Esta dissertação destaca a importância da indústria da construção civil na economia global e enfatiza o papel crucial do setor no gerenciamento e minimização do desperdício de resíduos gerados em uma obra de médio porte vertical com finalidade residencial, que é um passo além do desperdício de matéria prima que resulta na geração de resíduos. Os objetivos específicos é identificar a quantidade de resíduo de construção civil (RCC) gerado por m² em cada uma das obras estudadas, caracterizar os fatores que influenciam no desperdício de RCC e por fim, elaborar um guia de boas práticas na construção civil. Devido ao aumento das atividades construtivas, a geração de resíduos sólidos tem crescido proporcionalmente, o que demanda estudos aprofundados sobre a gestão desses resíduos no setor. A falta de capacitação técnica e conscientização dos profissionais do setor tem contribuído significativamente para o desperdício de matéria-prima e a geração excessiva de resíduos. A construção civil é a maior consumidora de recursos naturais não renováveis, e o uso de métodos e procedimentos obsoletos, ainda hoje agrava ainda mais o problema do desperdício de resíduos. No contexto da região de Mogi das Cruzes (SP), a dissertação identifica várias possibilidades de destinação final dos resíduos gerados na construção civil, evidenciando o potencial de reaproveitamento e a contribuição para a redução da pressão antropogênica sobre o meio ambiente nesta localidade. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é contribuir para a área de conhecimento da construção civil, aumentando a eficiência nos canteiros de obras e, consequentemente, reduzindo o desperdício de resíduos. Com foco na questão do desperdício de resíduos, sabendo que este pode ser reaproveitado na própria obra ou enviado a usinas transformadoras foi possível. A dissertação reforça a importância de desenvolver e implementar práticas sustentáveis no setor de construção civil, a fim de garantir a preservação dos recursos naturais para as gerações futuras e promover uma abordagem mais responsável e consciente no gerenciamento dos resíduos gerados nesta indústria. Este projeto gerou, como um produto um guia de boas práticas na construção civil de obras residenciais verticais, concluindo que há possibilidade de promover avanços na melhoria da qualidade da mão de obra em todos os níveis, reduzindo o impacto ambiental em concordância com o desenvolvimento sustentável do setor.
This dissertation highlights the importance of the civil construction industry in the global economy and emphasizes the crucial role of the sector in the management and minimization of the waste of waste generated in a medium-sized vertical work with a residential purpose, which is a step beyond the waste of raw materials. which results in the generation of waste. The specific objectives are to identify the amount of civil construction waste (RCC) generated per m² in each of the works studied, to characterize the factors that influence the waste of RCC and finally, to elaborate a guide of good practices in civil construction. Due to the increase in construction activities, the generation of solid waste has grown proportionally, which demands in-depth studies on the management of this waste in the sector. The lack of technical training and awareness of professionals in the sector has contributed significantly to the waste of raw materials and the excessive generation of waste. Civil construction is the biggest consumer of non-renewable natural resources, and the use of obsolete methods and procedures, even today, further aggravates the problem of lost waste. In the context of the region of Mogi das Cruzes (SP), the dissertation identifies several possibilities for the final destination of waste generated in civil construction, highlighting the potential for reuse and the contribution to reducing anthropogenic pressure on the environment in this location. The main objective of this research is to contribute to the area of knowledge of civil construction, increasing efficiency at construction sites and, consequently, reducing waste. Focusing on the issue of lost waste, knowing that it can be reused on site or sent to processing plants was possible. The dissertation reinforces the importance of developing and implementing sustainable practices in the civil construction sector, in order to guarantee the preservation of natural resources for future generations and to promote a more responsible and conscious approach in the management of waste generated in this industry. This project generated, as a product, a guide to good practices in the civil construction of vertical residential works, concluding that there is the possibility of promoting advances in improving the quality of labor at all levels, reducing the environmental impact in accordance with sustainable development of the sector.
Solid Waste , Construction Industry , Waste ManagementABSTRACT
This study aimed to determine the frequency of infection by intestinal protozoa diagnosed in patients from a clinical analysis laboratory in Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil. This was a retrospective descriptive study, using a database of stool examination results from July to December 2015. The study population consisted of males and females of all ages, from the greater area of Alagoas. Data on epidemiological variables such as age and gender were obtained using a collection instrument. Protozoan species were identified from stool examinations. Results on the prevalence of intestinal parasites are described as simple and relative frequencies. We examined a total of 1277 stool samples, of which 12.69% were positive for one or more protozoa. 43.83% were from men and 56.17% were from women. Endolimax nana was the most prevalent (59.22%) protozoan species followed by Entamoeba coli (23.45%). Although non-pathogenic, they indicate fecal contamination of drinking water. The highest number (23.46%) of infected individuals was observed among children in the 0 to 11 years age group. A high prevalence (93.83%) of monoparasitism was noted. We concluded that there was a high frequency of infection and a high prevalence of E. nana. Infections were more common in women than in men. Our results emphasize the need for preventive measures to control intestinal parasitic infections.
