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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-478520


Xi-Xin, a commonly used traditional Chinese herbal medicine, was regarded as one of the top grade materia medica since ancient time. The main medical parts were the root and stem. TheChinese Pharmacopeiaregulated the types ofAsarum heterotropoidesvar. mandshuricum,A. sieboldiivar. seoulense, andA. sieboldii. Analysis onXi-Xin related invention and patent information was an important aspect to understand the patent application condition and development tendency. It will also promote the research, development and industrialization of this medicine and promote its scientific result transformation. The Kongfz Patent Search Engine was used in the patent searching. Python and R languages were used in the collection, screening, classification, statistics, digging and analysis. In-depth analysis was made on the domesticXi-Xin related medical invention, patent application condition and development tendency. It provided references for the development ofXi-Xin. The results showed that an ever-increasing number of patents onXi-Xin were available. TheXi-Xin related inventions and patent applications were mainly from China, Republic of Korea, Japan, Russia, the U.S.A., etc. The main clinical applications were common cold, cough, headache, rheumatism and arthralgia, antibiosis, antiphlogosis, and cardiovascular diseases.Xi-Xin was mostly combined with herbal medicine with the effects of invigorating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, relieving exterior syndrome, and tonifying deficiency.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-478521


Ginkgo bilobaL. is one of the most common used medicinal plants worldwide. The mainly medicinal parts are dry leaf and dry seed. Root and stem also have medicinal value. It has been only found in the wild in Tianmu Mountain, Zhejiang Province, China, while cultivated in a much wider area. Since ginkgo is an important plant resources, a comprehensive overview is necessary, which can help understand the current status and the development trends. In this study, the patent information fromEspacenet and World Traditional Medicine Databaseis used to outline the technology development of ginkgo in the perspective of invention patents. The results showed that ginkgo development currently in the early or mid-term maturity period. Ginkgo got the best development in China. Most international exchange of intellectual property happened in United States. More attention has been paid to the development ofG. biloba leaf. Ginkgo’s medicinal application and compatibility were also analyzed in this study.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-458527


A . Senticosus is a common medicinal plants, mainly used parts are the dried roots, rhizomes and stems. Since ancient time, it has been regarded as one of top grade medicabecause of its safety and various medicinal properties. To further the development and utilization, a survey of patent information is very helpful to outline the current status of the drug. In this paper, Espacenetand World Traditional Medcine Patent Database were used to perform patent retrieval. Then the dataset were screened, standardized and analyzes via Python and R. The result indicates that, A . Senticosus, given being used for a long history, has less invention patents application comparing with other TCM drugs. The applications mainly come from China, Korea, Japan, Russia, and USA. The major functions includes systemic protection, anti-toxic agent, and treatments of nervous system, digestive system, metabolic, immune and allergic diseases. As to the compatibility of medicines, it often associated with tonic medicine, especially Buqi medicine.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-459678


Schisandra is a frequent traditional Chinese medicine. It has the efficacy of SHOULIAN-GUSE, YIQING-SHENGJING, tonifying kidney and Ning heart, is very important tonic medicine. Patent literature records the majority of technological innovations, is a kind of valuable scientific literature, making good use of it can effectively promote innovation. And invention patent is the most valuable of all patent. Access to information found that there is no paper about analysis of schisandra related pantent in China. Thus, in this paper, Schisandra related patents were collected, statistics, analysis, to discover the information within, such as Schisandra patent history, the current pattern, outstanding invention agencies and drug law of Schisandra. Based on the result above, we hope to provide a reference for the patent application.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-451181


Patent documentation is a kind of high-value scientific literature, which has caught the attention of more and more scholars. In this paper, the World Traditional Medicine Patent Database (WTMPD) was used to retrieve patents of the traditional medicines used in the treatment and prevention of influenza worldwide in the past 30 years. A total of 2 423 patents were further screened by a series of processes. Finally, multi-angle analysis was carried on the dataset to form a patent analysis report on traditional anti-flu drugs. From the analysis, we found that China had a rapid increase in the number of patent applications, which was in the leading role in the world, though the number of PCT applicant from China is relatively low. A large amount of applicants from the USA, Japan, and Korea have entered into China. Pharmaceutical company is the core group of patent applicant, who had applied a lot of quality patent about their products to protect their commercial interests. Honeysuckle, licorice, isatis root, forsythia and skullcap are five kinds of herbs, which have been most frequently used in anti-influenza patents.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-451243


