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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-431830


Objective To explore the diagnosis value of CT in subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH) induced by aneurysm rupture.Methods The clinical and CT data of 119 patients with SAH induced by aneurysm rupture were analyzed respectively.Results The CT characteristic of SAH induced by aneurysm rupture was full of hyperderse in sulcus and schizenceplay,or accompaning intracerebral hematoma in the straight gyrus of frontal lobe and the hippocampal gyrus of parietal lobe.Conclusion The CT has important value for diagnosing SAH induced by aneurysm rupture in the location and the nature.But it is indispensable that the CTA or DSA must be done for ascertaining the artery of responsibility of rupturing aneurysm.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-391599


Objective To evaluate the effect of minimally invasive therapy for treating intraventricular hemorrhage.Methods The minimally invasive therapy with unilateral or bilateral drainage were received according to quantity and shape of intraventricular hemorrhage.Results It was operated 22 cases with unilateral drainage and 28 cases with bilateral drainage in the 50 cases intraventricular hemorrhage.Death was 3 cases and mortality rate was 6% in the minimally invasive therapy.ADL1 15 cases(30%),ADL2 18 CRSeS(36%),ADL3 8 cases(16%),ADLA4 cases(8%),ADL5 2 cases(4%)in leave hospital.Conclusion Minimal invasive therapy of intraventrieular hemorrhage has great superiority,such as it can operate simple,trauma mild,decrease complications and enhance curative effect.It can generalize in the basic hospital.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-399911


Objective - To analyze the relation between classes and prognosis of the brain.stem hemorrhage.Methods 37 patients with spontaneous brainstem hemorrhage were divided into three groups according to con-sciousness and breathing function: Ⅰ group 13 cases with consciousness; Ⅱ group 11 cases without consciousness; Ⅲgroup 13 cases without consciousness and respiration, according to the classes, using different ways and means. Re-suits Ⅰ group 13 cases survival in 13 cases; Ⅱ group 10 cases survival and 1 case death in 11 cases; Ⅲ group 1 case survival and 12 cases death in 13 eases. Conclusion The classes of the brain.stem hemorrhage is propitious to select therapeutic measure and prognostic estimate. The intensive care and the surgery can reduce mortality rate.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-559535


Objective To discuss the diagnosis and treatment of AVM bleeding without DSA in the basic hospital.Methods Clinical difference of intracerebral hemorrhage was revienly analyzed between arteriovenous malformation and hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage.Results Boths were different at sick ages,position and shape of haematoma,change of blood pressure after bleeding,CT scan of preoperative and view in operative.Surgery was effective.Conclusion Initial diagnosised of AVM bleeding is affirmed,according to patient's age,using mannitol is effective to control blood pressure after bleeding and display of CT scans preoperative.Final diagnosis is confirmed in operation without DSA at basic hospital.Treatment of AVM bleeding with surgery is effective.