Parasitic Diseases/epidemiology , Infections/parasitologyABSTRACT
Introdução: O Coronavírus é um vírus zoonótico de RNA, tratando-se também de uma família de vírus que causam infecções respiratórias, em que um dos tipos conhecidos é o SARS-CoV-2, que é um novo coronavírus descrito no final de 2019, sendo responsável por provocar a doença chamada de COVID-19. Além do trato respiratório, tal patologia pode afetar vários sistemas orgânicos e dentre esses, o sistema neuromuscular tem sido apontado como alvo do SARS-CoV-2. Objetivo: Verificar se há relação entre a COVID-19 e o surgimento de doenças neuromusculares. Metodologia: Revisão sistemática pelo método PRISMA, com coleta de dados realizada nas bases PubMed e BVS, verificando a relação entre a COVID-19 e o surgimento ou intensificação das doenças neuromusculares. Os artigos coletados foram publicados entre janeiro de 2020 e março de 2021. Foram encontrados 1366 artigos e aprovados 56 para a revisão sistemática. Resultados: 56 estudos apontaram ligação entre a COVID-19 e o desenvolvimento de patologias neuromusculares, destacando-se: Síndrome de Guillain-Barré e suas variações (n=37), Miastenia de Gravis (n=4), Mielite (n=2). Discussão: Em relação a Síndrome de Guillain-Barré e sua associação com a COVID-19, observou-se que os principais sinais e sintomas neuromusculares relatados foram: déficits quantitativos dos reflexos (hiporreflexia ou arreflexia), parestesia, paralisia, diminuição da força muscular, dormência e formigamento. Por conseguinte, notou-se que há diversas relações entre a COVID-19 e o desenvolvimento de doenças ou síndromes neuromusculares. Conclusão: É possível perceber que há forte indícios da relação entre a fisiopatologia da COVID-19 e o surgimento de síndromes neuromusculares, sendo a Síndrome de Guillain-Barré a disfunção mais relatada em diferentes localidades do mundo. Nesse sentido, é interessante o desenvolvimento de pesquisas com maior tamanho amostral, bem como, necessidade de compreensão do mecanismo de ação viral sobre o sistema nervoso, a fim de obter tratamentos mais eficientes para esses quadros clínicos. [au]
Introduction: Coronaviruses are zoonotic RNA viruses, and are also a family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. One of the known types is SARS-CoV-2, a new coronavirus described in late 2019, responsible for causing the COVID-19. Besides the respiratory tract, such pathology can affect several organ systems and among these, the neuromuscular system has been pointed out as a target of SARS-CoV-2. Objective: To determine whether there is a relationship between COVID-19 and the emergence of neuromuscular diseases. Methodology: Systematic review using the PRISMA method, with data collection carried out in PubMed and BVS, verifying the relationship between COVID-19 and the emergence or intensification of neuromuscular diseases. The collected articles were published between January 2020 and March 2021. A total of 1366 articles were found and 56 were approved for the systematic review. Results: 56 studies pointed out a link between COVID-19 and the development of neuromuscular pathologies, highlighting: Guillain-Barré syndrome and its variations (n=37), Gravis myasthenia (n=4), Myelitis (n=2). Discussion: Regarding Guillain-Barré Syndrome and its association with COVID-19, it was observed that the main neuromuscular signs and symptoms reported were: quantitative reflex deficits (hyporeflexia or arreflexia), paresthesia, paralysis, decreased muscle strength, numbness and tingling. Therefore, it was noted that there are several relationships between COVID-19 and the development of neuromuscular diseases or syndromes. Conclusion: It is possible to see that there is strong evidence of a relationship between the pathophysiology of COVID-19 and the emergence of neuromuscular syndromes, with Guillain-Barré Syndrome being the most reported dysfunction in different locations around the world. In this sense, it is interesting the development of research with a larger sample size, as well as the need to understand the mechanism of viral action on the nervous system in order to obtain more efficient treatments for these clinical pictures [au]
Abstract The pursuit of quality of life, which has become marked in recent years, has translated into important population health benefits. This study assessed the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) who received pharmaceutical care, and their satisfaction with the service provided in community pharmacies. This single blind, randomized controlled clinical trial included 100 patients. The intervention group (N=47) received pharmaceutical care by a clinical pharmacist and the control group (N=42) received standard care. The Quality of Life Diabetes Questionnaire (DQOL) was used to measure all participants´ quality of life at study enrollment and six months later. Satisfaction of the participants in the intervention group was measured using a validated 14-items questionnaire. At the end of the study, participants in the intervention group had a statistically significant improvement in DQOL scores ( -0.62 x 1.57, p < 0.001) and were highly satisfied with the intervention (96% excellent satisfaction scores). Pharmaceutical care practice was associated with high satisfaction and increased quality of life scores in T2DM patients. These results underscore the important role of pharmacists to improve the health of diabetic patients.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Patients/classification , Quality of Life , Randomized Controlled Trial , Practice Patterns, Pharmacists'/ethics , Pharmaceutical Services , Patient Satisfaction , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/pathologyABSTRACT
