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Acta Anatomica Sinica ; (6)1959.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-568063


Wir untersuchten die kapillare Dichtigkeit an 6 Aeren der Grosshirnrinde.Die Materialien bestanden aus 6 Gehirnen von Kindern im Alter von 1—2 und 5 Jahren und 2 Gehirnen von Hunden. Diesen 8 Gehirnen injezierten wir Gelatinetusche,bzw.25% Argyrol. 1 Die Kapillaren der Grosshirnrinde und des -markes bildeten zusammen ein dichtes,mitein- ander verbundenes Netz.Die Netzmaschen in der Grosshirnrinde waren enger als diejenigen des Grosshirnmarkes. 2 Die kapillare Dichtigkeit in der Grosshirnrinde war groesser als jene des Markes.Die dur- chschnittliche kapillare Laenge von 6 Grosshirnrindschichten war 3,26:1 im Verhaeltnis zu der Laenge des Grosshirnmarkes.Die an Gefaessmenge mangelnde 1.Schicht besass eine kapillare Laenge,zweimal groesser als die des Markes. 3.Die kapillare Dichtigkeit zwischen 6 Schichten der Grosshirnrinde war ganz verschieden; die 4.Schicht war am staerksten,die 1.Schicht am schwaechsten. 4.Die Blutgefaessverteilung in den 6 Aeren der Grosshirnrinde war im motorischen Rinden- feld am reichsten;im sensiblen Rindenfeld,Schzenrum,Hoerzentrum,frontalem Pole und Riechzen- trum nahm sie stufenweise ab.Dies bedeutet,dass die Blutversorgung des Paloccortex am aermsten war.Dort wo die Nerventaetigkeit am kompliziertesten war,waren die Blutgefaess verteilung relativ reicher.

Acta Anatomica Sinica ; (6)1954.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-680625


The blood vessels of the M.tensor fasciae latae,the iliotibial band and itsoverlying skin were dissected and measured in 30 lower limbs of 15 adult fresh ca-davers,the results were as follows:1.The branches of the lateral femoral circumflex artery may be classified intofour types:three-branch type(60.00%?8.94),dispersion type(20.00%?7.30),poly-branch type(10.00%?5.48)and two-branch type(10.00%?5.48).Amongthem,the three-branch type,which is divided into the ascending,transverse,anddescending branches,is the most common one.The caliber of the ascending branchis 2.22?0.09mm with a length of 2.70?0.22cm.The caliber of transverse branchis 2.16?0.07 mm with a length of 2.12?0.17cm.The caliber of descending branchis 2.87?0.11 mm with a length of 6.95?0.68cm.All of the three accompanyingveins consisted of vanae comitantes,the caliber and length of the vein are approxi-matly the same as those of the artery.2.The M.tensor fasciae latae is supplied by its main artery,which comes fromthe ascending branch of the lateral circumflex artery(90.00%?25.49).In a fewcases,it comes from the transverse branch(6.66%?4.55)or the deep femoralartery(3.33%?3.27).The caliber of the main artery of M.tensor fasciae latae is1.64?0.05 mm,and its length is 2.71?0.24 cm.The ascending branch and themain artery together make the vascular pedicle which length is 5.55?0.32 cm.Thecaliber and the length of the pedicle is large enough for ideal microsurgical vasanastomoses.3.The iliotibial band is supplied by the tractocutaneous artery,which comesfrom the perforating branch of myocutaneous artery of vastus lateralis and thedescending branches of lateral circumflex artery.It perforates the iliotibial bandand reaches to the subcutaneous tissues to supply the iliotibial band and its overly-ing skin.4.The skin territory of the M.tensor fasciae latae and iliotibial band issupplied by the pure cuteneous artery,the perforating branches of myocutaneousartery and the tracto-cutaneous artery.The main artery enters the muscle and sendsperforating branches into the overlying skin.All the three kinds of cutaneousarteries form abundant anastomoses in subcutaneous tissues.For this reason,if themain artery anastomoses with the artery of the host,an area in dimensions up to15?35 cm~2 of skin would survive in the anterolateral thigh.