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Rev. chil. infectol ; 41(1): 176-183, feb. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559668


Las enfermedades causadas por amebas de vida libre son infecciones oportunistas que pueden tener un curso fatal. Pueden producir afecciones diseminadas graves con compromiso del sistema nervioso central, como la encefalitis amebiana granulomatosa. Esta infección es cada vez más frecuente en América Latina, aunque se reconocen tardíamente debido a la similitud con otras patologías o porque es inusual incluirla en el diagnóstico diferencial. Comunicamos un caso fatal de una encefalitis amebiana granulomatosa por Balamuthia mandrillaris en una niña de 10 años. Destacamos la gravedad de la afectación cerebral y la falta de esquemas antimicrobianos validados para su tratamiento. Hoy en el mundo esta infección es considerada una enfermedad emergente, influenciada por el cambio climático, lo que llama a estar atentos a su presencia.

Diseases caused by free-living amoebae are opportunistic infections that can have a fatal course. They can cause very serious disseminated conditions with involvement of the central nervous system such as granulomatous amoebic encephalitis. This infection has become more common in Latin America, although its recognition is late due to the similarity with other pathological conditions or because it is unusual to include it in the differential diagnosis. We report a fatal case of granulomatous amoebic encephalitis due to Balamuthia mandrillaris in a 10-year-old girl. We highlight the severity of the brain involvement and the lack of validated schemes for its treatment. Today in the world this infection is considered an emerging disease, influenced by climate change, which calls for being attentive to its presence.

Humans , Female , Child , Infectious Encephalitis/diagnosis , Amebiasis/diagnosis , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Fatal Outcome , Balamuthia mandrillaris/isolation & purification , Balamuthia mandrillaris/genetics , Infectious Encephalitis/diagnostic imaging , Amebiasis/diagnostic imaging
Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(5): 447-454, oct. 2023. tab, mapas, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521865


INTRODUCCIÓN: El año 2020, la tuberculosis (TB) fue responsable por 9,9 millones de nuevos casos y 1,5 millones de muertes en el mundo. En Chile, se ha reportado aumento en las tasas de incidencia en los últimos años, con gran concentración de casos en la Región Metropolitana (RM). OBJETIVO: Evaluar la relación espacio-temporal de la TB pulmonar con variables socioeconómicas en la RM de Chile. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Estudio ecológico desarrollado entre los años 2016 y 2020. Los casos se obtuvieron desde el Ministerio de Salud (n = 4.370), describiéndose según: sexo, edad, año de confirmación diagnóstica, servicio de salud y comuna de residencia. Se utilizó análisis de componentes principales para la construcción de factores socioeconómicos comunales. La asociación entre factores y TB pulmonar se evaluó con un modelo binominal negativo multinivel. RESULTADOS: Se observó aumento en la tasa de incidencia (9,97 a 10,74 casos por 100 mil), disminución de la incidencia en personas ≥ 65 años (17,56 a 13,38) y en el promedio de edad (46,03 a 41,77 años). El factor caracterizado por mayor inmigración, hacinamiento y población urbana se asoció con mayores tasas de incidencia (RTI: 1,29; IC95: 1,23-134) y el factor con mayor escolaridad, menor pobreza y menor hacinamiento con menores tasas (RTI: 0,94; IC95: 0,89-0,98) en el periodo. CONCLUSIONES: La disminución en la edad de los casos junto a la concentración de casos en comunas urbanas y céntricas, asociadas con variables socioeconómicas desfavorables, confirman que la TB pulmonar continúa siendo un problema de relevancia a considerar.

BACKGROUND: In 2020, tuberculosis (TB) was responsible for 9.9 million new cases and 1.5 million deaths worldwide. In Chile, an increase in incidence rates has been reported in recent years, with a concentration of cases in the Metropolitan Region (MR). AIM: To evaluate the spatio-temporal relationship of pulmonary TB with socioeconomic variables in the MR of Chile. METHODS: Ecological study developed between 2016 and 2020. Cases were obtained from the Ministry of Health (n = 4,370) and described by: sex, age, year of confirmation, health service, and commune of residence. Principal component analysis was used to construct community socioeconomic factors, and the association between factors and pulmonary TB was evaluated with a multilevel negative binomial model. RESULTS: There was an increase in the incidence rate (9.97 to 10.74 cases per 100,000), a decrease in the incidence in people ≥ 65 years (17.56 to 13.38), and the average age (46.03 to 41.77 years). The factor characterized by greater immigration, overcrowding, and the urban population was associated with more elevated incidence rates (RTI: 1.29; IC95: 1.23-134), and the factor with higher education, less poverty, and less overcrowding with lower rates (RTI: 0.94; CI 95: 0.89-0.98) in the period. CONCLUSIONS: The decrease in the age of the cases together and the concentration of cases in urban and central communes, associated with unfavorable socioeconomic variables, confirm that pulmonary TB continues to be a relevant problem to consider.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/epidemiology , Poverty , Socioeconomic Factors , Chile/epidemiology , Incidence , Ecological Studies , Spatio-Temporal Analysis
Rev. méd. Chile ; 150(2): 222-231, feb. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389627


