Introducción: La alimentación se construye a partir de experiencias y significados adquiridos en el curso de la vida. Las personas mayores tienen un acervo importante que informa de valores y prácticas culturales aplicadas a la alimentación. El objetivo del estudio fue interpretar los significados que entregan personas mayores a la construcción de su alimentación en trayectorias del curso de vida. Métodos: La investigación utilizó un enfoque cualitativo de alcance exploratorio, utilizando el método de teoría fundamentada de Strauss y Corbin. Para la recolección de datos se aplicó una entrevista semiestructurada entre julio de 2021 y junio de 2022. El tipo de muestreo fue teórico y el análisis de los datos cualitativos respondió al proceso de codificación abierta, axial y selectiva. Resultados: Participaron 54 personas mayores (72% mujeres) con edad promedio de 68,6 años (6,9 años). Las personas mayores construyeron su alimentación con un alto significado a las comidas caseras, con influencia de género femenino durante la niñez y adolescencia. En la adultez, se reconstruye la alimentación al ingresar al mundo laboral. En la actualidad, cimentan la alimentación con un enfoque de cuidados para su salud. Reconocen transiciones y puntos de inflexión en la alimentación provocados por terremotos, pandemia por COVID-19, situación política en el país, embarazos o el diagnóstico de alguna enfermedad crónica. Discusión: Las personas mayores reconocen diversas vivencias en trayectorias vitales que han marcado sus patrones alimentarios. Estas experiencias de vida pueden ser la base de estrategias o acciones en la práctica clínica que aporten a su bienestar.
Introduction: Food is intricately woven into the fabric of our experiences and the meanings accumulated throughout life. Older people possess a rich cultural heritage that shapes the values and practices surrounding food.The aim of the study was to interpret the meanings attributed to older people to the construction of their feeding in life course trajectories. Methods: The research employed a qualitative exploratory approach, utilizing the Grounded Theory method developed by Strauss and Corbin. Data collection took place through semi-structured interviews conducted between July 2021 and June 2022. The sampling method employed was theoretical, and the analysis of qualitative data followed the open, axial, and selective coding process. Results: A total of 54 older individuals (72% women), with an average age of 68.6 years (6,9 years), participated in the study. These individuals constructed their relationship with food, assigning significant value to homemade meals, influenced by gender roles during childhood and adolescence. In adulthood, the relationship with food transformed with entry into the workforce. Currently, their feeding are guided by a health-centric approach. They recognize transitions and turning pointsin food provoked by earthquakes, pandemic by COVID-19, political situation in the country, pregnancies or the diagnosis of a chronic disease. Discussion: Older people recognize a multitude of life experiences that have left imprints on their eating patterns. These life experiences can be the basis for strategies or actions in clinical practice that contribute to their well-being.
ANTECEDENTES: Tanto el gen FTO (Fat-mass and obesity-associated-gene) y el tiempo sedente se asocian a obesidad, sin embargo, se desconoce si el tiempo sedente puede modificar la predisposición genética a la obesidad. Por ende, el objetivo de este estudio fue investigar si la asociación entre el polimorfismo rs9939609 del gen FTO y marcadores de adiposidad podrían ser modificados por el tiempo sedente. MÉTODOS: Este estudio de corte transversal incluye a 409 participantes del estudio GENADIO. Los marcadores de adiposidad estudiados fueron peso corporal, índice de masa corporal (IMC), perímetro de cintura (PC) y porcentaje masa grasa. El tiempo sedente se determinó mediante acelerometría de movimiento. La interacción entre el gen FTO (rs9939609) y el tiempo sedente sobre los marcadores de adiposidad se determinó mediante análisis de regresión múltiple. RESULTADOS: Tanto la variante de riesgo del gen FTO como el tiempo sedente se asociaron a mayor peso corporal, IMC, PC y masa grasa. Sin embargo, la asociación entre tiempo sedente y marcadores de adiposidad fue mayor en personas portadoras del alelo de riesgo del gen FTO. Por cada 1 hora de incremento en tiempo sedente, el peso corporal incrementa en 1,36 kg ([95% IC: 0,27; 2,46], p = 0,015) y 2,95 kg ([95% IC: 1,24; 4,65], p = 0,001) en personas con la variante protectora (TT) versus aquellos con la variante de riesgo (AA), respectivamente. Resultados similares se encontraron para (PC). CONCLUSIÓN: La asociación entre la variante de riesgo de FTO y mayor nivel de adiposidad es más acentuada en individuos que presentan mayores niveles de sedentarismo.