Os testes de hipótese são amplamente empregados para análise de dados na área de ciência do esporte. Porém, existe um questionamento em relação a utilização desse método e a comunidade científica ainda procura soluções mais adequadas para a análise dos dados. De fato, esse tipo de análise não permite uma interpretação prática das mudanças observadas ao longo do tempo. Por conta disso, o cálculo da "in ferência baseada em magnitude" (IBM) vem sendo cada vez mais utilizado por pesquisadores e analistas de desempenho. Em uma perspectiva aplicada, a IBM permite avaliar a probabilidade de se encontrar diferenças relevantes (i.e., meaningful differences) nas variáveis investigadas. Da mesma forma, a IBM permite examinar com precisão as variações individuais e importantes no desempenho esportivo. O objetivo desse ponto de vista é apresentar e discutir a aplicação da IBM a partir das análises individuais. Para tanto o trabalho aborda os seguintes temas: 1) utilização da análise de dados no "mundo real"; 2) inferência baseada em magnitude: conceitos básicos; 3) aplicando a IBM no contexto do esporte; 4) classificações qualitativas com base nas mudanças observadas; 5) formas de se obter a mínima mudança válida importante e o erro típico; 6) análise e interpretação dos dados. Esperamos que o conteúdo apresentado encoraje pesquisadores e profissionais do esporte a implementar esse novo método de análise em suas rotinas diárias e, ao mesmo tempo, lhes auxilie na interpretação dos dados provenientes das avaliações e testes de desempenho.(AU)
Null hypothesis tests are widely used for data analysis in sport science. However, the scientific community has been questioning this method and is still looking for alternative approaches for data analyses. In fact, this type of analysis does not allow practical interpretation of the changes observed in athletic performance over time. Therefore, the magnitude-based inference (MBI) method has been increasingly used by researchers and performance analysts. From an applied perspective, this method allows examining the probability of finding meaningful differences in assessed variables. In addition, the MBI enables precise assessment of individual changes, which may be releva nt to sport performance. The aim of this article is to present and discuss the application of the individual MBI analysis. Based on this purpose, the manuscript covers the following topics: 1) utilization of data analysis in real world settings; 2) basic concepts of the MBI; 3) applying the MBI approach in sport science; 4) qualitative classifications based on observed changes; 5) different methods to determine the smallest worthwhile change and the typical error; 6) data analysis and interpretation. We hope that this study will encourage practitioners and r esearchers to implement this novel statistical approach in their daily routines, for analysis and interpretation of data collected during physical performance measurements.(AU)
Humans , Hypothesis-Testing , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Athletic Performance , Physical Functional Performance , Data Analysis , Sports , AthletesABSTRACT
Aim: This study aimed to verify whether different stage length affects the intensity of the Blood Glucose Threshold (BGT), and the agreement between evaluators for BGT determination. Methods: Fourteen subjects attended the laboratory during the first session to perform anthropometric measures and become familiar with procedures. In the following three sessions, subjects performed an incremental test on the ergometer bicycle and in each test a different protocol was performed in randomized order (1, 3- and 5-min stage) to identify BGT. Three different evaluators determined the BGT. Results: Our data show that the BGT is stage length-dependent (1, 3- and 5-min; P<0.0001). The intraclass correlation coefficient showed that there was a strong correlation among evaluators for all protocols (ICC = 0.8 to 1 min; ICC = 0.8 to 3 min; and ICC 0.9 to 5 min). However, one evaluator determined the BGT at a higher intensity than others. The peak load was lower at long stage length. Conclusion: We concluded that stage length influences the BGT intensity determination. The BGT presents a good agreement among evaluators. However, a minimum of two evaluators is needed for BGT determination. The peak load is affected by stage length.(AU)
Humans , Glycemic Control/methods , Anthropometry/instrumentation , Differential Threshold , Exercise Test/instrumentationABSTRACT
ABSTRACT The ice application (cooling) has become popular during physical activities to improve performance. This study aimed to test whether different cooling places could increase the number of repetitions (volume) during resistance training with blood flow restriction (BFR). Ten women volunteered for this study. The sample characterization is presented in mean and standard deviation: age: 28.5 ± 8.6 years; height: 164.6 ± 8.3 cm; total body mass: 61.5 ± 7.1 maximal dynamic strength test (1RM): 236.5 ± 54.8 kg; 30% 1RM: 71.6 ± 16.5; SBP: 124.7 ± 7.7 mm Hg; 1.3 x SBP: 161.8 ± 10.4 mm Hg. The subjects performed five sessions of resistance exercise with BFR. Three sets were held in each session, with the intensity of 30% of 1RM until muscle failure; and 30-second rest period between sets. The cooling sites were: hands, neck, and tunnel temperature. One session without cooling was done and considered as a control group. There was neither difference in the total number of repetitions of repetitions among interventions, nor a significant difference among interventions for RPE (P = 0.49). Therefore, we do not recommend cooling to maintain a high number of repetitions during strength training with BFR.
RESUMO A aplicação do gelo (resfriamento) tem sido uma estratégia popular durante as atividades físicas para aumentar o desempenho. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar se diferentes locais de resfriamento podem aumentar o número de repetições (volume) durante o treinamento resistido com restrição do fluxo sanguíneo (RFS). Dez mulheres se voluntariaram para este estudo. A caracterização da amostra é apresentada em média e desvio padrão: idade: 28,5 ± 8,6 anos; estatura: 164,6 ± 8,3 cm; massa corporal total: 61,5 ± 7,1; teste de força muscular dinâmica (1RM): 236,5 ± 54,8kg; 30% 1RM: 71,6 ± 16,5; PAS: 124,7 ± 7,7 mm Hg; 1,3 x PAS: 161,8 ± 10,4 mmHg, participaram do estudo. Os sujeitos realizaram cinco sessões de exercício resistido com RFS. Três séries foram realizadas em cada sessão, com a intensidade de 30% de 1RM até falha muscular e 30 segundos de descanso entre as séries. Os locais de resfriamento foram: mãos, pescoço e temperatura do túnel. Uma sessão sem resfriamento foi realizada e considerada como grupo controle. Não houve diferença no número total de repetições entre as intervenções, nem diferença entre as intervenções para percepção subjetiva de esforço (P = 0,49). Portanto, nós não recomendamos o resfriamento para manter um alto número de repetições durante o treinamento de força com restrição do fluxo sanguíneo.