BACKGROUND: Neurocysticercosis is the most prevalent parasitic disease of the central nervous system in Chile, where sporadic cases are reported, without information about the epidemiology or distribution of the disease. AIM: To identify the main risk zones for cysticercosis in Chile. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Analysis of hospital discharge databases between 2002 and 2019, available at the website of the Chilean Ministry of Health. Cases with B69 code of the tenth international classification of diseases were identified. RESULTS: In the study period, there were 1752 discharges with the diagnoses of neurocysticercosis, ocular cysticercosis and cysticercosis of other sites. The ages of patients ranged from 0 to 89 years with a clustering between 30 and 59 years. Sixty two percent were males. The zone between the regions of Maule and Araucania concentrated 82% of cases. CONCLUSIONS: We identified the zone with the greatest concentration of cysticercosis in Chile, where preventive strategies should eventually be directed.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Cysticercosis/diagnosis , Cysticercosis/parasitology , Cysticercosis/epidemiology , Neurocysticercosis/parasitology , Neurocysticercosis/epidemiology , Patient Discharge , Central Nervous System , Chile/epidemiology
Rev. chil. infectol ; 38(3): 349-354, jun. 2021. tab, graf, mapas
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388252


INTRODUCCIÓN: En Chile, la equinococosis quística o hidatidosis es endémica a lo largo de todo el país e hiperendémica en algunas regiones como La Araucanía y Aysén y sigue siendo un problema de salud pública desatendido. OBJETIVO: Estimar el riesgo de hidatidosis humana en Aysén, estudiando la relación de las notificaciones y egresos con factores sociales y ambientales, tales como población, índice de pobreza multidimensional, urbanización, temperatura media, precipitación media y población ganadera ovina. METODOLOGÍA: Se utilizaron regresiones de Poisson para estudiar los factores asociados a enfermedades de notificación obligatoria y egresos y el modelo Besag-York-Mollie para el riesgo relativo. RESULTADOS Y CONCLUSIONES: Aysén tiene un alto riesgo de hidatidosis humana, entre 2 y 19 veces el esperado para la región. Se encontró una importante sub-notificación de casos. El modelo de los egresos hospitalarios tuvo un buen ajuste mostrando la influencia positiva de la población humana y ovina y el efecto positivo de la temperatura. También se detectó un efecto del índice de pobreza multidimensional sobre los casos y egresos hospitalarios, que es principalmente afectado por la educación y de condiciones de trabajo. Exceptuando la comuna de O'Higgins, las zonas de mayor riesgo corresponden al cordón oriental de la Región de Aysén.

BACKGROUND: In Chile, cystic echinococcosis is endemic throughout the country and hyperendemic in some regions such as La Araucanía and Aysén and continues to be a neglected public health problem. AIM: To estímate the risk of human hydatidosis in Aysén, studying the relationship of notifications and hospital discharge rates with social and environmental factors, such as population, multidimensional poverty index, urbanization, average temperature, average rainfall and sheep population. METHODS: Poisson regressions were used to study the factors associated with notifiable diseases and hospital discharge rates and the Besag-York-Mollie model for relative risk. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Aysén has a high risk, between 2 and 19 times that expected for the region. A significant underreporting of cases was found. The model of hospital discharges had a good fit showing the positive influence of the human and bovine population and the positive effect of temperature. An effect of the multidimensional poverty index was also detected, which is mainly affected by education and working conditions. Excepting one locality, the areas of greatest risk correspond to the eastern cordon of the Aysén region.

Humans , Animals , Cattle , Echinococcosis/epidemiology , Patient Discharge , Poverty , Temperature , Sheep , Chile/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Atmospheric Precipitation , Educational Status
Medwave ; 21(1): e8119, 2021.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178291


Objetivos El objetivo general ha sido describir y evaluar el valor predictivo de tres modelos durante el desarrollo de la epidemia COVID-19 en Chile, aportando conocimiento para la toma de decisiones en salud. Métodos Desarrollamos tres modelos a lo largo de la epidemia: un modelo discreto para predecir a corto tiempo la máxima carga sobre el sistema de salud, un modelo básico SEIR (susceptibles-expuestos-infectados-removidos) con ecuaciones discretas; un modelo SEIR estocástico con método de Montecarlo; y un modelo de tipo Gompertz para la Región Metropolitana (Santiago). Resultados El modelo de máxima carga potencial ha sido útil durante todo el seguimiento de la epidemia proporcionando una cota superior para el número de casos, la ocupación de unidades de cuidados intensivos y el número de fallecidos. Los modelos SEIR determinístico y estocástico tuvieron gran utilidad en la predicción del ascenso de los casos, el máximo y el inicio del descenso de casos, perdiendo utilidad en la situación actual por el reclutamiento asincrónico de casos en las regiones y la persistencia de una endemia alta. El modelo de Gompertz ha tenido un mejor ajuste en el descenso ya que esta captura mejor la asimetría de la curva epidémica en Santiago. Conclusiones Los modelos han demostrado gran utilidad en el seguimiento de la epidemia en Chile, con distintos objetivos en distintas etapas de la epidemia. Han complementado los indicadores empíricos como casos reportados, letalidad, fallecimientos y otros, permitiendo predecir situaciones de interés y visualizar la conducta a corto y largo plazo de esta pandemia a nivel local.

