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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220332


Aim: This study sought to investigate the impact of training programs on hypertensive patients' awareness and practice of lifestyle modifications in out-patient clinics of the University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan, Nigeria. Methodology: The study design was a cross-sectional survey conducted at the out-patient clinics of the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, Nigeria. This setting was chosen due to the accessibility of hypertensive patients receiving regular care and follow-up. The sample size comprised 274 hypertensive patients attending the out-patient clinics for regular hypertension management. A simple random sampling method was employed to select study participants, ensuring a fair representation of the target population. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the participants and results were analysed using SPSS. Results: Findings indicate that the training programs greatly increased awareness of hypertension and lifestyle factors affecting hypertension for most participants (74.42%), with all participants recommending the programs. A significant majority of participants (95.74%) reported being on hypertension medication, while nearly all (99.22%) had received some form of training or counselling on lifestyle modification for hypertension management. Notably, all participants reported having made lifestyle changes following the training programs, with the majority rating the effectiveness of the programs as highly effective (57.36%). Further analysis indicated a statistically significant relationship between the effectiveness of the training programs and the participants' age, sex, educational level, and occupation. The most frequent lifestyle modification post-training was dietary changes, with 54.65% of participants reporting that they always engage in a healthy diet for hypertension management. However, the frequency of engagement in other lifestyle modifications, such as regular physical activity and weight management, was not as high. The majority of participants reported significant improvements in hypertension symptoms following the lifestyle modifications. Conclusion: These findings demonstrate that targeted training programs can significantly enhance hypertensive patients' awareness and practice of beneficial lifestyle modifications, thus improving health outcomes. Further, the study underscores the need for such training programs to be tailored according to the age, sex, educational level, and occupation of the patients to maximize their impact.

European J Med Plants ; 2023 Apr; 34(4): 22-29
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219546


Aim: The study's objective was to examine the anti-inflammatory activity and leucocyte mobilization of a methanol extract of leaves from Acalypha ciliata in adult Wistar rats. Study Design: Egg albumin-induced edema was used for anti-inflammatory test and leucocyte mobilization test was carried out to check for total leucocyte cout and differentials. Place and Duration of the Study: This original study was conducted between January and June 2013 at the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Nigeria Nsukka. Methology: The pulverized leaf of Acalypha ciliata was extracted using cold maceration, and the Treas and Evans technique of phytochemical screening was used. The anti-inflammatory study was conducted using the method of Winter et al., and the acute toxicity study was assessed using Lorke's method. ANOVA was used to statistically examine the collected data. Results: Preliminary phytochemical screening revealed the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, soluble carbohydrates, phenols, glycosides, saponins, terpenoids and steroids. Flavonoids, Alkaloids, and Soluble carbohydrates appeared in abundant concentration (2199.76±10.81, 2141.6±7.583, 913±21.06). Acute toxicity tests showed no toxicity and mortality at doses up to 5000 mgkg-1. Anti-inflammatory study revealed that group treated with 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg b.w of extract significantly (P =0.05) and in a dose dependant manner decreased in TLC when compared with normal control. Moreover, the group treated with 100,200,400 mg/kg b.w of extract and reference drug(Indometacin) mobilized the leucocyte at the rate of 36, 22, 12 and 62 % respectively. A significant (P = 0.05) reduction in the mean paw oedema was observed for all the treatment groups from 1 hour to 5 hours when compared to the toxic group. Conclusion: As a result of this study's findings, it can be concluded that methanol extract of the Acalypha ciliata leaf has anti-inflammatory characteristics. High dosages of the extract resulted in a better decrease of oedema and an increase in leukocyte mobilization in response to agar suspension than low doses. Many anti-inflammatory herbs and substances alter inflammatory reactions by hastening the breakdown of or reversing the effect of the inflammatory mediators. The plant's anti-inflammatory properties could potentially result from the interaction of different photochemical substances present. The findings suggest that, if used, the plant may serve as a source of anti-inflammatory compounds.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219450


