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China Modern Doctor ; (36): 34-36, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1037936


Objective To study the existence and significance of cholesterol-intestinal hepatic circulation in rabbits by establishing a model of enterohepatic circulation and blocking enterohepatic circulation. Methods In this experiment, the experimental group and the control group were set up to conduct high-cholesterol diets and ordinary diets for differential feeding. By establishing a model of enterohepatic circulation and blocking enterohepatic circulation, cholesterol oxidase method was used to measure serum cholesterol concentration in the experimental group and the control group respectively. Based on the statistical analysis of the data for 6 months, the phenomenon of enterohepatic circulation of cholesterol was studied. Results Based on the data of 6 months, the serum cholesterol concentrations of rabbits in groups Aand Cwere gradually increased. After two months, the hypercholesterolemia was significant in the rabbits in group C. The increase degree of serum cholesterol concentration in the rabbits in group Awas weaker than that in group C. Hypercholesterolemia had no obvious effect. There was statistically significant difference between group Aand group C (P<0. 05); serum cholesterol concentration in rabbits in group Dwas increased slightly, but the increase was not significant. The increase of serum cholesterol concentration in group Bwas more significant than that of group D. There was a statistically significant difference between group Band group D (P<0. 05). The serum TC-time line graph was plotted with the serum cholesterol concentration in each group as the ordinate and the time as the abscissa. Compared with group A, the serum cholesterol was increased significantly in group C. Compared with group D, the serum cholesterol in group Bwas increased significantly. Conclusion This experiment shows that the cholesterol enterohepatic circulation phenomenon exists in rabbits. By blocking the enterohepatic circulation in rabbits, it has a certain effect on lowering the content of serum cholesterol in rabbits. This will provide a theoretical basis for further studying the role of blocking enterohepatic circulation in reducing cholesterol levels in the body. It provides new ideas for the clinical treatment of hypercholesterolemia by blocking the cholesterol enterohepatic circulation in clinical practice and points a direction for drug development.