Objectives The purpose of this article is to describe and develop the predictive value of three models during the COVID-19 epidemic in Chile, providing knowledge for decision-making in health. Methods We developed three models during the epidemic: a discrete model to predict the maximum burden on the health system in a short time frame­a basic SEIR (susceptible-exposed-infected-removed) model with discrete equations; a stochastic SEIR model with the Monte Carlo method; and a Gompertz-type model for metropolitan city of Santiago. Results The maximum potential burden model has been useful throughout the monitoring of the epidemic, providing an upper bound for the number of cases, intensive care unit occupancy, and deaths. Deterministic and stochastic SEIR models were very useful in predicting the rise of cases and the peak and onset of case decline; however, they lost utility in the current situation due to the asynchronous recruitment of cases in the regions and the persistence of a strong endemic. The Gompertz model had a better fit in the decline since it best captures the epidemic curve's asymmetry in Santiago. Conclusions The models have shown great utility in monitoring the epidemic in Chile, with different objectives in different epidemic stages. They have complemented empirical indicators such as reported cases, fatality, deaths, and others, making it possible to predict situations of interest and visualization of the short and long-term local behavior of this pandemic.

Humans , Models, Statistical , COVID-19/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , Forecasting
Rev. chil. infectol ; 37(3): 231-236, jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1126114


Resumen Introducción: Los casos de sarampión están resurgiendo en muchos países del mundo. Hubo un brote de sarampión importado entre noviembre de 2018 y febrero de 2019 en Chile, lo que generó preocupación entre el público y las autoridades sanitarias. Muchos se preocuparon por la tasa de inmunización contra el sarampión de la población, un factor que se relaciona con la capacidad reproductiva del virus (medida de transmisibilidad de un patógeno). Objetivo: Aquí estimamos el número reproductivo efectivo (Re) de este brote de sarampión. Resultados: Aunque la estimación tiene mucha incertidumbre por el bajo número de casos y la ausencia de mezcla homogénea de la población, encontramos que Re fue aproximadamente 1,5. Discusión y Conclusiones: En consecuencia estimamos que aproximadamente 90,3% de la población tiene inmunidad al sarampión, lo que coincide con las estimaciones del Ministerio de Salud. Estos resultados sugieren que la población chilena ha establecido la inmunidad colectiva contra la introducción de casos importados de sarampión, lo que refleja un manejo preventivo adecuado de esta enfermedad.

Abstract Background: Measles cases are reemerging in many countries across the globe. There was an outbreak of imported measles between November 2018 and February 2019 in Chile, raising concern among the public and health authorities. Many were worried about the Chilean measles herd immunity, a factor that relates to the reproductive capacity of the virus (measure of transmissibility of a pathogen). Aim: Here we estimate the effective reproductive number (Re) of this measles outbreak. Results: Although the estimate is highly uncertain due to the low number of cases and the absence of homogeneous mixing of the population, we found Re was approximately 1.5. Discussion and Conclusions: Consequently we estimated about 90,3 % had measles immunity, consistent with administrative estimates from the Ministry of Health. These results suggest the Chilean population has established herd immunity against the introduction of imported measles cases, reflecting adequate preventive management of this disease.

Humans , Vaccination , Measles , Measles Vaccine , Chile , Disease Outbreaks , Immunity, Herd
Rev. chil. infectol ; 36(5): 591-598, oct. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058085


Resumen Introducción: En Chile, la hidatidosis, endémica a lo largo de todo el país e hiperendémica en algunas regiones, sigue siendo un problema de salud pública desatendido y poco abordado por el Estado. En la Región del Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, los casos reportados y los egresos hospitalarios aún muestran valores elevados, siendo esta zona representativa de riesgo medio. Objetivo: Estimar el riesgo de hidatidosis humana en esta región, estudiando la relación de las notificaciones y egresos con factores sociales y ambientales, tales como población, índice de pobreza, índice de escolaridad, alfabetización, temperatura media, precipitación media y masa ganadera ovina. Metodología: Se utilizaron regresiones de Poisson para estudiar los factores asociados a enfermedades de notificación obligatoria y egresos y el modelo Besag-York-Mollie para el riesgo relativo. Resultados: Los factores más relacionados con el riesgo absoluto fueron el índice de escolaridad como factor protector y las temperaturas medias como factor potenciador. La población ovina fue también un factor relevante especialmente al analizar la distribución del riesgo relativo. Las zonas de mayor riesgo en la región fueron La Estrella, Marchigüe, Litueche, Santa Cruz y Lolol según egresos, agregando a Pumanque y Peralillo según notificaciones. Éstas revelan una distribución de las zonas de riesgo de hidatidosis hacia la cordillera de la costa en esta región. Conclusiones: En esta región los principales predictores de riesgo de hidatidosis son el índice de escolaridad, la temperatura y la población ovina.

Background: In Chile, hydatidosis is endemic throughout the country and hyperendemic in some regions. It continues to be a public health problem that has been neglected and little addressed at the national level. In the Region of Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, reported cases and hospital discharges still show high values, this area being representative of medium risk. Aim: To estimate the risk of human hydatidosis in this region, studying the relationship of notifications and hospital discharge rates with social and environmental factors such as population, poverty index, schooling, literacy, average temperature, average rainfall and sheep population size. Methods: Poisson regressions were used to study the factors associated with reported cases and hospital discharge rates and the BYM model for relative risk. Results: We found that the factors most related to absolute risk were the schooling index as a protective factor and the average temperatures as an enhancing factor. The sheep population size was also a relevant factor, especially when analyzing the distribution of relative risk. The areas of greatest risk in the region were La Estrella, Marchigue, Litueche, Santa Cruz and Lolol according to discharge rates, adding Pumanque and Peralillo according to notifications. These reveal a distribution of the zones of risk of hydatidosis towards the coastal mountain range in this region. Discussion/Conclusion. The more relevant factors associated to hydatidosis were schooling index, temperature an sheep population.

