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China Modern Doctor ; (36): 63-66, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1037759


Objective To observe the application of improved Parks incision combined with proparacaine surface anes-thesia in the correction surgery of adolescent concomitant strabismus and the postoperative recovery situation. Methods Fifty-five patients who had received concomitant strabismus correction surgery in our hospital were randomly selected and divided into the improved group and the traditional group, of which the improved group (35 patients) was given the improved Parks incision combined with proparacaine surface anesthesia surgical method and the traditional group (20 patients) was given traditional corneal limbus trapezoid incision combined with lidocaine local anesthesia surgical method. The surgical anesthesia tolerance, postoperative cosmetic results and preoperative and postoperative tear film stability of the two groups were observed. The data were analyzed statistically. Results The patients received propara caine surface anesthesia and the patients received lidocaine local anesthesia were not significantly different in the toler-ance(P>0.05). Regarding to cosmetic results, the Parks incision concealed itself better than the traditional corneal limbus trapezoid incision, and showed faster and better recovery and better postoperative orthotopic effects, with statis-tically significant differences. The improved group was better than the traditional group in the fluorescein staining tear film break-up time (FBUT) and schirmer's Ⅰ experiment (S1T) 30 days after surgery, with statistically significant dif-ferences. Conclusion The improved surgery has better anesthetic tolerance effect, less invasive operation, less damage to normal tissue, better postoperative cosmetic results and smaller influence on ocular surface tear film function than the traditional surgery, thereby worthy of promotion.