Aims: This study evaluated the physical, chemical and rheological properties of exopolysaccharides (EPSs) produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) isolated from palm wine. Materials and Methods: EPSs from palm wine LAB strains were produced on 6% sucrose broth, purified and freeze-dried prior to analyses. Molecular weights (MW), rheological and structural composition (functional groups) of the EPSs were determined using standard methods and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Results: The average MW of the EPSs ranged from 2.02×106 to 6.53×106 Da while the flow index (n) values ranged from 0.03-3.13 at 0.2%, 0.06-1.51 at 0.4%, 0.38 - 1.85 at 0.6%, 0.14 - 2.26 at 0.8% and 0.55 - 6.42 at 1% concentrations at elevated temperatures for EPS solutions from the ten LAB species. The FTIR spectrum revealed prominent peaks of various groups of OH (3420 cm-1) and CH3 bending (2090 cm-1) in all the EPSs corresponding to both hydroxyl and amine groups, and aliphatic C-H bonds, respectively. EPS synthesized by Leuconostoc lactis, Lactococcus lactis subsp lactis and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum showed weak absorption peaks (1148 – 1145 cm-1) indicating the C-O-C and C-O bonds, while absorption peaks of Lactobacillus lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (1267 – 1253 cm-1) indicated O- acetyl ester and other non-sugar components. Conclusions: The FTIR spectra, rheological properties and molecular weight of EPSs synthesized by the ten LAB strains indicated potentials that could be exploited in different industrial applications, and as stabilizers in food industries

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219689


Objective: Design a proposal of educational intervention for both, people who live with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 and their family caregiver. Methodology: Methodology. A case series study was conducted with the participation of 12 people living with type 2 diabetes mellitus and attending a Mutual Help Group in Pachuquilla, Hidalgo. Sociodemographic data, somatometric measurements (weight, height, BMI, waist circumference), blood pressure, and capillary blood samples for glycosylated hemoglobin were collected. Results: The mean age was 64 and range of 39-79 years, O.D. of 12; 67% women; 25% finished secondary school, 50% worked at home, 17% in commerce, 33% unemployed; 58% married, 25% widowed, and 17% divorced and in common law; 33.% with less than 5 years diagnosed, 67% have been diagnosed for more than 5 years; 75% depend economically; 67% have complications, 75% with family support, in diabetes knowledge 33% obtained intermediate score and 67% inadequate score; the weight average was of 77 kg and range of 57-116.5 kg, and O.D. 17 kg; in waist circumference, 100% exceed the recommended limit, in BMI, 50% is classified as overweight and 50% as obese; in blood pressure 50% > 130/80 mmHg and in glycosylated hemoglobin 75% > 7% mg/dl. Conclusion: The currently implemented strategy does not reflect good knowledge and control of the disease. This study invites us to continue with research where an educational intervention is implemented in which family caregivers are included and active participation is encouraged, in addition to implementing the IEP as a theoretical basis for the intervention.

Health sci. dis ; 24(2): 22-25, 2023.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1413765


Introduction. L'efficacité du traitement antirétroviral dans la restauration immunitaire dépend fortement du stade de l'infection et du taux de lymphocyte TCD4 au moment de l'introduction du traitement. Nous avons évalué le taux de lymphocytes TCD4 à la découverte de la séropositivité au VIH pour caractériser le niveau d'infection de chaque patient. Matériel et méthodes. C'est une étude transversale et descriptive qui s'est déroulée dans le laboratoire de virologie de la faculté de médecine de Libreville. Nous avons analysé les données de la cohorte DERIRADO. Résultats. Nous avons inclus 133 patients. L'âge médian était de 45 ans (Q1-Q3 :37 ; 52). La médiane de LTCD4 était de 388 cellules/mm3 (Q1-Q3 : 250 ; 556). Le diagnostic était avancé chez 112 (84%) patients. Conclusion. La découverte de la séropositivité au Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine est faite à un stade d'immunodépression avancé chez la majorité des patients. Ce constat relève la nécessité de mettre en route les politiques de sensibilisation pour cibler les populations clés et amener le plus grand nombre au dépistage de l'infection par le Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine si l'on veut diminuer la courbe de transmission.

