely affect the bilirubin levels in neonates, and the use of oxytocin during vaginal delivery also increases TBLs in neonates.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Anesthesia , Anesthesia, General , Anesthesia, Spinal , Bilirubin , Hyperbilirubinemia , Jaundice , Mothers , Oxytocin
Egyptian Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology [The]. 2015; 13 (1): 30-30
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-161637


Interleukin-5 [IL5] is a Th2 homodimeric cytokine involved in the differentiation, maturation, migration, development, survival, trafficking and effector function of blood and local tissue eosinophils, in addition to basophils and mast cells. IL 5 and IL-5R drive allergic and inflammatory immune responses characterizing numerous diseases, such as asthma, atopic dermatitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases, hyper-eosi nophilic syndrome, Churg-Strauss syndrome and eosinophilic nasal polyposis. IL-5 has been proposed as a potential molecular target in the treatment of these diseases. In studies of asthmatics, anti-IL-5 showed minimal efficacy in patients with moderate, controlled asthma. In patients with severe, refractory asthma associated with eosinophilia, however, clinical trials have demonstrated significant reductions in asthma exacerbations. IL-6 is a pleotropic cytokine that, together with TNF-alpha and IL-lp, has been traditionally considered as a biomarker of ongoing inflammation more than as a regulatory cytokine with potential to modulate the immune response. Specifically, IL-6 has been shown to promote Th2 differentiation of CD4+ T cells while suppressing Thl differentiation through independent pathways, IL-6 can also modulate the intensity of the immune response by inhibiting T regulatory [Treg] cell development. Some studies suggest that IL'6 synergizes with IL4 [3 to promote Thl 7 differentiation. Thus, IL6 may be a key factor in determining the balance of CD4+ T cells in becoming Treg or inflammatory Thl 7 cells

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-151980


Simple, selective and sensitive stability indicating spectrophotometric methods have been developed and validated for Tiemonium methylsulphate (TIM) determination in pharmaceutical dosage form. Method A, isoabsorptive point comprised of measurement the total content of the mixture of TIM and its acid degradation product at 250 nm, while the content of acid degradation product was determined by measuring the peak amplitude of the 2D at 295.6nm, then TIM concentration can be determined by subtraction. Method B, the first derivative of ratio spectra was applied by measuring amplitudes of TIM at 224.4 nm and 247.2 nm using 20μg/mL of acid degradation product as a divisor. Method C is the ratio subtraction method. While method D is based on the measurement of first derivative amplitudes of TIM at the zero crossing point of its oxidative degradation product at 250 nm. The percentages mean accuracy for TIM was 100.39±0.33 for method A, 100.59±0.57 and 100.40±0.56 for B, 100.47±0.54% for C and 100.24±0.58% for D methods. The developed methods were validated as per International Conference of Harmonization guidelines. Furthermore, elucidation of the degradation pathway is described based on the use of the infrared spectroscopy and HPLC/MS techniques.

Egyptian Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology [The]. 2014; 12 (2): 78-78
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-166002


Mast cells VEGF is a highly specific mitogen for vascular endothelial cells. Five VEGF isoforms are generated as a result of alternative splicing from a single VEGF gene. The expression of VEGF is potentiated in response to hypoxia, by activated oncogenes, and by a variety of cytokines. VEGF induces endothelial cell proliferation, promotes cell migration, and inhibits apoptosis. In vivo VEGF induces angiogenesis as well as permeabilization of blood vessels, and plays a central role in the regulation of vasculogenesis. Deregulated VEGF expression contributes to the development of solid tumors and to several additional diseases by promoting tumor angiogenesis. Consequently, inhibition of VEGF signaling abrogates the development of a wide variety of tumors. The various VEGF forms bind to two tyrosine-kinase receptors, VEGFR-1 [flt-1] and VEGFR-2 [KDR/flk-1], which are expressed almost exclusively in endothelial cells Vascular endothelial growth factor [VEGF] New blood vessel formation regulated by a number of protein factors elaborated by cells of the innate and adaptive immune systems.3 Excessive angiogenesis occurs in diseases such as cancer, diabetic blindness, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis. Insufficient angiogenesis occurs in diseases such as coronary artery disease, stroke, and chronic wounds. Angiogenic growth factors [GF] include angiogenin, angiopoietin-1, VEGF, fibroblast GF, follistatin, proliferin, transforming GFs and others. Angiogenic inhibitors include angioarrestin, angiostatin [plasminogen fragment], chondromodulin, CD59 complement fragment, heparinases, human chorionic gonadotropin [hCG], interleukin-12, platelet factor-4 [PF4], thrombospondin-1 and -2, vasostatin, etc[4]

