Abstract Objective: To compare the medical image interpretation's time between the conventional and automated methods of breast ultrasound in patients with breast lesions. Secondarily, to evaluate the agreement between the two methods and interobservers. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with prospective data collection. The agreement's degrees were established in relation to the breast lesions's ultrasound descriptors. To determine the accuracy of each method, a biopsy of suspicious lesions was performed, considering the histopathological result as the diagnostic gold standard. Results: We evaluated 27 women. Conventional ultrasound used an average medical time of 10.77 minutes (± 2.55) greater than the average of 7.38 minutes (± 2.06) for automated ultrasound (p<0.001). The degrees of agreement between the methods ranged from 0.75 to 0.95 for researcher 1 and from 0.71 to 0.98 for researcher 2. Among the researchers, the degrees of agreement were between 0.63 and 1 for automated ultrasound and between 0.68 and 1 for conventional ultrasound. The area of the ROC curve for the conventional method was 0.67 (p=0.003) for researcher 1 and 0.72 (p<0.001) for researcher 2. The area of the ROC curve for the automated method was 0. 69 (p=0.001) for researcher 1 and 0.78 (p<0.001) for researcher 2. Conclusion: We observed less time devoted by the physician to automated ultrasound compared to conventional ultrasound, maintaining accuracy. There was substantial or strong to perfect interobserver agreement and substantial or strong to almost perfect agreement between the methods.
Humans , Female , Breast/diagnostic imaging , Breast Neoplasms , Imaging, Three-DimensionalABSTRACT
Abstract In this integrative review, we aimed to describe the records of time devoted by physicians to breast ultrasound in a review of articles in the literature, in order to observe whether the automation of the method enabled a reduction in these values. We selected articles from the Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) and MEDLINE databases, through Virtual Health Library (BVS), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), PubMed, and Scopus. We obtained 561 articles, and, after excluding duplicates and screening procedures, 9 were selected, whose main information related to the guiding question of the research was synthesized and analyzed. It was concluded that the automation of breast ultrasound represents a possible strategy for optimization of the medical time dedicated to the method, but this needs to be better evaluated in comparative studies between both methods (traditional and automated), with methodology directed to the specific investigation of this potentiality.
Resumo Na presente revisão integrativa, objetivamos descrever os registros de tempo dedicado pelos médicos à ultrassonografia mamária em revisão de artigos da literatura, visando observar se a automação do método possibilitou redução destes valores. Selecionamos artigos nas bases de dados Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) e MEDLINE, através da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), PubMed e Scopus. Obtivemos 561 artigos e, após a exclusão de artigos duplicados e procedimentos de triagem, foram selecionados 9 artigos, cujas informações principais relativas à pergunta norteadora da pesquisa foram sintetizadas e analisadas. Foi concluído que a automação da ultrassonografia mamária representa uma possível estratégia de otimização do tempo médico dedicado ao método; porém, essa conclusão necessita ser melhor avaliada em estudos comparativos entre ambos os métodos (tradicional e automatizado), com metodologia direcionada à investigação específica desta potencialidade.
Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography, Mammary , Imaging, Three-DimensionalABSTRACT
Needles embedded in the breast are an unusual situation. It is reported the possibility of developing an abscess and the risk of migration of the needles. We report the case of a 38 year old woman with approximately 25 needles inserted in her breasts, bilaterally. According to the patient, the insertion occurred during the episode of a recent physical aggression; however, the hypothesis of self-mutilation could not be ruled out. She also referred the withdrawal of some needles at home and tried a surgical resection of others. Physical examination of the breasts revealed bilateral bruising, located in the upper inner quadrant of the left breast and diffusely in the right breast. Ultrasound examination showed needles in both breasts, associated with a hyperechoic area between 5 and 6h of the right breast, corresponding to palpable clinical area. An X-ray and chest tomography also revealed the presence of several needles in the breasts. At mammography, multiple intra-mammary needles and lymph nodes were diffusely distributed through the parenchyma, bilaterally. After discussing with the patient about the diagnosis and therapeutic options, we opted for clinical follow-up. Currently, the patient has moderate acyclic mastalgia, and is on clinical follow up for 55 months
Agulhas inseridas no parênquima mamário constituem uma situação incomum, podendo haver ocorrência de abscessos e o risco de migração das agulhas. Descrevemos o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, de 38 anos de idade, diagnosticada com aproximadamente 25 agulhas de costura em suas mamas, bilateralmente. Segundo a paciente, a inserção ocorreu durante episódio de agressão física recente; porém, a hipótese de automutilação não pôde ser descartada. A paciente também referiu a retirada domiciliar de algumas agulhas e a tentativa de retirada em outro Serviço. Ao exame físico das mamas, evidenciava-se equimose bilateral, localizada no quadrante súpero-medial da mama esquerda e difusamente na mama direita. O exame ultrassonográfico evidenciou agulhas em ambas as mamas, associadas à área hiperecoica entre 5 e 6h da mama direita, correspondente a área clínica palpável. A radiografia e a tomografia de tórax visibilizaram a presença de vários corpos estranhos nas mamas, de aspecto metálico, compatíveis com agulhas. Após discussão com a paciente acerca do diagnóstico e das opções terapêuticas, optou-se por conduta expectante. Após 55 meses, a paciente refere mastalgia acíclica moderada e mantém seguimento clínico no Serviço
Summary Introduction: Methylene blue is more widely available and less expensive than patent blue, with an apparently lower risk of anaphylaxis. Objective: The two dyes were compared regarding detection of the sentinel lymph node (SLN). Method: A prospective, randomized trial involved 142 patients with invasive breast carcinoma. Sixty-nine (49.3%) assigned to patent blue (group A) and 71 (50.70%) to methylene blue (group B). Thirty-five patients (25.0%) were clinical stage III or IV; 55 (38.7%) had axillary lymph nodes affected; and 69 (49.3%) underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Two patients were excluded because the dye type was not recorded. Results: Patients and tumor characteristics were similar in both groups. SLNs were identified in 47 women (68.1%) in group A and 43 (60.6%) in group B (p=0.35). SLNs were affected in 22 cases (51.2%) in group A and 21 (48.8%) in group B (p=0.62). The SLN was the only node affected in 12 cases (54.5%) in group A and six (33.3%) in group B (p=0.18). The time and degree of difficulty involved in identifying the SLN were similar in both groups. There were no complications or allergies. Conclusion: Methylene blue performed as well as patent blue in identifying the SLN in breast cancer patients.
Resumo Introdução: O azul de metileno é mais facilmente encontrado para comercialização e a um preço menor que o azul patente. Parece ainda haver menor risco de anafilaxia. Objetivo: Comparar a taxa de detecção do linfonodo sentinela com o azul patente e com o azul de metileno. Método: Foram incluídas, de forma randomizada e prospectiva, 142 pacientes com diagnóstico de carcinoma mamário invasor, que consentiram em participar livremente do estudo. Foram injetados 2 mL de azul patente (grupo A) em 69 (49,3%) mulheres e de azul de metileno (grupo B) em 71 (50,70%), em localização periareolar ou peritumoral, seguido de 5 minutos de massagem. Trinta e cinco (25,0%) apresentavam estadiamento clínico 3 ou 4, e 55 (38,7%) apresentavam a axila clinicamente comprometida. Sessenta e nove (49,3%) fizeram quimioterapia neoadjuvante. Duas pacientes não tinham anotação do corante utilizado e foram excluídas. Resultados: Os dois grupos apresentaram características das pacientes e dos tumores semelhantes. Foram detectados linfonodos sentinela em 47 (68,1%) mulheres no grupo A e em 43 (60,6%) no grupo B (p=0,35). Havia linfonodos sentinela comprometidos em 22 (51,2%) casos no grupo A e em 21 (48,8%) casos no grupo B (p=0,62). O linfonodo sentinela foi o único gânglio comprometido em 12 (54,5%) casos no grupo A e em seis (33,3%) casos no grupo B (p=0,18). O tempo e o grau de dificuldade para identificação do linfonodo sentinela foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. Não houve relato de complicações ou de alergia em nenhum dos grupos. Conclusão: A utilização do azul de metileno para a identificação do linfonodo sentinela em pacientes com câncer de mama apresenta resultados semelhantes aos do azul patente.