Introduction. The effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy in immune restoration largely depends on the stage of infection and the TCD4 lymphocyte count at the time of treatment initiation. We evaluated the rate of TCD4 lymphocytes at the discovery of HIV seropositivity to characterize the level of infection of each patient. Methods. This was a cross sectional descriptive and analytic study whose setting was the laboratory of virology of the faculty of medicine of Libreville. Our data source was DERIRADO cohort. Results. We included 133 patients. The median age was 45 (Q1- Q3:37;52). The median LTCD4 was 388 cells/mm3 (Q1-Q3: 250; 556). The diagnosis was advanced in 112 (84%) patients. Conclusion. The diagnosis of seropositivity to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus is made at a stage of immunosuppression in the majority of patients. This highlights the need to implement sensitization policies to target key populations and bring as many people as possible to screening in order to reduce the transmission curve

HIV Seropositivity , Treatment Outcome , CD4 Lymphocyte Count , Anti-Retroviral Agents , Lymphocytes , Diagnosis
Tropical Biomedicine ; : 428-433, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960360


@#Lack of knowledge about the type and prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms as a clinical manifestation is one of the reasons for delayed diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 patients. This review study aimed to systematically review the type and prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms in COVID-19 patients. To study the gastrointestinal manifestations of COVID-19, we used the 06- PRISMA registered in the CAMARADES-NC3Rs Preclinical Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Facility (SyRF) database. PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Scopus databases were searched for publications on the gastrointestinal manifestations of COVID-19 with no publication time frame. Articles were found using the following terms and search strategy: [“COVID-19, Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, Clinical SymptomsGastrointestinal or gastric or intestinal manifestations”]. Out of 27652 papers, 35 papers on a total of 6730 COVID-19 patients up to 2022 met the inclusion criteria. Remarkably, most articles (28 papers, 77.8%) were from China (77.8%). The most common gastrointestinal manifestations were nausea or vomiting (13.1%), diarrhea (11.05%), anorexia (8.7%), and abdominal pain (2.4%), respectively. The findings of the present review revealed that contrary to what was initially assumed in the COVID-19 outbreak, this infection does not manifest only as respiratory symptoms but also as gastrointestinal symptoms. Therefore, clinicians and gastroenterologists must be alert to these unusual cases and fecal–oral transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic and implement preventive strategies.

Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1399967


Les morsures humaines représentent 3 % des morsures rencontrées au service d'urgence. Les preuves et le consensus sur les meilleures pratiques en matière de gestion des morsures humaines font défaut d'échec et de déterminer l'intérêt d'une réparation secondaire. Notre première tentative de reconstitution à partir de la pièce amputée étant échouée alors us avons entrepris cette étude dont les objectifs étaient d'identifier les facteurs OBSERVATION:Une patiente de sexe féminin âgée de 24 ans, ménagère A l'examen endo buccal, on notait une ouverture buccale d'amplitude normale. Les 32 et 31 sont exposées du fait de la perte de substance labiale. L'articulé dentaire conservée, l'hygiène bucco-dentaire défectueuse A l'admission, la patiente détenait dans un verre rempli d'eau minérale la pièce amputée de 2 cm x 1,8 cm dont la couleur laissait présager une vitalité compromise par défaut de vascularisation Les examens biologiques n'ont révélé aucune particularité. Le délai entre l'amputation et l'admission dans le Service était de 7h compromettant plus ou moins la vitalité de la pièce. Un délai nettement inférieur à celui trouvé par Roland et al. dans trois études différentes et qui ont trouvé moins de 14 % des patients ont été admis et plus de 80 % se sont présentés dans les 12 ou 24 heures suivant la morsure. CONCLUSION: Une tentative de replacement intentionnel d'une pièce amputée par morsure humaine sans chirurgie vasculaire est vouée à l'échec par une nécrose évolutive. Cependant la réparation chirurgicale de seconde intention donne un résultat esthétique et fonctionnel satisfaisant.