BACKGROUND: The Fat-mass and obesity-associated-gene (FTO gene) and sedentary behavior time are associated with obesity. However, whether sedentary behavior time can modify the genetic predisposition to obesity in the Chilean population is unknown. Therefore, this study investigated the association between sedentary behavior, adiposity markers, and the FTO gene. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 409 participants from the Genes, Environment, Diabetes, and Obesity (GENADIO) study. Adiposity markers studied included body weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), and fat mass. Sedentary behaviors were measured using accelerometers. Using multiple regression, we evaluated the interaction between sedentary behaviors and the FTO gene (rs9939609) on adiposity markers. RESULTS: Sedentary behaviors and the FTO genotype were positively associated with higher body weight, BMI, WC, and fat mass. However, the association between time of sedentary behavior and adiposity markers was higher in carriers of the risk variant for the FTO gene. For each hour of increment in sedentary behaviors, body weight increases by 1.36 kg ([95% CI: 0.27; 2.46], p = 0.015) and 2.95 kg ([95%CI: 1.24; 4.65], p = 0.001) in non-risk carriers (TT) versus risk carriers (AA), respectively. We observed similar results for WC, BMI, and body fat, but the interaction was significant only for WC. CONCLUSION: The association between sedentary behaviors and adiposity markers, especially body weight and WC, is higher in individuals who carry the risk variant of the FTO gene.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Body Mass Index , Genetic Predisposition to Disease/genetics , Adiposity/genetics , Waist Circumference/genetics , Sedentary Behavior , Alpha-Ketoglutarate-Dependent Dioxygenase FTO/genetics , Obesity/genetics , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide/genetics , GenotypeABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: El nuevo índice de obesidad basado en el volumen corporal (ABSI) ha sido asociado con enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles y mortalidad, independientemente de los valores del índice de masa corporal (IMC); sin embargo, se desconoce su asociación con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DMT2) en población chilena. OBJETIVO: determinar la asociación entre ABSI con glicemia, hemoglobina glicosilada (HbAc1) y DMT2 en población adulta chilena. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal, incluyó a 4.874 participantes (edad media 43,3 años, 50,9% mujeres) de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016-2017. ABSI fue calculado según la fórmula propuesta (basado en circunferencia de cintura, IMC y estatura. La Regresión de Poisson fue utilizada para investigar la asociación entre ABSI con DMT2 y regresión lineal para glicemia y HbAc1. Los análisis se ajustaron según factores sociodemográficos, de estilos de vida e IMC. RESULTADOS: ABSI fue positivamente asociado con glicemia (p < 0,001), HbA1c (p < 0,001) y DMT2 (p < 0,001). En el modelo más ajustado, por cada 0.025 unidad de aumento de ABSI, la glicemia aumentó en 1,78 mg/dL (95% IC: 1,21; 2,35) y la HbAc1en un 0,92% (95% IC: 0,49; 1,35). En cuanto a DMT2, la razón de prevalencia fue de 1,14 (95% IC: 1,09; 1,20), independiente de factores sociodemográficos, estilos de vida e IMC. CONCLUSIONES: ABSI se asoció de forma lineal con una mayor probabilidad de padecer DMT2, mayores niveles de glicemia y HbA1c en adultos chilenos. En este contexto, ABSI podría ser un índice complementario, independiente del IMC, para evaluar el riesgo de alteraciones metabólicas asociadas a obesidad.
