ABSTRACT The Scientists of Tomorrow/ Cientistas do Amanhã project is an immersive science training program developed by the Program of Post-Graduation in Health Sciences at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein. This program was conducted in partnership with Volunteering and Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Professor Paulo Freire in Paraisópolis, São Paulo, Brazil. The Scientists of Tomorrow Program comprised a short training period conducted in May 2022 involving 37 students, and a long training period from August to December 2022, which included 15 students. It aimed to popularize science through practical activities; transfer knowledge to young students; sensitize and guide them to pursue academic-scientific careers; reduce stereotypes about scientific work and scientists; and help students understand the social, political, and ethical roles of science within society. All activities were led by postgraduate students and professors from our postgraduate program, physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, biomedicals, and veterinarians from Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, as well as medical students from Faculdade Israelita de Ciências da Saúde Albert Einstein . Activities in the short training included lectures on cinema and science, strategies to combat fake news, non-violent communication, innovation, design-thinking framework, and developing a scientific project. During the long training period, discussions were focused on nanotechnology, animal research, big data, bioinformatics, meditation, blood and bone marrow donation, telemedicine, sex and sexually-transmitted infections, rehabilitation, career opportunities, and scientific integrity. In addition, practical activities were further expanded using optical and confocal microscopy, cytometry, and basic concepts regarding the structure and function of living cells. The program also included the launching of the open-air outreach Education E-natureza activity, which turned students into ambassadors of nature. In conclusion, the Scientists of Tomorrow Program was innovative and enabled young students to learn that science is a collective activity that can enhance public health.
ABSTRACT Objective To describe the technical specificities and feasibility of simulation of minimally invasive spine surgery in live pigs, as well as similarities and differences in comparison to surgery in humans. Methods A total of 22 Large White class swine models, weighing between 60 and 80kg, were submitted to surgical simulations, performed during theoretical-practical courses for training surgical techniques (microsurgical and endoscopic lumbar decompression; percutaneous pedicular instrumentation; lateral access to the thoracic spine, and anterior and retroperitoneal to the lumbar spine, and management of complications) by 86 spine surgeons. For each surgical technique, porcine anatomy (similarities and differences in relation to human anatomy), access route, and dimensions of the instruments and implants used were evaluated. Thus, the authors describe the feasibility of each operative simulation, as well as suggestions to optimize training. Study results are descriptive, with figures and drawings. Results Neural decompression surgeries (microsurgeries and endoscopic) and pedicular instrumentation presented higher similarities to surgery on humans. On the other hand, intradiscal procedures had limitations due to the narrow disc space in swines. We were able to simulate situations of surgical trauma in surgical complication scenarios, such as cerebrospinal fluid fistulas and excessive bleeding, with comparable realism to surgery on humans. Conclusion A porcine model for simulation of minimally invasive spinal surgical techniques had similarities with surgery on humans, and is therefore feasible for surgeon training.
Animals , Spinal Fusion/methods , Intervertebral Disc Degeneration , Swine , Treatment Outcome , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures/methods , Lumbar Vertebrae , Lumbosacral RegionABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To understand the profile of professionals working in organ harvesting, and analyze the learning results of those trained before and after the course on recovery, perfusion and packaging of organs for transplants. Methods A retroprospective, quantitative, analytical-descriptive study about the Course on Recovery, Perfusion and Packaging of Liver and Kidney, in the period from 2012 to 2014. Pre- and post-tests, with ten questions were used to assess knowledge about organ harvesting. The association of knowledge with applied content was verified by the McNemar test. Results Of the total of 334 participants, 187 (56.0%) were physicians, 104 (31.1%) nurses, and 43 (12.9%) scrub nurses. The majority of participants was male (58.4%), mean age of 39.1 years, 50% had graduated 5 to 10 years before, and 50.4% had less than one-year experience in organ harvesting. In knowledge assessment, there was an increase in the weighted mean, from 6.1 in the pre-test to 7.9 in the post-test. A significant increase in learning was observed in the post-test in 50% of scrub nurses, 33.3% in nurses 20% in physicians. Conclusion The professionals were starting work in organ harvesting, and most were from Southeastern, Northeastern and Northern regions. In terms of learning, the course contributed to enhancing knowledge of the multiprofessional health team, and represented better learning standard.
RESUMO Objetivo Conhecer o perfil dos profissionais que atuam em captação de órgãos e analisar o resultado da aprendizagem daqueles treinados antes e após o curso de extração, perfusão e acondicionamento de órgãos para transplantes. Métodos Estudo retroprospectivo, quantitativo, analítico-descritivo do Curso de Extração, Perfusão e Acondicionamento de Fígado e Rim, no período de 2012 a 2014. Utilizaram-se o pré e o pós-teste estruturado em dez questões, que avaliaram o conhecimento sobre captação de órgãos. A associação do conhecimento com o conteúdo aplicado foi verificada pelo teste McNemar. Resultados Do total de 334 participantes, 187 (56,0%) eram médicos, 104 (31,1%) enfermeiros e 43 (12,9%) instrumentadores. Houve predominância do sexo masculino (58,4%), com média de idade de 39,1 anos. Tinham entre 5 a 10 anos de formados 50% da amostra, e 50,4% tinham menos de 1 ano de experiência na área de captação de órgãos. Na avaliação do conhecimento, houve elevação na média geral ponderada de 6,1, no pré-teste, para 7,9, no pós-teste. Observou-se aumento significativo da aprendizagem no pós-teste em 50% nos instrumentadores, 33,3% nos enfermeiros e 20% nos médicos. Conclusão Os profissionais eram iniciantes na área de captação de órgãos e, em sua maioria, oriundos das Regiões Sudeste, Nordeste e Norte. No quesito de aprendizagem, o curso contribuiu para o aumento do conhecimento da equipe multiprofissional em saúde, representando ganho no padrão de aprendizagem.