Humans , Vascular Surgical Procedures , Amputation, Surgical , Bites and Stings , Lip , Lip Diseases
Bull. méd. Owendo (En ligne) ; 20(51): 69-74, 2022. tables, figures
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1378400


Introduction : L'épaisseur centrale de la cornée peut être modifiée au cours d'une hyperglycémie chronique. En dehors d'une hyperglycémie chronique, nous pensons que les modifications de l'épaisseur cornéenne surviennent également lors des hyperglycémies de novo.Objectif: Déterminer la variation de l'épaisseur centrale de la cornée au cours d'une hyperglycémie de novo.Patients et Méthodes : Il s'agissait d'une étude observationnelle et transversale à visée analytique réalisée de juillet à novembre 2021, auprès de 222 personnes (444 yeux) présentant une hyperglycémie récente. L'ECC a été comparée entre le moment du diagnostic (J0) et 30 jours (J30) après l'initiation du traitement hypoglycémiant (Chi-2). La variation de l'ECC entre J0 et J30 a été corrélée à celle de la glycémie (Spearman ; p<0,05).Résultats : A J0, la moyenne de l'ECC était de 552,5±39,2 µm contre 538,0±34,2 µm à J30 (p=0,001) et celle de la glycémie de 18,1±8,2 mmo/L contre 6,9±3,0 mmol/L (p = 0,001). A J0, 57,0% avaient une ECC > 550µm et à J30, 19,4% avaient diminué cette épaisseur entre 520 et 550 µm et 3,4% à moins de 520 µm. Sur un effectif de 444 yeux, 28,2% (n = 125) ont diminué leur ECC de 25 µm et plus après initiation du traitement hypoglycémiant. Aucune corrélation n'existait entre la variation de l'ECC et celle de la glycémie (r=0,018; p=0,704).Conclusion : Ces résultats montrent qu'il existe une variation de l'ECC en cas de déséquilibre glycémique récent

Introduction : The central thickness of the cornea can be changed during chronic hyperglycemia. Apart from chronic hyperglycemia, we believe that changes in corneal thickness also occur during de novo hyperglycemia.Objective: To determine the variation in the central thickness of the cornea during de novo hyperglycemia.Patients and Methods: This was an observational and cross-sectional analytical study conducted from July to November 2021, involving 222 people (444 eyes) with recent hyperglycemia. ECC was compared between the time of diagnosis (D0) and 30 days (Day 30) after initiation of hypoglycemic (Chi-2) therapy. The change in ECC between J0 and J30 was correlated with that of blood glucose (Spearman ; p<0,05).Results: ON D0, the mean ECC was 552.5±39.2 µm versus 538.0± 34.2 µm on D30 ( p=0.001) and the blood glucose mean was 18.1±8.2 mmo/l versus 6.9±3.0 mmol/l ( p=0.001). On D0, 57.0% had an ECC ˃ 550µm and on D30, 19.4% had decreased this thickness between 520 and 550 µm and 3.4% to less than 520 µm. On a population of 444 eyes, 28.2% ( n=125) decreased their ECC by 25 µm and more after initiation of hypoglycemic therapy. There was no correlation between the change in ECC and the change in blood glucose (r=0.018; p=0.704).Conclusion : These results show that there is a variation in ECC in case of recent glycemic imbalance

Biological Variation, Individual , Hyperglycemia , Skinfold Thickness , Observational Study , Hypoglycemic Agents
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 55: e12273, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403903


The association between exposure to air pollutants and respiratory diseases is well known. This study aimed to identify the association between this exposure and hospitalizations for COVID-19 in São José dos Campos, SP, a medium-sized city, between April 2020 and April 2021. Hospitalization data, concerning code B34.2, was supplied by DATASUS, and data concerning pollutants and climate variables were supplied by CETESB. Cases were quantified by sex, age, length of hospital stay in days, and type of discharge, whether hospital discharge or death. The negative binomial regression model was chosen. Estimates were produced for the relative risk (RR) of significant exposure to pollutants (P≤0.05) with a 10 µg/m3 increase of pollutant, as well as for excess hospitalizations. There were 1873 hospitalizations, with a daily average of 4.7 (±3.8), ranging from zero to 21: 716 deaths (38.2%) were recorded, 1065 admissions were men, and women were less susceptible (OR=0.82). The average age of women was higher than that of men; in cases of death, men were older than women; discharged patients were younger. All the above variables were significant. The risk of ozone exposure was higher and more significant in Lag 2, and the risk of nitrogen dioxide exposure was high in Lag 3, which was the period of the highest increase in hospitalizations, at 11.3%. The findings of this study, the first conducted in Brazil, corroborate the results of studies conducted in other centers.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 55: e11831, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394125