INTRODUCTION: A Body Shape Index (ABSI) is a new obesity index based on body volume; this has been associated with chronic non-communicable diseases and mortality, independent of the values of the body mass index (BMI); however, its association with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in the Chilean adult population is unknown. OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between ABSI, glycemia, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbAc1), and self-reported T2DM in the Chilean adult population. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a cross-sectional study, 4,874 participants were included (mean age 43.3 years, 50.9% women) from the 2016-2017 National Health Survey. ABSI was calculated according to the proposed formula (based on waist circumference, BMI, and height). The Poisson regression was used to investigate the association between ABSI and T2DM, and linear regression was used to investigate the association between ABSI, glycemia, and HbAc1. Sociodemographic factors, lifestyle, and BMI adjusted the analyses. RESULTS: ABSI was positively associated with glycemia (p < 0.001), HbA1c (p < 0.001), and DMT2 (p < 0.001). In the most adjusted model, for every 0.025 unit increase in ABSI, glycemia increased by 1.78 mg/dL (95% CI: 1.21, 2.35) and HbAc1 by 0.92% (95% CI: 0.49, 1.35). Regarding T2DM, the prevalence ratio was 1.14 (95% CI: 1.09, 1.20), independent of sociodemographic factors, lifestyles, and BMI. CONCLUSIONS: ABSI was linearly associated with a higher probability of suffering from T2DM and higher levels of glycemia and HbA1c in Chilean adults. In this context, ABSI could be a complementary index, independent of BMI, to assess the risk of metabolic disorders associated with obesity.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Glycated Hemoglobin/analysis , Body Mass Index , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/epidemiology , Obesity/complications , Obesity/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Blood Glucose/analysis , Chile/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Waist CircumferenceSubject(s)
Humans , Cardiovascular Diseases/mortality , Time Factors , Risk Factors , Extreme Heat/adverse effectsABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: Recent studies have shown that low vitamin D levels constitute a potential risk factor for the development of cognitive impairment. The present study aimed to investigate the association between vitamin D levels and the suspicion of cognitive impairment in Chilean older adults. MATERIAL AND METHOD: We performed a cross-sectional study, including 1,287 participants ≥ 65 years (56.8% were women, age range 65 to 97 years) from the Chilean National Health Survey. Cognitive impairment was assessed using the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Participants were classified into three groups according to their vitamin D levels (> 29 ng/ml sufficient, 12-29 ng/ml deficit, and < 12 ng/ml severe deficit). The association between vitamin D levels and cognitive impairment was explored using logistic regression analysis, adjusted for confounding factors. RESULTS: The prevalence of vitamin D deficit and vitamin D severe deficit was 37.7% and 21.0%, respectively. Compared to older adults with sufficient levels of vitamin D, those with severe deficits had a 94% (OR: 1.94 [95% IC: 1.27; 1.66], p = 0.002) higher odds of cognitive impairment (unadjusted model). Adjusting according to sociodemographic factors, lifestyle, adiposity, sunlight exposure, and multimorbidity slightly attenuated the association to 61% (OR: 1.61 [95%IC: 1.03; 2.19], p = 0.046), but remain significant. CONCLUSION: A severe deficit of vitamin D was associated with higher odds of cognitive impairment in Chilean older adults independent of major confounding factors. Future studies are needed to provide causal evidence between vitamin D and the suspicion of cognitive impairment.
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Vitamin D Deficiency/blood , Vitamin D Deficiency/epidemiology , Cognitive Dysfunction/blood , Cognitive Dysfunction/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Vitamin D/blood , Chile/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Health Surveys , Mental Status and Dementia Tests , Sociodemographic FactorsABSTRACT
Introducción: La etapa universitaria es un período de modificación en los estilos de vida. Los estudiantes de carreras de pedagogía y de la salud, adicionalmente, asumirán un rol de guías y modelos respecto a conductas saludables hacia sus estudiantes y pacientes respectivamente. Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre las características antropométricas, la autopercepción del índice de masa corporal (IMC), la condición física y los hábitos alimentarios en estudiantes universitarios de carreras de pedagogía y de la salud. Materiales y método: Estudio descriptivo y correlacional. La muestra fue conformada por 158 estudiantes universitarios (edad, 22,5±2,5 años). Se evaluó las características antropométricas, autopercepción del IMC, condición física y hábitos alimentarios. Resultados: El IMC se correlacionó positivamente con el IMC percibido (r= 0.46, p= 0.012). El perímetro de cintura se correlacionó positivamente con el IMC percibido y la fuerza de prensión manual. El porcentaje de grasa corporal se correlacionó positivamente con el IMC percibido y negativamente con la condición física (potencia, prensión manual y flexibilidad). El área muscular del brazo se correlacionó con el IMC percibido, puntaje de IMC percibido y condición física. Los hábitos alimentarios presentaron una correlación negativa con el IMC percibido, pero no así con las características antropométricas. Conclusión: Los estudiantes universitarios de las carreras de salud y educación con mejor características antropométricas (menor IMC, perímetro de cintura y porcentaje de grasa y mayor área muscular del brazo), presentan una autopercepción mayor del IMC y un mejor rendimiento en las pruebas de condición física.