Journal of Drug Research of Egypt. 2014; 35 (1): 1-10
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-169878


Pollution is a worldwide problem and its potential to influence the physiological systems of human population is great. Many studies found that some pollutants have detrimental effects on human growth, particularly prenatal growth. Lead is one of the heavy metals commonly found in human populations. Lead toxicity was reported to be related to haemopoietic, hepatic, renal, nervous, gastrointestinal and reproductive disorders in man and animals. Recent studies have reported lead's potential for inducing oxidative stress which plays a role in the pathophysiology of lead toxicity. Noise stress from transportation sources also is related to different physiological effects on human, as well as impairment of auditory function and growth. Studies showed that combined exposure to noise and different pollutants affects heart and other organs. On the other hand, antioxidants were reported to reduce incidence to various physiological alterations accompanied by oxidative stress. Previous studies suggested that antioxidants may play an important role in abating some hazards of lead. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the possible ameliorating effect of vitamin E, as an antioxidant, on some alterations caused by lead or noise alone or in combination on kidney and heart biomarkers in adult male rats. Vitamin E was administered orally in a dose of 200 mg/kg two hours before lead dosage [15 mg/kg, i.p]. Animals were exposed to horn noise of about 110 dB for 30 minutes after administration of lead and/or vitamin E. The experiment was conducted for 14 consecutive days. The evaluated parameters included assessment of serum levels of urea, creatinine, Aspartate aminotransferase [AST], creatine kinase [CK] and lactate dehydrogenase [LDH] and levels of reduced glutathione [GSH] and malondialdehyde [MDA] in kidney and heart tissues. The histolopathological changes in both kidney and heart were reported. The obtained results revealed that lead and noise either alone or in combination caused statistically changes in the examined parameters with a good potential for vitamin E to protect against these changes

Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics [The]. 2013; 14 (1): 95-101
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-150727


The prevalence of obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes has steadily increased in the last decades. In addition to the genetic and environmental factors, gut microbiota may play an important role in the modulation of intermediary phenotypes leading to metabolic disease. Infection is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in diabetic patients. Chronic hyperglycemia impairs host defense mechanism such as cell mediated immunity, polymorphonuclear leukocyte function, and antibody formation. So we aimed to study the association between intestinal microflora [Lactobacilles acidophilus] count and phagocytic activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in humans with type 2 diabetes. The study included 20 type 2 diabetic patients with good glycemic control and 20 type 2 diabetic patients with poor glycemic control. In addition, 20 normal healthy subjects were included as normal controls. The fecal composition of L. acidophilus was detected using de Man Rogosa Sharp agar followed by further confirmation using the polymerase chain reaction technique. Phagocytic function of polymorphonuclear leukocytes was assessed using the phagocytosis index%. Fecal L. acidophilus count was significantly increased among uncontrolled diabetic patients, while the phagocytosis index% was significantly reduced among the same patients. In uncontrolled diabetics, a significant positive correlation was observed between fecal L. acidophilus count and HbA1c and a significant negative correlation between phagocytic activity and L. acidophilus count. In conclusion, type 2 diabetes is associated with compositional changes in fecal L. acidophilus especially in the uncontrolled diabetes. The levels of glucose tolerance or severity of diabetes should be considered while linking the level of intestinal microbiota with a phagocytosis index of leukocytes

