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Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 39(4): e20230237, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559405


ABSTRACT Transcatheter mitral valve-in-valve is an alternative to high-risk reoperation on a failing bioprosthesis. It entails specific challenges such as left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. We propose a patient-specific augmented imaging based on preoperative planning to assist the procedure. Valve-in-valve simulation was performed to represent the optimal level of implantation and the neo-left ventricular outflow tract. These data were combined with intraoperative images through a real-time 3D/2D registration tool. All data were collected retrospectively on one case (pre and per-procedure imaging). We present for the first time an intraoperative guidance tool in transcatheter mitral valve-in-valve procedure.

Gac. méd. Méx ; 157(1): 99-102, ene.-feb. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279081


Resumen Ante la pandemia de COVID-19, el grupo más afectado ha sido el de las personas mayores que viven en instituciones de cuidados a largo plazo (ICLP), el cual ha acumulado entre 30 y 60 % de los fallecimientos en el mundo. En México se han reportado brotes en residencias de por lo menos ocho entidades federativas. Diversos factores hacen susceptibles a este grupo y a las ICLP: la convivencia en lugares comunes, dormitorios compartidos y el contacto físico con el personal que ahí labora, aunados a la falta de protocolos y estándares de cuidados de observancia obligatoria, así como a la escasa capacitación del personal. Se evidencia la necesidad de desarrollar un Sistema Nacional de Cuidados que brinde apoyo a las personas con dependencia de cuidados y sus familias y que incluya a las ICLP. Derivado de los retos por la carencia de información y competencias en prevención y control de infecciones en las ICLP, un conjunto de expertos, en colaboración con instituciones públicas, integramos un grupo con el objetivo de actualizar las guías que permitan a las ICLP hacer frente a la pandemia y que contribuyan a la generación de ese Sistema Nacional de Cuidados.

Abstract Since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the most affected population group has been that of older people living in long-term care facilities (LTCFs), which has accumulated between 30 and 60 % of total number of deaths in the world. In Mexico, outbreaks have been reported in LTCFs of at least eight states. Various factors make this population group and LTCFs susceptible to COVID-1 outbreaks, mainly due to coexistence in common spaces, shared bedrooms and permanent physical contact with the personnel who work there, coupled with a lack of protocols and standards of care of mandatory observance, as well as personnel training limitations. There is evidence of the need to formally develop a National Care System that provides support to those in need of care and their families, and that includes LTCFs. In view of the challenges due to the lack of information and competencies in infection prevention and control at LTCFs, a group of experts, in collaboration with different public institutions, joined efforts with the purpose to update the guidelines in order to allow LTCFs face the pandemic and to contribute to the generation of said National Care System.

Humans , Aged , Long-Term Care , COVID-19/epidemiology , Homes for the Aged , Nursing Homes , Mexico/epidemiology
Rev. Soc. Venez. Microbiol ; 35(1): 39-44, nov. 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-780213


Los campos eléctricos y magnéticos pueden atraer microorganismos, por lo tanto el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la influencia del campo magnético sobre la distribución de los hongos en el aire de un local cerrado. Se colocaron placas de Petri con agar Extracto de Malta en un local cerrado aplicándose un campo magnético de 10 mT generado por una bobina de 60 Hz/220 V. Se realizó un diseño multifactorial D-óptimo de tres factores (tiempo de exposición al aire, distancia al centro de la bobina y tiempo de tratamiento con campo magnético) y se determinó el recuento de hongos filamentosos en unidades formadoras de colonias por metro cúbico de aire, según el método de sedimentación propuesto por Omeliansky. Se obtuvo un modelo cuadrático en los rangos evaluados, que indicó que el tratamiento aplicado tuvo influencia significativa sobre la distribución de las esporas debido al aumento del recuento de los hongos, cuyo crecimiento resultó estimulado con respecto a los controles. El mayor efecto estimulante se observó a 1 m de distancia de la bobina (0,4 mT) y a 2 h de exposición, alcanzándose concentraciones fúngicas que pudieran ser peligrosas para la salud humana según la Organización Mundial de la Salud.

Electric and magnetic fields can attract microorganisms; based on those premises the aim of this study was to analyze the influence of a magnetic field on the fungi distribution in the air of a closed environment. Uncovered Petri dishes with Malt Extract Agar were placed in a closed area where a magnetic field of 10 mT generated by a coil of 60 Hz / 220 V was applied. A multifactorial D-optimum design considering three elements (air exposure time, distance to the center of the coil and time of magnetic field application) to determine the amount of filamentous fungi, expressed as the number of colony forming units by cubic meter of air, according to the sedimentation method proposed by Omeliansky. A quadratic model of the evaluated ranges was obtained, which indicated that the treatment applied showed significant influence on fungal spore distribution demonstrated by the increased fungal count which growth was stimulated by the treatment applied when compared to the controls. The largest stimulant effect was observed at 1 m of distance from the coil (0.4 mT) and after 2 h of exposure, conditions that permitted the growth of fungal concentrations that could be dangerous for human health according to the World Health Organization.