Humans , Female , Adult , Time , Blood Circulation , Cold Temperature/methods , Resistance Training , Body Weight , Exercise , Athletic Performance , Arterial Pressure , IceABSTRACT
Abstract Aims: To determine lactate threshold (LT) by three different methods (visual inspection, algorithmic adjustment, and Dmax) during an incremental protocol performed in the leg press 45° and to evaluate correlation and agreement among these different methods. Methods: Twenty male long-distance runners participated in this study. Firstly, participants performed the dynamic force tests in one-repetition maximum (1RM). In the next session, completed an incremental protocol consisted of progressive stages of 1 min or 20 repetitions with increments of 10, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40% 1RM. From 40% 1RM, increments corresponding to 10% 1RM were performed until a load in which the participants could not complete the 20 repetitions. A rest interval of 2 min was observed between each stage for blood collection and adjustment of the workloads for the next stage. Results: Our results showed no significant difference in relative load (% 1RM), good correlations, and high intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) between algorithmic adjustment and Dmax (p = 0.680, r = 0.92; ICC = 0.959), algorithmic adjustment and visual inspection (p = 0.266, r = 0.91; ICC = 0.948), and Dmax and visual inspection (p = 1.000, r = 0.88; ICC = 0.940). In addition, the Bland-Altman plot and linear regression showed agreement between algorithmic adjustment and Dmax (r2 = 0.855), algorithmic adjustment and visual inspection (r2 = 0.834), and Dmax and visual inspection (r2 = 0.781). Conclusion: The good correlation and high agreement among three methods suggest their applicability to determine LT during an incremental protocol performed in the leg press 45°. However, the best agreement found between mathematical methods suggests better accuracy.
Humans , Running , Anaerobic Threshold , Endurance Training , Algorithms , AnthropometryABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To describe cervical cancer mortality rates and their corresponding trends, and to analyze the spatial correlations of this type of cancer in Natal-RN, Brazil, between 2000 and 2012. Materials and Methods The simple linear regression model, the empirical Bayes method and the Global Moran's index were used for the statistical analysis. Results The mortality coefficient of cervical cancer in Natal, standardized by age range, was 5.5 per 100 000 women. All historical series for the coefficients studied were classified as stable. The Global Moran's index obtained was 0.048, with a p-value for the spatial test correlation between neighborhoods of 0.300. The average family income by neighborhood showed no significant correlation to cervical cancer mortality rates. Conclusion This study found a temporal stabilization and spatial independence trend of cervical cancer mortality rates in women from Natal, as well as the absence of correlation between these rates and the average family income of the of the participating women distributed by neighborhoods. In view of this, changes in the public policies should be made aimed at preventing the disease; adopting these measures could positively impact the screening program, improving the coverage of Pap smears and immunization campaigns against HPV, in order to reverse this trend and achieve a reduction of mortality rates.(AU)
RESUMEN Objetivo Describir las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer de cuello uterino y sus tendencias, así como analizar las correlaciones espaciales de este tipo de cáncer en Natal-RN, Brasil, entre 2000 y 2012. Materiales y Métodos Para el análisis estadístico se utilizaron el modelo de regresión lineal simple, la estimación empírica de Bayes y el índice Moran Global. Resultados La tasa de mortalidad por cáncer de cuello uterino en Natal, estandarizado por rango de edad, fue 5.5 por cada 100 000 mujeres. Todas las series históricas para los coeficientes estudiados se clasificaron como estables. El índice Moran Global obtenido fue 0.048, con un valor p de 0.300 para la correlación de prueba espacial entre vecindarios. El ingreso familiar promedio por vecindario no mostró correlación significativa con las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer de cuello uterino. Conclusión En este estudio se observó una tendencia temporal de estabilización e independencia espacial de la tasa de mortalidad por cáncer cervical en mujeres de Natal, así como la ausencia de correlación entre estas tasas y el ingreso familiar promedio de las mujeres participantes, distribuidas por vecindarios de la ciudad. En vista de esto, se sugiere que se adopten cambios en las políticas públicas dirigidas a la prevención de la enfermedad que apunten a medidas que puedan tener un impacto positivo en el programa de monitoreo, mejorando la cobertura de la prueba de Papanicolaou, así como de las campañas de vacunación contra el VPH, con el objetivo de revertir esta tendencia y lograr una reducción en las tasas de mortalidad de la enfermedad.(AU)
Humans , Female , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/mortality , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/prevention & control , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/epidemiology , Immunization Programs/supply & distribution , Papanicolaou Test/instrumentation , Bayes Theorem , Spatio-Temporal AnalysisABSTRACT
Abstract Training near or at ventilatory threshold (VT) is an adequate stimulus to improve the thresholds for sedentary subjects, but a higher intensity is necessary for conditioned subjects. The choice of cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPx) protocol has an influence on VTs identification and can reduce their reliability for exercise prescription. This study tested if VO2 and heart rate (HR) corresponding to first (VT1) and second ventilatory threshold (VT2) determined during a ramp protocol were equivalent to those observed in rectangular load exercises at the same intensity in runners elite athletes (EA) and non-athletes (NA). Eighteen health subjects were divided into two groups: EA (n = 9, VO2max 68.6 mL·kg-1·min-1) and NA (n = 9, VO2max 47.2 mL·kg-1·min-1). They performed CPx and 48h and 96h later, a continuous running lasting 1 h for VT1 and until exhaustion for VT2. The results showed that EA at VT1 session, presented delta differences for VO2 (+9.1%, p = 0.125) vs. NA (+20.5%, p = 0.012). The Bland-Altman plots for VT1 presented biases of (4.4 ± 6.9) and (5.5 ± 5.6 mLO2·kg-1·min-1) for AE and NA, respectively. In VT2, the VO2 and HR of the NA showed biases of (0.4 ± 2.9 mLO2·kg-1·min-1) and (4.9 ± 4.2 bpm). The ramp protocol used in this study was inappropriate for NA because it underestimates the values of VO2 and HR at VT1 found in the rectangular load exercise. The HR showed good agreement at VT2 with CPx and may be a good parameter for controlling exercise intensity.