Candida albicans is the most frequently isolated opportunistic pathogen in the female genital tract, with 92.3% of cases in Brazil associated with vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC). Linalool is a monoterpene compound from plants of the genera Cinnamomum, Coriandrum, Lavandula, and Citrus that has demonstrated a fungicidal effect on strains of Candida spp., but its mechanism of action is still unknown. For this purpose, broth microdilution techniques were applied, as well as molecular docking in a predictive manner for this mechanism. The main results of this study indicated that the C. albicans strains analyzed were resistant to fluconazole and sensitive to linalool at a dose of 256 µg/mL. Furthermore, the increase in the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of linalool in the presence of sorbitol and ergosterol indicated that this molecule possibly affects the cell wall and plasma membrane integrity of C. albicans. Molecular docking of linalool with proteins that are key in the biosynthesis and maintenance of the cell wall and the fungal plasma membrane integrity demonstrated the possibility of linalool interacting with three important enzymes: 1,3-β-glucan synthase, lanosterol 14α-demethylase, and Δ 14-sterol reductase. In silico analysis showed that this monoterpene has theoretical but significant oral bioavailability, low toxic potential, and high similarity to pharmaceuticals. Therefore, the findings of this study indicated that linalool probably causes damage to the cell wall and plasma membrane of C. albicans, possibly by interaction with important enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of these fungal structures, in addition to presenting low in silico toxic potential.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(5): 1023-1028, Sept.-Oct. 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345254


Bovine Trichomoniasis (BT) is an infectious disease caused by Tritrichomonas foetus that can be transmitted either sexually or by fomites. In males, the disease is asymptomatic and permanent. T. foetus has been detected in semen samples where it is able to remain viable even when frozen. The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of T. foetus in 27 samples of commercial frozen bovine semen by culture and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Samples were thawed in water at 37°C. Part of the samples was inoculated in a test tube containing Diamond's medium and incubated at 35°C. Growth was evaluated every 24 hours via direct examination under a microscope. The other part was placed in an Eppendorf tube and frozen for later molecular analysis. After 10 days of culture, all samples were negative for T. foetus. The Quick-DNA Miniprep Kit (Zymo Research) without proteinase K was used for DNA extraction. The primers used in PCR were TRF3 and TRF4. PCR results were negative for all samples. In conclusion, bovine semen samples were negative for T. foetus in both diagnostic methods, according to the adopted methodology.(AU)

A tricomonose genital bovina (TGB), uma doença infectocontagiosa causada pelo Tritrichomonas foetus, é transmitida por via venérea e fômites contaminados. Em machos a doença é assintomática e permanente. O agente já foi encontrado em amostras de sêmen e é capaz de permanecer viável quando congelado. Este trabalho teve por objetivo investigar a presença de T. foetus em 27 amostras de sêmen bovino comercial congelado, por meio de cultivo e reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR). As amostras foram descongeladas em água a 37ºC; parte foi inoculada em tubo de ensaio contendo meio Diamond, incubada a 35ºC com consequente avaliação de crescimento e avaliada a cada 24 horas, via exame direto em microscópio, e a outra parte foi diluída em PBS para análise molecular. Após 10 dias de cultivo, todas as amostras foram negativas. Para a detecção molecular foi utilizado o kit Quick-DNA Miniprep (Zymo Research) sem proteinase K para extração do DNA. Os iniciadores utilizados na PCR foram TRF3 e TRF4. O resultado da PCR foi negativo para todas as amostras. Conclui-se que as amostras utilizadas foram realmente negativas para a presença do patógeno em ambos os métodos diagnósticos, o que comprovou a inocuidade do sêmen testado.(AU)

Animals , Male , Cattle , Semen/parasitology , Trichomonas Infections/veterinary , Cattle Diseases/parasitology , Tritrichomonas foetus/isolation & purification , Polymerase Chain Reaction/veterinary
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(4): 821-826, Jul.-Aug. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285277