Rev. cient. (Maracaibo) ; 17(6): 614-620, nov.-dic. 2007. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-548560


El experimento se realizó en el Rancho “Las Animas” ubicado en el municipio de Tuxtla Chico, Chiapas, México, con el objetivo de estimar la interacción del retraso del amamantamiento con la presencia o ausencia del toro como estrategia para reducir el periodo de parto-concepción en 40 vacas Pardo Suizo puras, sometidas a manejo de doble propósito. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar con cuatro tratamientos y diez repeticiones con un arreglo factorial con dos factores en dos niveles, siendo el tipo de amamantamiento (tradicional o retrasado) y la presencia o ausencia del toro los factores. La comparación de medias se realizó con la prueba de Tukey. Los tratamientos fueron: amamantamiento tradicional sin toro (AT-ST; n=10), amamantamiento tradicional con toro (AT+T; n=10), amamantamiento retrasado sin toro (AR-ST; n=10) y amamantamiento retrasado con toro (AR+T; n=10). Se encontró que AR+T reduce (P<0,05) el intervalo parto- concepción a 84±10,19 días comparado con 100±13,35, 190±34,84 y 156±20,63 días para AR-ST, AT+T y AT-ST, respectivamente. Por lo tanto, se concluye que practicar el retraso del amamantamiento (30 min.) ocho horas después del ordeño y exponer las vacas al toro desde los siete días posparto, puede ser una alternativa para reducir el anestro posparto e incrementar la eficiencia reproductiva en el sistema doble propósito.

The experiment was carried out in “Las Animas” ranch located in Tuxtla Chico Municipality, Chiapas, Mexico, in order to estimate the interaction between retarded suckling and sire presence used as a strategy for reducing the time between calving and conception in 40 pure Brown Swiss cows under dual purpose system. A completely randomized design was used, with four treatments and ten repetitions with a factorial arrangement with two factors in two levels, being type of suckling (traditional and retarded) and sire presence and absence, comparison of means was done with Tukey test. Treatments were; T1 (n=10): Traditional suckling without sire presence (AT-ST), T2(n=10): traditional suckling with sire presence (AT+T), T3(n=10): retarded suckling without sire presence (AR-ST) and T4(n=10): retarded suckling with sire presence (AR+T). Results showed that AR+T reduced (P<0.05) the calving-conception interval to 84±10.19 days compared with 100±13.35, 190±34.84 y 156±20.63 days for AR-T, AT+T and AT-T respectively. It is therefore concluded that the combined practice of suckling retarded (30 minutes) eight hours after milking and exposing the cows to the sire as of seven days after calving could be an alternative to reduce post-partum anestrus and increasing reproductive efficiency in dual purpose system.

Cattle , Animals , Body Weight , Breast Feeding , Behavior, Animal/radiation effects , Dairying , Lactation , Weights and Measures , Agribusiness
Int. braz. j. urol ; 33(4): 502-509, July-Aug. 2007. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-465786


OBJECTIVE: To assess patient satisfaction and functional results at long term follow-up after surgical correction for Peyronie's disease (PD) and congenital penile curvature (CPC) with the technique of tunical plication. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred and two men operated for PD (n = 76) or CPC (n = 26) in four different departments of urology in public hospitals agreed to answer a six-question telephone questionnaire about treatment satisfaction. Tunica albuginea plication procedures represented the standard surgical approach. Subjects under investigation were correction of the deformity, feeling of bumps under the skin, pain during erection, penile sensory changes, development of erectile dysfunction (ED) and postoperative ability for complete vaginal intromission. Subjective response rates were compared using the chi square test on the basis of the etiology of the disease (CPC or PD). RESULTS: Significant differences (p < 0.05) between patients with CPC and PD were noticed in the prevalence of postoperative penile deformity, sensory changes, ED and ability to complete vaginal intromission, PD patients always showing a more pessimistic view. No significant differences (p = ns) were detected in terms of unpleasant nodes under the penile skin or pain during erection. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term outcome after surgical correction for PD and CPC with the technique of tunical plication can be poor. Probably patient expectations are above the real performance of surgical techniques. Preoperative information should be more exhaustive.