Humans , Animals , Echinococcosis/etiology , Echinococcosis/epidemiology , Patient Discharge/statistics & numerical data , Rain , Socioeconomic Factors , Temperature , Time Factors , Sheep , Linear Models , Poisson Distribution , Chile/epidemiology , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Spatio-Temporal Analysis , Geography
Rev. chil. infectol ; 36(5): 599-606, oct. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058086


Resumen Introducción: Las zoonosis son enfermedades o infecciones causadas por todo tipo de agentes etiológicos transmisibles desde animales vertebrados a humanos. Durante las últimas décadas, el riesgo para la salud ocasionado por diferentes zoonosis, ha sido generado por la distribución natural de los distintos agentes etiológicos y por la emergencia y reemergencia de estas enfermedades. Objetivo: Estudiar la distribución del riesgo de mortalidad de las cuatro principales zoonosis en Chile continental, basados en datos nacionales de mortalidad, con el objetivo de visualizar geográficamente donde focalizar los esfuerzos de control de estas enfermedades. Metodología: Se estima el riesgo relativo de las principales zoonosis en Chile, mediante estadística Bayesiana. Resultados: Se obtuvo la distribución de las cuatro principales zoonosis de Chile. Discusión/Conclusión: Se obtuvo la distribución de las cuatro principales zoonosis de Chile. Los mapas de riesgo obtenidos muestran una enfermedad parasitaria transmitida por vectores de alto riesgo en el norte, la enfermedad de Chagas; una enfermedad parasitaria de comunidades biológicas en que el hombre es un hospedero accidental, asociada a zonas ganaderas, prevalente en el sur, la hidatidosis; una enfermedad bacteriana transmitida por vertebrados, especialmente por roedores, donde el agua es un vehículo importante, dominante en el centro, la leptospirosis; y una enfermedad viral transmitida por roedores, muy dominante en el sur, la infección por hantavirus.

Background: Zoonoses are infections caused by all types of etiological transmissible agents from vertebrate animals to humans. During the last decades, the risk to health caused by different zoonoses has been a consequence of the natural distribution of the different etiological agents and by the emergence and reemergence of these diseases. Aim: To study the distribution of the risk of mortality of the four main zoonoses in continental Chile, based on national mortality data, with the objective of visualizing geographically where to focus the control efforts of these diseases. Methods: Relative risk was estimated by means of Bayesian Statistics. Results: The distribution in Chile of the main zoonoses was obtained. Discussion/Conclusion: The risk maps obtained show a parasitic disease transmitted by high-risk vectors in the north, Chagas disease; a parasitic disease of biological communities in which man is an accidental host, associated with livestock areas, more prevalent in the south, hydatidosis; a bacterial disease transmitted by vertebrates, especially by rodents, where water is an important vehicle, dominant in the center, leptospirosis; and a viral disease transmitted by rodents, very dominant in the south, the hantavirus infection.

Humans , Animals , Male , Female , Zoonoses/epidemiology , Chagas Disease/epidemiology , Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome/epidemiology , Echinococcosis/epidemiology , Leptospirosis/epidemiology , Zoonoses/etiology , Chile/epidemiology , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Chagas Disease/etiology , Risk Assessment , Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome/etiology , Echinococcosis/etiology , Geography , Leptospirosis/etiology
Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(6): 683-692, jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020716


Background: Reproductive number (R0)-maps estimate risk zones of vector-borne diseases and geographical distribution changes under climate change. Aim: To map R0 aiming to estimate the epidemiological risk of Chagas disease in Chile, its distribution and possible changes due to the global climate change. Material and Methods: We used a relationship between R0 and entomological parameters of vectors as function of environmental variables, to map the risk of Chagas disease in Chile, under current and projected future environmental conditions. Results: We obtained a geographical R0 estimation of Chagas disease in Chile. The highest R0averages correspond to the Central-Northern regions of Chile. T. cruzi transmission area could increase in the future due to climate changes. Independent of the future condition, both for optimistic and pessimistic climate change scenarios, the area of potential risk for Chagas disease transmission would increase. The estimated R0 values suggest that, if a control of T. infestans is not maintained, Chagas disease endemic status will persist or increase, independently of the climate change scenarios. Conclusions: Mapping R0 values is an effective method to assess the risk of Chagas disease. The eventual increase in the transmission area of the disease is worrisome.

Humans , Animals , Male , Female , Climate Change/statistics & numerical data , Chagas Disease/epidemiology , Risk Assessment/methods , Disease Vectors , Temperature , Triatoma , Trypanosoma cruzi , Carbon Dioxide , Chile/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Chagas Disease/transmission , Statistics, Nonparametric , Geography
Int. j. morphol ; 37(2): 620-625, June 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002267


Determining kinematics of hindlimbs of theropod dinosaurs has been a challenge. Since cursorial birds are phylogenetically closest to theropod dinosaurs they are commonly used as a kinematic model of theropod dinosaur locomotion. Using a comparative biomechanical approach, we found that cursorial birds have a different morphology of legs than non avian theropodos and that appears to be that felines and ungulates share more morphological properties in the hindlimbs with theropod dinosaurs than cursorial birds. We calculated the ratio between the lower leg and the femur, and the relative length of the tibia and the metatarsus with respect to the length of the femur in cursorial birds, as well as felines, ungulates and non-avian theropods. We found that as the length of the femur increases, the length of the lower leg increases similarly in felines, ungulates and non-avian theropods. On the other hand, existing and extinct cursorial birds did not follow this pattern. This observation suggests that the hindlimb of cursorial birds are not well suited to serve as kinematic models for hindlimb of extinct theropod dinosaur locomotion.