Humans , Male , Female , Phagocytosis/physiology , Lactobacillus acidophilus , Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Neutrophils/physiology
Egyptian Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology [The]. 2013; 11 (1): 48-48
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-169544
Egyptian Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology [The]. 2013; 11 (2): 95-95
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-187219
Assiut Medical Journal. 2013; 37 (2 Supp.): 15-26
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-187326


Coronary artery disease occurs with the interact ion between environmental influences and genetic factors. Genetic susceptibility may be caused by mutations and polymorphisms in a variety of genes mainly involved in blood coagulation, metabolism of lipids, homocysteine and or iron. The most common form of genetic hyperhomocysteinemia results from the production of a thermolabile variant of methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase [MTHFR] with reduced enzymatic activity. This study was performed on ninety individuals selected with normal serum glucose, kidney, liver, and thyroid function test and lipid profile. They classified into: Group I: 27 apparently healthy persons as control group. Group II: 3 apparently healthy persons with elevated homocysteine level. Group III: 27 CAD patients with normal coronary angiography. Group IV: 33 CAD patients with abnormal coronary angiography. The following specific investigations were done for all the studied persons:- Serum homocysteine [Hcy], serum folic acid [FA] and MTHFR genotyping by PCR-RFLP

Results: In group III three patients had elevated Hey [11.1%]. There was significant elevation of Hey level in group IV compared to group I [P<0. 05].however there were insignificance differences in mean value of folic acid of the studied groups compared to each other. As regard the relation between the MTHFR polymorphisam and hey and FA levels, in group I there was significant elevation of serum Hey level in carriers of CT genotype compared to carriers of CC genotype [P<0.05]. Homocysteine level was highly elevated in patients had TT genotype in group III and group IV when compared to CC and CT genotypes and this was statistically highly significant [<0.000] in group IV, but insignificant elevation in group III Folic acid level was not differing between patients had TT genotype when compared to CC and CT genotype in all studied groups and that was statistically insignificant. When we study the severity of CAD in group IV there was insignificant elevation of serum Hey level in group of one vessel affection compared to group of two vessel and multi vessel affection, there was Significant elevation of serum Hey level in group of >/= 90% stenosis compared to group of >50-75% stenosis and 75-90% stenosis. However there was insignificant difference in serum FA between the groups compared to each other. Homozygous TT was detected in group of one vessel affection and with >90% stenosis. Carriers of TT genotypes in group of one vessel affection and in>/= 90% stenosis had highly significant elevation [P<0.000] of serum homocysteine compared to CC and CT genotypes in the same group

Conclusion: Our findings support that homozygous MTHFR TT genotype is a genetic risk factor for CAD

Tetrahydrofolates/genetics , Polymorphism, Genetic , Genotype
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-120071


PURPOSE: To evaluate the frequency of banana sensitization and allergy among a group of atopic Egyptian children in relation to parental/self reports. METHODS: This is a case-control study included 2 groups of allergic children with and without history of banana allergy, each included 40 patients. They were subjected to skin prick test (SPT) using commercial banana allergen extract and prick-prick test (PPT) using raw banana, in addition to measuring the serum banana-specific IgE. Oral banana challenge was performed in suspected cases. RESULTS: Banana allergy was diagnosed in 3 (7.5%) patients based on positive history of allergy on exposure to banana, positive SPT/PPT and elevated banana-specific IgE. The 3 patients had bronchial asthma with exacerbation upon banana exposure. The PPT results conform with those of SPT both in diagnosis of banana allergy and in the skin reactivity to banana. Serum banana-specific IgE was detectable in the whole studied sample with higher serum level among those without history of banana allergy (P=0.005). Oral banana challenge was negative for 20 patients with history of banana allergy and positive serum banana-specific IgE but negative SPT and PPT. CONCLUSIONS: Self/parental reports of banana allergy is high while the actual banana allergy is uncommon. The PPT seems as reliable as SPT in diagnosis of banana allergy unlike specific IgE which reflects sensitization rather than allergy. Oral food challenge remains the most helpful tool for diagnosis of food allergy in suspected cases.