Introduction: The university stage is a period of modification in lifestyles. Pedagogy and health career students, additionally, will assume the role of guides and models regarding healthy behaviours towards their students and patients, respectively. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between anthropometric characteristics, self-perception of body mass index (BMI), physical condition and eating habits among pedagogy and health career university students. Materials and method: Descriptive and correlational study. The sample consisted of 158 university students (age 22.5 ± 2.5 years). Anthropometric characteristics, self-perception of BMI, physical condition and eating habits were evaluated. Results: BMI was positively correlated with perceived BMI (r= 0.46, p= 0.012). Waist circumference was positively correlated with perceived BMI and handgrip strength. The percentage of body fat was positively correlated with the perceived BMI and negatively with the physical condition (power, handgrip and flexibility). Arm muscle area was correlated with perceived BMI, perceived BMI score, and physical condition. Eating habits were negatively correlated with perceived BMI but not with anthropometric characteristics. Conclusion: University students from health and education careers with better anthropometric characteristics (lower BMI, waist circumference and fat percentage, and greater muscle area of the arm), have a higher self-perception of BMI and better performance in fitness tests physical.
BACKGROUND: A low education level has been associated with cognitive impairment in older adults. AIM: To determine the association between educational attainment and suspicion of cognitive imparirment in older Chilean population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data from 2,005 adults aged ≥ 60 years assessed during 2016-2017 Chilean National Health Survey were included. Education was self-reported and categorized as primary: ≤ 8 years; secondary: 9 to 12 years and beyond secondary: > 12 years. suspicion of cognitive imparirment was assessed with the Mini-Mental questionnaire. RESULTS: Men and women with low education attainment had a higher prevalence of cognitive impairment (33% [95% confidence intervals (CI): 24; 41] and 27% [95% CI: 21; 33], respectively). Men who reported less schooling (≤ 8 years) were more likely to be at risk of suspicion of cognitive imparirment (Odds ratio (OR): 4.53 [95% CI: 1.10, 18.62]) compared to their peers. Women showed a substantially higher magnitude of association than men. The probability of suspicion of cognitive imparirment increased 9-times (OR: 9.96 [95% CI: 1.24; 79.6]) for 9-12 years and 18-times for ≤ 8 years of education (OR: 18.8 [95% CI: 2.42; 146.1]) compared to women with higher education. CONCLUSIONS: Older adults with low education attainment had an increased likelihood of developing suspicion of cognitive imparirment. However, the risk differs by sex, being higher in women than men.
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Educational Status , Cognitive Dysfunction/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Cognition , Life StyleABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is inversely associated with metabolic diseases and adiposity markers. Aim: To assess the association of CRF with body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and obesity in a representative sample of the Chilean population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data from 5,958 participants in the Chilean National Health Survey 2016-1027 aged 15 years or above were analyzed. CRF was estimated by an equation that included sociodemographic, anthropometric and health-related data and expressed in metabolic equivalent units (METs). The association between CRF and adiposity was assessed using linear and Poisson regression models and the results were presented as Prevalence Ratio (PR). RESULTS: One MET increment in CRF was associated with a 3.27 kg/m2 (95% confidence intervals (CI): -3.35; -3.2) and 4.56 kg/m2 (95% CI: -4.67; -4.46) lower BMI in men and women, respectively. Waist circumference was 6.7 cm [95% CI: -6.98; -6.42] and 9 cm [95% CI: -9.33; -8.67] lower per 1-MET increment in CRF. With one MET increment, the probability of being obese was 34% (PR = 0.66 [95%CI: 0.63; 0.69]) and 36% (PR = 0.64 [95%CI: 0.61; 0.67]) lower in men and women, respectively. The probability of having a central obesity was 26% (PR = 0.74 [95%CI: 0.71; 0.77]) and 30% (PR = 0.70 [95%CI: 0.68; 0.73]) lower in men and women, respectively. Conclusions: A higher estimated CRF was associated with lower adiposity levels and a lower risk of being obese in both men and women. Public health policies aiming to increase physical activity are needed to increase the CRF of the Chilean population.