Adult , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Patient Satisfaction , Penile Erection/physiology , Penile Induration/surgery , Urologic Surgical Procedures, Male/methods , Chi-Square Distribution , Follow-Up Studies , Postoperative Period , Penile Induration/diagnosis , Penile Induration/etiology , Penis/abnormalities , Penis/surgery , Quality of Life , Surveys and Questionnaires , Suture Techniques , Treatment Outcome , Urologic Surgical Procedures, Male/standards
J. bras. pneumol ; 33(1): 113-115, jan.-fev. 2007. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-452361


Teratomas mediastinais representam 8 a 13 por cento dos tumores nesta região. Uma paciente de 27 anos apresentou-se com dor torácica e dispnéia de evolução arrastada. O radiograma de tórax revelou opacidade quase total do hemitórax direito, levando à suspeita de derrame pleural. A tomografia de tórax evidenciou coleção pleural heterogênea, de contornos regulares (10,1 x 11,7 cm), nos dois terços inferiores do hemitórax direito, sem envolvimento de estruturas adjacentes. Na toracotomia exploradora, pela hipótese de teratoma cístico benigno do mediastino, realizou-se ressecção total da lesão, com boa evolução pós-operatória. A apresentação atípica e grande crescimento do tumor dificultaram o diagnóstico pré-operatório.

Teratomas account for 8-13 percent of all mediastinal tumors. A 27-year-old patient presented with chest pain and dyspnea of prolonged evolution. A chest X-ray revealed near total opacification of the right hemithorax. On a tomography scan of the chest, a collection of heterogeneous fluid, with irregular borders and 10.1 x 11.7 cm in size, was seen in the pleura of the lower two-thirds of the right hemithorax but was not encroaching on any of the adjacent structures. Based on the hypothesis that these findings represented a benign mediastinal teratoma, an exploratory thoracotomy was performed, during which such a teratoma was found and completely excised. The post-operative evolution was favorable. The atypical presentation and considerable growth of the tumor hindered the pre-operative diagnosis.

Humans , Female , Adult , Mediastinal Neoplasms , Pleural Effusion , Teratoma , Diagnosis, Differential , Mediastinal Neoplasms/surgery , Radiography, Thoracic , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Teratoma/surgery
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 33(5): 272-278, set.-out. 2006. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-448871


OBJETIVO: Geral: avaliar o desempenho do sistema APACHE II no pré-operatório de operações de grande e pequeno porte como indicador prognóstico. Os objetivos secundários são: (a) avaliar o sistema no pré-operatório para predizer morbidade; (b) comparar resultados entre os dois grupos e; (c) comparar a mortalidade observada com a esperada, calculada pela Equação de Knaus. MÉTODO: Estudo de coorte prospectivo, por 30 meses. No Grupo 1, correspondente à operação de pequeno porte, incluídos 30 pacientes submetidos a herniorrafia inguinal. No Grupo 2, correspondente à operação de grande porte, incluídos 50 casos, sendo: 20 submetidos à esofagectomia, 20 à gastrectomia e 10 à duodenopancreatectomia cefálica. RESULTADOS: A média do APACHE II no Grupo 1 foi de 2,5 pontos (0 a 8 pontos).No Grupo 2 teve média de 3,9 pontos (0 a 12 pontos). A morbidez tanto geral quando calculada de acordo com índice de pontos baixo, moderado e alto, apresentaram significância na comparação de ambos grupos pelo teste quiquadrado (p<0,00001). A mortalidade geral e o índice alto de pontos, no cálculo quiquadrado corrigido Yates, apresentaram diferença entre os grupos (p<0,001 e p<0,0005). Estratificada a mortalidade por classe de pontos, esta não foi diferente nas classes de baixa e moderada pontuação. CONCLUSÕES: O sistema demonstrou tendência para predizer desfecho a pacientes submetidos à operação de grande porte. Pacientes apresentando, no pré-operatório de operações de grande porte, APACHE II acima de oito apresentam índice elevado de morbidez e mortalidade.

BACKGROUND: The general objective of this work was to compare APACHE II scores referent to prognostic in the preoperative period of major and minor surgeries. Specific objectives included: (1) the evaluation of the ability of APACHE II to predict morbidity in the preoperative period; (2) the comparison of the results of both types of surgery; and (3) the comparison of the mortality rates observed and expected according to the Knaus Equation. METHODS: This was a prospective cohort study, performed in 30 months. Group 1 included 30 patients, submitted to inguinal herniorraphy, representing minor surgery. Fifty cases were included in group 2, representing major surgery: 20 were submitted to esophagectomy, 20 to gastrectomy and 10 underwent cephalic duodenopancreatectomy. RESULTS: The average preoperative score of patients in group 1 was 2.5 points (range 0 to 8 points). The APACHE II score of group 2 was in average 3.9 points, ranging from zero to 12 points (standard deviation: 2.8 points). The morbidity of the two groups, in general or as evaluated according to low, moderate or high scores, was significantly different when compared by the chi-square test (p<0.00001). General mortality and high scores, as evaluated by the Yates-corrected chi-square test, were different between the two groups (p<0.001 and p<0.0005). When the mortality rate was classified according to the score of points, no statistically significant differences were observed between low and moderate scores. CONCLUSION: The APACHE II score, when applied during the preoperative period. showed the power to predict the outcome of patients submitted to major surgeries. High morbidity and mortality rates are associated to patients presenting APACHE II scores higher than eight, particularly if submitted to major surgery.

