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Acta sci., Biol. sci ; Acta sci., Biol. sci;35(1): 9-13, Jan.-Mar. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460753


This study evaluated the biochemical changes associated to successive captures of Salminus brasiliensis reared at different stocking densities. The experiment was conducted in tanks with a capacity of 1,000 L, connected to a recirculating system with temperature control and continuous aeration. Fish were stocked at densities of 30, 150 and 300 fish m-3 and the successive catches were applied at the end of the experimental period of 80 days. The biochemical changes were evaluated at the end of the trial through the parameters: hematocrit, hemoglobin, glucose and lactate in plasma and Na+, K+ and Cl- and Ca2+ in the gills. The concentration of glucose increased with the increase of stocking density as also registered for lactate concentration, except for fish captured twice. Hemoglobin concentration increased with the increase of stocking density only in fish captured three times. The hematocrit and the ions in the gills had no variation under any condition and therefore, the ionic alterations characteristic of a stress response, were not found in this species. The successive captures associated to stocking density were related to biochemical changes in S. brasiliensis, but ion concentrations in gills were not indicators of this condition.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; Acta sci., Biol. sci;35(1): 9-13, Jan.-Mar. 2013. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-859580


This study evaluated the biochemical changes associated to successive captures of Salminus brasiliensis reared at different stocking densities. The experiment was conducted in tanks with a capacity of 1,000 L, connected to a recirculating system with temperature control and continuous aeration. Fish were stocked at densities of 30, 150 and 300 fish m-3 and the successive catches were applied at the end of the experimental period of 80 days. The biochemical changes were evaluated at the end of the trial through the parameters: hematocrit, hemoglobin, glucose and lactate in plasma and Na+, K+ and Cl- and Ca2+ in the gills. The concentration of glucose increased with the increase of stocking density as also registered for lactate concentration, except for fish captured twice. Hemoglobin concentration increased with the increase of stocking density only in fish captured three times. The hematocrit and the ions in the gills had no variation under any condition and therefore, the ionic alterations characteristic of a stress response, were not found in this species. The successive captures associated to stocking density were related to biochemical changes in S. brasiliensis, but ion concentrations in gills were not indicators of this condition.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alterações bioquímicas relacionadas a capturas sucessivas em Salminus brasiliensis criados em diferentes densidades de estocagem. O experimento foi conduzido em tanques com capacidade de 1.000 L, conectados a um sistema de recirculação de água com temperatura e aeração contínua. Os peixes foram estocados nas densidades de 30, 150 and 300 peixes m-3, com aplicação de capturas sucessivas ao término do período experimental de 80 dias. As alterações bioquímicas foram avaliadas pela análise do hematócrito, hemoglobina, glicose e lactato plasmático e Na+, K+ e Cl- e Ca2+ branquial. A elevação da concentração de glicose esteve relacionada ao aumento da densidade de estocagem nos peixes submetidos a uma, duas e três capturas. A concentração de lactato apresentou resposta semelhante à registrada para a glicose, com exceção de peixes capturados por duas vezes. A elevação da concentração de hemoglobina esteve relacionada ao aumento da densidade de estocagem nos peixes capturados três vezes. Não foram observadas variações no hematócrito e nos íons após as capturas. As capturas sucessivas associadas à densidade de estocagem interferiram na resposta bioquímica em S. brasiliensis, mas a concentração de íons nas brânquias não foram indicadores dessa condição.

Fishes , Glucose , Hematocrit , Hemoglobins , Ions , Lactic Acid