Humans , Male , Female , Adiposity , Cardiorespiratory Fitness , Body Mass Index , Physical Fitness , Waist Circumference , Obesity, Abdominal , Obesity/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Muscle strength can be measured through different methods and handgrip strength is one of the most used techniques in epidemiological studies. Given its easy application, high reliability, and low cost, it is considered an important health biomarker. Handgrip strength is associated with adverse health outcomes such as mortality and risk of developing chronic diseases, cardiovascular, respiratory, cancer and dementia. There is a paucity of evidence in Chile about the association of handgrip strength with these health outcomes limiting its visibility and implementation in clinical settings. Therefore, this narrative review summarizes the scientific evidence about the association of grip strength with non-communicable chronic diseases and mortality in middle age and older adults.
Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Hand Strength/physiology , Muscle Strength , Chile/epidemiology , Reproducibility of Results , Outcome Assessment, Health CareSubject(s)
Humans , COVID-19 , Chile/epidemiology , Prevalence , Depression/epidemiology , PandemicsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Confinement is an effective measure to control COVID-19, but it can have repercussions on lifestyle-related behaviors, especially among adolescents. Poor quality diet and low physical activity could trigger weight gain and the appearance of chronic non-communicable diseases at an early age. AIM: To investigate the changes in eating and physical activity patterns before and during the first COVID-19 confinement in Chilean adolescents. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Chilean adolescents aged between 10 and 19 years were invited to answer an online survey with 47 questions about dietary habits and physical activity. RESULTS: The survey was answered by 420 participants and only four adolescents declined to answer it. Changes in eating patterns were evidenced, such as an increase in lunch consumption from 54.1 to 83%, and a decrease in the consumption of both healthy and unhealthy foods. Also, significant changes were observed in physical activity patterns, and an increase in the time spent sitting, from 4.7 to 5.8 hours during confinement. CONCLUSIONS: The first confinement for COVID-19 modified eating and physical activity patterns in Chilean adolescents towards unhealthy habits, which if maintained, could negatively affect their health and quality of life.
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , COVID-19/epidemiology , Quality of Life , Exercise , Feeding Behavior , Life StyleABSTRACT
RESUMEN Chile es uno de los países de Latinoamérica que exhibe un mayor envejecimiento poblacional, por lo que es necesario visualizar distintas herramientas que direccionen estilos de vida saludables en esta etapa de la trayectoria vital. Las Guías Alimentarias Basadas en Alimentos (GABA) entregan recomendaciones que permiten mejorar la calidad de vida de personas mayores. Por lo anterior, el objetivo del estudio fue determinar el nivel de cumplimiento de recomendaciones de las GABA y su asociación con variables antropométricas, metabólicas y de estilos de vida en 1.789 personas mayores de 60 años que participaron en la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016-2017. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, en donde los participantes se subdividieron en cuatro grupos según cumplimiento de las GABA: no cumple, cumple con 1, 2 o a lo menos 3 recomendaciones de consumo de legumbres, frutas y verduras, lácteos, agua y pescado. Como resultado, el 43,8% de las personas mayores que participaron no cumplieron ninguna de las recomendaciones GABA evaluadas; estos últimos, realizaban menos actividad física y presentaban, además, una mayor probabilidad de pasar más tiempo sentados (p-tendencia: <0,001). Como conclusión, se destaca que cerca del 50% de las personas mayores en Chile no adhieren a las recomendaciones de las GABA, lo que podría repercutir en implicaciones en la salud y bienestar de la población mayor.
ABSTRACT Chile is one of the Latin American countries that exhibits the greatest increase in the aging population, thus it is necessary to visualize different tools that guide healthy lifestyles at this stage of life. Food-Based Dietary Guidelines (abbreviated as GABA, for initials in Spanish) provide recommendations that allow improving the quality of life in older people. This study aimed to determine the level of compliance with GABA recommendations and their association with anthropometric, metabolic and lifestyles factors in 1,789 people over 60 years who participated in the 2016-2017 National Health Survey. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, in which participants were subdivided into four groups according to compliance with GABA: does not comply, complies with 1, 2 or at least 3 recommendations for consumption of legumes, fruits, vegetables, dairy, water and fish. As a result, 43.8% of older participants did not meet any of the GABA recommendations evaluated. These participants also performed less physical activity and had a longer sitting time (P-trend: <0.001). In conclusion, we highlight that close to 50% of elderly Chileans do not adhere to GABA recommendations, which could have implications for the health and well-being.