Canine atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory, genetic, pruritic and chronic dermatosis that affects between 10 and 30% of dogs and one of the most important allergens is grass pollen. The objective of this study was to evaluate the sensitization to grass pollen allergens in dogs with canine atopic dermatitis and to compare intradermal skin test (IDT) with percutaneous test (PT). For this study, ten healthy dogs and 39 dogs with atopic dermatitis were tested. Dogs were submitted to IDT and PT for Lolium multiflorum, Cynodon dactylon and Paspalum notatum. The IDT and PT tests were compared using the Proportion Test. All healthy dogs were negative to both tests. Ten atopic dogs (25.6%) responded positively to the PT and none were positive in IDT. C. dactylon, L. multiflorum and P. notatum were responsible for positive reactions in 70%, 70% and 30% of positive dogs, respectively. The number of positive reactions in PT were statistically higher than IDT (P<0.05). In conclusion, grass pollen can be important source of allergens for dogs in Paraná state (Brazil) and the PT showed higher sensitization to grass pollen in dogs with atopic dermatitis than IDT.(AU)

A dermatite atópica canina é uma dermatose inflamatória, genética, prurítica e crônica que afeta entre 10% e 30% dos cães, e um dos alérgenos mais importantes são os polens de gramíneas. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a sensibilização a alérgenos de polens de gramíneas em cães com dermatite atópica e comparar o teste intradérmico (TID) com o teste percutâneo (TP). Para o estudo, 10 cães hígidos e 39 cães com dermatite atópica foram testados. Estes foram submetidos ao TID e ao TP para Lolium multiflorum, Cynodon dactylon e Paspalum notatum. TID e TP foram comparados usando-se o teste de proporção. Todos os cães hígidos foram negativos em ambos os testes. Dez cães atópicos (25,6%) responderam positivamente ao TP e nenhum ao TID. C. dactylon, L. multiflorum e P. notatum foram responsáveis por reações positivas de 70%, 70% e 30% dos cães positivos, respectivamente. O número de reações positivas no TP foi estatisticamente maior que no TID (P<0,05). Foi concluído que os polens de gramíneas podem ser importantes fontes de alérgenos para cães no estado do Paraná (Brasil) e que o TP mostrou maior sensibilização a polens em cães com dermatite atópica que o TID.(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Pollen/adverse effects , Allergens/analysis , Dermatitis, Atopic/veterinary , Lolium , Skin Tests/veterinary , Cynodon , Paspalum , Poaceae/adverse effects
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(3): 684-692, May-June 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278367


This study aimed to assess the effects of yellow grease supplementation on the intake, digestibility, and nitrogen balance in sheep. Twenty Santa Inês lambs with a mean age of 95 ± 10 d and body weight of 19.29 ± 3.17kg were evaluated in a completely randomized design. The diets were supplemented with oil at concentrations of 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 gkg-1 of dry matter (DM) of the concentrate. The diets were based on roughage and concentrate (50:50). The experimental period lasted 19 d and included 14 adaptation days and five collection days for the total supplied diet, orts, feces, and urine. Supplementation with yellow grease had no significant effect on the intake of DM, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), or non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC). However, the ether extract (EE) intake increased linearly with supplementation of yellow grease. Moreover, no effect was observed for DM, CP, NDF, and NFC digestibility and nitrogen balance. EE digestibility increased linearly with the yellow grease dietary supplementation. Thus, sheep dietary supplementation with yellow grease may be used at a level of up to 80 gkg-1 of DM of concentrate without impairing nutrient intake and digestibility.(AU)

Objetivou-se, com o estudo, avaliar os efeitos do óleo residual de fritura, em dietas para ovinos, sob o consumo, a digestibilidade e o balanço de nitrogênio. Foram utilizados 20 cordeiros Santa Inês, com idade de 95 ± 10 dias e peso corporal de 19,29 ± 3,17kg, em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso. As dietas continham óleo de fritura nas concentrações de 0; 20; 40; 60 e 80gkg-1 da matéria seca (MS) do concentrado. As dietas tinham relação volumoso:concentrado de 50:50. O período experimental foi de 19 dias, incluindo 14 dias em adaptação e cinco dias de coleta do fornecido, das sobras, das fezes e da urina. A suplementação com óleo de fritura não alterou o consumo de MS, proteína bruta (PB), matéria orgânica (MO), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e carboidratos não fibrosos (CNF). Entretanto, o consumo de extrato etéreo (EE) aumentou com a inclusão do óleo. Não foi observado efeito na digestibilidade da MS, da PB, da FDN, dos CNF e no balanço de nitrogênio. A digestibilidade do EE aumentou com a inclusão do óleo. Assim, a inclusão de óleo de fritura em dietas para ovinos pode ser utilizada em até 80gkg-1 da MS do concentrado, sem limitar ingestão e digestibilidade dos nutrientes.(AU)