Rev. colomb. cancerol ; 7(3): 4-19, sept. 2003. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-363826


Objetivo: Describir las características sociodemográficas,clínicas e histológicas de los casos incidentes de cáncer del Instituto Nacional de Cancerología (INC)de Colombia. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio transversal descriptivo.Se incluyeron todos los casos nuevos reportados por el registro institucional en el 2002. Se realizó un análisis univariado y bivariado por variables sociodemográficas,aseguramiento,características del tumor,estado clínico y tratamiento.Se compararon proporciones con ji al cuadrado (X2) y se utilizó nivel de significancia 0,05. RESULTADOS: Hubo 4.990 casos nuevos de cáncer, 13 por ciento mas que el año anterior. De ellos,3.071 (61,5 por ciento) fueron mujeres y 359 (7,2 por ciento) menores de 17 años. El 97 por ciento tenia verificación histológica. Los tipos de cáncer más frecuentes fueron cuello uterino (14,4 por ciento),piel (13,3 por ciento) mama (12,2) por ciento, estómago (6,5por ciento)sistema hematopoyético (5,5) por ciento. El cáncer de pulmón tuvo una baja participación (2,2 por ciento) el 79,8 por ciento de los casos proviene de Bogotá y los departamentos vecinos. La proporción de pacientes tratados antes de ingresar al INC fue mayor que en los dos años anteriores (28 por ciento, 31por ciento y 34,8 por ciento, respectivamente, pmenor 0,001). Conclusiones: Los datos del registro institucional de cáncer, tanto en sus indicadores positivos como los que revelan dificultades en el proceso de atención. Deben usarse adecuadamente como una base confiable de información para la programación de acciones con base en los perfiles de los usuarios y para la búsqueda de recursos que permitan el sostenimiento de los servicios hospitalarios

Cancer Care Facilities , Colombia , Directory , Incidence , Neoplasms
Rev. colomb. cancerol ; 7(3): 20-31, sept. 2003. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-363827


Objetivos: Describir las características y las causas de uerte de pacientes del Instituto Nacional de Cancerología durante el año 2002, con base en los certificados de defunción diligenciados, e identificar os factores que se relacionan con el lugar del fallecimiento. METODOLOGIA: Estudio de corte transversal. Se realizaron análisis bivariado y multivariado, obteniendo razones de prevalencia (RP) por medio de regresi[on log-binomial. Se utilizó la prueba de Hosmer-Lemeshow par evaluar la bondad de ajuste del modeloRESULTADOS: En el año 2002 se diligenciaron 1.027 certificados de defunción, de los que 536 (52,2 por ciento) fueron de pacientes que fallecieron el el INC. De los 490 muertos en casa, 288(58,8)por ciento eran manejados por la Unidad de Cuidados Paliativos (UCP). la edad media de muerte fue 55,3 años. Las causas básicas de muerte más frecuentes fueron el cáncer de estómago (10,9)por ciento, el cáncer de cuello uterino (10,8por ciento) y el cáncer de mama (9,8 por ciento). En pacientes pediátricos lo fueron las leucemias linfoide y mieloide agudas. Los factores que aumentaron el riesgo de morir en casa en forma independiente fueron la atención por la UPC (RP:2,78: IC 95 por ciento:2,46-3,15) y un tiempo mayor a dos meses desde la primera consulta al INC. La prueba de Hosmer-Lemeshow evidenció un buen ajuste del modelo (p=0,90). CONCLUSIONES: La mortalidad en pacientes del INC justifica un esfuerzo para mejorar la calidad de los certificados de defunción, para profundizar en los factores que determinan el lugar de muerte y para desarrollar estudios que aborden diferentes aspectos de la calidad de vida de pacientes terminales.

Death Certificates , Hospital Mortality , Neoplasms , Colombia
J. bras. med ; 80(1/2): 54-8, jan.-fev. 2001.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-296448


Os autores fazem um estudo a respeito das técnicas de sutura mecânica no aparelho digestivo desde o seu surgimento até os dias atuais. Apresentam aspectos históricos da sutura mecânica bem como os tipos de aparelhos utilizados para as suturas de aparelho digestivo. São feitos comentários das desvantagens, bem como de suas complicações

Humans , Digestive System Surgical Procedures/instrumentation , Surgical Staplers/classification , Surgical Staplers/trends , Suture Techniques/classification , Suture Techniques/history