Child , Humans , Asthma , Case-Control Studies , Food Hypersensitivity , Hypersensitivity , Immunoglobulin E , Musa , Skin
Egyptian Rheumatologist [The]. 2011; 33 (4): 171-177
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-170398


Adipocytokines secreted by adipose tissue participate in bone metabolism; leptin is one of the circulating peptides secreted by adipose tissue. To determine the serum levels of leptin in obese postmenopausal women in order to correlate these levels with bone mineral density and bone biochemical markers to find out the role of leptin in bone metabolism. This was a cross-sectional study which included 37 obese postmenopausal women with body mass index [BMI] >30 kg/m[2]. Thirty-seven lean postmenopausal women with BMI <25 kg/m[2] were included as control group. Serum leptin, bone specific alkaline phosphatase [BAP], osteocalcin and urine C-telopeptide of type collagen [CTx] were assayed. Bone mineral density [BMD] and soft tissue body composition were determined using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. There was a statistically highly significant increase in serum leptin levels in obese than lean postmenopausal women [p < 0.0001]. There was a highly significant decrease in BMD of spine and hip [p < 0.0001] in obese than lean postmenopausal women. After adjustment of fat mass, a highly significant positive correlation was found between leptin and BAP [r = 0.562, p < 0.0001], a significant positive correlation was found between leptin and each of osteocalcin and urine CTx [r = 0.423, 0.456 respectively, p < 0.05] but there was no statistically significant correlation between leptin and BMD. Our results support the hypothesis that leptin can act directly or indirectly on bone remodeling by modulating osteoblast activities. Leptin was found to be associated with decreased BMD at different sites of the body and was positively correlated with bone biochemical markers. However, leptin did not come out to be an independent predictor of BMD whereas; fat mass was found to have a role in bone metabolism in postmenopausal women. However these comparisons of a single measurement of leptin with BMD, does not exclude possible long-term strong relationships between leptin and BMD

Humans , Female , Bone Density/physiology , Postmenopause , Body Mass Index , Peptides/urine , Collagen Type I , Obesity/blood
Ain-Shams Journal of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology. 2011; 15 (Jan.): 144-150
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-126444


Egypt has the highest prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis C virus [HCV] in the world, estimated nationally at 14.7%. Numerous HCV prevalence studies in Egypt have published various estimates from different Egyptian communities, suggesting that Egypt, relative to the other nations of the world, might be experiencing intense ongoing HCV transmission. Interferon-alpha [IFN-alpha] monotherapy or combined therapy with ribavirin is the cornerstone therapeutic agent for chronic HCV infection. Treatment with IFN may cause thyroid dysfunction. Unfortunately, the clinical approach to this toxic effect is often carried out by personal judgment rather than by defined guidelines. Indeed, clinicians often reduce the dose or sometimes discontinue IFN-alpha treatment in those patients who develop thyroid dysfunction. This may reduce the therapeutic response to this drug. Hence, this study was undertaken to evaluate the impact of INF-alpha monotherapy or combined therapy with ribavirin on thyroid function in chronic HCV adult patients of both sexes in the period from January 2009 to August 2009. Sixty adult chronic HCV patients with normal thyroid function before the start of treatment with IFN-alpha - or IFN-alpha + ribavirin were selected for the study. Of them, 7 patients discontinued treatment, 1 patient died and 5 patients could not be followed during the study period. So the number of patients enrolled in the study after 6 months was 47. Clinical examination for thyroid dysfunction as well as thyroid function tests was then carried out. The study revealed that 17 patients [36.1%] developed abnormal thyroid dysfunction. This risk increased with female gender and in combined therapy with ribavirin. The incidence of hypothyroidism was more than hyperthyroidism particularly, in patients treated with combined therapy. Given the high prevalence of HCV disease in Egypt, it is essential that physicians treating patients with IFN-alpha be aware of the clinical spectrum of thyroid dysfunction, and test for thyroid function prior to starting IFN therapy. Careful thyroid surveillance throughout the treatment period is mandatory, especially in female patients and in those receiving combined therapy with ribavirin. Moreover, patients should be informed of this risk and should be advised to tell their physicians of any related symptoms