Animals , Plant Oils , Sheep/metabolism , Animal Feed/analysis , Waste Products/analysis , Dietary Supplements/analysis
Braz. j. infect. dis ; 24(5): 386-397, Sept.-Oct. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1142554


Abstract Cardiac hypertrophy and dysfunction are a significant complication of chronic Chagas disease, with heart failure, stroke, and sudden death related to disease progression. Thus, understanding the signaling pathways involved in the chagasic cardiac hypertrophy may provide potential targets for pharmacological therapy. Herein, we investigated the implication of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) signaling pathway in triggering hypertrophic phenotype during acute and chronic T. cruzi infection. C57BL/6 mice infected with T. cruzi (Brazil strain) were evaluated for electrocardiographic (ECG) changes, plasma levels of endothelin-1 (ET-1) and activation of signaling pathways involved in cardiac hypertrophy, including FAK and ERK1/2, as well as expression of hypertrophy marker and components of the extracellular matrix in the different stages of T. cruzi infection (60-210 dpi). Heart dysfunction, evidenced by prolonged PR interval and decrease in heart rates in ECG tracing, was associated with high plasma ET-1 level, extracellular matrix remodeling and FAK signaling activation. Upregulation of both FAK tyrosine 397 (FAK-Y397) and serine 910 (FAK-S910) residues phosphorylation as well as ERK1/2 activation, lead to an enhancement of atrial natriuretic peptide gene expression in chronic infection. Our findings highlight FAK-ERK1/2 signaling as a regulator of cardiac hypertrophy in Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Both mechanical stress, induced by cardiac extracellular matrix (ECM) augment and cardiac overload, and ET-1 stimuli orchestrated FAK signaling activation with subsequent activation of the fetal cardiac gene program in the chronic phase of infection, highlighting FAK as an attractive target for Chagas disease therapy.

Animals , Mice , Trypanosoma cruzi , Cardiomegaly , Phosphorylation , Brazil , Signal Transduction , Mice, Inbred C57BL
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209483


Introduction: Hangman’s fracture is the second most common fracture of all the C2 vertebral fractures. It has been observed,which accounts for 55% of cervical fractures. They form 23–25% of (C2) axis fractures.Materials and Methods: All Type II and IIa hangman’s fractures operated were included in this study. Twelve patients (eightmen and four women) between 20 and 60 years of age diagnosed with unstable hangman’s fracture, treated, and followed upin our department were included in the study. Ten patients were injured in road traffic accidents, and two were injured due tofalls from height.Results: The total number of patients included in the study was 12, the age range from 20 to 60 years; male-to-female ratiois 8:4. All patients presented with neck pain. In Type II and IIa cases, the anterior approach was made in ten cases, where thereduction was achieved with traction. In anterior cases, the reduction was maintained after fixation.Conclusion: The anterior approach with primary internal stabilization is the appropriate option for unstable Type II, Type IIahangman’s fracture in cases was preoperative reduction that could be achieved. Using the anterior approach with the primaryinternal fixation of these fractures, solid fusion was achieved in all cases.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209476


Introduction: Distal radius is one of the common fracture sites of the human skeleton. Dorsally displaced distal radius fractures(DRFs) are the most common type of DRF.Materials and Methods: Two matched cohorts of 20 matched patients, one with a displaced dorsal rim fracture >2 mm (Group1), and the other without a dorsal rim fracture (Group 2) were analyzed in this study with volar variable angle locking compressionplate fixation for dorsally unstable DRFs.Results: No significant difference was found between the two groups in overall wrist function or wrist pain. The mean displacementof dorsal rims in Group 1 was 3.0 mm and the mean diameter of the retained articular portion of the dorsal articular wall was2.0 mm. No significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of any radiographic parameters or the arthriticgrading of radiocarpal joints.Conclusion: These results suggest that a displaced dorsal rim fracture does not adversely affect the outcomes after the volarvariable angle locking compression plate fixation of a dorsally displaced DRF, indicating that an additional dorsal approach isunnecessary for reducing a displaced dorsal rim fracture