Determinar la cinemática de los miembros pelvianos de los dinosaurios terópodos ha sido un desafío. Dado que las aves corredoras son filogenéticamente más cercanas a los dinosaurios terópodos, son comúnmente utilizadas como modelo cinemático de la locomoción del dinosaurio terópodo. Usando un enfoque biomecánico comparativo, encontramos que las aves corredoras tienen una morfología de pies diferente a la de los terópodos no aviares y parece ser que los felinos y los ungulados comparten más propiedades morfológicas en los pies con los dinosaurios terópodos que las aves corredoras. Calculamos la proporción entre la parte inferior de la pierna y el fémur, y la longitud relativa de la tibia y el metatarso con respecto a la longitud del fémur en aves corredoras, así como en los terópodos no aviares y ungulados. Encontramos que a medida que aumenta la longitud del fémur, la longitud de la parte inferior de la pierna aumenta de manera similar en los terópodos, los ungulados y los terópodos no aviares. Por otro lado, las aves corredoras existentes y extintas no siguieron este patrón. Esta observación sugiere que el miembro pelviano de las aves corredoras no es adecuada para servir como modelos cinemáticos de locomoción del miembro pelviano del dinosaurio terópodo extinto.

Animals , Biomechanical Phenomena/physiology , Birds/physiology , Dinosaurs/physiology , Hindlimb/physiology , Locomotion/physiology , Posture , Birds/anatomy & histology , Walking/physiology , Dinosaurs/anatomy & histology , Hindlimb/anatomy & histology , Models, Biological
Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(5): 650-657, mayo 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014274


Background: There is always a risk of importing infectious diseases when travelling abroad. Aim: To estimate the effective risk of a Chilean of acquiring measles during a travel by countries where measles outbreaks have been reported, considering the present level of immunity in the country. Material and Methods: Previously established mathematical models using differential equations were applied to calculate the risk of acquiring measles of people traveling to endemic areas. Results: The probability of acquiring measles of a voyager is 8.11 x 10-8. Conclusions: These estimations help decision making about preventive measures for travelers to endemic measles areas.

Humans , Risk Assessment/methods , Travel-Related Illness , Measles/transmission , Models, Theoretical , Time Factors , Chile/epidemiology , Disease Outbreaks , Probability , Risk Factors , Vaccination , Measles/prevention & control , Measles/epidemiology
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 113(1): 24-29, Jan. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-894887


BACKGROUND Vector transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi appears to be interrupted in Chile; however, data show increasing incidence of Chagas' disease, raising concerns that there may be a reemerging problem. OBJECTIVE To estimate the actual risk in a changing world it is necessary to consider the historical vector distribution and correlate this distribution with the presence of cases and climate change. METHODS Potential distribution models of Triatoma infestans and Chagas disease were performed using Maxent, a machine-learning method. FINDINGS Climate change appears to play a major role in the reemergence of Chagas' disease and T. infestans in Chile. The distribution of both T. infestans and Chagas' disease correlated with maximum temperature, and the precipitation during the driest month. The overlap of Chagas' disease and T. infestans distribution areas was high. The distribution of T. infestans, under two global change scenarios, showed a minimal reduction tendency in suitable areas. MAIN CONCLUSION The impact of temperature and precipitation on the distribution of T. infestans, as shown by the models, indicates the need for aggressive control efforts; the current control measures, including T. infestans control campaigns, should be maintained with the same intensity as they have at present, avoiding sylvatic foci, intrusions, and recolonisation of human dwellings.

Chagas Disease/transmission , Insect Vectors/parasitology , Triatoma/parasitology , Climate Change
Rev. chil. infectol ; 34(2): 120-127, abr. 2017. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-844455


Chagas disease remains highly prevalent in Chile, especially between the regions of Arica and Parinacota, and Coquimbo. Since 1999 it is considered that in Chile the vector transmission was interrupted. Under this premise, the epidemiological dynamics should be changing. We analyzed the evolution of the prevalence of Chagas’ disease analyzing 64,995 xenodiagnosis performed in the laboratory of Parasitology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile between 1949 and 2014. The evolution of the mortalities and incidences from the databases of the Ministry of Health in the periods in which it was analyzed. The rates of domiciliary infestation and the number of vector insects sent to the Public Health Institute and its trypano-triatomine indices were also analyzed. The prevalence of Chagas’ disease in inhabitants of risk areas remained stable in this period as well as mortality. The incidence rate shows a progressive increase with a tendency towards stabilization. A significant decrease in sampling effort was found, declining by two orders of magnitude, especially since 2000. The progressive increase in morbidity had no clear relation to the interruption of the vector chain nor to the greater diagnostic effort occurred in 2009, since it was evident from before. While home infestation declines, reports of intrusion of solitary individuals and wild foci of T. infestans have increased. Trypano-triatomine indices were maintained with high values in all vector species. This study shows a worrying situation, for while on the one hand the interruption of the vector transmission and improvement in the research systems is emphasized, the concern for this disease seems to be decreasing with less diagnostic efforts and lower education at the higher level, and by the other hand the numbers show that the problem if it is not increasing, at least maintains its careless historical magnitude.