Humans , Male , Female , Interferons , Interferons/adverse effects , Thyroid Function Tests
Journal of Drug Research of Egypt. 2011; 32 (1): 23-30
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-126528


Vinorelbine [Navelbine] is a semi-synthetic vinca alkaloid derived from vinblastine which is used mainly to treat non-small cell lung cancer. One of the most recognized natural antioxidant is Thymus vulgaris which plays an important role in the chemoprevention of diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible hematological, kidney and lung toxicities of Navelbine in albino mice and to clarify the protective effects of Thyme oil when co-administrated with Navelbine. Eighty Male albino mice were divided into four groups: normal control group, Navelbine treated group, Thyme oil treated group and Navelbine-Thyme oil treated group. Navelbine was injected intraperitoneal in mice in a dose of 10mg/kg/week for four weeks. Thyme oil was administered by gavage in a dose of 72 micro g/mice every second day for twenty days. Parameters done included: complete blood picture, kidney function tests [blood urea and serum creatinine], albumin and total protein were measured. Histological analysis was conducted on tissues collected from kidney and lung of normal and treated groups. Results of this study showed that Navelbine caused mild to moderate anemia, significant leucopenia with relative lymphocytosis and thrombocytopenia. Navelbine induced mild renal toxicity in the form of increase in blood urea and serum creatinine. Serum total proteins and albumin were decreased. Histopathological changes observed in the mice kidney were in the form of heavy lymphocytic infiltrations, oedema in the glomeruli and congested blood vessels. Pulmonary histopathology showed congestion, distorted alveoli, mononuclear cells infiltrations, interseptal oedema and hyperplasia of the bronchiolar epithelial cells. By co-administration of Thyme oil improvement of haematological and biochemical parameters had occurred meanwhile mild changes had occurred on histological studies. In conclusion, Thyme oil could be used as a chemoprotective agent against Navelbine induced toxicity in albino mice

Animals, Laboratory , Antineoplastic Agents, Phytogenic , Vinblastine/toxicity , Kidney/pathology , Histology , Kidney Function Tests , Protective Agents , Plant Oils , Treatment Outcome , Mice
Journal of Drug Research of Egypt. 2011; 32 (1): 81-93
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-126534


Boric acid [BA], an essential plant micronutrient, occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables. Boric acid has been shown to cause developmental abnormalities in the fetuses of pregnant rats. The present study examined its effects on the development of rat fetuses. Boric acid was orally administrated to pregnant rats by gastric intubation 514, 257, 128, 51 mg/kg, from the 7[th] to 16[th] of gestation and from the 1[st] to 20[th] day of gestation. Boric acid has been shown to induce fetal growth retardation and increased fetal mortality rate. The morphological examination of the fetuses revealed anomalies of limbs [paralysis, adactyly and brachdactyly] and external hematomas. Fetal skeletal staining showed delayed ossification of central and peripheral skeletons with obvious abnormalities of the terminal ribs in the form of shortness, agenesis and wavy ribs. Histopathological examination of liver and kidneys revealed signs of toxicity in the form of congestion of blood vessels and fatty and hydropic degeneration with atrophic changes in the hepatic and renal cells. In conclusion, prenatal boric acid induced developmental fetal toxicity in the form of intrauterine growth retardation with delayed ossification of bones, hepatic and renal histopathological changes. The induced abnormalities of boric acid on the fetus were dose and time dependent

Female , Animals, Laboratory , Insecticides , Fetal Development , Rats , Fetal Growth Retardation , Female , Liver/pathology , Kidney/pathology , Histology
New Egyptian Journal of Medicine [The]. 2011; 45 (6): 583-595
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-166150