BACKGROUND: Telehealth is a novel therapeutic alternative. Aim: To determine the effects of a remote therapeutic physical exercise program (TPEP), based on telehealth, on functional physical capacity in people with knee or hip osteoarthritis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: An eight-week TPEP was undertaken by 36 participants with a mean age of 68 years. The control group received printed exercise instructions, while the experimental group received the same instructions plus TPEP using tutorial videos and voice messaging via WhatsApp. Both groups were evaluated at baseline and the end of the intervention with the Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS), Barthel index (BI), Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), senior fitness test and with the Visual Analog Scale for pain (VAS). RESULTS: The experimental group decreased the VAS score and improved tandem balance, three-meter walk, sit and stand 5 times, sit and stand in 30 seconds, push-ups in 30 seconds, two minutes' walk, join the right hand behind the back and SPPB general score. The control group increased the BI score and improved the three meters walking test, sitting, and standing 5 times, sit and stand 30 seconds chair test, 2 minutes walking test and the SPPB general score. No differences between groups were observed for the LEFS scale, BI, VAS and functional capacity. CONCLUSIONS: A TPEP based on telehealth has similar effectiveness than a TPEP based on traditional paper-based intervention to improve functional physical capacity in patients with OA. (Rev Med Chile 2022; 150: 33-45)
Humans , Aged , Telemedicine , Osteoarthritis, Knee/therapy , Exercise , Walking , Exercise TherapyABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: La lactancia materna (LM) es un factor protector contra la obesidad infantil; sin embargo, los mecanismos a través de los cuales ejerce este efecto aún no están claros. El objetivo fue describir los mecanismos asociados al efecto protector que ejerce la lactancia materna contra la obesidad infantil. Métodos: Se utilizaron los buscadores PUBMED, SCOPUS, Cochrane Library y Scielo para desarrollar una revisión descriptiva de la evidencia científica. Las palabras clave fueron: lactancia materna, obesidad, mecanismo y dieta. Se revisaron artículos en español e inglés, desde 1977 hasta el 2020. Resultados: El efecto protector de la LM contra la obesidad infantil está dado por una combinación de varios mecanismos, se destaca su composición nutricional y el aporte de sustancias bioactivas, algunas de ellas reguladoras de la ingesta energética. Los lactantes que reciben LM por más tiempo seleccionan alimentos más saludables en etapa preescolar, independiente de factores sociodemográficos. También han sido descritos efectos en la adiposidad, el control del peso corporal y la ingesta energética mediante regulación de la programación epigenética y de la microbiota intestinal. Conclusión: La LM es un proceso único, que interacciona de forma compleja con factores del crecimiento y desarrollo de los lactantes y preescolares. Su rol protector contra la obesidad ha sido asociado a diversos mecanismos. Sin embargo, se requiere de nuevas investigaciones para comprender los alcances que puede presentar la LM en la etapa pediátrica y su rol en la prevención de la obesidad.
ABSTRACT Background and aim: Breastfeeding (BF) is a protective factor against childhood obesity; however, the mechanisms associated with this effect have not yet been elucidated. This study aimed to describe the mechanisms related to the protective effect of breastfeeding against childhood obesity. Methods: A search on PUBMED, SCOPUS, Cochrane Library and SCIELO databases was carried out to develop a descriptive review of the scientific evidence. The key words were breastfeeding; obesity; mechanism and diet. Articles were reviewed in Spanish and English from 1977 to 2020. Results: The protective effect of BF against childhood obesity is given by a combination of several mechanism. Its nutritional composition and the contribution of bioactive substances stand out, some of them regulated by the energy intake. Infants who are breastfed choose healthier foods in preschool, regardless of sociodemographic factors. Effects on adiposity, control of body weight and energy intake have also been described by epigenetic regulation programming and the intestinal microbiota. Conclusion: BF is a unique process that interacts in a complex way with infants and preschoolers' growth and developmental factors Its protective role against childhood obesity has been associated with various mechanisms. New research is still required to understand the implications of BF in pediatric age and its role in preventing obesity.