With the increase of Chinese people's material life level, their health consciousness has become more and more intense. Chinese Materia Medica, a treasure of Chinese medicine, has made a great contribution in maintaining people's health in the history. Patent is a kind of high-value scientific literature. In this paper, we retrieved the patents of the traditional medicines used in health care worldwide. The patents were further screened by a series of processes. Finally, multi-angle analysis was carried out on the dataset to form a patent analysis report of traditional medicines in health care, including the distribution of the patents, the application trends, the domestic and foreign geographical layout, the major applicant and its activity, the important technical areas, the important medicinal and its pharmacological properties and so on.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-451855


In this paper, the patents of traditional medicine A pocynum venetum were retrieved till 29th May, 2014, and the patent information, including the authorization condition, developing trends, geographic distribution, competi-tion agencies and therapeutic effects, was analyzed. Totally 764 patent families were obtained,only eight among them coming from countries and districts except China and Japan. China was in a leader position on the number of patent application of A . venetum. The patent applications mainly came from pharmaceutical enterprises. Most frequently patents were about innovations on the pharmacological effects such as regulation of blood pressure and blood sugar, as well as the development of health food and products. Traditional medicines used compatible included blood-activating and stasis-eliminating drugs, heat-clearing drugs, diaphoretics, deficiency-nourishing drugs and digestive drugs. This article revealed the trend and some rules of development of A . venetum, and reflected the developmental achievement and world patent pattern after a meta-analysis, exhorting to guide a better understanding and further research.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-451901


In this paper, the patent of traditional medicines of type-2 diabetes mellitus before 2014 were searched, totally 1 229 patent family information were obtained. The patent information including developing trends, geographic distribution, competitive agencies, technical focus, herbs preferences and so on were analyzed. China is in a leader position on the number of applying patent of using traditional medicine to treat type-2 diabetes mellitus, and the main applications were research institutes, universities and pharmaceutical enterprises. Although the views and theo-ries on treatment of type-2 diabetes mellitus are variety and abound, the most frequently used traditional medicines are tonics and heat-clearing. This article reflected the history, clinical treatment way, developments, application of the diabetes traditional drugs after a meta-analysis,efforts to guide a better understanding and further research.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-453933


Depression is a common mental disorders, severe cases may affect people's lives. In the treatment of de-pression, appropriate medication, as an assistant approach to psychological support, is proved helpful to patients' re-covery. Western medicine's ingredients are simple and mechanism is clear. Given it meets parts of the demand, the total effect is not satisfactory yet. Traditional Medicine's advantage is systematic, it has advantage in treating complex diseases. Thus, more and more attention was paid to Traditional Medicine, especially Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In this paper, we use patent as data source to discover the law of the TCM's usage, the international differ-ences, the outstanding organization, and the hotspots of the drug research in the treatment of depression. Profiling of the current status can provide references in new drug finding and the progress of pharmacy. The results show that there are a few traditional Chinese medicine patents about treatment of depression associated with kidney, but de-pression and kidney also have a higher correlation. Medicines within soothing liver formulas such as Xiaoyaosan have many related patent.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-453954


Patent documentation is a kind of high-value scientific literature. In this paper, the World Traditional Medicine Patent Database (WTMPD) was used to retrieve patents of the traditional medicines used in the treatment and prevention of alcoholic worldwide in the past 30 years. A total of 3 238 patents were further screened by a se-ries of processes. Finally, multi-angle analysis was carried on the dataset to form a patent analysis report on tradi-tional medicines used in alcoholism, including the distribution of the patents, the application trend, the domestic and foreign geographical layout, the major applicant and so on. From the analysis, we found that China had a rapid in-crease in the number of patent applications, which was in the leading role in the world, though the technology and the number of PCT applicant from China is relatively low. Puerariae Lobate radix and flos are frequently used in al-coholism patents.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-454691


Paeonia lactiflora Pall. has a long history of utilization, and is widely used in pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industry. In this paper, the invention patents of traditional medicine P. lactiflora before 2014 were retrieved, and totally 18 192 patent families were obtained. And we formed the patent analysis report of medicine P. lactiflora based on a multi-angle analysis. Results show that, as to the patent number of medicine P. lactiflora, China is much more than any other country, and the applications mainly came from pharmaceutical enterprises. But the technologi-cal quality of patents and international protection ratio are low in our country. We need to strengthen in treatment of cardiovascular and liver disease. The patents mainly focused on the use of tonic health, which is compatible with Traditional Chinese Medicine. On the product development, dosage forms need to be enhanced. As to the compre-hensive utilization of resources, the flower and seed of P. lactiflora have relatively larger research space and value. This work will be helpful for researchers in deeply understanding the research achievements of medicine P. lactiflora, and provides the reference data for the future research.