Boron occurs most frequently in nature as borates and boric acid. Humans consume about a milligram of boron per day in foods such as fruit and vegetables. Boron is essential for the growth of many plants. At high doses, boron is developmentally toxic. The aim of this study was to evaluate signs of toxicity of boric acid administration in pregnant rats. Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were administrated oral doses 514, 257, 128, 51mg/kg of boric acid, from 7[th] to 16[th] day and from 1[st] to 20[th] day of gestation. Pregnant rats were evaluated for rate of abortion, weight gain during pregnancy and relative weights of liver, kidneys, placenta and uteri. At 20[th] day. The animals were sacrificed and histological study of liver and kidneys were done . Results showed that the rate of abortion was increased with the high doses meanwhile the weight gain of pregnant rats was decreased, moreover ,the relative weights of liver and kidneys of pregnant rats were increased and the weight of placenta and uteri were decreased in treated groups as compared to control . Histopathological studies of liver and kidneys revealed signs of toxicity in the form of congestion of blood vessels and fatty degeneration with atrophic changes in the parenchyma's cells of liver and kidneys. In conclusion, boric acid administration in pregnant rats induced toxicities in the form of enhanced rate of abortion ,decreased weight gain during pregnancy .Hepatic and renal toxicities of boric acid were confirmed by histopathological abnormalities. Boric acid toxicity in pregnant rats was dose and time dependent

Animals, Laboratory , Pregnancy , Rats , Liver Function Tests/statistics & numerical data , Kidney Function Tests/statistics & numerical data , Body Weight
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-95684


The beta2 integrins are expressed exclusively on leukocytes and participate in many immune and inflammatory processes. This subfamily comprises four heterodimeric glycoproteins with a common beta-subunit, designated beta2 (CD18). Spontaneous mutations of the CD18 gene result in leukocyte adhesion deficiency type I (LAD-I). Low level of CD18 expression has also been implicated in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. We here describe a child with recurrent skin infections without pus formation, persistent gingivitis and periodontitis. His blood counts showed persistent leukocytosis (neutrophilia). CD11b expression was defective on neutrophils, while that of CD18 was normal. So, our patient represents a mild variant of LAD-I with possible dysfunctional CD18. Moreover, he developed psoriasis with reduced CD18 expression on CD4+ T-cells. Psoriasiform dermatitis has been described before in association with LAD-I, however, clinically and histologically confirmed psoriasis in association with LAD-I has been described only in CD18 hypomorphic mice. Therefore, our patient represents the first clinically and histopathologically documented association between LAD-I and psoriasis in humans. It lends support to the role of beta2 integrins in the etiopathogenesis of psoriasis.

Animals , Child , Humans , Mice , CD18 Antigens , Dermatitis , Gingivitis , Glycoproteins , Leukocytes , Leukocytosis , Neutrophils , Periodontitis , Psoriasis , Skin , Suppuration , T-Lymphocytes
Egyptian Journal of Chemistry. 2010; 53 (1): 137-162
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-126474


The polydentate ligands 2,5-N,N-bis [dimethy1-1-pheny1-4-pyrazoline-5-one] furanidine; 2,5-N,N-bis [pyridine]furanidine and 2,5-N, N-bis [2-thiophenol] furanidine [L[1]- L[3]], have been prepared and identified. The chemical behavior of these ligands towards some metal cations such as Co[II],Cd [II], Hg [II], Fe [III] and UO[2] [II] was studied. The isolated complexes are characterized using analytical data, IR, [1]H-NMR, UV-visible, mass spectroscopy, magnetic susceptibility, thermal analysis and molar conductance measurements. Bonding of the ligands with the metal ions is deducted from IR spectra and the presence of the mononuclear complexes are inferred from the mass spectral study. An octahedral structure is proposed for the prepared metal complexes and some ligand field parameters [D[q], B, and beta] in addition to LFSE were calculated from electronic spectral data. All synthesized compounds were screened for their antimicrobial activity against gram positive and gram negative bacteria and fungi. The biological evaluation study showed high to moderate bacterial activity compared with the ligands, their metal complexes and known antibiotics data

Coordination Complexes , /methods , Differential Thermal Analysis/methods , Anti-Infective Agents