Resumen Introducción: La enfermedad de Chagas sigue siendo altamente prevalente en Chile, especialmente entre las regiones de Arica y Parinacota y de Coquimbo. Desde 1999 se considera que en Chile se encuentra interrumpida la transmisión vectorial. Bajo esta premisa, la dinámica epidemiológica se debiera estar modificando. Objetivo: Analizar la evolución temporal de la enfermedad de Chagas en Chile Material y Métodos: Analizamos la evolución de la prevalencia de la enfermedad de Chagas a través del análisis de resultados de 64.995 xenodiagnós-ticos realizados en el laboratorio de Parasitología de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile, entre 1949 y 2014. Se estudió la evolución de las mortalidades e incidencias disponibles en las bases de datos del Ministerio de Salud en los períodos en que fue posible. Se analizaron las tasas de infestación domiciliaria y el número de insectos vectores enviados al Instituto de Salud Pública y sus índices tripano-tratominos. Resultados: La prevalencia de la enfermedad de Chagas en habitantes de zonas de riesgo se mantuvo estable en este período, al igual que la mortalidad. La tasa de incidencia muestra un incremento progresivo con tendencia a la estabilización. Se encontró un significativo decrecimiento del esfuerzo de muestreo, decayendo dos órdenes de magnitud, especialmente desde 2000. El aumento progresivo de la morbilidad no tiene clara relación con el corte de la cadena vectorial ni con el mayor esfuerzo diagnóstico ocurrido en 2009, ya que era evidente desde antes. Mientras que la infestación domiciliaria disminuye, han aumentado los reportes de intromisión de individuos solitarios y los focos silvestres de T. infestans. Los índices tripano triatominos se mantienen con valores altos en todas las especies vectores. Discusión: Este estudio muestra una situación preocupante, ya que mientras por una parte se destaca el corte de la transmisión vectorial y mejora en los sistemas de pesquisa, la preocupación por esta enfermedad parece ir decreciendo con menores esfuerzos diagnósticos y menor enseñanza a nivel superior, y por otra parte los números muestran que el problema si es que no está aumentando, al menos mantiene su descuidada magnitud histórica.

Humans , Animals , Chagas Disease/epidemiology , Triatoma/parasitology , Chile/epidemiology , Incidence , Prevalence , Chagas Disease/transmission , Insect Vectors/parasitology
Rev. chil. infectol ; 31(5): 555-562, oct. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-730272


Background: Despite the abundant eco-epidemiological knowledge of the Chilean reclusive spider, Loxosceles laeta, which causes all forms of loxoscelism in Chile, the main characteristics of this species its stages of development remains poorly known especially in the medical area. Objective: In this study we address these issues with the goal of providing clear images of the development of this species and for the first time on population projections as well as the relationship between mature and immature instars, useful data for the control and prevention of accidental bites. Results: We found that L. laeta is an r-selected species, with R0 = 2.1, a generation time of G = 2.1 years, with a concentration of the reproductive value of females between the first and second year of life. We determined the average sizes and development times of all instars. The first vary between 2.3 mm at birth and about 13 mm at adulthood. The total development time was about 1 year. Discussion: The population projection by Leslie matrix suggested great capacity for growth and dispersal with clear seasonal population fluctuations associated with reproduction. It also showed that the proportion of immature varied seasonally between 80 and 90 %, which means that a house with three or four visible adult spiders actually has a population between 20 and 40 spiders in total.

Introducción: A pesar del abundante conocimiento eco-epidemiológico de la araña del rincón, Loxosceles laeta, causante de todos los cuadros de loxoscelismo en Chile, sigue siendo una especie poco conocida en el ambiente médico, especialmente las características y tiempos de sus estados de desarrollo. Objetivo: En este estudio abordamos estos aspectos con el objetivo de aportar imágenes claras del desarrollo de esta especie y por primera vez de sus características y proyecciones poblacionales y de la relación entre estados maduros e inmaduros, datos útiles para el control y prevención de los accidentes por mordedura. Resultados: Loxosceles laeta es una especie r-estratega, con un R0 = 2,1, un tiempo generacional G = 2,1 años y con concentración del valor reproductivo de las hembras entre el primer y segundo año de vida. Determinamos los tamaños promedio y los tiempos de desarrollo de todos los estados. Los primeros varían entre los 2,3 mm al nacer y alrededor de 13 mm al estado adulto. Los tiempos totales de desarrollo son de aproximadamente un año. Discusión: La proyección de la población con matriz de Leslie sugiere una gran capacidad de crecimiento y dispersión, pero con claras fluctuaciones poblacionales estacionales asociadas a la reproducción. Además se muestra que la proporción de estados inmaduros fluctúa estacionalmente entre 80 y 90%, lo que implica que una casa con tres o cuatro arañas adultas visibles, en realidad tiene una población entre 20 y 40 arañas en total.

Animals , Female , Spiders/growth & development , Chile , Life Tables , Reproduction , Seasons , Spiders/classification , Time Factors
Rev. chil. infectol ; 31(2): 139-152, abr. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-708800


Introduction: The population of immunocompromised patients has increased in recent decades. Many of these patients eventually present infectious complications including pneumonia, which is a diagnostic that must to be prompt and accurate. Objective: To review the basis of the diagnosis of pneumonia in the immunocompromised patient. Sorted by the methodology of Bayesian inference, very relevant in the diagnostic attribution, we review the main basis of the diagnosis of pneumonia of immunocompromised patients: the epidemiology, the clinical history including the type of immunosuppression that weigh the likelihood of attribution a priori of an etiologic agent, and finally, the findings in the image (or likelihood function). Conclusion: Although in general the findings are not pathognomonic and there is much overlap in the images, there are several features that orient in one direction or another. Proper assessment of the prior probability and the likelihood function is allowing ultimately a good diagnostic proposition.