BACKGROUND: Depression is a highly prevalent disease in Chilean adults. AIM: To identify sociodemographic, biomedical, and psychosocial factors related with depression in a representative sample of the Chilean adult population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Analysis of data from the National Health Survey 2016-2017 which included 5,291 participants aged > 15 years. Depression was assessed using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI-SF). Association between sociodemographic data, health and psychosocial variables and depression was analyzed using Poisson regression with robust error. RESULTS: The probability of depression was higher in women than in men (prevalence ratio (PR) = 2.13 [95% confidence intervals (CI): 1.65, 2.75]). In both genders, the probability was higher in people with frailty (women: PR = 10.0 [95% CI: 1.86, 18.1] and men: PR = 3.38 [95% CI: 2.72; 4.20]), severe chronic pain (women: PR = 2.84 [95% CI: 1.93, 4.18 and men: PR = 6.41 [95% CI: 3.59, 9.40]), presence of two or more diseases (women: PR = 4.15 [95% CI: 2.78, 6.20 and men: PR = 2.60 [95% CI: 1.39, 3.81]), perception of permanent stress (women: PR = 11.0 [95% CI: 6.13, 16.0], men: PR = 21.0 [95% CI: 10.2, 31.7]), financial stress (women: PR = 2.57 [95% CI: 1.87, 3.27] men: PR = 4.27 [95% CI: 2.48, 6.06] and poor or very poor perception of health (women: PR = 5.02 [95% CI: 1.92, 8.12], men: 2.09 [95% CI: 0.49, 3.69]). In men, the probability of depression was higher for widowers than married man (PR = 5.58 [95% CI: 2.5, 8.25]), presence of goiter (PR = 4.03 [95% CI: 1.99, 6.07]) and low social support (PR = 1.95 [95% CI: 1.18; 2.72]). CONCLUSIONS: The factors associated with a higher probability of depression are diverse in nature. Among these being women, frailty, chronic pain, multimorbidity and high perception of stress are important factors.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Depression/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , Prevalence , Health SurveysABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: The Chilean population reports high levels of physical inactivity. The relationship between income level, physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviors is not well known. AIM: To describe the levels of PA and sedentary time, according to income levels in the Chilean population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Analysis of data from the Chilean National Health Survey 2016-2017, which included 5,130 participants (52.9% women). The levels of PA and sedentary time were measured by the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire. Income levels were established according to the self-reported income per capita of the households and presented as quintiles. PA levels according to income levels were estimated by linear regression analyses. RESULTS: Transport-related PA was higher in the lowest income quintiles (p = 0.039). There were no trends for income levels and PA domains including moderate, vigorous, total, occupational and leisure PA. The prevalence of leisure and occupational physical inactivities were higher in the lowest quintiles of income. Sitting time was higher in the higher income levels (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: People in the lowest quintile for income spent more time in transport-related PA and less time sitting. However, physical inactivity prevalence during leisure and work time were higher in people with lower income.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Exercise , Sedentary Behavior , Chile , Leisure Activities , Motor ActivityABSTRACT
A pesar de que son muchos los suplementos deportivos que se etiquetan como ergogénicos, pocos son los que realmente demuestran su efectividad. Si bien estos suplementos están destinados principalmente para deportistas de élite, su uso se ha masificado en la po-blación general, esto debido a la falta de regulación en uso y venta, así como por los potenciales beneficios que podrían otorgar. Frente a estas limitantes ¿cuál es la efectividad de estos productos más allá de la moda? En esta comunicación breve se revisa la evidencia respecto al efecto y la efectividad de 11 suplementos y plantas utilizados como ayuda ergogénica. A pesar de los múltiples beneficios en los suplementos ergogénicos identificados, es necesario tener precaución al momento de generalizar los resultados obtenidos por algunos ergogénicos, ya que su efecto podría ser secundario y/o estar condicionado por otros factores. Es necesario mayores estudios clínicos que permitan asociar una relación causa-efecto en el rendimiento deportivo y la población general.
Although many sports supplements have been identified as ergogenic, few have demonstrated their effectiveness. They were originally created for high-performance athletes, but their consumption has incremented in the general population. Lack of regulation to sell and use these products is one of the main problems in our society. In this context, what is the effectiveness of ergogenic supplements beyond the trends? In this short communication, 11 ergogenic supplements and plants will be discussed regarding their effect and efficacy. However, considering that their effect could be a side effect of other factors, findings should be analyzed with caution. Further clinical trials are needed to estimate the causal effect in sports performance and the general population.