Resumo O treinamento no limiar ventilatório (LV) é um estímulo adequado para melhorar os limiares em indivíduos sedentários, entretanto uma maior intensidade é necessária para indivíduos condicionados. A escolha do protocolo de teste de exercício cardiopulmonar (CPx) tem influência na identificação dos LV e pode reduzir sua confiabilidade na prescrição do exercício. Este estudo testouse o VO2 e a frequência cardíaca (FC) correspondentes ao primeiro (LV1) e segundo limiar ventilatório (LV2) determinados durante um protocolo de rampa foram equivalentes àqueles observados em exercícios de carga retangular nas mesmas intensidades em atletas corredores de elite (AE) e não atletas (NA). Dezoito homens saudáveis foram divididos em dois grupos: AE (n = 9, VOmax 68,6 mL·kg-1·min-1) e NA (n = 9, VO2max 47,2 mL·kg-1·min-1). Eles realizaram CPx e 48h e 96h depois, uma corrida contínua com duração de 1 h para o LV1 e até a exaustão para o LV2. O grupo AE na sessão LV1, apresentou diferenças de delta para VO2(+ 9,1%, p = 0,125) vs. NA (+ 20,5%, p = 0,012). Bland-Altman para LV1 apresentaram vieses de (4,4 ± 6,9) e (5,5 ± 5,6 mLO2·kg-1·min-1) para AE e NA, respectivamente. No LV2, o VO2 e a FC do NA apresentaram vieses de (0,4 ± 2,9) mLO2·kg-1·min-1 e (4,9 ± 4,2) bpm. O protocolo de rampa utilizado foi inadequado para NA pois subestima os valores de VO2 e FC em LV1 encontrados no exercício de carga retangular. A FC exibiu boa concordância no LV2 e pode ser um bom parâmetro para controlar a intensidade do exercício.
Abstract INTRODUCTION: The detection of Trypanosoma cruzi in tissue samples is important in many situations, such as testing of the reactivation of the infection. The detection of T. cruzi nests in endomyocardial biopsies (EMB) may be useful to evaluate graft rejection. Given their scarcity, such nests are not routinely identified. To increase the diagnosis sensitivity, immunohistochemistry (IHC) may serve as a promising strategy. Here, we validate an antiserum for the detection of T. cruzi infection by IHC. METHODS: We used 1) positive controls (PCs) - 13 EMB, 12 skin biopsies, and 1 heart with T. cruzi nests as sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE); 2) negative controls - a) 10 explant hearts and 10 EMB with no amastigote nests or clinical/laboratory signs of chagasic infection; and b) eight samples with leishmaniasis, toxoplasmosis, or histoplasmosis; and 3) Cases - 31 EMB of chagasic patients with no parasite nests in HE sections but detected positive for T. cruzi DNA by polymerase chain reaction. As a primary antibody, a hyperimmune serum from T. cruzi-infected rabbits was used. RESULTS: IHC results were positive for 21 of 26 PCs (80.8%) and one case of cutaneous leishmaniasis. In 4 of 31 cases, IHC revealed nests (12.9%), which were undetected by conventional histological examination. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that IHC with the tested antiserum increases the sensitivity of the diagnosis and may be recommended for routine use in EMB analyses of cardiac transplant patients with Chagas disease.