Introducción: La población de pacientes inmunocomprometidos se ha incrementado en las últimas décadas. Gran parte de estos pacientes presenta en algún momento complicaciones infecciosas, entre ellas la neumonía, lo que constituye un desafío diagnóstico que debe ser rápido y acertado. Objetivo: Revisar las bases del diagnóstico de las neumonías del paciente inmunocomprometido. Ordenados por la metodología de la inferencia Bayesiana, muy relevante en la atribución diagnóstica, destacamos y revisamos los pilares fundamentales en el diagnóstico de las neumonías del inmunocomprometido: la epidemiología, los antecedentes clínicos incluyendo el tipo de inmunodepresión, que pesan en la probabilidad de atribución a priori de un agente etiológico, y finalmente, los hallazgos en la imagen (o función de verosimilitud). Conclusión: Los hallazgos de imagen que, aunque en general no son patognomónicos y existe mucha superposición, presentan algunas características que orientan en una u otra dirección. La adecuada valoración de la probabilidad a priori y la función de verosimilitud son las que permiten en definitiva una buena proposición diagnóstica.

Female , Humans , Male , Immunocompromised Host/immunology , Pneumonia/microbiology , Bayes Theorem , Likelihood Functions , Pneumonia/immunology , Pneumonia
Rev. chil. infectol ; 29(4): 388-394, ago. 2012. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-649825


Dengue is considered an emerging disease with an increasing prevalence especially in South America. In 2002, an epidemic of classic Dengue (DENV-1) occurred unexpectedly on Easter Island, where it had never been detected before. It reappeared in 2006-2007 and 2008, 2009 and 2011. The aim of this study was to estimate the most relevant parameters of the epidemiological dynamics of transmission of Dengue on Easter Island and to model the dynamics since 2002, comparing the predictions with the actual situation observed. Of the total cases, 52.27% were females and 47.73% men. The average age of infection was 31.38 ± 18.37 years, similar in men and women. We estimated the reproductive number R0 = 3.005 with an IC0,95 = [1.92, 4.61]. The inter-epidemic period reached an estimated T = 5.20 to 6.8 years. The case simulation showed recurrent epidemics with decreasing magnitude (damped oscillations), which is a known phenomenon in models of dengue and malaria. There was good qualitative fit to the epidemiological dynamics from 2002 onwards. It accurately predicted the rise in cases between 2006 and 2011. The predicted number of cases during the 2002 epidemic is greater than the confirmed cases and the predicted epidemic was faster than notified cases. Interepidemic period in the simulation was 6.72 years between 2002 and 2008 and 4.68 years between 2008 and 2013. From the theoretical perspective, the first epidemic had affected 94% of the population (approximately 3500 cases), but 639 were reported suggesting underreporting and a lot of sub-clinical cases occurred. Future epidemic of decreasing size are expected, although the main danger are epidemics of hemorrhagic dengue fever resulting from the introduction of different dengue virus serotypes.

El dengue es considerado una enfermedad emergente que aumenta su prevalencia especialmente en Sudamérica. En 2002 ocurrió inesperadamente una epidemia de dengue clásico (DENV-1) en Isla de Pascua, hecho nunca antes detectado. Posteriormente, ha reaparecido en 2006-2007 y 2008, 2009 y 2011. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar los parámetros epidemiológicos más relevantes de la dinámica de transmisión del dengue en Isla de Pascua y modelar la dinámica desde 2002, comparando las predicciones con la situación real observada. Del total de casos, 52,27% correspondieron a mujeres y 47,73% a hombres. La edad promedio de infección fue E = 31,38 ± 18,37 años, similar en hombres y mujeres. Se estimó el número reproductivo R0 = 3,005 con un IC0,95 = [1,92; 4,61]. El período inter-epidémico esperado puede ir entre T = 5,20 y 6,8 años. La simulación de casos mostró una dinámica con epidemias recurrentes que van decreciendo en magnitud (oscilaciones amortiguadas), lo que es un hecho conocido en todos los modelos de dengue y malaria. Hubo un buen ajuste cualitativo a la dinámica epidemiológica desde 2002 en adelante. Se predijo adecuadamente el alza de casos entre 2006 y 2011. El número de casos predichos durante la epidemia de 2002 es mayor que los casos confirmados y el curso de la epidemia predicha es más acelerado. El período inter-epidémico en la simulación es de 6,72 años entre 2002 y 2008 y 4,68 años entre 2008 y 2013. Desde la perspectiva teórica, la primera epidemia debió afectar a 94% de la población (aproximadamente 3.500 casos); sin embargo, se notificaron 639 lo que sugiere sub-notificación y gran cantidad de casos sub-clínicos. Se esperan futuros rebrotes epidémicos de tamaño decreciente, aunque se advierte que el principal peligro radica en epidemias de dengue hemorrágico, producto de la introducción de los otros serotipos.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Dengue Virus , Dengue/transmission , Epidemics/statistics & numerical data , Age Distribution , Dengue/epidemiology , Disease Notification/statistics & numerical data , Polynesia/epidemiology , Recurrence , Sex Distribution , Severe Dengue/epidemiology
Biol. Res ; 43(1): 75-81, 2010. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-548031


In this report, we explore the matching of structures to functional needs by comparing previously reported data of maximal oxygen consumption and the development of the lung in the leaf-eared mouse Phyllotis darwini in warm and cold environments. We discuss whether the state of structural design is commensurate with functional needs from regulated morphogenesis as predicted by the hypothesis of symmorphosis. We found a close match between respiratory structures and functional needs during postnatal development, expressed as safety factors close to unity. However, in the adult stage the safety factors were greater than two, which suggests that adult animals acquired a structure greater than that required considering their maximum capacities. A high safety factor in the respiratory system of adult mice may be a consequence of the symmorphosis that operates during ontogeny and does not necessarily support a rejection of this hypothesis.

