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Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 29(1): 11-16, Jan.-Feb. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-990760


Abstract Averrhoa bilimbi L. and A. carambola L., Oxalidaceae, are the only two species of the genus Averrhoa L. Their leaves are widely used in folk medicine as an adjuvant in the treatment of diabetes. Some species may contain, for example, calcium oxalate crystals, which may lead to risk in its use when there is predisposition of individuals with reduced renal activity. Therefore, there are still few studies on the content of oxalic acid present in them, highlighting the importance of this investigation. The objective of this work was to conduct a comparative anatomical and histochemical study between the species and determining its content of oxalic acid. Semipermanent histological slides were prepared, following common plant anatomy procedures, for analysis of the leaflets in optical microscopy, polarization and scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry. To determine the total, soluble and insoluble oxalate content was used titration with potassium permanganate. The anatomical characterization allowed identifying the characters useful in the differentiation of the species. The histochemistry revealed the location of the metabolites. Chemical microanalyses demonstrated that the crystals are of calcium oxalate. A. carambola presented the highest levels of total oxalate and soluble oxalate. The study assists in the identification and quality control of A. bilimbi and A. carambola and brings new data on its oxalic acid content, which are important, in view of the medicinal use of the species.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 27(5): 541-548, Sept.-Oct. 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-898717


Abstract Inserted in one of the largest families among the Angiosperms, Genipa americana L., Rubiaceae, can be found in all Brazilian territory, presenting great medicinal importance, where several uses have been attributed. In view of this, this work has the purpose of analyzing the ultrastructural, biomineral, phytochemical and histochemical characteristics of the leaves of this native species from Brazil. For this, light microscopy, polarization and scanning electron microscopy techniques were used with X-ray scattering energy, associated to chromatographic and histochemical tests. The anatomical ultrastructural characteristics of the leaves detailed information about the type and arrangement of the cuticle, trichomes, surface and arrangement of the tissues that determine the botanical identity of this species. The phytochemical tests allowed determining their chromatographic pattern and histochemistry to determine the exact storage site of these substances in the leaf. It was observed that the characterization of the crystalline macro-pattern present in the analyzed species, as well as its exact elemental composition, can be considered an important differential diagnosis factor. The results characterize the leaves of this species in different aspects, being a native species and pharmacologically promising, with different popular uses and proven pharmacological activities, and more in depth studies is needed.

Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Säo Paulo ; Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Säo Paulo;58: e7, 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-774566


Introduction: Schistosomiasis is a chronic disease caused by trematode flatworms of the genus Schistosoma and its control is dependent on a single drug, praziquantel (PZQ), but concerns over PZQ resistance have renewed interest in evaluating the in vitro susceptibility of recent isolates of Schistosoma mansoni to PZQ in comparison with well-established strains in the laboratory. Material and methods: The in vitro activity of PZQ (6.5-0.003 µg/mL) was evaluated in terms of mortality, reduced motor activity and ultrastructural alterations against S. mansoni. Results: After 3 h of incubation, PZQ, at 6.5 µg/mL, caused 100% mortality of all adult worms in the three types of recent isolates, while PZQ was inactive at concentrations of 0.08-0.003 µg/mL after 3 h of incubation. The results show that the SLM and Sotave isolates basically presented the same pattern of susceptibility, differing only in the concentration of 6.5 µg/mL, where deaths occurred from the range of 1.5 h in Sotave and just in the 3 h range of SLM. Additionally, this article presents ultrastructural evidence of rapid severe PZQ-induced surface membrane damage in S. mansoni after treatment with the drug, such as disintegration, sloughing, and erosion of the surface. Conclusion: According to these results, PZQ is very effective to induce tegument destruction of recent isolates of S. mansoni.

Animals , Female , Male , Praziquantel/pharmacology , Schistosoma mansoni/drug effects , Schistosoma mansoni/isolation & purification , Schistosomicides/pharmacology , Drug Resistance , Larva/drug effects , Larva/ultrastructure , Parasitic Sensitivity Tests , Schistosoma mansoni/ultrastructure
Neotrop. entomol ; 38(2): 293-297, Mar.-Apr. 2009. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-515114


O objetivo desta pesquisa foi caracterizar morfológica e ultraestruturalmente os hemócitos de operários de Nasutitermes coxipoensis (Holmgren) e quantificar os tipos celulares 24h, 48h e 72h após inoculação com Metarhizium anisopliae. Seis tipos de hemócitos foram identifi cados: plasmatócito, granulócito, esferulócito, prohemócito, adipohemócitos e oenocitóide. Nenhuma alteração na morfologia dessas células foi evidenciada durante os intervalos. Entretanto, houve variações na proporção dos hemócitos em relação à testemunha para esferulócitos, adipohemócitos e oenocitóides, nos três intervalos de avaliação, e para plasmatócitos e granulócitos no intervalo de 48h. As causas potenciais dessa variação e suas implicações são apresentadas e discutidas neste artigo.

We aimed to characterize the morphology and ultrastructure of hemocytes of Nasutitermes coxipoensis (Holmgren) workers and to quantify the cell types 24h, 48h and 72h after inoculation with Metarhizium anisopliae. Six hemocytes types were identified, plasmatocyte, granulocyte, spherulocyte, prohemocyte, adipohemocyte and eonocytoid Hemocytes did not present any morphological alteration at the several observation periods, but they did have a change in their abundance, as observed for spherulocytes, adipohemocytes and eonocytoids at all intervals, and for plasmatocytes and granulocytes at 48h after host inoculation. We argue on the possible reasons and implications of the observed changes.

Animals , Hemocytes/classification , Hemocytes/microbiology , Isoptera/microbiology , Metarhizium/physiology , Time Factors