Humans , Trypanosoma cruzi/immunology , Antibodies, Protozoan/blood , DNA, Protozoan/analysis , Chagas Disease/diagnosis , Endocardium/parasitology , Antibodies, Monoclonal/blood , Biopsy , Immunohistochemistry , Case-Control Studies , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Sensitivity and Specificity , Antibody FormationABSTRACT
AIM: The aim of this study was to describe the behavior of different cardiopulmonary variables in exercise session with constant running speed, corresponding to the intensity of ventilatory anaerobic threshold and identifying the steady state in a different level of performance. METHODS: A cross-sectional study with nine elite athletes (31 ± 5.7 years, 1.7 ± 0.05 meters and O2max 68.6 ± 3.2 mL·kg-1·min-1) and nine non-athletes (32 ± 10 years, 1.8 ± 0.1 meters and O2max 47.2± 4.4 mL·kg-1·min-1). Two visits to the laboratory have been conducted. Firstly, cardiopulmonary exercise testing until voluntary exhaustion took place to identify ventilatory thresholds and maximum oxygen consumption (O2max) and secondly, there was a running session for 1 hour in ventilatory anaerobic threshold speed, with continuous measurement of exhaled gases. A range of 5% (∆5%) for VO2 and PetCO2 was used; 5.5% (∆5.5%) for VE and 3% (∆3%) for respiratory exchange ratio (RER) and one-way ANOVA with statistical significance of p ≤ 0.05 to identify the steady state of results. RESULTS: A session with constant speed related to ventilatory anaerobic threshold intensity showed similarity in the steady state of ventilatory variables except for RER in the NA group (p ≤ 0.05). CONCLUSION: It was possible to identify the steady state from ventilatory variables related to ventilatory anaerobic threshold intensity that occurred independently of the physical performance level.(AU)
Humans , Adult , Athletic Performance/physiology , Exercise/physiology , Running/physiologyABSTRACT
Abstract: INTRODUCTION Natural and artificial ecotope infestation by the kissing bug triatomines and their colonization and infection by Trypanosoma cruzi , the Chagas disease agent, were evaluated in nine municipalities of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. METHODS Following identification, triatomine intestinal contents were analyzed by direct microscopic examination, xenoculture, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for parasite detection. Trypanosoma cruzi isolates were genotyped using three different markers. RESULTS Of 842 triatomines captured, 65% were Triatoma brasiliensis , 17.8% Triatoma pseudomaculata , 12.5% Panstrongylus lutzi , and 4.7% Rhodnius nasutus . Triatoma brasiliensis and P. lutzi adults were found in the intradomicile. T. brasiliensis, T. pseudomaculata , and R. nasutus nymphs and adults were found in the peridomicile and wild environment. Intradomiciliary and peridomiciliary infestation indexes were 5.6% and 33.7%, respectively. In the peridomicile, chicken coops were the most infested ecotope. The T. cruzi triatomine infection rate was 30.2%, of which PCR detected 29%. P . lutzi (78.1%), T . brasiliensis (24.5%), and T . pseudomaculata (22.7%) were the most infected species. TcII and III genotypes were detected in T. brasiliensis and TcIII in P. lutzi . CONCLUSIONS T. brasiliensis was found in all environments and most ecotopes with high T. cruzi infection rates. High infection rates were also detected in T . pseudomaculata and P. lutzi , suggesting their role in the interchange between the wild and peridomestic transmission cycles. The combination of PCR, microscopic examination, and xenoculture contributed to improving T. cruzi infection evaluation in triatomine bugs. The TcII and TcIII genotypes were predominant in the study area.
Animals , Panstrongylus/parasitology , Rhodnius/parasitology , Triatoma/parasitology , Trypanosoma cruzi/isolation & purification , Insect Vectors/parasitology , Panstrongylus/genetics , Rhodnius/genetics , Triatoma/genetics , Brazil , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Chagas Disease/transmission , Genotype , Insect Vectors/classificationABSTRACT
O esporte e a atividade física no Brasil estão expandindo em número de participantes e em diversificação de atividades. Nesta expansão se inclui o ramo de academias, no qual o Brasil está em quarto lugar no mercado mundial. Embora o Educador Físico (EF) pudesse ser beneficiado por esta expansão, isto não ocorre. E mesmo sendo destacado como agente promotor de saúde e qualidade de vida, são raras as pesquisas acerca de como a saúde e a qualidade de vida do EF são afetadas pela sua atuação profissional e condições de trabalho. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi trazer à evidência científica aspectos da atuação profissional e condições de trabalho do EF atuante em academias de Brasília (DF), sendo utilizada pesquisa descritiva com questionário semiaberto (n = 53). Verificou-se que o vertiginoso crescimento do ramo de academias, inclusive como lócus de trabalho preferencial dos recém-formados, não corresponde a melhores condições de trabalho para os EFs, haja vista a presença de informalidade, precarização, intensificação e flexibilização do trabalho, conduzindo o EF a trabalhar em diversos empregos [EFs possuem em média dois empregos (54,7%), havendo EFs com quatro empregos (9,4%)], gerando desgastes à sua saúde, caracterizando um contrassenso à essência da profissão. Denota-se condições de trabalho nem sempre favoráveis, mas mascaradas pela realização pessoal advinda da escolha vocacional da profissão. Foi verificada baixa conscientização, mobilização e criticidade dos EFs perante esta realidade, embora alguns tenham indicado o desejo de abandono da profissão. É necessário o estabelecimento de uma nova contratualidade