Animals , Female , Male , Mice , Lung/growth & development , Oxygen Consumption/physiology , Sigmodontinae/physiology , Adaptation, Physiological , Body Constitution , Basal Metabolism/physiology , Cold Temperature , Hot Temperature , Lung/physiology , Sigmodontinae/classification
Rev. chil. radiol ; 14(1): 39-45, 2008. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-516227


Magnetic resonance imaging has brought about a revolution in medicine, particularly in imagino-logy. In its process of development, mathematicians, physicists, chemists, engineers, and physicians made important contributions by working up seemingly unrelated concepts with no current usefulness to implement an impressive tecnique by joining together such diverse elements as Fourier and Radon Transforms; spin concept; nuclear spin; measurement of magnetic moments in protons, neutrons, condensed matter, and tissues; in the solving of integral equations; backprojection; diffusion; gradients; spatial encoding; K-space; double-pass Fourier transform, and image construction. As stated previously, it is highly interesting to notice that a wide variety of scienticic disciplines have played a vital role in the history of magnetic resonance and that apparently unrelated discoveries pertaining to different scientific fields-mostly without any immediate usefulness in their respective epoch-currently have been articulated to produce a revolution in patients study and diagnosing. Historical rercords of magnetic resonance constitute a vivid example of the game that goes "Nobody knows whom he works for".

La resonancia magnética médica ha producido una revolución en la medicina y en particular en la imaginología. En su historia se mezclan matemáticos, físicos, químicos, ingenieros y médicos que desarrollaron conceptos sin una relación aparente ni una utilidad inmediata y que lograron articular una técnica de resultado impresionante, aunando elementos tan diversos como: transformadas de Fourier y Radon, el concepto de spin, el spin nuclear, la medición de los momentos magnéticos en el neutrón, en el protón, en la materia condensada, en los tejidos, la solución de ecuaciones integrales, la retroproyección, la difusión, los gradientes, la codificación de la señal en frecuencia espacial, el espacio-K, las transformadas dobles de Fourier y la imagen. Resulta extraordinariamente interesante notar en la historia de la resonancia magnética la intrincada red de personajes que participaron y que, descubrimientos sin aparente relación en diferentes campos, y sobre todo sin una utilidad inmediata para la época, se articulan hoy produciendo una revolución en el estudio y diagnóstico de los pacientes en la medicina. La historia de la resonancia magnética es un magnífico ejemplo de que en ciencias nadie sabe para quién trabaja.

History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/history
Biol. Res ; 40(2): 193-201, 2007. ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-468190


We studied the lung diffusion parameters of two species of birds and two species of mammals to explore how structural and functional features may be paralleled by differences in life style or phylogenetic origin. We used two fast-flying species (one mammal and one bird), one running mammal and one bird species that flies only occasionally as models. The harmonic mean thickness of the air-blood barrier was very thin in the species we studied. An exception was the Chilean tinamou Notoprocta perdicaria, which only flies occasionally. It showed an air-blood barrier as thick as that of flightless Galliformes. We found that the respiratory surface density was significantly greater in flying species compared to running species. The estimated values for the oxygen diffusion capacity, DtO2 follow the same pattern: the highest values were obtained in the flying species, the bat and the eared dove. The lowest value was in N. perdicaria. Our findings suggest that the studied species show refinements in their morphometric lung parameters commensurate to their energetic requirements as dictated by their mode of locomotion, rather than their phylogenetic origin. The air-blood barrier appears to be thin in most birds and small mammals, except those with low energetic requirements such as the Chilean tinamou. In the species we studied, the respiratory surface density appears to be the factor most responsive to the energetic requirements of flight

Animals , Birds/anatomy & histology , Locomotion/physiology , Lung/anatomy & histology , Mammals/anatomy & histology , Birds/physiology , Energy Metabolism/physiology , Flight, Animal , Lung Volume Measurements , Lung/physiology , Mammals/physiology , Pulmonary Diffusing Capacity/physiology
Biol. Res ; 38(1): 41-47, 2005. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-404826


In this paper we develop a method to estimate lung volume using chest x-rays of small mammals. We applied this method to assess the lung volume of several rodents. We showed that a good estimator of the lung volume is: V*L = 0.496 A V RX ¡Ö 1/2AV RX , where V RX is a measurement obtained from the x-ray that represents the volume of a rectangular box containing the lungs and mediastinum organs. The proposed formula may be interpreted as the volume of an ellipsoid formed by both lungs joined at their bases. When that relationship was used to estimate lung volume, values similar to those expected from allometric relationship were found in four rodents. In two others, M. musculus and R. norvegicus, lung volume was similar to reported data, although values were lower than expected.

Animals , Cricetinae , Mice , Rats , Lung Volume Measurements/veterinary , Models, Biological , Radiography, Thoracic/veterinary , Lung Volume Measurements/methods , Radiography, Thoracic/methods