Aim To establish a mouse breast cancer model stab-ly expressing HER2. Methods 4T1-Luc mouse breast cancer cell line was transfected with the full-length human HER2 gene and selected with G418. The HER2 expression in 4T1-Luc stable cells was detected by fluorescence-activated cell sorting ( FACS) and Western blot. 4T1-Luc/HER2 cells were implanted into the mammary fat pads of BALB/c or nude mice. After tumor stabili-zation, mice were randomly assigned into 4 groups for treatment with PBS control, chA21, Trastuzumab, or chA21 plus Trastu-zumab. Tumor volumes were measured and tumor growth inhibi-tion ratios were calculated twice a week. At the end of experi-ment, tumor metastasis in mice was detected by bioluminescence imaging technology. Results Several 4T1-Luc/HER2 stable cell clones were obtained after G418 selection. FACS and West-ern blot analysis showed that all clones expressed HER2 protein at high levels. These 4T1-Luc/HER2 clones showed good tumor-igenicity in mice with steady tumor growth after one week of cell implantation. After 2-3 weeks, metastatic tumor cells were seen in the lung, cheek and groin areas. In BALB/c mice, the tumor growth inhibition ratio was 43. 3% in chA21 plus Trastuzumab group (P<0. 05 vs PBS control), which was higher than chA21 group (11. 1%) or Trastuzumab group (23%). In addition, the luminescence number and density of tumor metastases in lungs were significantly reduced in the antibody combination group. Conclusions The mouse model of spontaneously metastasizing breast cancer with HER2 overexpression is successfully estab-lished. The preliminary study suggests that anti-HER2 antibody combination of chA21 and Trastuzumab has excellent inhibitory effects on tumor growth and metastasis.