Sport and physical activity in Brazil are expanding in number of participants and diversification of activities. This expansion includes the branch of fitness facility, in which Brazil is fourth in the world market. Although the Physical Educator (PE) could be benefited by this expansion, this does not occur. And even being highlighted as a promoter of health and quality of life, there are little research on how the health and quality of life of PE are affected by their professional acting and working conditions. The objective of this research was to bring for scientific evidence some aspects of professional acting and working conditions of PE that work in fitness facility of Brasília (DF), being used descriptive research with semi-open questionnaire (n = 53). It was found that the rapid growth of fitness facility, including these places as the preferred locus to work of newly formed, does not correspond to better working conditions for PEs, due the presence of informality, precariousness, intensification and flexibilization of work, leading PE to work at various jobs [PEs have an average of two jobs (54.7%), and others PEs have 4 jobs (9.4%)], causing wear to your health, a contradiction to the essence of the profession. We denote the working conditions are not always favorable, but masked by the personal fulfillment of the vocational choice of profession. Low awareness, mobilization and criticality of PEs face this reality was verified, although some have indicated a desire to abandon the profession. The establishing a new contractuality is required
Humans , Physical Education and Training , Professional Practice , Quality of Life , Fitness Centers , Job MarketABSTRACT
The aim of this study was to compare the velocities found in the protocols used to measure the indirect individual anaerobic threshold (IATind), glucose threshold (GT) and critical velocity (CV) with the gold standard, the maximum lactate steady state (MLSS) protocol. Fourteen physically active young adults (23±3.1 years; 72±10.97 kg; 176±7 cm; 21±5.36% body fat) performed a 3000-m track running test to determine IATind using the prediction equation and an incremental test on a treadmill to determine GT. The CV was identified by linear regression of the distance-time relationship based on 3000-m and 500-m running performance. The MLSS was identified using two to five tests on different days to identify the intensity at which there was no increase in blood lactate concentration greater than 1 mmol/L between the 10th and 30th minute. A significant difference was observed between mean CV and MLSS (P≤0.05) and there was a high correlation between MLSS and IATind (R2=0.82; P≤0.01) and between MLSS and GT (R2=0.72; P≤0.01). The Bland-Altman method showed agreement between MLSS and IATind [mean difference -0.24 (confidence interval -1.72 to 1.24) km/h] and between MLSS and GT [0.21 (-1.26 to 1.29) km/h]. We conclude that the IATind and GT can predict MLSS velocity with good accuracy, thus making the identification of MLSS practical and efficient to prescribe adequate intensities of aerobic exercise.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar as velocidades encontradas nos protocolos de Limiar Anaeróbio Individual Indireto (LAIind), Limiar Glicêmico (LG) e Velocidade Crítica (VC) com o padrão ouro, o protocolo de identificação da máxima fase estável do lactato (MFEL). Participaram 14 adultos jovens fisicamente ativos (23±3,1 anos; 72±10,97 kg; 1,76±0,07 m; 21±5,36 % gordura corporal) que realizaram um teste de 3000m em pista para determinar o LAIind através de equação de predição; teste incremental em esteira ergométrica para determinação do LG; a VC foi identificada por regressão linear através da relação distância-tempo com base no desempenho em corridas nas distâncias de 3.000m e 500m; a MFEL foi identificada utilizando de dois a cinco testes em dias distintos até encontrar a intensidade onde não houve aumento da concentração de lactato sanguíneo maior que 1 mmol.L-1 entre os minutos 10 e 30. Houve diferença estatística entre os valores médios da VC e a MFEL (P≤0,05), elevada correlação entre MFEL e LAIind (R2=0,82; P≤0.01) e MFEL e LG (R2=0,72; P≤0.01). Através do método Bland-Altman foram encontradas as concordâncias entre MFEL e LAIind [diferença média -0,24 (intervalo de confiança -1,72 a 1,24) km/h] e MFEL e LG [0,21 (-1,26 a 1,29) km/h]. Concluímos que o LAIind e o LG são testes que podem predizer com boa precisão a velocidade da MFEL, tornando sua identificação prática e eficiente para prescrição de intensidades adequadas para o treinamento aeróbio.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar os efeitos da ingestão de cafeína (CAF) sobre a velocidade de corrida (VC) referente à intensidade do primeiro limiar ventilatório (LV1) e velocidade máxima de corrida (Vmáx). Para tanto, oito mulheres saudáveis, ativas fisicamente, realizaram dois testes incrementais máximos (TImáx) em esteira ergométrica em duas condições diferentes, sob ingestão de CAF e placebo (PLA). Para contrastar os dados, utilizou-se o teste t de Student pareado. Houve diferença significativa (P ≤0,05) na VC (PLA 7,87 ± 1,72 km/h, CAF 8,50 ± 1,69 km/h), na frequência cardíaca (PLA 152,37 ± 21,41 bpm, CAF 167,00 ± 14,71 bpm) e na VE (PLA 31,40 ± 8,53 L/min, CAF 34,46 ± 9,52 L/min), na intensidade referente ao LV1. Diferentemente, na Vmáx não foram observadas diferenças significativas na VC, FC e vetilação (VE) em ambas as condições. É possível concluir que a VC, FC e VE foram modificadas com a suplementação de CAF na intensidade do LV1, mas não na Vmáx.
The present study aimed to investigate the effects of caffeine (CAF) ingestion on running speed (RS) on the intensity of the first ventilatory threshold (VT1) and maximum running speed (Vmax). Therefore, eight healthy women, physically active performed two maximal incremental tests (TImax) on the treadmill at two different conditions under CAF intake and placebo (PLA). To contrast the data, we used the paired Student t test. There were statistically significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) in RS (PLA 7.87 ± 1.72 km / h, 8.50 ± 1.69 CAF km / h), heart rate (PLA 152.37 ± 21.41 bpm, CAF 167.00 ± 14.71 bpm) and LV (PLA 31.40 ± 8.53 L / min, CAF 34.46 ± 9.52 L / min), the intensity for the VT1. In contrast, the Vmax were not significant differences in VC, HR and ventilation (VE) in both conditions. It is possible to conclude that the VC, VE and HR were modified with the supplementation of CAF in the intensity of VT1, but not in the Vmax.