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209655


Background:Medicinal plants are now becoming indispensable in the treatment and management of many ailments. The unaffordability, unavailability and adverse effects of conventional therapy in the treatment and management of many diseases have geared keen interest in the use of herbal medicine. This work was carried out to investigate the prophylactic effect of the ethanol extract of Azadirachta indicaleaf in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Methods:A total of one hundred (100) rats were randomized into four (4) groups (n=25) and used for the study. Each group of 25 rats was sub-divided into five (5) groups (n=5). The sub-groups comprise: Group A-normal control that was not treated, group B-100mg/kg body weight of metformin and groups C to E -graded doses (100mg/kg, 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg body weight) of the ethanol leaf extracts of A. indicaleaves. The standard drug and the extracts were consecutively administered to groups B-E for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days before the induction of diabetes. Diabetes was induced intraperitoneally using 50mg/kg bodyweight of streptozotocin. Results: Thegroups thatwere administered 100, 200 and400mg/kg bw of ethanolextract of A. indica showed a significant (p<0.05) increase in their weight after 21 and 28 days of pre-treatment compared with the control group that was not treated. The graded doses of the extract also have a remarkable effect in the fasting blood glucose levels which was made visible by the significant (p<0.05) reduction recorded in the fasting blood glucose levels compared with the control group that was not pre-treated and the group pre-treated with metformin. Conclusion: The results obtained in this research suggest that ethanol extract of A. indicahas the potential to protect against diabetes by delaying its onset. However, the longer the period of pre-treatment, the better the condition of the animals pre-treated as well as the protection as can be seen from the results of the weight and fasting blood glucose levels.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204867


Climate change is a scientific issue of global interest and Africa is one of the most vulnerable regions in the world strongly affected by its consequences in water resources for agriculture. Adaptation to climate change is one of the fundamental measures for human beings. Therefore, extensive researches on dew process have been carried out worldwide. Based on articles and relevant documents on the subject, this paper reviews the latest researches achievement in several domains of science, including measurements technics and dew possible contribution in plants water requirement satisfaction. A case study in Benin climate (West Africa) compares the probable amount of dew that can be harvested by maize canopy as water during the main stages of its growth cycle. Evaluation of dew amount and maize water requirements are done using the Penman-Monteith equation. The theoretical results show that dew can contribute for about 9 to 10% in the IZEE-W-SR-(ODE-TUWE) corn variety’s water requirements. So, future researches on dew can be performed in arid and semi-arid areas as alternative water for agriculture.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209732


Aim:This research aimed to determine the relationship between substance use disorder (SUD) and the biomarkers of inflammation: (C-reactive protein: CRP and Interleukin-6: IL-6) to investigate inflammatory reaction among SUD patients. Study Design:This is a cross sectional comparative study. Place and Duration of Study:This study was conducted at Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital (FNPH) Kaduna, North-western Nigeria which serve as a referral center for patients with psychiatric disorders from all the NorthWestern states and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja between August 2018 and August 2019. Methodology:The study population was drawn from SUD patients who were positive to urine drug test. The serum CRP and IL-6 levels of 180 SUD patients (study group) were compared with the serum CRP and IL-6 levels of 180 apparently normal individuals who do not have history of substance abuse.Results:The median and interquartile range of the ages of both the study group and the control group were 30 (23 –40) and33.5 (24-41) years respectively. The study population consist of 162 (90%) males and 18 (10%) females with median ages and range of 30.5 (15 –72) and 26 (14 –40) years respectively. A significant increase in IL-6 in SUD was observed (P = .0001) but no significant difference observed in CRP at 95% confidence interval (P = .73). It was observed that there was a strong positive relationship between IL-6 and CRP (r = 0.6646); P = .0001) in SUD patients.Conclusion:IL-6 was significantly higher in people with SUD and as CRP levels increases IL-6 increases. This suggests that there is a level of inflammatory reaction in substance use disorder patients. Thus both serum CRP and IL-6 level can be considered as biomarkers of inflammation in patients with SUD.