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Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 531-536, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987359


ObjectiveTo investigate the status and influencing factors of medication adherence in patients with severe mental disorders in Zhengzhou, so as to provide references for the formulation of prevention and treatment measures for severe mental disorders. MethodsFrom March to June 2021, a stratified multistage cluster sampling method was applied to select 342 patients from the National Information System for Severe Mental Disorders in Zhengzhou. The general demographic data of patients were collected via self-designed questionnaire, and the medication status was investigated, then the influential factors were summarized. The differences in influential factors of medication adherence were compared between the medication adherence group and the medication non-adherence group. Thereafter, Logistic regression analysis was applied to explore the factors influencing medication adherence. ResultsA total of 320 patients were included in the final analysis, altogether 76.56% of patients (n=245) complied with medication. The differences between patients in the medication adherence group and those in the medication non-adherence group were statistically significant in terms of residence, occupation, and outpatient chronic disease reimbursement (χ2=14.015, 7.502, 13.106, P<0.05 or 0.01). In the questionnaire of influential factors on medication adherence, there were statistically significant differences in the scores of lack of insight, stigma and drug-related factors between the two groups (Z=7.588, 2.379, 2.893, P<0.05 or 0.01). Outpatient chronic disease reimbursement was a protective factor for medication adherence (OR=2.727, 95% CI: 1.320~5.634, P<0.01), while rural residence (OR=0.465, 95% CI: 0.221~0.977, P<0.05) and lack of insight (OR=0.398, 95% CI: 0.286~0.553, P<0.01) were risk factors for medication adherence. ConclusionPatients with severe mental disorders in Zhengzhou have a high rate of medication adherence, moreover, the outpatient chronic disease reimbursement, lack of insight and residence may be influencing factors for medication adherence in patients with severe mental disorders.