Humans , Female , Adult , Caffeine , Exercise , Exercise Test , Running , Infant Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Performance-Enhancing SubstancesABSTRACT
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The Papanicolaou (Pap) test has been shown to be effective in preventing cervical cancer. However, both the national and international literature shows that Pap testing has not reached the level of coverage desired. The objective of this study was to assess women's knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding the Pap test and to investigate whether there are any associations between these three factors and the women's sociodemographic characteristics. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional descriptive study conducted in Floriano, Piauí. METHODS : The study was conducted among 493 women between November 2009 and December 2010. A questionnaire with precoded questions was sed, and the responses were analyzed in terms of appropriateness in relation to the Pap test. RESULTS : The degrees of adequacy of knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding the Pap test were 36.7%, 67.2% and 69.6%, respectively. Among the main barriers against testing, absence of symptoms and a sense of embarrassment were the most notable. CONCLUSIONS: Women who visit doctors periodically had the most appropriate practices regarding the Pap test, but their knowledge of the procedure was poor. This suggests that these women were not receiving adequate information about the benefits of periodic testing. .
CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: O exame de Papanicolaou já mostrou efetividade na prevenção de câncer do colo do útero. A literatura nacional e internacional tem mostrado que o exame de Papanicolaou não tem alcançado o índice de cobertura desejado. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas entre mulheres em relação ao exame de Papanicolaou e verificar se existe associação entre esses comportamentos e as características sociodemográficas. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo descritivo e transversal realizado em Floriano, Piauí. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi conduzido com 493 mulheres no período de novembro de 2009 a dezembro de 2010. Utilizou-se m questionário com perguntas precodificadas, cujas respostas foram analisadas quanto à adequação dos comportamentos em relação ao exame. RESULTADOS: Os graus de adequação dos conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas em relação ao exame foram de 36,7%, 67,2% e 69,6%, respectivamente. Dentre as principais barreiras para a sua realização, destacaram-se a ausência de sintomas e a vergonha. CONCLUSÃO: As mulheres que realizam consultas periodicamente apresentam prática mais adequada, porém com baixa adequação de conhecimentos frente ao procedimento, sugerindo que não estejam recebendo as informações adequadas sobre os benefícios da realização periódica do exame de Papanicolaou. .
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Papanicolaou Test/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Surveys and Questionnaires , Socioeconomic Factors , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/prevention & control , Women's HealthABSTRACT
O objetivo deste texto é apresentar o curso de Bacharelado em Educação Física - Modalidade Saúde da Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Campus Baixada Santista. O referido curso iniciou suas atividades em 2006, almejando a formação de um profissional que esteja habilitado às demandas do universo do sistema de saúde. Em sua estrutura curricular, o curso apresenta 4 eixos: O ser humano em sua dimensão biológica; O ser humano e sua inserção social; Trabalho em Saúde, e; Aproximação à prática específica de Educação Física. Após formatura de quatro turmas o curso passa por avaliação de seu Projeto Pedagógico, entendendo a necessidade de adequações que permitam fortalecer a formação em Educação Física e saúde na instituição. Contudo, os resultados iniciais suportam a continuidade do projeto pedagógico, o qual se compreende adequado para a formação de um profissional disposto ao diálogo interdisciplinar e ao trabalho interprofissional no sistema de saúde.
The propose of this paper is to present the course of Bachelor of Physical Education - Health Modality of Federal University of São Paulo - Campus Baixada Santista. This course began activities in 2006, aiming the formation of a professional who is qualified to the demands of the health care´s universe. The curriculum of the course has 4 axes: The Human in its Biological Dimension; Human Being and their Social Integration; Health Work, and; Approach to the Specific Practice of Physical Education. After graduation of four classes, the course undergoes to a curricular reevaluation, understanding the need for adjustments for strengthening the formation in Physical Education and Health at the institution. However, the initial results support the continuity of the education program, which it shows suitable to the formation of a professional willing to the interdisciplinary dialogue and to the interprofessional work in the health system.
Health , Physical Education and Training , Staff DevelopmentABSTRACT
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o desempenho motor de homens e mulheres em diferentes intervalos de recuperação em séries múltiplas a 70% de 1-RM. Quatorze indivíduos, sete homens (21,5 ± 0,6 anos; 76,2 ± 2,5 kg; 176,4 ± 6,4 cm) e sete mulheres (19,6 ± 0,7 anos; 66,3 ± 2,1 kg; 163,1 ± 6,7 cm), executaram três séries a 70% de 1-RM no exercício supino em banco horizontal e extensão de perna, com intervalos de 60 e 90 s entre as séries. Anova fatorial identificou interação significante série vs. intervalo (F = 17,56; P < 0,001) e o efeito principal do exercício (F = 7,04; P < 0,021), sem diferenças entre os sexos (F = 0,17; P = 0,691). Os resultados sugerem que a queda de desempenho motor induzida por séries múltiplas a 70% de 1-RM é semelhante em homens e mulheres, independente dos intervalos de recuperação adotados entre as séries.
The objective of this study was to analyze the motor performance of men and women at different rest intervals in multiple sets at 70% 1-RM. Fourteen individuals, seven males (21.5 ± 0.6 years, 76.2 ± 2.5 kg, 176.4 ± 6.4 cm) and seven females (19.6 ± 0.7 years, 66.3 ± 2.1 kg, 163.1 ± 6.7 cm) performed three sets at 70% 1-RM in the bench press and leg extension, with intervals of 60 and 90s between the sets. The factorial ANOVA evidenced significant interaction of set vs. rest interval (F = 17.56, P < 0.001) and the main effect of exercise (F = 7.04, P < 0.021), without differences between the sexes (F = 0.17, P = 0.691). The results suggested that the reduction in motor performance induced by multiple sets at 70% 1-RM is similar in men and women, regardless of the rest intervals between the sets.