Objective@#To investigate the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections among five high-risk populations in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, so as to provide insights into improvements in the control strategy for hepatitis C. @*Methods@#The detection of anti-HCV antibody was collected from patients receiving renal dialysis, patients receiving invasive diagnosis and treatment in hospitals, physical examination populations, unpaid blood donors and subjects admitted to family planning clinics in national hepatitis C surveillance sentinels in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region from 2013 to 2021, and the year-, gender- and age-specific prevalence of anti-HCV antibody was analyzed. @*Results@#The mean prevalence of anti-HCV antibody was 2.19%, 1.81%, 0.05%, 0.10% and 0.03% among 3 600 patients receiving renal dialysis, 3 600 patients receiving invasive diagnosis and treatment in hospitals, 18 000 physical examination populations, 18 000 volunteer blood donors and 3 600 subjects admitted to family planning clinics, respectively. The prevalence of anti-HCV antibody appeared a tendency towards a decline among patients receiving renal dialysis (χ2trend=49.065, P<0.001) and volunteer blood donors (χ2trend=11.419, P=0.001). The prevalence of anti-HCV antibody was higher among male patients receiving invasive diagnosis and treatment in hospitals than among females (2.34% vs. 1.36%; χ2=4.826, P=0.028), and no gender-specific prevalence of anti-HCV antibody was seen among other four high-risk populations (all P>0.05). The highest prevalence of anti-HCV antibody was detected among patients receiving renal dialysis (3.30%) and patients receiving invasive diagnosis and treatment in hospitals at ages of 50 to 59 years (3.35%), while the highest prevalence was found among physical examination populations at ages of 60 years and greater (0.18%). @*Conclusion@#The prevalence of anti-HCV antibody was high among patients receiving renal dialysis and patients receiving invasive diagnosis and treatment in hospitals and low among physical examination populations, volunteer blood donors and subjects admitted to family planning clinics in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region from 2013 to 2021. Periodical monitoring of anti-HCV antibody is recommended among the elderly.